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Carrie Jones
“Sometimes, there are monsters inside of us all, even in the ones we think are the most good." ~Zara White”
Carrie Jones, Endure

Carrie Jones
“It is warm within the mansions of Hel.”
Carrie Jones, Endure

“Everybody talks about wanting to change things and help and fix, but ultimately all you can do is fix yourself. And that's a lot. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect.”
Rob Reiner

Carrie Jones
“That's when I realize how much I don't want to be alone, how sobbing should not be a solitary sport..”
Carrie Jones, Endure
tags: ya

Carrie Jones
“We all have to feel empty sometimes.”
Carrie Jones, Endure

year in books
163,271 books | 4,001 friends

Chris D...
858 books | 2,678 friends

1,974 books | 15 friends

280 books | 371 friends

Toshua ...
1 book | 26 friends

7 books | 83 friends

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