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Archived > [COMPLETE] Cleanup: The Crawling Moon

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message 1: by Drace (last edited Sep 13, 2024 10:18PM) (new)

Drace (dracenines) | 3786 comments The anthology The Crawling Moon has errors that need to be corrected.

1. All Editions:

- The original publication date is incorrect. It should be July 30, 2024.

- Every edition of the book is missing its full contributor list. The list is as follows:

Editor: Dave Ring
Jess Cho
Hailey Piper
Dare Segun Falowo
K.C. Mead-Brewer
Tina S. Zhu
Lyndall Clipstone
Caro Jansen
M.L. Krishnan
Jes Malitoris
Winifred Burton
Sage Agee
Suzan Palumbo
E. Saxey
Yeonsoo Julian Kim
Cynthia Zhang
Jordan Shively
V.F. Thompson
Donyae Coles
Marianne Kirby
Natalia Theodoridou
E. Catherine Tobler
Shaoni C. White
Amelia Burton
C.L. McCartney
Bendi Barrett
Caitlin Starling (NOTE: Goodreads has two Caitlin Starling pages. The correct author profile has two spaces between the first and last name and is a Goodreads author profile.)
Maxwell Lander
Illustrator: Matthew Spencer (NOTE: Matthew Spencer the illustrator is a different person than the Matthew Spencer who has an author page on Goodreads. A new author profile needs to be created.)


2. Paperback Edition: The Crawling Moon: Queer Tales of Inescapable Dread (ISBN 9781952086823)

- The description is incorrect. Taken directly from the publisher site:

The Crawling Moon: Queer Tales of Inescapable Dread is an anthology of gothic depravity, horror & perversion. It contains queer horrors both psychological and supernatural, gory and cerebral.

And more importantly, we're hoping it will scandalize you.


3. Ebook Edition: The Crawling Moon: Queer Tales of Inescapable Dread (ISBN 9781952086830)

- The ISBN-10 1952086833 also needs to be set as the ASIN.

message 2: by Mousum (new)

Mousum | 9796 comments done

message 3: by Drace (last edited Sep 17, 2024 09:12AM) (new)

Drace (dracenines) | 3786 comments Thank you for your help. There are still some issues left to correct:

- The Original Publication Date still needs to be changed

- The paperback edition's description is missing its last paragraph/sentence.

- The colon from the Illustrator role that comes after Matthew Spencer's name on each edition needs to be removed. It should just be (Illustrator), not (Illustrator:).

message 4: by Mousum (new)

Mousum | 9796 comments done

message 5: by Drace (new)

Drace (dracenines) | 3786 comments Thanks so much!

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