Sarah’s Reviews > Under Wildwood > Status Update

Sarah is on page 260 of 559
"...when the world is falling apart around you, all that's left to do is dance..."

Was that a shout-out to
Jareth and Sarah

Because these two are more like
Napoleon and Deb
May 04, 2018 11:59AM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)


Sarah’s Previous Updates

Sarah is on page 342 of 559
Martha: It broke my heart when you left, Michael.

Michael: I know.


I love you

I know
May 07, 2018 07:44AM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)

Sarah is on page 338 of 559
"[We'll make] great American movies. Like Scorsese or Tarantino or Bay."

Nice job, Mr. Meloy. That was actually funny.
May 05, 2018 06:23PM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)

Sarah is on page 236 of 559
He brought back the one subplot from book 1 that I actually cared about! Thank you, Mr. only took you till nearly halfway through the book...
May 04, 2018 10:45AM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)

Sarah is on page 174 of 559
"Ever since the Plinth, I can...well, I can hear plants talk."

Cool, Prue. You and Alyssa Gardner can start a club.
May 04, 2018 07:58AM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)

Sarah is on page 156 of 559
An older gentleman in a gabardine suit...

Is a spy. Also, be careful - his bow tie is really a camera.

Simon and Garfunkel
May 04, 2018 07:01AM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)

Sarah is on page 139 of 559
"If a robotic voice could sound unfazed, it did so now."

Uh, Colin, robotic voices ALWAYS sound unfazed. Lack of emotion is kind of their trademark.
May 03, 2018 08:15PM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)

Sarah is on page 117 of 559
May 03, 2018 07:54PM
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #2)

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