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message 1: by Aneeqah (last edited Dec 31, 2011 09:24AM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments I'm thinking I'm going to have to come back and list all my books read in 2011, but for now, I'll just keep a running list going of the ones I've read so far!

message 2: by Aneeqah (last edited Dec 06, 2011 05:44AM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Read in December

Hallowed by Cynthia Hand [416 Pages]
The Trouble with May Amelia by Jennifer L. Holm [191 Pages]

=607 Pages

message 3: by Aneeqah (last edited Dec 18, 2011 02:53PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Haven by Kristi Cook [320 Pages]
Crossed by Ally Condie [367 Pages]
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn [272 Pages]

=1,566 Pages

Haven (Winterhaven, #1) by Kristi Cook Crossed (Matched, #2) by Ally Condie Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn

message 4: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) I loved Crossed!!! How was Haven??

message 5: by Aneeqah (last edited Dec 18, 2011 08:23PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya wrote: "I loved Crossed!!! How was Haven??"

I thought Crossed was good, at least better than the first. Haven, to me, was little cliche and it was just alright. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. I really like the cover of Haven though, the font that the tittle is written in is just gorgeous!

message 6: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) I agree!! :D Glad to hear that it wasn't bad at least. I'm going to be reading it next year for the 12x12.

message 7: by Mad Scientist (new)

Mad Scientist (madscientist) | 1119 comments I added Haven to my list too. At least I think I did ;) But I do know it is on my shelf!

message 8: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Mad Scientist wrote: "I added Haven to my list too. At least I think I did ;) But I do know it is on my shelf!"

Happens to me all the time! Sometimes I think a book is on my shelf, but then later on, I find it's not! So confusing sometimes =)

Zakiya wrote: "I agree!! :D Glad to hear that it wasn't bad at least. I'm going to be reading it next year for the 12x12."

When you do read it, let me know what you think! Lots of people seemed to love it, so that's why I was surprised I didn't like it.

message 9: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) MS- Haha! I do that a lot, too:)

Aneeqah- I will! Although, ahead of time, I think I will rate it at least 4 stars. I tend to like all the books I read.

message 10: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya wrote: "MS- Haha! I do that a lot, too:)

Aneeqah- I will! Although, ahead of time, I think I will rate it at least 4 stars. I tend to like all the books I read."

I used to that, but now for some reason, I'm more pickier with books. I guess it's just now I'm reviewing books, really thinking in-depth with them, so I'm noticing smaller things, like a perfect character, or a slow-moving plot, things that didn't really affect me before.

message 11: by Mad Scientist (new)

Mad Scientist (madscientist) | 1119 comments Oh, slow plots are killer. Especially when you are not expecting it. I do like a heads up if it is a bit slow in the beginning so I keep going. Sometimes the build up is worth it. Others... I could kick myself for making myself finish a few books.

Now, There are just so many books out there that I want to read that I just can't make myself finish a book any more. If I can't get into it then its tossed. (Not literally unless it is breaking dawn!)

If it is a book I can read all night & I have to make myself sleep. If when I'm sleeping I dream of the book or wake up to read 30 more minutes and go back to sleep. (Sometimes several times) If when I'm so tired after that but still get up with the boys for school and read until I pass out or its done. Then I know I have opened a book well worth it.

Those are the 5 stars for me.

message 12: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Aneeqah wrote: "Zakiya wrote: "MS- Haha! I do that a lot, too:)

Aneeqah- I will! Although, ahead of time, I think I will rate it at least 4 stars. I tend to like all the books I read."

I used to that, but now fo..."

I can understand that. I can't believe that I haven't gotten to that point yet. The 9th made one & a half years of blogging/reviewing for me, and I'm still not that picky.

Do you review on GRs, or a blog?

message 13: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya wrote: "Aneeqah wrote: "Zakiya wrote: "MS- Haha! I do that a lot, too:)

Aneeqah- I will! Although, ahead of time, I think I will rate it at least 4 stars. I tend to like all the books I read."

I used to ..."

That's good that you haven't gotten to that point yet! It means you can still enjoy all your books. =)

I review on GR, but I've recently joined a group blog, so now I'm reviewing books on there too.

Mad Scientist wrote: "Oh, slow plots are killer. Especially when you are not expecting it. I do like a heads up if it is a bit slow in the beginning so I keep going. Sometimes the build up is worth it. Others... I c..."

For me, a 5 star must have a good plot, just like you said. But it also has to have in-depth characers, good twists and all that jazz. I can usually get through a slower book, though, but it won't get a high rating from me. I absolutely love action-packed thrillers, so those are most probably the books that get a 5 star rating from me. There are exceptions though.

message 14: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) That's great!!!! What's the blog's URL? I'll be sure to stop by :).

And yeah, MS and I were just talking about that! Haha. All the books that she finds "meh" are always "ahmazing" for me.

message 15: by Aneeqah (last edited Dec 22, 2011 10:12AM) (new)

message 16: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi [400 Pages]

=2,590 Pages

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

message 17: by Aneeqah (last edited Dec 31, 2011 08:48PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments I need to add all the books I've read previously... so I'm reserving this post for all those books.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer [387 Pages]
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater [409 Pages]
The Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman by Meg Wolitzer [304 Pages]
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor [418 Pages]
The Death Cure by James Dashner [325 Pages]
All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin [354 Pages]
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick [427 Pages]
Wither by Lauren DeStefano [358 Pages] **
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick [391 Pages]
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin [288 Pages]
My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody [320 Pages]
The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan [513 Pages]
Supernaturally by Kiersten White [336 Pages]
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake [316 Pages]
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater [390 Pages]
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak [550 Pages]
The Tempest by William Shakespeare [224 Pages]
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater [360 Pages]
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White [335 Pages]
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater [390 Pages]

=9,985 Pages

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1) by Marissa Meyer The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater The Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman by Meg Wolitzer Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1) by Laini Taylor The Death Cure (Maze Runner, #3) by James Dashner All These Things I've Done (Birthright, #1) by Gabrielle Zevin Crescendo (Hush, Hush, #2) by Becca Fitzpatrick Wither (The Chemical Garden, #1) by Lauren DeStefano Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus, #2) by Rick Riordan Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, #2) by Kiersten White Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) by Kendare Blake Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3) by Maggie Stiefvater The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The Tempest (No Fear Shakespeare) by William Shakespeare Linger (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #2) by Maggie Stiefvater Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1) by Kiersten White Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1) by Maggie Stiefvater

message 18: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 01, 2012 07:28AM) (new)

message 19: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Another post for previous reads...

message 20: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 15, 2012 11:18AM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments January 2012 TBR Plan!

[9/13 Books Read]
Incarnate (Newsoul, #1) by Jodi Meadows Slide by Jill Hathaway The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1) by Kady Cross Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Completed: Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1) by Melissa Marr The Future of Us by Jay Asher ] Dead Beautiful (Dead Beautiful, #1) by Yvonne Woon Legend (Legend, #1) by Marie Lu Everneath (Everneath, #1) by Brodi Ashton Ink Exchange (Wicked Lovely, #2) by Melissa Marr Struck by Jennifer Bosworth The Raft by S.A. Bodeen

message 21: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) good luck! those look like some great books! :D

message 22: by Mad Scientist (new)

Mad Scientist (madscientist) | 1119 comments I tried planning for DEC. Didn't work out so well. But I know I need to read books that are on my shelf. Lets see if I stick to that. LOL!

message 23: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Mad Scientist wrote: "I tried planning for DEC. Didn't work out so well. But I know I need to read books that are on my shelf. Lets see if I stick to that. LOL!"

I'm hoping it will help me a little more organized with my reading, so I know what to check out and the library, and what to prioritize and stuff like that. We'll see how this works out!

Zakiya wrote: "good luck! those look like some great books! :D"

Thanks! I've already finished 2 of them, so I only need to read 1 more for this week. =) I'm starting off the new year with a bang!

message 24: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 01, 2012 05:24PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr [328 Pages]
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi [338 Pages]

= 16,034 Pages

Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1) by Melissa Marr Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi

message 25: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Aneeqah wrote: "Mad Scientist wrote: "I tried planning for DEC. Didn't work out so well. But I know I need to read books that are on my shelf. Lets see if I stick to that. LOL!"

I'm hoping it will help me a l..."

Wow! You lucky duck! I just finished my first one about 2-1/2 hours ago. I never even realized that it would need to be 3 books a week...Hmm *gears turning in head* :)

message 26: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya wrote: "Aneeqah wrote: "Mad Scientist wrote: "I tried planning for DEC. Didn't work out so well. But I know I need to read books that are on my shelf. Lets see if I stick to that. LOL!"

I'm hoping it ..."

Well, I was in a reading frenzy yesterday, because school started up again for me this week, and it's going to be super hectic this week and the next because of exams. But, I do have half-days and a 4 day weekend next week because of those exams! More days to read! And don't worry, 3 books a week shouldn't be too bad. =) We can do it!

message 27: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 02, 2012 07:30PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments I think I need a place to keep track of all my challenges in this group! There's so many good ones. =)

Never mind, I now have a topic in the Member's Challenges Folder!

message 28: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) I agree!!! I think we can totally do it:). You're not alone. I start back school in the morning D: . No exams till May, but it will still be really busy for me. I finished my second one today, though, so I think I'll be okay.

message 29: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya wrote: "I agree!!! I think we can totally do it:). You're not alone. I start back school in the morning D: . No exams till May, but it will still be really busy for me. I finished my second one today, thou..."

Yes, I think we all can!! This whole semester exam thing is new for me, because I actually just moved, so this is also a new school. I've never taken exams before, just normal tests, to it's totally new for me! It's going to be very interesting for me. =) But nonetheless, my reading will not be sacrificed!

message 30: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 05, 2012 05:46AM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments The Future of Us by Jay Asher [356 Pages]

=16,390 Pages

The Future of Us by Jay Asher

Third book finished for the week! Looks like I'm on track. =)

message 31: by Mad Scientist (new)

Mad Scientist (madscientist) | 1119 comments *claps* Yeah! We got a few people on the reading roll! This is so exciting!

message 32: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Mad Scientist wrote: "*claps* Yeah! We got a few people on the reading roll! This is so exciting!"

Thanks! =) I think I'm just really excited. I'm pretty happy though that I can read 3 books a week with exams and stuff going on!

message 33: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 07, 2012 07:49PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Dead Beautiful by Yvonne Woon [480 Pages]
Legend by Marie Lu [305 Pages]

= 17,175 Pages

Dead Beautiful (Dead Beautiful, #1) by Yvonne Woon Legend (Legend, #1) by Marie Lu

Yay, two knocked out this weekend!

message 34: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 12, 2012 06:56PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Everneath by Brodi Ashton [384 Pages]
Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr [325 Pages]

= 17,884 Pages
Everneath (Everneath, #1) by Brodi Ashton Ink Exchange (Wicked Lovely, #2) by Melissa Marr

message 35: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 16, 2012 10:56AM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Struck by Jennifer Bosworth [373 Pages]
The Raft by S.A. Bodeen [231 Pages]
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows [384 Pages]

=18,872 Pages
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth The Raft by S.A. Bodeen Incarnate (Newsoul, #1) by Jodi Meadows

message 36: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 28, 2012 07:08PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Graceling by Kristin Cashore [471 Pages]
Fracture by Megan Miranda [262 Pages]

=19,605 Pages
Graceling (The Seven Kingdoms, #1) by Kristin Cashore Fracture by Megan Miranda

message 37: by Whisper19 (new)

Whisper19 | 57 comments Great reading streak this year!

message 38: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Whisper19 wrote: "Great reading streak this year!"

Thank you!! I'm very determined to make my goal of 144 books this year. =)

message 39: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 28, 2012 07:14PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments My plan for rest of January/February:

Fire (The Seven Kingdoms, #2) by Kristin Cashore Bitterblue (The Seven Kingdoms, #3) by Kristin Cashore Of Poseidon by Anna Banks Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg Blood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1) by Moira Young Halflings (Halflings, #1) by Heather Burch There Is No Dog by Meg Rosoff Fragile Eternity (Wicked Lovely, #3) by Melissa Marr Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey Slide by Jill Hathaway 52 Reasons to Hate My Father  by Jessica Brody

message 40: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Woohoo! Some great books! I need to read Fire. Haven't gotten around to that in the year and a half (?) that I've had the book. Sad. LOL :)

Congrats on getting 12 for the month ;). I've only got 2 more left!

message 41: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya wrote: "Woohoo! Some great books! I need to read Fire. Haven't gotten around to that in the year and a half (?) that I've had the book. Sad. LOL :)

Congrats on getting 12 for the month ;). I've only got 2..."

I'm actually re-reading Fire before I read Bitterblue. You should definitely read it! And thanks, I'm sure you can make your 12 for the month!

message 42: by Zakiya (last edited Jan 29, 2012 03:58PM) (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Yeah, I'm halfway thru one, and I got my first-ever manga at the store today that I'm sure will be finished by tmr!! :D

Cools! Is Bitterblue out already??? I haven't been on top of that series. I reread Graceling last July, though, so I won't have to reread that one at least.

message 43: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Nope, I was lucky enough to get an ARC of it! It comes out at the beginning of May this year. =)

message 44: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Oh wow! That's not far away!! So jealous of the ARC! :D I'm sure it'll be ahmazing!

message 45: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya wrote: "Oh wow! That's not far away!! So jealous of the ARC! :D I'm sure it'll be ahmazing!"

Yes, I was super thrilled I got one! The line for it was reeeeallly long! And yes, I'm sure it will be absolutely amazing!

message 46: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) LOL! :D

message 47: by Aneeqah (last edited Jan 30, 2012 06:24PM) (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler [378 Pages]

=19,983 Pages
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler

message 48: by ★Meghan★ (new)

★Meghan★ (starinheaven) | 1455 comments You are doing awesome Aneeqah!!!!

message 49: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Thank you so much Meghan! That 12X12 challenge has totally inspired me!

message 50: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) I agree! I was surprised to find that I finished 13 books in Jan.!

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