The Sword and Laser discussion

Podcasts > Interview with Bitter Seeds author Ian Tregillis – The S&L Podcast #033

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message 2: by Tamahome (new)

Tamahome | 7035 comments Wow, you guys are really churning out the podcasts now!

message 3: by Veronica, Supreme Sword (new)

Veronica Belmont (veronicabelmont) | 1802 comments Mod
I don't want to say it officially, but I think we're pretty solid for weekly episodes going forward :)

message 4: by Ben (last edited Jun 03, 2010 04:28AM) (new)

Ben | 116 comments Sweet. This was a great episode. I hope you guys keep being able to get authors to interview. I enjoy those a lot.

message 5: by terpkristin (new)

terpkristin | 4374 comments I really liked this interview, even if I wasn't all that enamoured with the book. ;) Though I do want to clarify something you guys mentioned about my saying that the characters were underdeveloped....I didn't know, when I started the book, or really until I finished it, that it was intended to be the first in a trilogy. But even that drives me nuts, because I felt like it was an incomplete story, RELYING on the reader to read the others in the series...which I have no desire to do.

Actually, books in series that don't stand on their own in a satisfying way really drive me bonkers. GRRM doesn't make his books as stand-alone as I'd like. Robert Jordan seemed to, though left you wanting more. Raymond Feist does a GREAT job of making each book in his various series a good work of standalone fiction.

Each their own, though. Still was a great interview, can't wait to see what book is next.

message 6: by Paul (new)

Paul (paulcavanaugh) | 51 comments Great interview, Tom and Veronica! (Churning, of course, necessitates a few more weeklies in a row, perhaps?). ()
I really thought the novel did stand on its own -- he made each character understandable in the context of the story.
And -- since I had not searched him out on the web, I was completely surprised when I heard his plain old USA accent!

Jenny (Reading Envy) (readingenvy) | 2898 comments Knowing you had done this interview and podcast helped inspire me to finish. I was left thinking "That's it?" at the end, although it wasn't clear to me that this was the first book in a trilogy until you guys said so!

I love that Trelligis doesn't write for his "day job," since the mystery of his day job is kind of fun really.

I'm a huge fan of the idea of more podcasts, and finishing up books more quickly than one every two months. It makes for a far more dynamic group! Way to go.

message 8: by Sean (new)

Sean O'Hara (seanohara) | 2365 comments Jenny wrote: "I love that Trelligis doesn't write for his "day job," since the mystery of his day job is kind of fun really."

Sadly, few authors can write for a living. From what I've read, a first time novelist is lucky to make as much as a part-time Wal-Mart employee.

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