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Group Discussion > What are you reading?

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message 1: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Tell us what you are reading right now...
I am reading Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3) by Samantha Young and LOVING it...

message 2: by Devon (new)

Devon (booksandbeyond28) I am currently reading Wither and liking it so far =)

message 3: by Bella (new)

Bella (bellabunnell) | 244 comments Mod
I have yet to read that series. Keep us updated, Devon! :)

message 4: by Devon (new)

Devon (booksandbeyond28) will do. you are thrown into action with in the first 4 pages.

message 5: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Ooooh... That sounds awesome!!! ;)

message 6: by Bella (new)

Bella (bellabunnell) | 244 comments Mod
I LOVE that!

message 7: by Laura (new)

Laura Holland (lockets) | 31 comments I'm reading a few books at the moment. The first one is Bitterblue By Kristin Cashore, second one is If i die part of the Soul Screamers series and i'm also reading Catching Fire :)

message 8: by Bella (new)

Bella (bellabunnell) | 244 comments Mod
Haven't read Kristin's yet, have the first book, but I just finished If I Die...UGH! Loved it and hated it. Mostly loved it. Ok, I loved the story, hated some of the events. ;)

message 9: by Laura (new)

Laura Holland (lockets) | 31 comments I have only just started it, i've had the book months but heard so many mixed reviews on it but i thought i would see for myself :) I enjoyed Graceling it's a different take on things

message 10: by Bella (new)

Bella (bellabunnell) | 244 comments Mod
Well, I hope you enjoy it. I know Kathryn liked Graceling, she may have read #2 as well.

message 11: by jodie louise (new)

jodie louise (jodieelouisereads) | 4 comments I'm currently reading Obsidian which im loving and A Game of Thrones which is also such an enjoyable read! :o)

message 12: by Andie K. (new)

Andie K. (andie88) | 56 comments Mod
Seduce (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series #3)
by Felicity E. Heaton

message 13: by Anna (new)

Anna (amartinischwob) | 31 comments I just started Until I Die by Amy Plum, goodness I'm such a freaking fan of this series!!!!

message 14: by **Nicole (new)

**Nicole (nicolep6) | 6 comments Anna wrote: "I just started Until I Die by Amy Plum, goodness I'm such a freaking fan of this series!!!!"

OMG that was soooo good... have kleenex ready though

message 15: by **Nicole (new)

**Nicole (nicolep6) | 6 comments ok currently reading Timepiece (Hourglass, #2) by Myra McEntire and will start Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate later in the week

message 16: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Anna wrote: "I just started Until I Die by Amy Plum, goodness I'm such a freaking fan of this series!!!!"

I have it and need to start it... ;)

message 17: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
JodieeLala wrote: "I'm currently reading Obsidian which im loving and A Game of Thrones which is also such an enjoyable read! :o)"

Is Obsidian the one by Armentrout?

message 18: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Andie wrote: "Seduce (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series #3)
by Felicity E. Heaton"

Are you liking it Andie?

message 19: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Nicole wrote: "ok currently reading Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans and will start Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate later in the week"

Are you liking Timepiece?
Also, I really enjoyed Fallen... Need to get Rapture and read it... ;)

message 20: by **Nicole (new)

**Nicole (nicolep6) | 6 comments Kathryn wrote: "Nicole wrote: "ok currently reading Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans and will start Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate later in the week"

Are you liking Timepiece?
Also, I really enjoyed Fallen... Need to get Rapture and r..."

Totally enjoying Timepiece...I loved Hourglass and this one is not disappointing so far...it's not told from Emerson's POV though and I'm findingthat even more interesting,
A friend lent me fallen so that's why I'm finally getting to it...

message 21: by Anna (new)

Anna (amartinischwob) | 31 comments Kathryn wrote: "Anna wrote: "I just started Until I Die by Amy Plum, goodness I'm such a freaking fan of this series!!!!"

I have it and need to start it... ;)"

omgod you definitely have to!!!! it's so addicting!

message 22: by Anna (new)

Anna (amartinischwob) | 31 comments Nicole wrote: "ok currently reading Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans and will start Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate later in the week"

Fallen is so good. I've only read Fallen and Torment and I actually liked Torment even more than Fallen, I can't wait to get my hands on Passion!

message 23: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
The whole series is fabulous... Passion was really good too!!!
Anna... I may move it up my pile... I was thinking of reading Black Dawn next, by Rachel Caine... But... Hmmmm... I am so torn...

message 24: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Nicole wrote: "Kathryn wrote: "Nicole wrote: "ok currently reading Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans and will start Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate later in the week"

Are you liking Timepiece?
Also, I really enjoyed Fallen... Need to g..."

I am going to go and add these... They sound great and you have definitely piqued my interest... ;) thank you!!

message 25: by W.H. (new)

W.H. (lovetiggi) | 6 comments currently Ever Shade, then Of Blood and Pulse

message 26: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Lovetiggi wrote: "currently Ever Shade, then Of Blood and Pulse"

Lovetiggi wrote: "currently Ever Shade, then Of Blood and Pulse"

I want to read Ever Shade and Of Blood and Pulse is WONDERFUL!!!

message 27: by W.H. (new)

W.H. (lovetiggi) | 6 comments Kathryn wrote: "Lovetiggi wrote: "currently Ever Shade, then Of Blood and Pulse"

Lovetiggi wrote: "currently Ever Shade, then Of Blood and Pulse"

I want to read Ever Shade and Of Blood and Pulse is WONDERFUL!!!"

Ever Shade is an amazing journey through the eyes of a ver talented Alexia Purdy. Such an imagination she has.

message 28: by Anna (new)

Anna (amartinischwob) | 31 comments Kathryn wrote: "The whole series is fabulous... Passion was really good too!!!
Anna... I may move it up my pile... I was thinking of reading Black Dawn next, by Rachel Caine... But... Hmmmm... I am so torn..."

Wow, although I'm going to be bias towards Until I Die because I'm currently reading it, I wouldn't blame you for going for Black Dawn...I've only read the first two Morganville books, but I'm already dying to read more of them!

message 29: by Aimee (last edited Jun 25, 2012 10:03PM) (new)

Aimee (aimous22) Just finished fifty shades, and I would like to read something about the four horsemen of the apocolypse, ya style. I have read hunger and I liked it except for the eating disorder sections. Does anyone have any suggestions?

message 30: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Anna wrote: "Kathryn wrote: "The whole series is fabulous... Passion was really good too!!!
Anna... I may move it up my pile... I was thinking of reading Black Dawn next, by Rachel Caine... But... Hmmmm... I a..."

i LOVE the Morganville Vampire series!!! But, I was blown away with Die for Me, so I am excited to read Until I die... :D

message 31: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Lovetiggi wrote: "Kathryn wrote: "Lovetiggi wrote: "currently Ever Shade, then Of Blood and Pulse"

Lovetiggi wrote: "currently Ever Shade, then Of Blood and Pulse"

I want to read Ever Shade and Of Blood and Pulse ..."

I have heard great reviews of Ever Shade, and I have it on the kindle...just need to get to it.. :)

message 32: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
Aimee wrote: "Just finished fifty shades, and I would like to read something about the four horsemen of the apocolypse, ya style. I have read hunger and I liked it except for the eating disorder sections. Does a..."

You want four horsemen and it needs to be YA?

message 33: by jodie louise (new)

jodie louise (jodieelouisereads) | 4 comments Kathryn wrote: "JodieeLala wrote: "I'm currently reading Obsidian which im loving and A Game of Thrones which is also such an enjoyable read! :o)"

Is Obsidian the one by Armentrout?"

Yeahh it is, you should read it it's freakin' amazing!

message 34: by Lorre (new)

Lorre Big Game (The V V Inn, Book 3) by C.J. Ellisson
It's the third book in the VV-Inn series by C.J. Ellisson. I got the first 2 as a freebie and I'm really glad I got to know this series because it's really good.

message 35: by Erin (new)

Erin Noll | 2 comments Just finished Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost, love love love Vlad. It was really good but the next book doesn't come out until Spring of 2013. :(

message 36: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
JodieeLala wrote: "Kathryn wrote: "JodieeLala wrote: "I'm currently reading Obsidian which im loving and A Game of Thrones which is also such an enjoyable read! :o)"

Is Obsidian the one by Armentrout?"

Yeahh it is,..."

AWESOME!!! It is on my TBR pile... ;)

message 37: by Rev (new)

Rev Gary Winds of War. It is one long novel.

message 38: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (kgrimes) | 148 comments Mod
I finished Borrowed Ember.... Now I am reading Black Dawn (The Morganville Vampires, #12) by Rachel Caine

message 39: by Bella (new)

Bella (bellabunnell) | 244 comments Mod
I'm reading Intangible by J. Meyers as well as Borrowed Ember.

message 40: by Rebecca Jane (new)

Rebecca Jane (bec3sjhdbzljldsgwsm) I'm reading Saving June by Hannah Harrington :)

message 41: by Aimee (new)

Aimee (aimous22) Kathryn wrote: four horseman in YA"

Yes please :)
Give or take on the YA actually, my favorite parts of the "hunger, lose, etc." books was the journey that each character took to become a particular horseman of the apocalypse. Do you have anything in mind? I am between books right now.

message 42: by Amy (new)

Amy (amy_pearce) | 51 comments I just finished borrowed ember and haven't decided what to read next yet.

message 43: by Lorre (new)

Lorre I'm reading Once Burned (Night Prince, #1) by Jeaniene Frost

message 44: by Anna (new)

Anna (amartinischwob) | 31 comments Lorre wrote: "I'm reading Once Burned (Night Prince, #1) by Jeaniene Frost"

me too Lorre! I'm starting it today!

message 45: by W.H. (new)

W.H. (lovetiggi) | 6 comments Finishing up Ever Shade by Alexia Purdy then restarting Of Blood and Pulse by A. Jacob Sweeny..

message 46: by Bella (new)

Bella (bellabunnell) | 244 comments Mod
My copy of Once Burned should be here Tuesday. Yay! :D

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