Evan’s Reviews > The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox > Status Update

Evan is on page 952 of 1106
The end is nigh.
Jan 23, 2019 07:10PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox


Evan’s Previous Updates

Evan is finished
3 volumes, 3,000 pages, 1.2 million words, 240 hours. I've scaled and descended this Everest. Wow. Holy shit. What am I even going to say?
Jan 24, 2019 06:40PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 1105 of 1106
"Memory smoothed the crumpled scroll, abolished fear, leached pain and grief, and removed the sting from death." I'm losing it.
Jan 24, 2019 05:48PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 1105 of 1106
"The rebel yell... Wildcat screech, foxhunt yip, banshee squall, whatever it had been, it survived only in the fading memories and sometimes vivid dreams of old men sunning themselves on public benches, grouped together in resentment of the boredom they encountered when they
spoke of the war to those who had not shared it with them." Beautiful.
Jan 24, 2019 05:43PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 1100 of 1106
16 miles due east from my house Confederate guerilla raider William Quantrill with intent to kill Lincoln was shot by Union troops and died right here at hospital in this town at the end of the war. I didn't even know this! So much history!
Jan 24, 2019 04:15PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 1100 of 1106
My copy is 1188 pages, so I've already exceeded the stated page counts of all the editions listed. It's all parades now.
Jan 24, 2019 03:41PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 1070 of 1106
Jan 24, 2019 01:27PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 1030 of 1106
Lee is checkmated. It is over. And so, too, nearly, is my journey through this 3,000-page compulsively readable magnum opus.
Jan 23, 2019 11:17PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 1000 of 1106
Lincoln enters Richmond. Imagine being there.
Jan 23, 2019 09:00PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 900 of 1106
Jan 23, 2019 03:20PM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

Evan is on page 830 of 1106
Lincoln's horsetrading to get the 13th amendment abolishing slavery passed. The REAL Art of the Deal, Trumpian pipsqueaks.
Jan 23, 2019 11:53AM
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox

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