Layla’s Reviews > Cress > Status Update

Layla is 80% done
• I love Cresswell, both seperatly and together.
• This book is exponentially better than Scarlet. I'm speeding through it. I can't believe I only have 20% left.
• Kai and Cinder's reunion is somehow exactly how I imaged it, those awkward lovesick idiots.
• Thorne going out of his way to get a escort droid for Iko is hilarious but also precious.
• Wolf is kinda useless.
• Jacin is very "meh" to me.
Feb 08, 2021 11:27PM
Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3)


Layla’s Previous Updates

Layla is 12% done
thoughts #1:
• I think I'm really going to like Cress. She's so precious.
• So far is much more entertaining than Scarlet. So yay!
• Someone really needs to tell Kai that Cinder and Selene are the same person so that he can stop yearning.
• So this book is going to have wedding crashing? I'm here for that.
• Where in Africa?That's so vauge.It's a continent not a country!
• I love Iko. And Cinder. And Thorne.
Feb 07, 2021 11:24PM
Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3)

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Mrinmayi Wolf is kinda useless.
Mrin...who LOVES Wolf after reading this..*cries in a corner*

Layla Mrinmayi wrote: "Wolf is kinda useless.
Mrin...who LOVES Wolf after reading this..*cries in a corner*"

IM SORRY! I know you love him, but he is so uninteresting to me.... *hands you a tissue*

Zahra This roasting of Wolf tho 😆 I like him but,,,you're not wrong

Layla Zahra wrote: "This roasting of Wolf tho 😆 I like him but,,,you're not wrong"

Oh phew. I'm glad that we can agree to disagree on this 😂

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