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Book & Author Page Issues > A L Billington help combining duplicate profiles

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message 1: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Billington | 2 comments Hello,

I created an author account, but KDP created a duplicate one, probably because my abbreviated name was given a period put after the first letters (A L Billington VS A. L. Billington). Could these profiles be combined? The one with the periods (A.L. Billington) is the main one. Once combined, it will also allow me to combine the duplicated editions of my book that KDP has made.

My Goodreads author page: A.L. Billington
The duplicated page: A L Billington

Thank you,
A L Billington

message 2: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 7691 comments Please ask Support to merge the profiles:

Librarians cannot merge claimed profiles.

message 3: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Billington | 2 comments Liralen wrote: "Please ask Support to merge the profiles:

Librarians cannot merge claimed profiles."

Oh no! I read this link, and they said they were the only people who COULD merge profiles!

message 4: by Scott (new)

Scott | 1928 comments Actually it says

Librarians can only merge unclaimed author profiles. To merge a Goodreads Author profile, request staff assistance by using the Contact Us link.

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