Book Giveaways discussion

TWISTED TALES book giveaways every Thursday

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message 1: by Charlie (new)

Charlie (bitsyblingbooks) | 8 comments twistedtalesthumb
Beginning in May 2011, every Thursday, Bitsy Bling Books is proud to announce the unveiling of its latest feature Twisted Tales. Posts will include authors, books, giveaways and more from the genres: Dark fiction, dark comedy, absurdist, bizarro and pulp fiction. Of course, some will fall into multiple categories and others are difficult to pigeon hole--but don't worry I reserve the right to make it up as I go along. One thing is for certain, most books come with a warning label and are strangely entertaining. Proceed with caution because your eyeballs just might melt.

I have some great authors lined up so if you're a fan -- you'll def. want to pop by. Giveaways included :)


May 5 - Scott Semegran Giveaway Ends 5/14
May 12 - Lance Carbuncle Giveaway Ends 5/21
May 19 - Charlie Courtland
May 26 - Kirk Jones
June 2 - Mykle Hansen
June 9 - Ron Cooper
June 16- Bradley Sands
June 23- Jeremy C. Shipp
June 30 - James Steele
July 7 - Eric Hendrixson
July 14 - David David Katzman

Disclaimer: Books may include mature content including but not limited to violence, language, sexuality and general grossness. Reminder: A sicko mind is a terrible thing to waste or in this case, censor.

message 2: by Charlie (new)

Charlie (bitsyblingbooks) | 8 comments May 8- May 14

Win: Signed copy of The Meteoric Rise of Simon Burchwood by Scott Semegran

Win: ebooks for all his other titles.

To enter click on: BITSY BLING BOOKS

message 3: by Charlie (new)

Charlie (bitsyblingbooks) | 8 comments May 12-May 21

Win: Signed copy of Grundish and Askew by Lance Carbuncle

To enter click on: BITSY BLING BOOKS

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