The World's Literature in Europe discussion


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message 1: by Betty (new)

Betty (olderthan18) | 3683 comments I'd like to add Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa to the to-read list for Peru.

message 3: by Marieke (new)

Marieke | 155 comments these look fantastic, Asmah! will these be books for February and March?

message 4: by Betty (new)

Betty (olderthan18) | 3683 comments I guess these can be put into a poll along with Education By Stone: Selected Poems by João Cabral de Melo Neto, Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon by Jorge Amado, and some others. The Brazilian literature will follow Brazil in mid-March.

The next Peruvian books The Bad Girl and Deep Rivers were just polled. So much to explore.

message 5: by Betty (new)

Betty (olderthan18) | 3683 comments The connection between Africa and Brazil is explored in Agotime: Her Legend by Judith I. Gleason.

message 6: by Betty (new)

Betty (olderthan18) | 3683 comments Poetry would balance the novels--suggestion The Complete Poetry: A Bilingual Edition of Caesar Vallejo.

message 8: by Betty (last edited Jan 29, 2011 11:22AM) (new)

message 9: by Betty (new)

Betty (olderthan18) | 3683 comments Brazilian poetry and short story:

An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry

Oxford Anthology of the Brazilian Short Story

The novelist Machado de Assis is also well regarded among readers of Brazilian literature.

message 10: by Betty (last edited Feb 02, 2011 05:06PM) (new)

Betty (olderthan18) | 3683 comments The book of selected poems by the Brazilian poet Manoel de Barros, Birds for a Demolition, translated from the Portuguese by Idra Novey.

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