Books on the Nightstand discussion

Just the Facts...tidbits about Authors

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message 1: by Gerald (last edited Nov 28, 2011 09:43PM) (new)

Gerald Miller | 821 comments Did you know that today is the birthday of Mary Anne Evans author of " Middlemarch" and "Silas Marner"?


Today is the birthday of Hoagy Carmichael the American composer of "Stardust".Carmichael is the face of James Bond. Ian Fleming wrote that Bond is a handsomer Hoagy.


message 2: by Gerald (new)

Gerald Miller | 821 comments I just thought that readers could post interesting facts about authors if you wish and if that's OK with BOTNS.
Whenever I see one I will post it here.Or you can.

I am always interested in the belief that authors are real people with real lives and problems that we all face.ger

message 3: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
Doctors who were (are) writers: Anton Chekhov, Michael Crichton, F. Paul Wilson.

Lawyers who were (are) writers: Franz Kafka, Henry Fielding, Wallace Stevens.

message 4: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Forty-eight years ago today, November 22, 1963, C.S. Lewis died. His death was overshadowed by someone else's.

message 5: by Normandy (new)

Normandy (bookwitch69) Do tidbits about a poet count? If so I have one.

message 6: by Linda (last edited Nov 22, 2011 12:05PM) (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Normie wrote: "Do tidbits about a poet count? If so I have one."

Does a poet write? I would say yes, poets count.

message 7: by Normandy (new)

Normandy (bookwitch69) Ok then - John Keats ( my favorite Romantic poet ) died in 1821, he was only 25yrs old and his work was not fully recognized until the 20th century. So sad that he did not live to see his work get some recognition. His love letters to Fanny Brawne are beautiful and their love was never able to truly flourish.

message 8: by Elizabeth☮ (new)

Elizabeth☮ Normie wrote: "Ok then - John Keats ( my favorite Romantic poet ) died in 1821, he was only 25yrs old and his work was not fully recognized until the 20th century. So sad that he did not live to see his work get..."

i suspect you've read it, but you should read Bright Star: Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne if you haven't.

message 9: by Elizabeth☮ (new)

Elizabeth☮ when percy shelly died, his heart did not burn and so it was given to mary shelly who kept it until she died. the heart was found among her belongings. interesting that his heart did not burn.

message 10: by Kirsty (new)

Kirsty (kirstyreadsandcreates) | 116 comments Great idea for a thread! I don't have anything to share right now but have found the things posted so far really interesting!

Elizabeth, that's pretty creepy... I wonder why it didn't burn?

message 11: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
Elizabeth wrote: "when percy shelly died, his heart did not burn and so it was given to mary shelly who kept it until she died. the heart was found among her belongings. interesting that his heart did not burn."

I'm assuming they tried to cremate him. As opposed to just standing there waiting for some kind of spontaneous combustion to happen. I bet today's technology would have found a way to make it burn. I'd like to submit this to Mythbusters and see if Adam and Jamie could make a heart burn using the technology of the time. Of course, they would finish by blowing it up.

Campbell's tomato soup gives me heartburn.

message 12: by Normandy (new)

Normandy (bookwitch69) Elizabeth wrote: "Normie wrote: "Ok then - John Keats ( my favorite Romantic poet ) died in 1821, he was only 25yrs old and his work was not fully recognized until the 20th century. So sad that he did not live to s..."

I have read it and I love it - The movie is one of my favorites too. Thank u.

message 13: by Elizabeth☮ (new)

Elizabeth☮ Eric wrote: "Elizabeth wrote: "when percy shelly died, his heart did not burn and so it was given to mary shelly who kept it until she died. the heart was found among her belongings. interesting that his heart ..."

I second the submission to mythbusters.

message 14: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Agatha Christie was reportedly dysgraphic. (It's the writing form of dyslexia).

message 15: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Today is the birthday of Ishmael Beah author of A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah .

It is also the birthday of the author of Three Horsemen of the New Apocalypse by Nirad C. Chaudhuri . He wrote it when he was 99.

message 16: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Sarah Josepha Hale, the author of the poem "Mary Had a Little Lamb," campaigned for a Thanksgiving holiday which had originally been instituted by our first president, George Washington. For 36 years, she wrote articles about the Plymouth colonists in her magazine, trying to revive interest in the subject, and editorials suggesting a national holiday. Hale wrote to four presidents about her idea -- Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan -- before her fifth letter got notice. President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November to be the holiday.

message 17: by Normandy (new)

Normandy (bookwitch69) Linda wrote: "Sarah Josepha Hale, the author of the poem "Mary Had a Little Lamb," campaigned for a Thanksgiving holiday which had originally been instituted by our first president, George Washington. For 36 yea..."

That is so cool. I did not know that. I shared it with everyone here at work.

message 18: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
P. D. Eastman's was born on today's date in 1909. He met Ted Geisel during World War II and the two worked together on film unit headed by Frank Capra producing animated films to educate the enlisted men who were often illiterate.

A decade after the war, Geisel invited Eastman to write a book for his (Dr. Seuss') new imprint "Beginner Books." This gave us Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman and Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman .

message 19: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
"Go Dog Go" is one of the most enjoyable children' books ever.

"To the tree! To the tree!"

message 20: by Gerald (new)

Gerald Miller | 821 comments Linda wrote: "Forty-eight years ago today, November 22, 1963, C.S. Lewis died. His death was overshadowed by someone else's."

Did you know that Dr Who premiered on Nov 22,1963?

message 21: by Gerald (new)

Gerald Miller | 821 comments Gerald wrote: "Linda wrote: "Forty-eight years ago today, November 22, 1963, C.S. Lewis died. His death was overshadowed by someone else's."

Did you know that Dr Who premiered on Nov 22,1963?"

I should point out that I was sitting in my sixth grade classroom on that day.The nun pointed out that they always kill the young ones. I still cannot figure that one out.ger

message 22: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Gerald wrote: "I should point out that I was sitting in my sixth grade classroom on that day.The nun pointed out that they always kill the young ones. I still cannot figure that one out."

I was in eight grade and my nun didn't believe her ears (the announcement was made to the entire school over the PA). She sent a student down to the office to find out what was said. The student came back with the news and also said that Mrs. Duck, who had made the announcement, was sobbing so hard he could hardly understand her.

message 23: by Linda (last edited Nov 26, 2011 04:28PM) (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
[a:Eugene Ionesco|5214082|Eug

message 24: by Linda (last edited Nov 28, 2011 02:53PM) (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Today is the anniversary of the births of Nancy Mitford , William Blake , Rita Mae Brown and Jon Stewart .

Rita Mae Brown started the Blue Ridge Polo Club, the first women's polo club in America.

message 25: by Gerald (new)

Gerald Miller | 821 comments Just wanted to point out that an excellent source of author birthdays is the "Writers Almanac" podcast.Its also located on the Poetry Foundation site.I hope that readers here keep adding info.I certainly will when I find it.Several birthdays ring bells for me when they come up like James Thurber(brother shot his eye out with an arrow)and Poe(traveled through many eastern states.
Thanks everyone.ger

message 26: by Linda (last edited Nov 29, 2011 08:07AM) (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Gerald wrote: "Just wanted to point out that an excellent source of author birthdays is the "Writers Almanac" podcast.Its also located on the Poetry Foundation site.I hope that readers here keep adding info.I cer..."

Aw, Ger! You gave away my source! I have the podcast downloaded to my computer everyday.

Today's birthdays include Bronson Alcott, Louisa Alcott, and C. S. Lewis.

Lewis's name was Clive Staples, but answered to "Jack." That name was assumed after the death of his dog, Jacksie, when Lewis was a child.

message 27: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
I played him (Lewis) in a production of "Shadowlands". Given Anthony Hopkins' somber portrayal in the movie, you wouldn't guess there were any light or humorous moments in the play, but there are.

message 28: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Eric wrote: "I played him (Lewis) in a production of "Shadowlands". Given Anthony Hopkins' somber portrayal in the movie, you wouldn't guess there were any light or humorous moments in the play, but there are."

You do know Jack!

message 29: by Callie (new)

Callie (calliekl) | 646 comments Another author who is a lawyer is John Grisham, and another author who is also a doctor is Robin Cook.

message 30: by Gerald (new)

Gerald Miller | 821 comments Linda wrote: "Gerald wrote: "Just wanted to point out that an excellent source of author birthdays is the "Writers Almanac" podcast.Its also located on the Poetry Foundation site.I hope that readers here keep ad..."

WA is one of the better sources.I googled author birthdays list and nothing comes up.I also check the NYT
today in history which lists important historical things that happened that day,living famous people's birthdays and dead people's birthdays.Funny how dead people's B days are historically important and living people's birthdays are mostly celebs,actors and actresses.ger

message 31: by Bobbi (new)

Bobbi | 153 comments Eric wrote: "I played him (Lewis) in a production of "Shadowlands". Given Anthony Hopkins' somber portrayal in the movie, you wouldn't guess there were any light or humorous moments in the play, but there are."

I was the General Manager of the theater group which staged the production; Eric's portrayal of C.S. Lewis was masterful, and one of Eric's best performances, in my opinion.

message 32: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Bobbi wrote: "Eric wrote: "I played him (Lewis) in a production of "Shadowlands". Given Anthony Hopkins' somber portrayal in the movie, you wouldn't guess there were any light or humorous moments in the play, b..."

I hope to see Eric, and therefore, you, too, Bobbi in a play sometime. Just let me know where and when.

message 33: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
Guess what, Bobbi? I'm in The Foreigner again! This time playing Froggy.

message 34: by Bobbi (new)

Bobbi | 153 comments Eric, no kidding! Where? And who is directing? What a great show; I hope you have a lot of fun with it.

Linda, I live in South Carolina now, and Eric is still in Ohio. If you're in that area, I urge you to catch ANY show he's in; I promise that you won't be disappointed. (The Foreigner was the my first appearance onstage, and Eric was absolutely wonderful to work with.)

message 35: by Bobbi (new)

Bobbi | 153 comments Linda, are you by any chance going to be in Manchester? Eric, his wife, Amy-Anne and I will be, and I'm really looking forward to reuniting with them because we all worked in theater together several years ago in Ohio. Good times, lots of great memories . . .

message 36: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Yes, Bobbi,

I will be at Manchester. Looking forward to a return engagement.

message 37: by Linda (last edited Nov 30, 2011 06:22PM) (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Everyone who has googled today realizes it is the birthday of Mark Twain . It is also the birthday of Jonathan Swift , Winston Churchill , and Lucy Maud Montgomery.

Oscar Wilde died on this date in 1900.

message 38: by Bobbi (new)

Bobbi | 153 comments Linda wrote: "Yes, Bobbi,

I will be at Manchester. Looking forward to a return engagement."

Linda - fantastic! Looking forward to meeting you.

message 39: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
Bobbi, thanks for saying those nice things. It's going to be at Victorian Players in Youngstown in March, and Tom Copeland is directing.

message 40: by Bobbi (new)

Bobbi | 153 comments Eric wrote: "Bobbi, thanks for saying those nice things. It's going to be at Victorian Players in Youngstown in March, and Tom Copeland is directing."

Just speaking the truth! :)
Oh how I wish I could be there!

message 41: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
On this date in 1886, Rex Stout was born. He created the character of Nero Wolf as the protagonist of his mysteries.

Stout was a close friend of P. G. Wodehouse and was watched as a potential Communist by the J. Edgar Hoover FBI.

message 42: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Today is the birthday of Christina Rossetti . Her most famous book of poetry was published in 1862 ( Goblin Market and Other Poems (Dover Thrift Editions) by Christina Rossetti . Don't you think you've ever heard of her? She wrote one poem that was set to music and that we sing at this season every year:

In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.

message 43: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
It is also the birthday of Calvin Trillin , Joan Didion , and Rose Wilder Lane .

Lane was the daughter of Laura Ingall Wilder and is highly responsible for the success of her mother's Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder . Lane was either her mother's editor or ghostwriter; just which is not known for sure.

message 44: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
I've read most of Joan Didion. Love her. And in her heyday was quite the literary babe.

message 45: by Elizabeth☮ (new)

Elizabeth☮ Linda wrote: "Today is the birthday of Christina Rossetti. Her most famous book of poetry was published in 1862 (Goblin Market and Other Poems (Dover Thrift Editions) by Christina Rossetti. Don't you think you've ever..."

i love rossetti. her poetry is beautiful.

message 46: by Jana (last edited Dec 06, 2011 08:38AM) (new)

Jana (jazziegirl2010) | 309 comments Linda wrote: "On this date in 1886, Rex Stout was born. He created the character of Nero Wolf as the protagonist of his mysteries.

Stout was a close friend of P. G. Wodehouse and was watched..."

Linda, your post reminded me of something I found VERY interesting. In October 2001 (note the date), I was reading Some Buried Caesar by Rex Stout by Rex Stout. It was written in the 1930s, but low and behold it was about anthrax, which was in the news 24/7. Then at the end of the book it talked about how PG Wodehouse was an admirer and that the two had been lifelong friends. This was SO surprising to me because concurrently I was reading The Code of the Woosters by P.G. Wodehouse .

I'll always remember that, coincidences galore!

message 47: by Eric (last edited Dec 06, 2011 09:08AM) (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
Jana, have you also read Thank You, Jeeves  by P.G. Wodehouse and Right Ho, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse ?

They comprise sort of a trilogy with "Code of the Woosters". "Right Ho, Jeeves" is one of my favorite all time books and definitely the funniest I've ever read.

On our last road trip to Florida, I took "Right Ho" and "Thank You" audiobooks and introduced the kids to Wodehouse on the way. They loved them, as they loved "Huck Finn" and "Ender's Game" previously.

message 48: by Jana (new)

Jana (jazziegirl2010) | 309 comments Eric wrote: "Jana, have you also read Thank You, Jeeves  by P.G. Wodehouse and Right Ho, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse?

They comprise sort of a trilogy with "Code of the Woosters". "Right Ho, Jeeves" is one of my fa..."

Eric, I have read "Right Ho, Jeeves" and I agree with you! I will add Thank You, Jeeves  by P.G. Wodehouse to my list right now.

Has anyone seen the telly series with Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie? (I have not. Yet.)

message 49: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1176 comments Mod
Yeah...don't miss it. My problem with House is that I can't see Laurie as anything but Bertie.

message 50: by Linda (new)

Linda | 3029 comments Mod
Today's birthdays include Willa Cather , Noam Chomsky , and Susan Minot .

In the early 1900s, Willa Cather worked as an editor for McClure Magazine (1893 - 1929) before she started writing her books. She lived in Greenwich village on a block which became known as "Genius Row" since among the people who lived there were Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, O. Henry, Eugene O'Neill, Theodore Dreiser, and John Dos Passos.

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