Challenge: 50 Books discussion

2010 > Joey's 2010 50 books

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message 1: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 1. Under The Dome: Stephen King

message 2: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 2. Graceling: Kristen Cashore

message 3: by Joey (last edited May 15, 2010 05:04PM) (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 3. Lord Of The Flies: William Golding

message 4: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 4. Percy Jackson And The Olympians Book 1: The Lightning Thief: Rick Riordan

message 5: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 5. Percy Jackson And The Olympians Book 2: The Sea of Monsters: Rick Riordan

message 6: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 6.The Titan's Curse -Rick Riordan

message 11: by Joey (last edited May 15, 2010 05:00PM) (new)

message 23: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments There are so many books I want to read this year but I keep getting hooked back into the dresden files.

message 29: by Joey (new)

message 31: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 30. I Am Number Four- Pittacus Lore

was not too impressed with this one but it wasn't a terrible read

message 33: by Joey (new)

message 34: by Joey (new)

message 40: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 39. Alvin Journeyman- Orson Scott Card

Not as good as the first few. had a few great moments but the story wasn't as intriguing as the first few. Also the parallels to the story of Joseph smith is too much to ignore during this entry. I just realized that Alvin's last name at this point is Smith. There is also the part in the book where Alvin is told his life will end in Carthage city. Carthage city is where Joseph Smith was killed.

message 44: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments 43. Learning XNA 3.0- Aaron Reed

its a school book but I am counting it

message 48: by Joey (new)

Joey Baker | 48 comments So close!

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