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Buy, Sell, Win, Trade, Freebie > Lend-able Kindle and Nook Books

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message 1: by Ms. Nikki (last edited Jun 14, 2012 01:45PM) (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments 1. Not all books are lend-able.
2. You can only lend your book once.
3. When you lend your book it is unavailable to you until it has been returned (deleted from the borrowers device/library) or the lending time has finished (14 days).
4.The borrower has 7 days to accept the loan so, your book could be gone for up to 21 days.
5. If you don't have a lend-able shelf, you can copy and paste your books from your Kindle or Nook Library. To update your post just copy your old post, delete it, and paste your new post and add on to it to make it show up in more recent comments.

**Also, It would be greatly appreciated if you would be so kind as to leave a comment stating;
"I just borrowed ___ from ___. Or I just finished ___ that___ loaned to me. Or a simple "Thanks" to that person to keep this discussion constantly active, and show our gratitude to the loaners.

Let's make this a reciprocal endeavor and share. Someone has paid or made available books for us/you, therefore we should respect their graciousness by accepting and returning their book as quickly as possible. THANKS!

P.S. Look for the links in the messages below to find lendable shelves.

PSST! If you are looking for freebies and cheap books to add to your shelves, look here:

message 2: by Ms. Nikki (last edited Jun 12, 2012 08:55PM) (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments I just completed my lendable shelf. It was tiring so somebody better borrow a doggone book! LOL


message 3: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments I have a lendable shelf, too. It hasn't been updated in a while, though. But here's what's available:


message 4: by Char (last edited Jun 12, 2012 06:05AM) (new)

Char | 17269 comments This is a link to my lendable shelf and it is updated. As I loan books I move them from the lendable to the already lended shelf.


I'm not sure if you have to be a friend to see it. With Tressa's link, you do.
There are 4 pages for this shelf.

message 5: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments We're not friends yet, Charlene? I thought we were. I feel like I've known you for years, lol.

message 6: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments HA! Me too!

message 7: by MJ (new)

MJ (zombette) | 545 comments I have a whole shit ton of books on my Kindle.(ok, not as many as I would like but it's a start) I haven't gotten around to seeing which are lendable cause I don't have the time. I can just copy and past my entire library. I don't want people to have to search through them though.

Charlene, I would love to borrow The Children's Hour.

message 8: by Teawench (new)

Teawench | 331 comments Never thought to make a lendable shelf. I'll have to get on that as I generally only add my Nook books as I read them. Though I have a feeling I'm in the minority as it seems most of you have Kindles.

message 9: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Nikki, thanks for starting this thread. If you want to, to make it easy to browse people's lists if they post them, you can later on delete any chit-chat. That's what I do in the List the Books You Read in 2012 so that people can scroll through fewer pages to see what people have read and to get recommendations.

message 10: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Zombette, I sent you a friend request. I would need your email to loan you the book. : )

message 11: by MJ (last edited Jun 14, 2012 07:39PM) (new)

message 12: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments I updated my list. What a tedious exercise. From now on I'll be sure to add it when I get it. I saw some good books I want to read ASAP that I forgot I had. And I am ticked beyond believe that a review I wrote for Origin has disappeared! Has that happened to anyone else?

message 13: by Char (last edited Jun 12, 2012 09:19AM) (new)

Char | 17269 comments No. The whole thing disappeared? How can that be?

It is a tedious exercise, for sure. I am trying to keep it updated as I go along.

message 14: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Tressa wrote: "I updated my list. What a tedious exercise. From now on I'll be sure to add it when I get it. I saw some good books I want to read ASAP that I forgot I had. And I am ticked beyond believe that a re..."

Wow, you really did do a lot of updating. Earlier when I looked you had 27 and now it's up to 95!

message 15: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
I was going to put up my list, but I realized that only Charlene can see it.

message 16: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments You can make your profile public and then everyone can see it.

message 17: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Teawench wrote: "Never thought to make a lendable shelf. I'll have to get on that as I generally only add my Nook books as I read them. Though I have a feeling I'm in the minority as it seems most of you have Kindles."

I'm starting to collect more Nook Books. I didn't even know they lent them, so I didn't purchase ebooks from them.

message 18: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Tressa wrote: "Nikki, thanks for starting this thread. If you want to, to make it easy to browse people's lists if they post them, you can later on delete any chit-chat. That's what I do in the List the Books You..."

You're welcome, Tressa. I don't know how to delete. It only shows rely or flag for everyone's posts~

message 19: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Oh, wait, that's me who can delete them. I'm blinded by my all-encompassing power as a mod. Do you want me to delete older posts after a while or just let the conversation keep going since most will probably just post links to a lendable Kindle shelf here at GR?

message 20: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Tressa, you can delete in-between conversations after awhile so the lending post don't get lost. I can pm you when it gets out of hand :)

message 21: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments I have a whopping 5 Lendable books for the Nook :)


message 22: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Nikki wrote: "Tressa, you can delete in-between conversations after awhile so the lending post don't get lost. I can pm you when it gets out of hand :)"

That sounds fine. I'll be glad to do it.

message 23: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Zombette wrote: "I will attempt to make my list sometime this week. I already copied and pasted the list but that may not be as easy.

Oh, I see books on every list I want to borrow. Hope I have something for peo..."

Good luck and patience :)

message 24: by Teawench (new)

Teawench | 331 comments Slowly getting a lendable shelf up. Do y'all put books that are free on that shelf? Or just the paid for books that you can lend?

message 25: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments I put every Amazon book that can be loaned on the shelf, whether it was free or not.

message 26: by Teawench (new)

Teawench | 331 comments Here's my shelf as it stands now: http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/...

I'll add free and archived books in the next couple of days.

message 27: by Ms. Nikki (last edited Jun 14, 2012 01:02PM) (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Hey, Tressa. Do you think it would be a good idea to suggest everyone post something like "I just borrowed ___ from ___. Or I just finished ___ that___ loaned to me. Or a simple "Thanks" to that person to keep this discussion constantly active so people will know it's being used? Last or...Or is that asking too much?

message 28: by jb (new)

jb Byrkit (jbbyrkit) | 2035 comments I should add a GR shelf with my lendable books but you all probably have most.

message 29: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments jennbunny wrote: "I should add a GR shelf with my lendable books but you all probably have most."

Somebody might not though :) If you are looking to add to your shelves, you can find freebie (sometime freebies are only free for a short time) and cheap books here:

message 30: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Nikki wrote: "Hey, Tressa. Do you think it would be a good idea to suggest everyone post something like "I just borrowed ___ from ___. Or I just finished ___ that___ loaned to me. Or a simple "Thanks" to that pe..."

That's a good idea, Nikki, and a nice way to thank the people who loaned the book.

message 31: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Nikki wrote: "jennbunny wrote: "I should add a GR shelf with my lendable books but you all probably have most."

Somebody might not though :) ..."

I agree. Sometimes free books by current authors are available for a limited time, and I sometimes get busy and fail to snag my free copy. So I went ahead and posted my horror books that were free or that I paid for just in case some people didn't get the freebies when offered.

Does the loanee have to do anything to activate the return after 14 days? Just asking because two books I loaned Zombette last year are still showing on loan.

message 32: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Not that I know of Tressa. You get an email stating that your loan time is over. The loanee can delete the book from their device (that's what I do when I'm done) and it automatically goes back to the lender.

message 33: by MJ (new)

MJ (zombette) | 545 comments I did delete them. I had that issue with a few books I loaned out as well. I chatted with customer service and they fixed it.

message 34: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments What happens if someone doesn't delete them? Maybe it just shows loaned on my Kindle? I looked at my Amazon account and The Woman and The Summer I Died no longer say on loan. So confusing.

message 35: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Tressa, yes the notice on your Kindle can just be deleted like anything else. The book is still in your MYK library.
For some reason the notice stays on your Kindle unless you delete it manually.
At least that's how it works on a KK.

message 36: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Thanks, Tressa, for letting me borrow Back From The Dead by J.F. Gonzalez !

message 37: by MJ (new)

MJ (zombette) | 545 comments Nikki, I deleted all of my comments because I figured it out!

message 38: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Tressa, you may wreak havoc and destruction on the comments whenever you get time:)

message 40: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Nikki wrote: "Thanks, Tressa, for letting me borrow Back From The Dead by J.F. Gonzalez!"

Wow, you zipped through this one! Just let me know if there's anything else on my list you want to read.

message 41: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Charlene wrote: "Tressa, yes the notice on your Kindle can just be deleted like anything else. The book is still in your MYK library.
For some reason the notice stays on your Kindle unless you delete it manually. ..."

OK. I guess I just didn't want to delete the "on loan" books off my Kindle because I'd have to add them back. Guess that's not a big deal but it's odd the loaner has to do this extra step.

message 42: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Does anyone have books by Lee Thompson?

message 43: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Yep. I have the first one in the Division Mythos because I'm trying to read them in order. I just read it recently and it was awesome. I have another one too, brb.

message 44: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Yep. I have Before Leonora Wakes and I thought it was VERY good. It is the first book in the Division Mythos.
I have another one, that I read out of order called Down Here In The Dark.
They are both novellas.
Do you want to try Leonora?

message 45: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Charlene wrote: "Yep. I have Before Leonora Wakes and I thought it was VERY good. It is the first book in the Division Mythos.
I have another one, that I read out of order called Down Here In The Dark.
They are bo..."

Really? Cool. I didn't see it on your shelf. Sure, I'd love to read it. I kept looking at The Dampness Of Mourning, but it's $6.99 and I realized it part of a series.

message 46: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments I am really not done with my shelf yet, LOL!
Though I thought I was. : )
If Dampness is loanable you can borrow it too, when you're ready.

message 47: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments I just checked my loanable shelf, it was there. But I made a mistake, it's not Dampness I have but Down Here In The Dark and it is loanable.
Please keep checking my shelf because I'm adding to it every freakin day!

message 48: by Ms. Nikki (new)

Ms. Nikki (miznikki) | 13944 comments Charlene wrote: "I just checked my loanable shelf, it was there. But I made a mistake, it's not Dampness I have but Down Here In The Dark and it is loanable.
Please keep checking my shelf because I'm adding to it e..."

I hear ya! I got at least 15 to add already. I sent you a pm.

message 49: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments The Dampness of Mourning, lol.

message 50: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Against morning wood. Sounds like a good morning to me. ; )

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