South Shore Readers discussion

Your WORST reads of 2011

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message 1: by Jessica (last edited Oct 14, 2011 03:00PM) (new)

Jessica Haider (jessicahaider) | 1122 comments Mod
Since we have that other topic about the favorite books you read in 2011...which books that you read this year did you not enjoy at all (rating 1 or 2 stars)?

Of the 82 books good reads says that I've read so far this year, I've only rated 3 of them 2 stars or less.

These were:

Hungry for Happiness by James Villas -- a pick for this very book club!! I wasn't alone in not enjoying it. The main character just wasn't relatable at all and didn't seem like a real person.

Sweet Stuff: An American History of Sweeteners from Sugar to Sucralose by Deborah Warner - I wanted to like this nonfiction work about the history of sweeteners in America. I typically enjoy food non-fiction/history books, but this one was too dry/academic for my taste. It felt like I was reading my high school US History text book.

Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel -- I LOVED Martel's Life of Pi. But this book, was just weird and I didn't enjoy it. a good portion of the book was a play with two characters Beatrice & Virgil: taxidermied donkey and howler monkey. I also typically like weird books, but this one was a boring weird...

message 2: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Plum | 133 comments hungry for happiness: james villas (i gag thinking about it), watermelon by marian keyes (which i was really looking forward to

message 3: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancy_m) | 39 comments By all rights Cutting for Stone should be one of my all time favorite books but I disliked it from the first chapter.

message 4: by Joanie (new)

Joanie | 493 comments Mod
LOL...I was thinking about starting this but didn't want to be too negative!!

I agree that Hungry for Happiness is up there for me. My other two star ratings were (and I'm sure I'm going to wound a few hearts here but it can't be helped) Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho and Watchmen by Alan Moore.

message 5: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Haider (jessicahaider) | 1122 comments Mod
That's 3 votes for Hungry for Happiness. We really loved that book as a group, huh? ;) I just remember that lead character was so unbelievable. I don't know if it was in part because the male author wasn't very good at writing female characters...but I just didn't get her or her motivations at all.

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