Rainbowheart’s Reviews > The Infinite Moment of Us > Status Update

Rainbowheart is on page 221 of 316
Holy crap, are you kidding me? The MC doesn't want her first time to be with a condom. This author is actually promoting condomless sex for teenagers? Presenting sex without a condom as an ideal state that a teenage girl should strive for? I am beyond horrified by this.
Mar 29, 2014 06:14PM
The Infinite Moment of Us


Rainbowheart’s Previous Updates

Rainbowheart is finished
Done! Finally, finally done. I feel like I ran a marathon. There's a big fight near the end and I was hoping maybe these two idiots would break up, but no such luck. They get their HEA ending and get to play "husband and wife" in Guatemala, since both their colleges are letting them defer for a year. Now I have to get around to dissecting this piece of dreck.
Apr 01, 2014 10:47PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 275 of 316
Fuck all this sexism. I seriously cannot take it anymore. "You are a man, and not just a man, but my man." "He felt very tender towards her. Her protector, her man." WTF, why does she need a protector? And these characters are freaking 18. They act even younger. They talk like they're about 12, in this weird, pretentious style. It's like something out of the '50s, seriously. No feminism here, that's for sure.
Apr 01, 2014 10:33PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 254 of 316
God, these kids are annoying. Cry me a river about their impending separation. Wren's going to Guatemala. Charlie has college in Atlanta. They're both getting pissy that one of them won't cancel plans for the other. Because it's such a great idea for a couple of teenagers to change their entire future plans for someone they've been dating for like two months.
Apr 01, 2014 09:55PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 249 of 316
You make me feel like I *am* a woman, if that makes sense." "You make me feel like a man." God, is this more weird gender shit? I can't even deal anymore. Or is the author implying that having sex makes you an adult? These kids just graduated high school. I didn't start considering myself "a woman" just because I started having sex, and I was younger than both of these characters.
Apr 01, 2014 01:37PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 247 of 316
So now that Wren's virginity is out of the way, they're apparently going at it "like bunnies." Interesting how the author chooses to phrase this. "He couldn't get enough; he wanted her all the time." Not that Wren wanted him, not that they wanted each other. Not that they both couldn't get enough. That *he* wanted her and *he* couldn't get enough. It's all about him and his desires.
Apr 01, 2014 09:32AM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 244 of 316
Oh, and a stick was poking her in the back. That's what happens when your boyfriend decides your first time will be in a ditch. And apparently she has a hell of an orgasm just from Charlie thrusting inside her, her very first time. I hope teenage girls reading the book don't get false expectations from that. And let's not forget the big sex scene was without a condom! I will have more to say about that in my review.
Mar 31, 2014 08:10PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 242 of 316
Big sex scene has arrived, and it's not as awful as I was envisioning, although Wren is all nervous and giggly. Fair enough, many virgins are like that. She's fairly passive (the take charge thing?) but she does tell him he needs to take his shirt off and takes off his pants and starts giving him oral sex. Then Charlie takes over and she's totally passive for the rest of it.
Mar 31, 2014 08:05PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 235 of 316
Sex in a ditch? Ok, it's their special ditch and there's a blanket, but still. I don't mind outdoor sex, but talk about doubly uncomfortable for a virgin. What bothers me most is that Wren apparently didn't even know this was happening for sure. Total lack of communication. She went and got sexy lingerie because she "kind of" thought it might happen that night, but Charlie didn't even bother to talk to her about it.
Mar 31, 2014 05:29PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 229 of 316
Fuck the hero. Earlier in the book, Wren sexted him a naked photo of herself when she was drunk. She made him promise to delete it. But of course we find out he didn't. "The picture of Wren was wonderful, and he'd never deleted it. How could he?"
Mar 31, 2014 10:38AM
The Infinite Moment of Us

Rainbowheart is on page 226 of 316
God, this just gets worse and worse. BFF says that Wren "kind of thinks" that Charlie might be planning on having sex with that night. But apparently Wren has no clue when this is going to happen and has no say in it? Is this part of the taking charge thing, that the guy is just supposed to choose the time and situation without any input from the girl? Charlie is talking with BFF but hasn't bothered to inform Wren.
Mar 30, 2014 09:50PM
The Infinite Moment of Us

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