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General > Books You've Read in 1 Day

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message 1: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Yesterday I recommended The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society to a friend on Facebook and told her how I read it in 1 day. She picked it up yesterday and proceeded to also read it in one day.

I'm not a speed reader and like to take my time reading so for me I don't read books in one day usually.

I thought it would be fun to hear what books other people have read in 1 day, whether you're a speed reader or not.

message 2: by Tamara (new)

Tamara (tcornelsen) | 20 comments I'm no speed reader, but anything I've read so far of James Patterson's has gone by lickity-split! And I really loved the Charlaine Harris series about Sookie Stackhouse, so I went through some of those 2 a day.

I haven't read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society yet, but I may. It's been really popular at our library. That's the reason I got started on Charlaine Harris. [wow, what a novel..sorry!]

message 3: by Junying (new)

Junying | 19 comments The friend Kate mentioned above was me :-)!

I'm a relative faster reader, taking into account that English is not even my first language :-). I can certainly go through Chinese books much faster!

Anyway, it was very rare that I actually finished a book in one day. so that had to say something about The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I have written a 5-star review on Goodreads - you can safely check it out as I didn't give anything away except how I felt about it. I would love to check out other books which anyone has found hard to put down.

Happy reading, everyone!

message 4: by Valerie (new)

Valerie | 266 comments Definitely not a speed reader either, but you know how it is when you start reading something that you just can't put down! LOL I had a very long break from reading, years-long actually, and just getting back into it.... loving it!

Books I've read recently in one day are: Beastly by Alex Flinn Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate Torment (Fallen, #2) by Lauren Kate The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen

message 5: by sonya (new)

sonya marie madden  | 441 comments i read a graphic novel (200 pages) about the story of Pedro Zemora, written by his friend Judd. (1 day)

message 6: by Helen (new)

Helen I've just started Pattersons Bloody Valentine, that will be a quick read.

message 7: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) The last few weekends have been all about getting two books in before the end of Sunday lol.
Last weekend: Tempting the Beast read in less than 24 hours. Deadtown read in about 6 hours.

message 8: by Joseph (new)

Joseph  (bluemanticore) | 23 comments I have to admit this was a question that threw me a little, basically because I don't consider finishing a book in 1 day a big deal since I pretty much do it constantly. I don't consider myself a speed reader, but I guess I am a relatively quick reader. On average, I read about 100 pages an hour. Since most of the books I read are an average of 300 pages or so, finishing them in one day is nothing special for me. It'd be easier to go through my reading list and see which ones took me more than a day to read than which ones only took a day.

message 9: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Thanks everyone who responded. Now it looks like I have some more books to put on my TBR list.

I'm not able to sit down very often during the day to read so when I do I think of it as a luxury. A great escape into the unknown. And the only way I can read a book in one day is to do that.

message 10: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Joseph wrote: "I have to admit this was a question that threw me a little, basically because I don't consider finishing a book in 1 day a big deal since I pretty much do it constantly. I don't consider myself a ..."

Wow Joseph, I wish I read that quick so I could read more books. It would be interesting to hear which books took you longer to read then a day and why that was.

message 11: by Danna (new)

Danna Books I have finished in one day...
Let's see.

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Hold Tight
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

message 12: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
lol I have a habit of staying awake until I finish a good book. If I start a book before bed, and I get REALLY drawn into it... I won't sleep until it is finished. It usually takes me a few hours. :)

message 13: by sonya (new)

sonya marie madden  | 441 comments I hate to fall asleep when I'm reading a good book.

message 14: by sonya (new)

sonya marie madden  | 441 comments @Joy, tomorrow I get my stitches out!!

message 15: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Sonya wrote: "@Joy, tomorrow I get my stitches out!!"

Congrats! I'm sure your excited. I hate stitches... by the time they are ready to be taken out, they itch like crazy. :( It'll be a little raw at first, but it's a good kind of raw... if that makes sense...

message 16: by stormhawk (last edited May 09, 2011 11:37AM) (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments Not technically a speed reader, no Evelyn Wood classes, but I do read every single word of the book more quickly than most people, thus my over 100 books a year thing. Reading a book in a day is not that unusual an event for me.

I also read "Guernsey" in one day, was borrowing it from a friend while camping and the story really engaged me.

I am one of those nutters who got Harry Potter books (4-7, anyway) on day of release and shut myself into a box until I finished them, hardly breaking for meals.

I also read through The Lost Symbol the day I received it from amazon (and worked the puzzle on the cover, which is why I bought the hardback instead of the Kindle Edition).

Shorter books, I can get through more than one in a day ... like the Lemony Snicket books.

And I blast through most mysteries ... great books, but the content moves swiftly.

Responsibilities (work, social events, crocheting) do tend to slow down my reading quite a bit.

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I usually take about 2 days for the books I really like but I do have a few that I know I managed in a day.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Catching Fire
and most of the Percy Jackson books

message 18: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jkylvs2read) | 5 comments I read Sundays at Tiffany's and Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (both by James Patterson) in one day! It was my 40th Birthday and I took the day off from work to read! (I figured that's what old ladies do :) ) Loved both books!

message 19: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Jackie wrote: "I read Sundays at Tiffany's and Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (both by James Patterson) in one day! It was my 40th Birthday and I took the day off from work to read! (I figured that's what old ladi..."

Sounds like the perfect birthday present you could have given yourself. Oh and you're not close to being old, at least that's what my wonderful kids tell me and I'm the same age as you. :)

message 20: by Junying (new)

Junying | 19 comments wow, I'm impressed that so many people found it easy to take time out and read to your heart's desire. That's great.

I echo Kate's sentiments that to be able to spend a whole day devoted to reading is a luxury for many of us who have a day job and perhaps a night job (like writing etc), and many other commitments. Reading is no hardship, but finding time is :-(.

message 21: by Veronica (new)

Veronica (veraj121) Junying wrote: "wow, I'm impressed that so many people found it easy to take time out and read to your heart's desire. That's great.

I echo Kate's sentiments that to be able to spend a whole day devoted to readin..."

I agree with you. I wish I had the time to read a book in one day. It is almost impossible for me. Since I had a job change, I can read on the subway now as oppose to driving to work every day. So I will be able to read a little more.

message 22: by Junying (new)

Junying | 19 comments Veronica wrote: "Junying wrote: "wow, I'm impressed that so many people found it easy to take time out and read to your heart's desire. That's great.

I echo Kate's sentiments that to be able to spend a whole day..."

That's great, Veronica. Happy reading!

message 23: by Veronica (new)

Veronica (veraj121) Thanks..LOL.

Hopefully I could do some beach reading also.

message 24: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Veronica wrote: "Thanks..LOL.

Hopefully I could do some beach reading also."

Oh, beach reading is the best. The sound of the waves and kids playing in the background. The feel of the sun soaking into your skin. The wind whipping sand into your book. Haven't done that in years.

message 25: by Veronica (new)

Veronica (veraj121) @ Kate: Yes.

message 26: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl Landmark (clandmark) | 375 comments I found all six books of The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver very fast reads and finished them in a day or two. This was a great children's series dealing with a boy and his wolf's magical adventures in prehistoric times.

message 27: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) I find it hard to finish a book in one day. I get a headache after so many hours. However, I have done it with 2 of the earlier Harry Potter books and 3 of the Hathaway series books (Mine Till Midnight, Seduce Me at Sunrise & Tempt Me at Twilight).

I didn't finish A Game of Thrones in one day, but it was compelling enough for me to read 300 pages in one day.

message 28: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Jackie wrote: "I find it hard to finish a book in one day. I get a headache after so many hours. However, I have done it with 2 of the earlier Harry Potter books and 3 of the Hathaway series books ([book:Mine Til..."

My Dad has that problem too. He always gets headaches when he reads. It might be eye strain. Have you had your eyes checked? I feel bad for you. Honestly, I get really horrible migraines, but never from reading. Thank God! My migraines are genetic; all the women on my maternal side start getting migraines in their teen years. So, I've been having them for long enough that Excedrin Migraine is my best friend. It's very good at getting rid of migraines/headaches. If you're going to read for an extended time, you should try taking it while you read... as a preventative. It might help! :)

message 29: by Junying (new)

Junying | 19 comments That's good to know, Joy, as I suffer from Migraine too, but not as young as you when it began. It suddenly started in my late 30s and I had no idea why. I have not taken any medication for it when it stuck and just took a rest if I could. Fortunately it has never occurred while I was reading.

message 30: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Joy wrote: "Jackie wrote: "I find it hard to finish a book in one day. I get a headache after so many hours. However, I have done it with 2 of the earlier Harry Potter books and 3 of the Hathaway series books ..."

I second Excedrin for migraines. I started getting them in my teens also, luckily I only get them every few years now, but some have been very agonizing. I've learned that once I start to see orbs or my eyes acting funny I take a couple Excedrin and prevent the migraine from even starting.

message 31: by Junying (new)

Junying | 19 comments thanks, Kate. Will get some for future use. I don't get it often either.

message 32: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Kate wrote: "Joy wrote: "Jackie wrote: "I find it hard to finish a book in one day. I get a headache after so many hours. However, I have done it with 2 of the earlier Harry Potter books and 3 of the Hathaway s..."

Sometimes I am completely blindsided by them and other times I can feel them coming on. Sometimes my eyes start having trouble focusing or they begin to spasm, which is very annoying. :(

message 33: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) Joy wrote: "My Dad has that problem too. He always gets headaches when he reads. It might be eye strain. Have you had your eyes checked? I feel bad for you. Honestly, I get really horrible migraines, but never from reading. Thank God! My migraines are genetic; all the women on my maternal side start getting migraines in their teen years. So, I've been having them for long enough that Excedrin Migraine is my best friend. It's very good at getting rid of migraines/headaches. If you're going to read for an extended time, you should try taking it while you read... as a preventative. It might help! :)

Excedrin does rock! If I have a really bad headache that is what I tend to use along with a heating pad.

I don't think I have eye strain. I do wear contacts, but mostly I stick to glasses when I read and I'm generally okay. I think it's more to do with information overload when I'm reading for long periods. I know some people can read for two hours or more straight with very little movement. I need to take a break like every hour.

message 34: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Jackie wrote: "Joy wrote: "My Dad has that problem too. He always gets headaches when he reads. It might be eye strain. Have you had your eyes checked? I feel bad for you. Honestly, I get really horrible migraine..."

Usually, I take the excedrin and lay still in the dark with no sound and one of those eye masks one. It's great. Heating pad is something I have used once or twice. Usually if I have a tension headache it feels nice on the back of my neck. Oh, something great to use... At walgreens or CVS, they have these strips that stick to your forehead. They keep it cool and have a minty scent. They are actually really great. :)

message 35: by Elvia (last edited May 10, 2011 06:07PM) (new)

Elvia (elvb) Is it bad that I've neglected household chores and my children on a Saturday or Sunday when the book is good? Thankfully they are at a good enough age to fend for themselves so I don't have to watch them every second (ages 6, 9, and 12).

But for the last two weekends I've read a book a day pretty much so they haven't "seen" me much. lol

message 36: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Elvia wrote: "Is it bad that I've neglected household chores and my children on a Saturday or Sunday when the book is good? Thankfully they are at a good enough age to fend for themselves so I don't have to watc..."

I think it's great. Mom's need a day off too once in a while. Plus you're teaching your kids how great reading is and how to take care of themselves for a while:)

message 37: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) Kate wrote: "I think it's great. Mom's need a day off too once in a while. Plus you're teaching your kids how great reading is and how to take care of themselves for a while:) "

Thanks Kate! My daughter (the oldest) loves to read, too. My youngest, not so much yet, but he's only 6.
I have my goal on here to read 100 books this year. I am behind by about 7 books so in order to meet it I figured I have to read about 2.8 books a week. If I can cram two in on the weekends and one other one during the week I'm good.

message 38: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments Forgot some ... Oh, yeah. Twilight. I read each of those in less than a day.

The words are short and there is a lot of space around them.

message 39: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments stormhawk wrote: "Forgot some ... Oh, yeah. Twilight. I read each of those in less than a day.

The words are short and there is a lot of space around them."

That made me laugh!

message 40: by Junying (new)

Junying | 19 comments I just remembered another book which I finished in one day. It's called The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - it's not long and has been made into a film. Moving story!

message 41: by Louise (new)

Louise All My Friends Are Superheroes

Very short and very sweet and unusual!

message 42: by Little Red Hat (last edited May 12, 2011 12:52AM) (new)

Little Red Hat (littleredhat) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (that is, the first book of the series), and the graphic novel The Complete Maus. Both amazing works.

message 43: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan (jonathan1) Coraline, erm, the 4th and 5th unfortunate events in the sMe day. I read the da vince code in a day and a half, along with the hunger games 1 and The lovely bones.

message 44: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl Landmark (clandmark) | 375 comments I just finished reading Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep in about a day and a half. It was so good I couldn't put it down until it was finished.

message 45: by Fallon (new)

Fallon (fallonvale) Unless I am uninterested in a book or I'm really busy I typically finish books within 24 hours of when I start them. I usually start books as I am going to bed though and I have some slight insomnia.

message 46: by Anne (new)

Anne | 9 comments The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Actually, it spilled over a day because we started it late (hubby likes to read to me). Then we finished it the next day and immediately watched the movie.

message 47: by Kate (new)

Kate Bowyer (kate_bowyer) | 42 comments Anne76 wrote: "The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Actually, it spilled over a day because we started it late (hubby likes to read to me). Then we finished it the next day and immediately watched the movie."

I loved The Road but couldn't imagine finishing it in one day. It's so heart wrenching I took it in small gulps.

message 48: by Lucy (new)

Lucy (mesdupmoi) | 334 comments Any Enid Blyton, Marita Conlon-McKenna, also read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner in just a few hours.

message 49: by Nada (new)

Nada Al-Karmi (nadooush) The Percy Jackson series, each book took one day to read for me. I just couldn't put the book down once i started it.

message 50: by Lekshmy (new)

Lekshmy | 6 comments Tender savage !!!

It was small and it was in Sunday :) so I could finish

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