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The Bennett family has a secret: They're not just a family, they're a pack. Wolfsong is Ox Matheson's story.

Oxnard Matheson was twelve when his father taught him that Ox wasn’t worth anything and people would never understand him. Then his father left.

Ox was sixteen when the energetic Bennett family moved in next door, harboring a secret that would change him forever. The Bennetts are shapeshifters. They can transform into wolves at will. Drawn to their magic, loyalty, and enduring friendships, Ox feels a gulf between this extraordinary new world and the quiet life he’s known, but he finds an ally in Joe, the youngest Bennett boy.

Ox was twenty-three when murder came to town and tore a hole in his heart. Violence flared, tragedy split the pack, and Joe left town, leaving Ox behind. Three years later, the boy is back. Except now he’s a man – charming, handsome, but haunted – and Ox can no longer ignore the song that howls between them.

The beloved fantasy romance sensation by New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, about love, loyalty, betrayal, and family.

The Green Creek Series is for adult readers.

Now available from Tor Books.

511 pages, Hardcover

First published June 20, 2016

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About the author

TJ KLUNE is a Lambda Literary Award-winning author (Into This River I Drown) and an ex-claims examiner for an insurance company. His novels include The House in the Cerulean Sea and The Extraordinaries. Being queer himself, TJ believes it's important—now more than ever—to have accurate, positive, queer representation in stories.

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,964 reviews33.8k followers
November 10, 2016
5 "Candy Canes and Pine Cones and Epic and Awesome" Stars


I originally read this book in preparation for a giveaway over on the blog; but rest assured, said giveaway had NOTHING to do with me giving this bad boy 5 big ones.

If it had sucked, I would have rated it however many "suck" stars it deserved, written a semi-diplomatic "this thing sucked" review...

And then still done my blog-wife duty and shamelessly plugged the giveaway.

But thank fuck I didn't have to do that.


Because this thing was awesome.

Before this book, I had never read - or even heard of - T.J. Klune, quite frankly, but a few weeks ago, my non-PNR-reading blog-wife Maria, said, "OMG Val, you just HAVE to read this awesome M/M PNR book I just read. It was fucking fabulous."

Well, okay, that wasn't exactly what she said...

But that's what I heard.


But anyexaggeration, homie Maria was right.

I loved this thing.

As I said, I've never read anything by T.J. Klune before, so I'm not sure if this book is an example of his general writing style or just his writing style for this book. Either way...

It's very different.
And it just really worked for me here.

The entire story is told from the POV of our main character, Ox.

Ox lives in the country in the middle of Green Creek aka Nowhere, Oregon.


Yeah, exactly.

Anyway, Ox's father tells him he is stupid and the kids at school call him a "retard."

But really, Ox is just a simple boy with simple wants and needs and a heart of fucking gold.

And when I say "simple," I mean that the way he sees the world and other people is the way I wish we ALL could see things: with no artifice, no underlying motivations, and no cruelty.

And that is how the writing is structured.

Short, concise paragraphs that are simple in nature but tell a story of great complexity, beauty, and depth.


Also, something I am always a sucker for and always will be is the PNR Mate trope.

Well, this definitely has that, but in a different way than I've ever read before.

The connection between Ox and all of the other characters is so awesome, so simple, and yet so beautifully complex at the same time.

They way they all interact and play off each other is alternately heart wrenching, endearing, and hilarious.

I don't want to talk too much about the story line though because, being that I went in kind of blind myself and loved it, I would encourage others to do so as well.

But I will say this...

What this book doesn't have is:

- A whole lotta steam...nothing really happens between any of the characters until the end. And you know what? I didn't notice the loss...and I'm a huge "I need the sexy times" whore.

- Artificial drama. So nice. So refreshing.

What this book does have is:

- Beautiful characters with beautiful connections

- A love story built over the course of more than a decade

- Grief and healing

- Some angst and groveling

- Camaraderie in spades

So if any of that cranks your tractor, I say snag this book.


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Profile Image for Kat.
271 reviews80.3k followers
August 7, 2020
this is the most unpopular opinion i've had in a hot sec,,,welcome to it

i initially picked this up bc the third book in the series features a couple with an ace character, and i want to read that SO bad, but after reading this i doubt i’ll ever make it there bc, woah boy, this was very much nooooot for me. and trust me, i am truly wavering on what to rate this bc i usually reserve one stars for books that have no redeeming qualities, but that’s not the case with this one. it’s got big found family excellence, there is a strong sense of setting, and i can totally see how people could get attached to these characters (they reminded me a lot of the crew from nora sakavic’s aftg series)

however, this story is primarily a romance, and the entire relationship that developed between ox and joe made me wildly uncomfy. that age gap was a *choice* (basically, joe mated with ox when he was 10 and ox was 16. when joe was 17 and ox was 22 things started to get romantic and i??? don’t feel super right about that??) to be fair i’ve never loved romances where there is any substantial imbalance of power (age, status, occupation, etc.) but the fact that ox and joe met so young, essentially grew up together as family, and tHEN got together just really rubbed me the wrong way. not to mention, once their relationship had begun, joe was intensely possessive and primal (big sjm vibes) again, proprietary romances haven’t been a thing i enjoy for a loooong time, so this could just be a me thing, but i heard some things on this audiobook that...kinda made me wanna unzip my skin and crawl right out of it (rowan whitethorn WHOMST (i’m joking (mostly)))

please enjoy a few quotes that make this point for me:

“i had to stop myself from tearing you apart...you’re amazing and beautiful, and sometimes i want to put my teeth in you just to watch you bleed. i want to know what you taste like…i don’t want anyone to touch you ever again…”

“there are times when all i can think of is marking you so that everyone knows who you belong to. to carve my name into your skin so you can never forget me...i have to protect what’s mine.”

“i want to claim you. i want to give you scars with my claws. i want my teeth imbedded in your neck....you’re mine. no one else can have you. no one else can be with you...you hear me ox? not ever...and i’ll kill anyone who thinks they can take you away from me.”

i think that about covers it bc idk how to go on after typing out some of that shit. no judgement if u like this one, but it just was too much for my lil brain

Profile Image for T.J..
Author 65 books51.2k followers
September 25, 2019
UPDATED 9/25/19

I am so happy to announce that the EBOOK for Wolfsong is now back up for sale! The profits go to me from here on out. Again, this is for the EBOOK ONLY. The paperback will be coming soon.

In addition, there is no need to redo any reviews if you've already written one on Amazon since it was released. Amazon will be able to link back to all the reviews the book already had.

Thank you so much for your patience.

Amazon: amzn.to/2mBY6L8

All other locations: https://books2read.com/u/4NQoqJ
Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.5k followers
December 14, 2021
Leer este libro es toda una experiencia.

Normalmente, cuando un libro tiene tantísimo hype como lo tiene este, te esperas cosas que quizá se cumplan... o no. En este caso, La canción del lobo ha sido, desde la primera hasta la última palabra, toda una experiencia para mi corazoncito. Qué pasada.


Definir el estilo de Klune es complicado. Es poético, directo al grano y precioso, pero en ningún momento se hace pesado. El libro puede intimidar por su longitud de 700 páginas, pero lo leerás como si fuera de doscientas. Además de una narración descriptiva y de acción bastante específica y desarrollada, hay muchísimos diálogos de muchísimos personajes, lo cual agilizan y balanzan perfectamente el libro, haciendo que su lectura sea completamente disfrutable, entretenida y te engancha desde el primer momento.

Vivimos todo desde el punto de vista del personaje principal, Ox, que descubrirá un mundo que pensaba desconocido que le atrapará en una serie de sucesos inesperados en los cuales le acompañaremos. La construcción de Ox es brutal: le conocemos desde sus primeros años de vida, adolescencia y adultez. Llegas a mitad del libro conociendo exactamente cómo es él, cómo va a responder, qué es lo que siente en cada momento... Increíble. Eso es algo que el autor también hace con el resto de personajes, incluso los secundarios, los cuales sientes conocer a la perfección

La historia de amor que nos encontramos es una de las más bonitas que he leído en mi vida, de estas que te agarran el corazón y no te sueltan hasta que terminas el libro. E incluso después. De verdad que la forma de contarlo, las vidas de cada uno de los protagonistas y lo que significa el uno en la vida del otro... Es que es un amor de estos fuertes, inquebrantables, y se transmite tan bien gracias a la pluma de Klune que terminas tú también formando parte de esos sentimientos.


La canción del lobo tiene acción también, y una escena de sexo espectacular que era necesaria. Sí que es verdad que, con lo buena que es, esperaba que hubiera alguna más. Es parte indispensable para comprender cómo funcionan los hombres lobo, pues no dejan de ser animales, por lo que el instinto y el sexo forman parte de su manera de comportarse y relacionarse. Aun y todo, esas páginas y páginas de la escena me parecieron 10/10. Sé que veremos más de estos personajes en los siguientes libros, pero al no ser centrales, no podremos disfrutar de más escenas +18 de ellos. ¡Y es una pena!

Y VAMOS A VER. Es que hay demasiado que comentar, pero el tema de los Alfas, de los magos y sus barreras, tatuajes que se mueven, los cantos a la luna con significados diferentes, la forma de introducir la sinestesia... No sé, tantas cosas, tantos pequeños detalles que me volaban la mente. Quiero saber más sobre la jerarquía del mundo de los hombres lobo, siento que esto es un primer vistazo. Personajes como Robbie tienen mucho que aportar, y no lo hacen porque este no es su momento de contarlo, sino el de Ox. Así que esperaré (im)pacientemente a empaparme del worldbuilding de Klune.


Otra cosa que me ha encantado es la ambientación. Me recordaba mucho a los libros de antes, tipo Crepúsculo, de esos pueblecitos perdidos donde nunca pasa nada y tienen ese encanto otoñal/invernal constante que te envuelve como una mantita caliente. De hecho, ahora que lo menciono, no solo me recordó a los libros de Meyer por la ambientación, sino por cómo suceden las cosas. Tiene ese sentimiento de nostalgia de los libros de romance paranormal de hace una década, algo que me ha hecho extremadamente feliz. Siento que no tiene pretensiones, que cuenta la historia que tiene que contar sin importar nada más. Se agradece.

No me esperaba conectar tanto con el libro, pero de verdad os digo que el estilo del autor es simplemente increíble. Sabe contar muy bien todo y lo plasma con una maestría envidiable. Lo único negativo que encontraría es que al tener tantos personajes –que además entre ellos están conectado al ser manada– a veces es complicado seguir las conversaciones con tantas intervenciones, pero en todo lo demás funciona a la perfección como una máquina hiper mega engrasada.


Leer el siguiente no es una necesidad, es más que eso. Quiero conocer más sobre la historia de Gordo, Mark, cómo continúan Joe y Ox... Demasiadas cosas que necesito descubrir y que muero por hacer. ¿Tú también tienes ganas de leer La canción del cuervo? Nos vemos en la reseña del siguiente.
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,397 reviews1,547 followers
July 23, 2016

And that right there, ladies and some more ladies and probably a few gentlemen, is how you write a freaking shifter novel!

This is the tale of the Bennett pack of werewolf shifters, the oldest, most respected pack in the entire country, and how a human boy named Ox first heals the broken family at the end of the lane and then makes them stronger than they'd ever been before.

At the core of the story, though, are Ox Matheson and Joe Bennett. How they meet, how they grow up, together and separately, how they become family and eventually more. Mates.

At 12, Ox's drunken father leaves for good, telling his son that he's "dumb as an ox" and that "people will give you shit all your life." Ox never feels like he fits in and that he isn't worth much at all.

Then 4 years later, Ox meets a little blond tornado named Joe on the side of the road, who is convinced that Ox is his personal "everything."

At 10 years old, Joe had been kidnapped and broken by a monster. He'd withdrawn from the world and hadn't spoken a single word for over a year. Until he meets a 16 y.o. boy who immediately becomes his entire world.

The next 7 years are mostly " candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome ," with lots of humor and touching moments of family and belonging -- until Joe's monster returns and TJ gives us a huge dose of wookie cry face. Bastard.

I'll be honest, with as many books as I read, I've gotten fairly desensitized to sad parts in books and often find myself saying, "Shouldn't this be making me cry?" Well, not this time.
There in the forest, under a new moon and stars that lied, we sang our pack home.

Yes, I cried. And cried. Then cried some more. Like a goddamn baby.

However, worse than the aftermath of the attack is the long separation that follows. (This part made me want to punch one T.J. Klune squarely in his junk, guys. Sorry, love you, T.J. heh)
Three years.
One month.
Twenty-six days.
That dividing of the pack, and our boys, is awful, but necessary, I suppose. It doesn't mean that I liked it, though.

During those 3 years, the pack not only heals, mostly, but Ox also comes into his own, becoming what the pack, his pack, needs him to be.

When Joe finally returns home, Ox is just so very angry that he doesn't know if he'll ever be able to forgive Joe for abandoning him and his family when they all needed him the most.

But TJ isn't a complete fucker, so past hurts are slowly forgiven and, as expected, Ox and Joe do get their hard-won HEA.

What I truly loved about this book was that, yes, it was a shifter story, but TJ didn't quite adhere to the typical werewolf lore 'rules' found in all of the other shifter stories that I've read.

I was in awe of where TJ took Ox's character and what, as a human, he accomplished for the pack. What he became for the pack, out of necessity. Out of love. And out of loss.

Yes, there were metric tons of angst and tears in this story, but there was so much love, so much connection between the characters that it all felt like a continual lightning strike to the heart. (See what I did there?) ;- )

The decade-long story just flowed and every single one of the plot points felt natural and entirely essential. There were no drama llamas or contrivances on any of the book's 400 pages.

"Wolfsong" is one of TJ's best works to date and is easily one of my all-time favorite books.

So do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to "One Click" and get this great 4.75 star book ASAP.


My ARC copy of the book was provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair, unbiased review.
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
December 24, 2022
the only way i can describe the emotion of this story is by saying it feels like coming home. its pure comfort and love and heart.

and i honestly never would have considered reading this had it not gotten a makeover. but shame on me for judging a book on its old cover because this story is so special. so much more than a cover.

TJKs writing is honestly some of the best i have ever read. i cannot wait to reread this.

5 stars
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,251 followers
April 4, 2019

**Spoiler-free review**

*4.5 stars*

RAWR! T.J. Klune writing a shifter book? I'm soooooo there!

First of all, I'm a total T.J. Klune fan-girl, so when I saw that he was writing a werewolves book, I just about died. I know what you all want to know: does this book deliver? The answer is YES! Do you also want to know more about the story, the really relevant things, not just a plot summary? If the answer is YES, then read on!

T.J. Klune has two main writing styles: serious (Withered + Sere, Into This River I Drown) and hilarious (Tell Me It's Real, The Lightning-Struck Heart), with some intersection in between (How To Be A Normal Person). Wolfsong falls squarely in the serious camp, with little moments of levity, but lots and lots of angst.

I like T.J. Klune in all forms of his writing. I like it when he writes his really light-hearted stuff, and I like it when he writes his heart-breaking stuff. This book also had a particular style of writing that T.J. Klune often uses, mostly with his heavier stuff. There is a lot of repetition of important lines and text, over and over again throughout the story, and a lot of imagery that is very evocative to the reader. The style is also more poetic and less "He went to the store and bought chicken. Then he went to the park." T.J. Klune is very deliberate and conscious of his word choice in this story, and it reads more like fantasy than most paranormal/shifter romances that I'm used to. That is a good thing, and I'm always grateful that T.J. shows us different stuff than any other author.

This book is also, dare I say it, sexy. T.J. Klune is known to be a lot of things, but a writer of really down and dirty sex scenes... yeah, not his bag. I'm a lover of the sexy parts of romance novels, but I never mind the lack of sex in a T.J. Klune book. Wolfsong, however, was pretty freakin' hot at parts. I mean, we only get a couple of scenes here or there, but I was impressed , man! I think it will be a pleasant surprise for some readers who aren't expecting T.J. to really turn up the heat.

What excited me most about this book, however, wasn't the really special writing style or the plot line, which was interesting but not anything particularly mind-blowing in the world of shifter romance. What impressed me was how completely awesome the romance was between Ox and Joe. I swear, T.J. Klune can write chemistry like no other.

I often struggle with romance books where there is a lot of telling about the connection between two MCs but no showing. SHOW ME THE LOOOOVE. I love an EPIC romance, and so many authors give me a friends-with-benefits vibe. That is NOT a problem in this book. Ox and Joe have a romance for the ages, and not because of some silly shifter-book "insta-love" mates thing, which I see all the time. We really get to see Ox and Joe grow and change together, overcoming insurmountable obstacles, and getting stronger and more complex as a couple.

Now, on the topic of Ox and Joe as a couple, I did feel a little like, "wait, haven't I seen this before with a T.J. book?" The big age gap, the crushes, the childhood friends thing. It felt SO familiar. Then I realized what it was: I had been getting a BIG Tyson and Dominic vibe (The Art of Breathing). Now, that isn't a bad thing, even a little bit, but it did feel a little familiar to me and it might also to you.

Onto a slightly different topic, there are... things that happen in this book that made me feel VERY frustrated and mad. I was frustrated along with some of the MCs, and one of the things I am most grateful for is that T.J. Klune didn't let ANY characters off the hook easily. It is one of my biggest pet peeves when a character does something that makes me mad, and the other characters just let it go like nothing ever happened, like they weren't ever upset. NO. I LOVE that T.J. let his characters be resentful and petty and frustrated and emotional and annoyed, just like real people. There are a lot of emotions there that really rang true for me.

I also loved T.J.'s secondary characters... and there are a LOT of them. In fact, I had a hard time remembering who was who in the beginning. All of those names... it all jumbled together! By the end I had it sorted out, but I was lost for little pieces at the beginning. However, the characters that he does write are very, very strong. They all felt well-rounded, and I have high hopes that a number of them will be getting their own stories in this series in the future.

What this book didn't do for me, that it seemed to do with every other reader, was make me cry. I sat there not crying like a callous beotch during some really sad scenes. I'm not sure why I wasn't quite touched on that level... but I wasn't. It isn't a bad thing, especially considering the emotional wrecking that I went through with Withered + Sere, but I just wasn't there. Don't get me wrong, I felt a LOT of emotions during this story, but it didn't destroy me.

I'm going to wrap this review up, I swear!

Basically, all of T.J. Klune's fans will love this book. It was fabulous and well-written, just like we've all come to expect from T.J., with the added bonus of some sexy-times and some light brushes of humor. I think shifter book fans, and those who have never tried one, will eat this one up, and I know that this series had some AWESOME things in store for us.

**Copy provided in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,180 reviews56.7k followers
January 11, 2018
imagine if Bella didn’t suck and had chosen the werewolves and was also gay

this book follows Ox Matheson as he navigates life and growing up in a small town. at the beginning of the novel we see his father leave and a new family move in "down the lane" which really starts the beginning of Ox's life.

i can't do justice to this story or the way it was written, honestly. this book spans a nearly 10 year period and is told exclusively through Ox's point of view. his relationships both familial and romantic are so full of heart and so damn real that you often forget you're reading a shifter/paranormal book. there's violence and drama too but this book shines so bright in its depiction of relationships.

also the INTENSE character development of the two main men in this book is so gradual and yet so perfect. i love seeing confidence being built after traumatic experiences and this book does such a realistic job at exploring that.

i always fell DEEPLY in love with the way this was written. we're inside Ox's head the entire time and we actually see his character development through the writing. he goes from quiet and unsure to complicated and well spoken. the writing is ADDICTING. beautiful in its simplicity and so unputdownable.

oh also i actually LOLed reading this, often????

please go pick this up if you're looking for a family centric, HEART WARMING AF romance. even if you're skeptical of paranormal.
Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
726 reviews4,198 followers
April 23, 2020
look I really wanted to like this it has such a high rating on goodreads and all my friends gave it five stars and I HONESTLY thought it would be a five star read for me but, alas. I probably would have dnf'ed this if I didn't need it for Magical Readathon

what didn't work

• never got over how icky I felt over the age gap. When the characters meet they're 11 and 16, and from that first meeting they're 'destined' to be mates. Even though they don't start dating until their 17 and 23 (which I still think is weird lol) it just didn't sit right. ESPECIALLY since a large portion of the 'angst' from the first half is the 11-13 year old being upset the 16-18 year old is dating people who aren't him.... and honestly even when they're adult I still found the whole "you've always been mine since I was ten" WEIRD not CUTE

• as a result never invested in the main couple and investing in the main couple really is 90% of the point of this book

• Couldn't get into the writing. Some people said they found it lyrical but I just found a lot of it corny and overly repetitive. The humour also wasn't my kind of humour so the funny parts sometimes read cringy to me

• all the women characters exist to be fridged for the male angst/pain or to be emotional soundboards with no personality except to soothe and console the men when they feel angsty and need advice

• honestly just found the story boring and the plot doesn't even kick in till well over 50% through

what I did like

• good casual representation I LOVE how everyone is queer and all the queer relationships we get and how normal and chill it is. ownvoices representation
• the found family elements and the focus on the love between family and friends
• my boy carter
• reminded me of a teen wolf episode

Honestly it's probably me not this book because it has a 4.5 rating but urgh, sadly this just did not work for me
Profile Image for Christy.
4,235 reviews35.1k followers
June 23, 2021
5 stars!

 photo 5384874A-81FE-4ABE-A9BD-EF84C2AAB9FB_zpshwcnnrfb.png

So I have a friend who recommended this book to me. I put it on my TBR and said I’d read it soon. Then a few weeks later, she said ‘Hey! Have you read this yet?’ Since I was getting badgered (LOL) I looked it up to see if it was on audible. It was, so I knew it was meant to be. I started listening right away. Wolfsong is a story of family, friendship, loyalty and love. It’s my first read by TJ Klune, but I plan to read many more. Especially if there are spin-offs from this book. I know a few characters that need their own story ;)
“It’s always the ones who are the quietest who often have the greatest things to say.”

Ox’s father left him and his mother when he was 12. Ox was always a little on the quiet side. He never really fit in. He started working at a local mechanic’s shop shortly after and found a group there that got him. But it wasn’t until the Bennett’s came into town that he truly felt that sense of family and belonging. On his sixteenth birthday, his life is forever changed when Joe Bennett comes into it. Joe’s family is a little different, but that’s okay with Ox. I love how everyone in this story embraces differences.

There are some fantastic characters in this story. Not just the main ones, so many of the secondary ones had a place in my heart. Everyone has a purpose to the story. As much as I loved them all, none were as special to me as Ox. I completely adored him. I loved his relationships. His relationship with his mom, with Gordo, all his guys at the shop, and everyone in the Bennett family. His relationship with Joe is by far the most important. I love how it started out as friendship, then grew into so much more. Joe saw Ox as the man he really was. He wasn’t the quiet, awkward boy. He was everything. Sigh.
“You don’t get to decide what you’re worth because you obviously don’t know. You don’t get to decide that anymore because you have no fucking idea that you’re worth everything.”

This was a long book, but it didn’t feel long. It was one of those audios that made me want to put down whatever book I was reading so I could focus on listening to it. There were lots of moments I smiled, some moments of laughter, tears, and even frustration. You will get frustrated a time or two, but it’s okay. It’s all okay at the end. The angst was so worth it.

TJ Klune wrote an outstanding, emotional and extraordinary story when he wrote Wolfsong. I can’t think of one thing I didn’t love about it. The narration was fantastic if you like audio. I highly recommend this one! 5 stars!
“I just want to be wherever you are.”

 photo 8F7664A5-0B82-4C42-81F0-EDAC834A457D_zpsx7tztp5q.png
Profile Image for len ❀.
381 reviews4,238 followers
June 12, 2022
“It’s you. I would always choose you. I don’t care if it’s a biological imperative. I don’t care if it’s some destiny. I don’t care if you were made specifically for me. It doesn’t matter. Because I would choose you regardless.”

The fact that some people call this a gay version of Twilight, but make it werewolves only, is cruel.

The fact that the comparison is made in the first place is offensive.

This is a story of love, loss, friendship, and family. A journey showing the connection between a pack showing you acceptance, loyalty, and hope.

Twilight could never.

I do have to say, though, I feel like my rating doesn’t reflect how I felt about this.

The book isn’t forgettable and my enjoyment was quite clear from the start, so 3 stars feel too little for how I actually feel, but 4 stars also feels too high due to the book having more than a few niggles that upset me.

Nonetheless, I feel like TJ Klune is one of the only authors many of my friends who are not exclusive romance readers read. And I get the love now. I really do. Instead of the hype surrounding him and his books intimidating me, it’s been the length of his books, as they’re all more than 400 pages, which isn’t long for some but I’ve kind of grown used to those short novels that barely surpass 300 pages.

But I won’t lie and say Wolfsong has not only met certain expectations I had, but also made me far more curious about his other works.

“I love you, too, Ox. You’re my mate. And one day soon, I’m going to show you that.”

Wolfsong follows Ox, who gets abandoned from his father when he’s 12. A couple years later, he comes across a 10-year-old boy in the dirt, who runs up to him like a small tornado, talking about things Ox doesn’t understand. Ox then becomes involved with this little boy’s family, only to later find out they’re a pack of werewolves. As the years pass by, Ox, despite being human, becomes one of them. Their relationships grow, forming a bond of family like nothing else. But when tragedy hits and causes the little boy to leave at seventeen, Ox is left with a responsibility and choice he never would have thought about if it weren’t for the Bennett pack. Three years later, that boy is back, but now he’s grown into a man. Ox is still hurt, feels lied to, and is unsure who to believe, but he’s still sure the boy he came to love is still there.

The age-difference between Joe and Ox are one of the biggest problems people find in this. I do get why it can be a problem, but I didn't mind it. I was not only aware of it already, but I also expected the dynamic of it. There is a 6-year-age difference between Ox and Joe, and I think what bothered people wasn’t so much the age gap, more like the dynamic of it. When Ox is 16 and Joe is 10, Joe essentially “claims” Ox, despite Ox being confused about it all. Be that as it may, nothing happens until Joe is 17 and Ox is 23. Joe is also pretty possessive from the start, getting mad at anyone who gets close to Ox, growling, and even snarling. But, what exactly is a paranormal romance story without possessiveness and ownership anyways? Not to mention, possessiveness and ownership exist in the animal kingdom. Healthy? Depends how you describe it. But, I didn’t find their relationship toxic. Toxic, to me, means cruelty and abuse, unloyalty, unfairness, constant lack of communication, controllment, physical and mental harm, etc. Toxic to me doesn’t mean Joe saying he wants to mark Ox so everyone knows who he belongs to. In real life? Yes, of course. In this fictional book? I swallowed that shit up.

“You confuse me. You aggravate me. You’re amazing and beautiful, and sometimes, I want to put my teeth in you just to watch you bleed. I want to know what you taste like. I want to leave my marks on your skin. I want to cover you until all you smell like is me. I don’t want anyone to touch you ever again. I want you. Every part of you. I want to tell you to break the bond with Gordo because it burns that you are tethered to someone besides me. I want to tell you I can be a good person. I want you to know that I’m not. I want to turn you. I want you to be a wolf so we can run in the trees. I want you to stay human so you never lose that part of yourself. If something were to happen to you, if you were about to die, I would turn you because I can never lose you. I can never let you leave me. I can’t let anything take you from me.”

Some may also describe this as a romance, but I’d describe it as a love story instead. Romance is honestly not the central point in this, at least how I saw it. Even then, the relationship between Ox and Joe was pretty . . . underwhelming. I found that their relationship was not the primary focus of the story. It’s extremely slow, and nothing really happens until 80% or so. Before that, the center isn't even the romance, yet rather things like the pack individuals, the villain, and for the most part, the general plot. Which leads me to say that as I finished this at 5 AM last night, I immediately started having trouble putting into thought how I felt about the relationship overall as I reflected on my thoughts.

For most of it, the relationship felt forced, as if their relationship needed to occur for who they were to one another. However, I feel as though they didn't get to know one another as much as I had expected. There's those little details I wish they would be familiar with simply because of who they are to one another, but nothing was ever pointed out. While they have a connection that is different than the rest, this felt like it was only because they're mates. I feel like there was a lot of room for both of them to simply grow as a couple and learn about each other. Things like their hobbies, likes and dislikes, favorite foods, places to be at, things they think about, small gestures, etc., especially after a long separation that caused them pain.

Going back to how their relationship didn’t really start until Joe was 17 and Ox was 23, they had one mini date that was then ruined by the certain tragedy that struck. Then, a little after that, we follow a 3-year long separation that causes longing and ache. When the two rejoin, we follow them as they slide around one another, keeping away from each other and not really talking (more like Ox not talking to Joe). Then, when they finally talk, it leads to angry confessions and regrets, which then causes them to make up and engage sexually. Before we know it, they're together, attempting to frame the two packs together, and fix the past. Yet, besides that one mini date they had, their relationship felt primarily like a siblings one, where Joe was the little brother Ox didn’t have. Them growing together and having a siblings bond didn’t bother me, especially because I love friends to lovers in any way, but their relationship felt like it was missing that spark and connection that allows me to start viewing them as a romantic couple instead. Their connection was felt through the mate bond, but there was nothing outside that. In other words, the chemistry was lacking, and instead of a romantic relationship development, it only felt like a relationship development.

To put simply, if you asked me to describe certain moments between them that I found cute, there wouldn’t be many simply because there weren’t any. Besides the small mini date and how they were together domestically (not to mention, that was 87% in), they just . . . were there. Yes, they had cute moments, but they weren't moments that made the feelings between them grow. The manner in which Ox began feeling towards Joe was sexual first, and when Joe courts him (he's a wolf, remember that), I couldn't see how Ox began feeling drawn to Joe, other than his reasonable arousal.

Other things that I wasn’t the biggest fan of was the writing style. While I was able to ignore it at first, it got frustrating as I kept making progress. It wasn’t such a big deal that it took out of the story for me, yet I actually wish it had more substance. Adding on to that, the little significance Richard had in the end was incredibly baffling. For a beast/villain like him, the battle was unquestionably underwhelming and disappointing. I think the whole execution had potential, but it seemed like it was over in the span of a second. I was stunned, truth be told, at how rapidly it gave out and fell. With a villain that had such a huge amount to do and say, he was pathetic. This can connect with how I felt about how the ending started to unfold. The lack of proper communication, especially with how Ox and Joe started finding trust in each other again, talking about how they shouldn’t be hiding anything between them, made no sense to me. I viewed Ox as fraudulent and couldn't comprehend his rationale and credulous perspective. And last but not least, I’m also upset with how many people described this as being really emotional and depressing but I didn't really feel it to be.

“Once upon time, there was a lonely boy, a broken boy who didn’t know if he could shift, and it took one person to show him how. And now I’ve done it for you because that’s what we do for each other. That’s what pack is. That’s what this all means.”

Yet, with these objections aside, I was really invested in the book.

I absolutely loved the secondary characters and new family Ox found. The author manages to keep the story engaging, with something continuously happening each time a section or passage closes. It never assumed control over the other significant variables of the story. While I did find the relationship and romance in general lacking, it was completely made up by the communications with the remainder of the pack and individuals. There can be things that don't appear to be legit, like how the people begin turning out to be essential for the wolves without turning into a wolf, or even the way in which Ox turned into a human alpha, but I believe that made this story all the better since it doesn't follow a traditional route. Not to mention how the banter and dialogue between everyone is always top notch. One minute I was laughing hysterically and the next I wanted to let everyone know that everything will be okay, because I knew it would.

The found family trope in this is portrayed exactly how I love it. Ox’s father left him and his mother, so when he meets Joe and turns into a piece of his life, he can't resist the urge to develop nearer to his family. He becomes one of them, all while human, yet an individual from the pack. A brother, lover, and son. They all become protective of each other, and the relationship between them all is different yet all the same. Thomas and Elizabeth treat him like their own son, Kelly and Carter treat him like a brother, Mark treats him like his nephew, and Joe treats him like his mate. Not to mention the beautiful relationship he has with Gordo, who was also like a father/older brother figure, taking up the space his father left. While angering and saddening at times, their relationship only grew. Rico, Tanner, and Chris also became the best friends Ox could have asked for, supporting him in every way and understanding his emotions. There was never any judgment from anybody, and in spite of the book having a few dismal subjects inside, each character is adoring and steady. Seeing how they all came together—humans, wolves, and the witch—no matter the obstacles that tried stopping them, was heartwarming every time. I wished there had been more proper communication in some situations, but at the same time, I was able to understand how and why they happened.

“Though sometimes, the songs are meant to sing a pack member home. It’s easy to get lost, Ox, because the world is a wide and scary place. And every now and then, you just have to be reminded of the way home.”.

The 3-year separation angered me, but I was also able to sympathize with both sides. However, I will say that while I in all actuality do think it sort of took from a portion of the relationship improvement, it likewise added to the strength of the reliability of the pack and the amount of character development Ox had. He went from being abandoned by his father, telling him he was stupid like an Ox and that everyone would give him shit, to becoming the leader he never thought of himself as. His character development is a slow progression. He suffers from impostor syndrome, although not entirely direct, and is still thinking low of himself. Not only that, but in those three years, there is so much emotion packed in the inner thoughts. We don’t get Joe’s point of view, but we can only imagine how much he is suffering as well. As for our narrator, Ox, we see how much he struggles with everything–his loyalty, his love for Joe, figuring out how to lead, wanting to protect. And when Joe does come back, the way he manages to forgive everyone else but Joe added to the yearning. They were both mindful of their sentiments, however Ox realized he was unable to have excused him with such ease. He needed time to process and think about how he would approach the situation that broke his heart.

In conclusion, Wolfsong was a book I had been wanting to read since around 2017. While it didn’t exactly live up to all my expectations, I’m glad I finally found the motivation to read it, as well as finally read a book by TJ Klune. I’m definitely curious about the rest of the series, especially book #3, and seeing how everyone else gets their HEA.
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,870 followers
July 3, 2016
5 Stars.

He said,"There was never anyone else the entire time I was gone.There was never anyone else for me.Because even if you couldn't hear me when I called for you,the howl in my heart was always meant for you."

Every once in a while a book comes along that you weren't expecting and just blows you away.
I'd read friends reviews for this and got the sample but the only thing putting me of was that it's quite long and the lack of steam.
Well,I started reading it and right from the first page it sucked me in and I was completely captivated by Ox.

He's 12 when the book opens,a bit of a loner with no self worth.
When he's 16 he notices the house down the lane,which has been empty for a while,is now occupied by a family...
The Bennett's.
One day he meets the youngest,10 year old Joe.A little blonde tornado who rocks into his world and won't let go.Little does Ox know that this meeting will change his life forever....

I've read a few shifter books but this is in a different league.
I loved the characters.
I loved the family and feeling of belonging.
There's love,loss,deep connections and bonds that are unbreakable.

It's the first book I've read by this Author and to say I was impressed is an understatement....the writing is simply stunning.

Just an amazing,emotional story...
Profile Image for Victoria Resco.
Author 6 books28.5k followers
August 31, 2021

Esta es otra de esas historias que son 10% fantasía y 90% romance y déjenme decirles que la aMÉ. Porque no es un romance puramente romántico. Es un libro que habla de AMOR. Del amor de una familia, del amor de los amigos y la diferencia que ese amor hace en la vida de uno.

El libro es enorme e intimidante y ni hablemos del hype que tiene. Me daba terrible miedo leerlo al principio, pero disfruté de la lectura en todos los aspectos. Quería más y más y más de la ternura y las maravillas de cada uno de estos personajes. Porque el fuerte de esta historia son ESOS personajes únicos. No había manera de no enamorarse de ellos, especialmente teniendo en cuenta la narración envolvente del autor que te arrastraba por sus pensamientos casi como si fuesen tuyos.

Me arrancó lágrimas de amor y de desgarro y me hizo ver un tipo de historia de amor completamente diferente a lo que se acostumbra a ver.

Léanlo, no se van a arrepentir.

⚠️advertencia: recuerden que este libro es - Y CON RAZÓN - +16, según la editorial. Así que léanlo sabiendo que es muy explícito y toca temas muy sensibles⚠️
Profile Image for lila ⋆.
150 reviews2,448 followers
June 12, 2023
4.5 stars

he said i am here
i am here with you for you ox because you have always done the same to me you are candy canes and pinecones you are epic and awesome you are the only reason why i was able to get through the years i was gone i cut us off and tried to push you out of my mind but when it was late when it was dark i would think of you of coming home to you of being with you being happy being home because ox you’re my home without you i am nothing i am no one you are my love my life my pack my mate so i need you to focus i need you to listen to my heart to my voice to my breaths i am your Alpha and i can’t do this without you so you come back you come back you fucking come back to me ox

i listen
his breaths
his voice and words
his heart

the way i wasn’t expecting to love this so much, and yet i did. the way this book tore my heart out 🥺💔 and then pieced it back together. i wasn’t expecting it to have so much angst, truly? but the beginning was very deceptive.

Elizabeth said, hush, ChildSonCub, hush. there is nothing to fear.
Thomas said, Ox, Ox, Ox. i am your Alpha and you are a part of what makes us whole.
Carter said, don’t be sad, FriendPackBrother, because we won’t leave you.
Kelly said, i won’t let anything happen to you. i will be by your side.
Mark said, there is no reason to be alone anymore. you will never be alone.
And Joe. Joe sang the loudest of all.
He said, you belong to me.

this was reminiscent of that long forgotten innocence, that hope, and yet had that element of realism that made it so beautifully nostalgic. the feeling of family, of belongingness? it practically RADIATED from this book. and it enveloped me in this feeling of protection i never wanted to get away from. and idk why, but the simple matter of fact type of writing hit me right in the feels. 🥺💘

“My father died,” I whispered to him. Joe whined, but didn’t come closer. “She thinks we’re alone.”
The rumble in his chest grew louder, and through the bonds that stretched between us all, I heard hush no never alone here we’re here don’t cry SonPack don’t cry never alone.
I put my hands in his fur and held on tight. He allowed me the moments to grieve, because he knew all I needed were moments.

i was genuinely not expecting to like the romance in this book though like ?!?!?!!?! it came as such a surprise bc i went in only for the found family and ✨vibes✨ but i ended up loving literally everything about this. it made me feel everything. 😭 it had the most perfect mix of heartbreaking moments and funny moments. the chapter “low-slung shorts / joe and me” was so adorably cute and funny ugh I LOVE THEM SM. 😩 the way ox discovered his attraction to joe i can’t - 🥺

“You confuse me. You aggravate me. You’re amazing and beautiful, and sometimes, I want to put my teeth in you just to watch you bleed. I want to know what you taste like. I want to leave my marks on your skin. I want to cover you until all you smell like is me. I don’t want anyone to touch you ever again. I want you. Every part of you. I want to tell you to break the bond with Gordo because it burns that you are tethered to someone besides me. I want to tell you I can be a good person. I want you to know that I’m not. I want to turn you. I want you to be a wolf so we can run in the trees. I want you to stay human so you never lose that part of yourself. If something were to happen to you, if you were about to die, I would turn you because I can never lose you. I can never let you leave me. I can’t let anything take you from me.”

joe and ox are so cute and adorable together like?? i loved the first 1/3rd so much bc it was so sweet and cute with the way everything developed. but of course it couldn’t stay that way. 🥺 joe had to wait for ox for so long, so it’s only fair that ox had to do the same tbh. well, they were different circumstances, but still. joe had to see ox be with other people without even showing he was jealous bc it supposedly just wasn’t right. then again, i hated that joe went away to hunt richard without ox (to get revenge AND to protect ox, i know, but still 😭) and elizabeth and mark and him were left in green creek and ugh it sucked. ☹️ i loved the way ox helped all of them get over their grief though.

i loved how protective both joe and ox are of each other. the way ox thought he wasn’t enough for literally ANYONE but then joe spoke fiercely for him, saying “don’t speak like that. never speak like that” 🥺😩 those are the scenes that hit me so hard. i love joe so much. 😭💘

joe and ox dynamics literally were - “i’ll do anything to protect you” - and they did dumb shit to do just that and that’s exactly why i love them. bc they’d do anything to save each other, even at their own detriment. the “not yet” 🥺 iykyk. it was what kept both of them going through their darkest days. and i loved that.

Somewhere on the other side of the territory, a wolf sang a song for all the forest to hear.
It was blue, everything about it was blue.
“I was howling for you,” he said quietly as he slid off his other boot. “Even if you didn’t hear me, even if you couldn’t feel it, Ox, I swear I howled for you.”

i swear i thought i was gonna love ox more than joe (idek how that’s possible, bc the way i love both of these idiots 🥺 i do love joe a lil more though lol) but i didn’t?? and i was so surprised fs. ox made some really bad decisions (even near the end lmao that i wanna forget about) BUT I LOVED THEM TOGETHER SM OMG. they’re so perfect for each other eurgh. 😭

“What do I look like?”
“You look like you.”
“As a wolf.”
“You look like you,” he repeated. “I would have known you anywhere. And I will.”

but mark and gordo? the fact that gordo returned mark’s (stone) wolf?? i’m highkey scared for their book. 😩 especially bc second chances and me don’t go very well together. 😭 i did love gordo so much though. he was such an older brother to ox!! and his dynamics with his friend group (and later ox’s pack)... well. let’s say i lovedadoredcherished it sm and keep it at that. 🤪

also, i love carter so much. 😌 and kelly has so much potential (to be loved by me) fr. 🤧 kelly and carter make the perfect comedic duo fs lmao. their remarks made me laugh so much so many times omg. and, kellyrobbie?? 👀🤭 methinks imma love them so hard, these two idiots are so mwah. like the times when robbie stared at kelly moronically and then blushed and stammered around kelly and kelly didn’t understand what was happening and he was in a permanent state of confusion?? robbie’s so #obsessedbutdoesntknowit (with regards to kelly lol) and i’m so excited fr. i didn’t particularly like that robbie seemed infatuated with ox for a time, but at least it seemed like he was more impressed than he was actually interested in him like that if it makes sense?? i just can’t wait. 😌

i’m only halfway through this book but it’s so emotional and it’s giving me all the feels and it’s gonna fuck me up (in the best ways), i already know 😭 i’m only just on the first book and i never wanna leave this world of packpackpack and love and family and funny moments and happy moments and the most heartbreaking moments ever. these characters are so precious and i think i’m gonna binge this series over the next few weeks. :')
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
November 6, 2016
Signed paperback giveaway!!! :) *grabby hands!*

Go to www.steamyreads.net to enter! It's right on the front page!

Back in September my buddy Judith said, "I was blown away by this book!"

She said, "I wasn't expecting it."

And I said, "Sounds good, may be later."

Then my friend Jan read this book and said, "SO. MUCH. TALENT."

And I said, "Noted. On TBR."

And then in October, on Instagram, Tillie Cole said, "Holy shit you guys, read this book!"

She said, "It's beautiful."

She said, "Everyone should read it."

And I said, "Okay."

And now I've read it. And I said to my blog wifie Val, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!"

I said, "This has everything you love: shifters, mates for life, M/M!"

And she said, "Okay."

Then I said to my biotch Arianna, "You should read this book, it's awesome!"

I said, "It's long but you'll like it! I know you will!"

And she said, "Okay."



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Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews914 followers
January 16, 2021

“You don’t get to decide what you’re worth because you obviously don’t know. You don’t get to decide that anymore because you have no fucking idea that you’re worth everything.”

How does one review perfection? I don’t know. But I am sure going to try.

I knew from chapter 1 this was going to be a 5 star read. That this was going to be the best thing I've read in a while. Or maybe even one of the best books I've read, EVER.

You know when a book is so good you have to go back and re-read chapters because you just don't want it to end? You know when a book is so good that you RUSH home and shut out the world so you can focus on the story and nothing else? You know when a book is so good you sneak your kindle out wherever you are so you can just be with the characters for a little while longer?


That was this book. In fact, I don't think I'll ever stop reading it. I think I'll just re-read chapters for the rest of time.

“And I’ve been waiting,” Joe said. “For him to look at me like I looked at him. And he finally did. He finally did. And I’m going to do everything I can to make sure it stays like that. Because I want him for always.”

I mean. I highlighted whole chapters. WHOLE ENTIRE FREAKING CHAPTERS.

I was not prepared for the emotional slaughter this put me through. I was NOT prepared to fall in love with the simplistic writing style. Or to laugh as hard as I did. Or to have my heart burst from the love that oozed from the pages or the incredible characters.

“You confuse me. You aggravate me. You’re amazing and beautiful, and sometimes, I want to put my teeth in you just to watch you bleed. I want to know what you taste like. I want to leave my marks on your skin. I want to cover you until all you smell like is me. I don’t want anyone to touch you ever again. I want you. Every part of you.”

To quote the great Suanne Laqueur, “What the fuck is this book doing being a profoundly beautiful love story?” For real, TJ Klune. Who the hell do you think you are creating this masterpiece?

Wtf man.

You���ve ruined me. RUINED ME. You have also sabotaged anything I try and pick up after this. There is no way anything will compare.

All kidding aside, every single person needs to read this book.

“There was never anyone else the entire time I was gone. There was never anyone else for me. Because even if you couldn’t hear me when I called for you, the howl in my heart was always meant for you.”

Wolfsong | https://amzn.to/2oU9Bys

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Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,924 followers
November 11, 2023
five-star-client.png (822×172):

This is by far one of the best shifter books, I have ever read !!

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I'm not going into the plot or anything, because I couldn't even explain the awesomeness, that is this book. I also don't want to spoiler.

The only thing you'll need to know, is that this book is about candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome !!!

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This book gave me so much. It made me smile, cry, swoon and laugh out loud. It had me on the edge of my seat, and once I started it, there was no stopping. My emotions were all over the place...but in a good way.

I loved every single character in this book !! That doesn't happen very often. At the end, they all felt like my family....oh how I wish ;) 

It's about a family of wolf-shifters and a human boy, who is so much more than he ever thought he would be. It's about pack and unconditional love.

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It's about loss and finding out who you truly are, and where you belong. It's about Ox and Joe, two of the most wonderfull characters ever !!

“We're friends first,” Joe whispered in my ear. “You’re my best friend, Ox, and I promise that will never change. We’ll just be… more.” 

Yes... this book was emotional at times and it managed to make me cry, right from the start. My heart broke a couple of times while reading, but it was also mended in the sweetest ways....

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I would recommend this one, to everyone who loves a good shifter book, because this one definitely deserves 6 stars !!!


This review is posted on Wendy's Wycked Words


Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,395 reviews664 followers
October 26, 2019
5 Stars!

Re-read 7-11-18

Second time around and it was just as enthralling and brilliant as the first time. This is a story you can't help but get sucked into never wanting to leave these characters behind. I can not wait for the next book! xx
What can I say... TJ... You blew my mind once again.

I cannot say enough how much I LOVE this mans writing. The worlds and characters he creates are nothing if not brilliant. The way he weaves a story together while at the same time managing to create so many different characters who are so unique in their own right in ONE book has me in awe of him. Whenever I see a new book coming out by this guy it's an automatic buy for me. He's a go to read. He's unique in what he writes. He has a way of grabbing you and keeping hold of you throughout his stories that you don't feel the number of pages you read. You don't miss the sex you get in so many other books. He captures you by his unique story telling and his amazing characters he has created. The guy is brilliant and so was this story.

I waited awhile to read this one. I needed the hype and all the posting of it to slow down before I could start it. It was hard because so many were reading it and posting amazing reviews or comments on it, but I held out. Until I couldn't anymore.

Once I started this I couldn't put it down. It, like so many of T.J.'s books, grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. I was completely useless to my family while reading this and annoyed them greatly as they did me when they tried to interrupt my reading. LOL

Ox. What a special character. I adored him. He was so damn sweet. He's 12 when the story begins and I loved that we got to grow with him. He is a character that will capture your heart. He did mine and by the end I was completely in love with this character.

Once the Bennett's show up everything gets more interesting. The family is close and I loved them all. Especially the twins and of course, Joe. He was just too cute. The friendship between him and Ox was so damn adorable.

Joe and Ox's story starts when they're both kids. Ox being 16 and Joe being 10. They meet as Ox is walking home. Joe is standing in the middle of the dirt road and tells Ox that he smells of, candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome. And their relationship blooms from there. We watch them grow, separate, and come back together.

I don't want to give much of the story away. Just know it's amazing and just writing this review makes me want to read it all over again.

I recommend this one to everyone. Even if this isn't your type of read, try it. The characters, writing, and story building is too great to miss out on. Enjoy, dolls! xx
Profile Image for aleksandra.
662 reviews2,912 followers
November 12, 2023

The review contains spoilers!

I’m so incredibly mad at myself that I let this book sit on my tbr pile for almost two years. How could I do this to myself? I let this masterpiece of a series just sit there untouched. But whatever, I read it now and I’m so happy I did that, because I know this series will be my new obsession. I’m a vampire type of girly, but after reading this book I’m contemplating my tastes. That’s how much I liked it.

I picked up this book thinking it would probably be a fun, young adult, found family with a lot of werewolves, first book in the series. Boy, was I wrong. It was so much more. It would be great to say it’s definitely not YA book, as there were mature audience scenes. So if someone thought it’s YA book, well it’s not.

I was pretty skeptical at the beginning, I’m not gonna lie, because I didn’t really know what to expect from this book, as I tried to not read any spoiler, but I’m really glad I stayed. The writing style was easy to follow and I didn’t even look and I was one hundred pages in.

Moving to the story. The book is from Ox’s pov, which I don’t usually like, as I prefer if there’s a dual pov, but it surprisingly didn’t bother me here. The action takes place over a long period of time, because we get to know the main characters from childhood to adulthood, so the plot is complex and a lot happens in the book. I actually liked it, we saw them grow up and become more mature with their decisions. Without giving away much, let me just say that I couldn't stop reading and put this book down, because the story captivated me from the very beginning.

The characters in this series are literally pure perfection in my opinion. Their bond, friendship, pack, family is probably one of the best I've read in a series in a long time. Seeing the characters become a pack that will do anything for each other, after you first met them at the beginning as a strangers made me so happy and proud. Even though I know they are fictional. Everyone is unique and I can’t wait to read about next couples. I already have a feeling that Gordo/ Mark and Carter/ guy not yet introduced, but I know him because I've seen spoilers, will become my favorite. I almost forget, but I laughed a lot while reading. The humor in this book is pure comedy.

“You’re wearing a bow tie,” I said unnecessarily. He glanced over at me.
“Mom said I had to dress up for this.” I heard a low snort of laughter coming through the open window above the sink. And I knew. I stalked over to the window and looked outside. There, sitting spread out on the grass, were the rest of the Bennetts. Goddamn fucking werewolves."

I love their family, Bennetts will always have a part of my heart. Joe, Gordo, Chris, Tanner, Rico too, but they are basically Bennetts now. I can't wait to read the rest of the series to experience more moments like that with them.

As I said before, I'm more of a vampire type of person, because if I had to choose, I'd always choose to be a vampire over a werewolf, but the bond this family has created questioned my preferences. There were a few things I thought were too werewolf-y for me and made me look at my kindle with a dubious expression, but that's just how I am. The first thing is them being really touchy and open with each other, I get that they were werewolves and it was supposed to be in their nature, but sometimes it was too much for me. Especially when they were just casually walking naked around each other after they "changed". Like, I know it was normal for them, but I can’t imagine walking naked around my brothers, mom and dad.

Finally, the romance part of the book, usually my favorite part, but here kind of controversial. At least, for some people might be. Our two main characters met for the first time when Ox was sixteen and Joe ten. The romance in a book is definitely a slow-burn, as the age gap would be impossible for them to be together from the start. They become friends, and over the years and everything they go through, they and their pack grow closer. I’m not gonna lie some scenes made me pretty uncomfortable, for example when Joe was jealous and possessive of Ox, but was underage and Ox not. I get it that they were werewolves and both of them were mates, but it just didn’t sit right with me sometimes. Maybe, I just keep forgetting that it’s a fantasy book and werewolves are possessive, touchy and really territorial. Despite their age.

"There are times when all I can think of is marking you so everyone knows who you belong to. To carve my name into your skin so you never forget me."

“I want your blood on my tongue. I want to break you open and crawl inside of you. I am a monster because of the things I could do to you that you wouldn’t be able to stop me from doing.”

As you can see, pretty possessive, and he wasn’t even eighteen when he said that. Joe’s parents accepted that even though he was seventeen, he can be with Ox, but it still was weird for me. They had the first short kiss when Joe was seventeen and Ox twenty three, but I wished it happened later when Joe was legally adult. Also, it’s not like they had more romantic encounters after that, because both of them didn’t had any sexual interaction until Joe was twenty one. I still liked their relationship, they both protected each other and would sacrifice themselves without a second thought if the other was in danger. They fit together perfectly and I can't wait to read more about them in the next books.

"The day I saw you, I knew things would never be the same. You’re all- encompassing. You dwarf everything else. When I see you, Ox, all I see is you."

"Losing him hurts more than anything I’ve ever felt before. But losing you? Ox, if anything happened to you, it would kill me. There is no point for me if you’re not here. So no. You’re not going. You’re going to stay here because I love you more than anything in this goddamn world and I don’t fucking care if you’re pissed. I don’t care if you hate me because of it. As long as I know you’re safe, then that’s all that matters. That’s why, you bastard."

My rating is like this, mainly due to the age difference, because I can't imagine having the opportunity to write such a good series and mess it up with something like that. It’s just my opinion though. If not that, I would probably rate higher, five star rating higher.

If you love amazing and unique characters, found family, werewolves, magic, witches, villains ending up where they should, fated mates, queer characters, the writing and plot making you forget about reality and much much more, I would highly recommend it. Ending the review, let me just say that I know this week will be focused mainly on my obsession with this series, because I already can't think of anything else. If you've finished my ranting, go and add it to your tbr now!

Green Creek series:
1. Wolfsong 4/5
2. Ravensong 4.5/5
3. Heartsong 3/5
4. Brothersong 5/5
Profile Image for Henny.
191 reviews134 followers
January 11, 2021
I feel like I have to clarify some things about my review. Not because someone criticized me or anything, just because I feel like it.
I don't have a problem with the age gap between Joe and Ox per se. I have a problem with how it's executed. Six years aren't such a big deal and nothing sexually - except kissing - happens between them while Joe is underaged. I never had the feeling that Ox was taking advantage of Joe. But while for Joe it seems to have always been Ox - we can have another entirely different conversation on how unrealistic it is to know your soulmate at the age of 10 (even if you're a werwolf) another time -, Ox sees nothing more than a little brother in Joe for a huge part of the first half. Which is like, you know, completely normal since he's six years older. But from one day to another (or rather chapter) his feelings for Joe change from a brotherly to a sexual view in the most absurd and awkward way and without any build up or development from Ox's side, except the sudden realization that he sees more in Joe. It feels forced, it feels wrong. And that, folks, is the problem I have with the age gap.
I don't know where to start. I'm sorry to all the people who recommended this book to me because they loved it so much. I disappointed you. And apparently, it's me, not the book. No offense at all if you've loved this. I just think Wolfsong was Twilight all over again, just with werwolves, queer representation and without a whiny main character.

So. What did I like about Wolfsong?
If you've followed my reviews for some time, you know that I'm a sucker for the found-family trope. And boy, did Klune deliver in that department. Gotta hand that to him. I loved how he focussed on the love and trust in a (found) family and between friends and how everyone was looking out for each other. Greatest strength of the book and that literally saved it from being a complete disaster.

There's great representation. Everyone is gay or bi - and granted, it's a bit over the top and unrealistic that everyone is queer. But hey, we need more books with queer representation, so I won't complain.
And I guess I quite liked the characters. Some more than others (looking at you, Joe) - but overall they were okay and I can see why people grow attached to them. But honestly all that matters to me is that Ox wasn't Bella 2.0.

But that's pretty much it.

What I didn't like? Everything else. Some spoilers below.
I hated the romance between Ox and Joe. So pretty much 90% of the book.
First, the age thing. I tried to ignore it. I really did. But I couldn't. Joe is 10 when they first meet. 10. And he decides then that the boy - who is 6 years older than him - is his soulmate. Just like that. And although nothing happens between them until they are 17 and 23 doesn't make things better. It wasn't cute. It was weird. Just weird.
Second, Ox deserves so much better than Joe. Joe is an asshole and I hated how he treats Ox because of their "mate" thing. He is a complete asshole to Ox's girlfriend (they brake up because of him) and doesn't talk to him for days when Ox shows interest/hooks up with other people - because they aren't him. Because he is territorial and possessive of Ox the whole time. I get it. He's a werwolf. It's their thing. But that's toxic behavior of the finest, my dude. Even worse is the fact that I should find it romantic and cute. I seriously don't. Not the slightest.
Also, Joe disappears for 3 years because he wants revenge, goes behind Ox's back with his decision and then, when he's back, has the audacity to be angry at Ox because he's pissed and hurt about Joe disappearing and cutting all ties back home. Sir, are you kidding me. What the fuck did you think would happen after leaving for 3 years?
I just wanted Ox to dump him and move on with his life. But you can't get everything, am I right.

Moving on.

The plot. Did I say this was Twilight all over again? Just reimagined? Let me enlighten you:
Boy is sad. Boy has doubts about himself. Boy meets strange family. Boy is integrated into strange family. Boy learns strange family's secret. Boy falls in love with one of the sons. Bad people come to town and murder people boy loved. Boy's love leaves town and boy is heartbroken. Boy becomes a badass and cares for everyone left behind. Boy's love comes back a few years later. Everything goes back to normal after some fighting. Boy and love continue/deepen their romance despite a lot of red flags. Bad people come back again. Final showdown. Boy dies. Boy becomes werwolf and survives. Everyone lives happily ever after.
Sounds a teeny tiny bit like Twilight, doesn't it? Granted, a lot better - but still. Twilight vibes wasn't what I wanted. And needed.

Another thing. I put this quote I've used in one of my updates in here again because it pretty much describes how I felt for huge parts of the book:

"I really wish I hadn’t heard Carter say that. I need to pour bleach on my brain. For days."

The cringeyness in a lot of scenes - especially the early romance scenes - is unreal. I guess it was intended to be humorous but I just wanted someone to shoot me and put me out of my misery. Reading those scenes hurt and my skin was crawling from secondhand embarrassment. A bit cringe is fine - but not that much. Not that much.

Also: men are allowed to cry. Can we please, please finally leave this stupid, toxic prejudice that "men aren't real men if they cry" behind? Thank you very much.

Some other thoughts.
Let's talk about the writing style. It took me some time to get used to it but when I did I really liked the lyrical approach of it. But especially towards the end it became really irritating and repetitive. It was literally the exact same sentences that I've read countless times before in the story. But overall I agree with the people who praise Klune's writing.

The self awareness. Thank you, it was great. There were so many scenes where characters pointed out how ridiculous their situation and especially Ox and Joe's "relationship" is. They literally compared everything to Twilight. I have to respect Klune for including this mockery and taking a hit on his own ridiculous story.

This is probably one of my most unpopular opinions ever. And again, no offense if you loved this. I'm sorry for being the occasional person who has a different opinion on a beloved book.
I probably won't read the other books in this series. I don't think I would enjoy them when I didn't like Wolfsong. The only wish I have is that The House in the Cerulean Sea isn't anything like this.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
December 10, 2023

Seriously. This book wasn't even on my radar until I saw my friends Lacey and Chandler talking about this series. I immediately put it on my wishlist and didn't even hesitate to pick it up when I received it as a gift. I was a die-hard Twilight fan in high school and this book gave me all of those feels and so much more. I absolutely loved the pack (this is paranormal-werewolves) and the importance of the pack to these people. Your pack is your family and you make your family. The bonds in this book were just so strong and I was just obsessed and in love with every single one of the characters.

As for the characters, Ox is such a special character that I will cherish forever. I absolutely adored him when we met him in the beginning and he felt like he wasn't special. The way he developed and really came into his own in this book was just so endearing and I just wanted to give him a big hug. Then, his SUPER slow burn and angsty romance with Joe was EVERYTHING and I was rooting for that ship from the start. I think TJ Klune handled their relationship very well and developed it (from when Joe was 10 and Ox was 16) very tastefully and realistically. At no point did I feel grossed out by the age difference, which is important considering the characters are so young when this book begins.

Like I said, I adored everything about this book. The book is very character driven and the plot is slow at times, but I never felt bored or disinterested. The slow parts of this book were so important to the plot and allowed characters to develop and relationships to solidify. I loved the paranormal aspects of this story and am already dying to read book two so I can see more of my favorite characters. You HAVE to pick up this book and fall head over heels for these characters.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,079 followers
December 25, 2023
✅✅ Characters
✅ Amazing character development
✅ Relationships
✅ Found family
✅ Plot
✅ Werewolves and witches
✅ Sexual tension
✅ Pace
✅ Writing
✅🆗 Smut (good, but not a lot of it)

It was my second time reading this book, and it was still as good as the first time.

I said, “My daddy told me I was gonna get shit. Before he left. Did you know that?”
He whined low in his throat.
“He told me that. He said I was just a dumb ol’ Ox who was gonna get shit all my life. But he was wrong.”
The wolves in the forest howled.
“He was wrong,” I said. “Because Joe found me. And brought me to you. You gave me purpose. You gave me a home. A pack. A family.”

This is a story of love and found family, of heartbreak and resiliency and it was AMAZING. It’s about finding your worth, your place in the world, and loving yourself.

”And then he was all standing there and he didn’t see me at first because I’m getting so good at hunting.
I was all like rawr and grr but then I smelled it again and it was him and it was all kaboom!
I don’t even know!
I don’t even know!
You gotta smell him and then tell me why it’s all candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome.”

Ox has been feeling stupid and pretty much worthless since his dad left him when he was 12 years old. At 16 he meets young Joe, his new 10 years old neighbor, and this little tornado of a boy changes his world. Young Joe likes Ox immediately and brings him into his family before Ox even realizes it. For the first time, Ox feels loved and worthy, and special. More than that, he is finally part of something, a family, a pack, but as the years pass, things get harder and darker for Ox and Joe, and they will have to fight and kill if they want to be able to remain together and with their family.

“An Alpha is only as strong as his pack.”

And what a cute, and wholesome pack they are! 😍

This book was SO SO SO good. I was not sure at first how it was going to develop since Joe is 10 when he meets Ox, and I knew they would end up together somehow, but the way we see them grow together and the way their relationship evolves is so well done. I fell in love with them. It is not a spoiler if I say that Ox and Joe get separated because it’s in the book’s blurb, and I thought most of the story would happen when Joe and Ox are adults and reunited, but the whole “Joe finally came back after being gone for 3 years only happens after the 50% mark. It was a very progressive building toward that moment in their relationship, where they finally get a chance to maybe be together, and the book was not centered around Ox and Joe, so do not go in there expecting a steaming romance. It revolves more around Ox and every relationship he built with the pack members.

“Shut up!” he cried. “You know what? No. You don’t get to decide what you’re worth because you obviously don’t know. You don’t get to decide that anymore because you have no fucking idea that you’re worth everything. What do you think this is? A joke? A decision I made just for the hell of it? It’s not.
But I swear to god, if you choose me, I will make sure that you know the weight of your worth every day for the rest of our lives because that’s what this is. I am going to be a fucking Alpha one day, and there is no one I’d rather have by my side than you. It’s you, Ox. For me, it’s always been you.”

Ox is a sweet, shy, and sad character. Not in the sense that he is sad, but in the sense that it made me sad to read how he felt worthless and stupid, and how he thought he did not deserve anything good in his life because he was simply Ox, a nobody. He goes through so much and he changes A LOT. His character growth is truly impressive, and masterfully done, he has to make tough choices, becomes responsible for others’ safety, and he becomes a fierce leader through it all.

"I knew the day I met you that I would do anything for you. I would do anything to make you happy because no one had ever smelled like you did. It was candy canes and pinecones. It was epic and awesome. And it was home. You smelled like my home, Ox. I’d forgotten what that was like, okay?"

Young Joe is a sweet tornado of love and energy, and it is impossible not to fall in love with him and his cuteness. As he grows older, he remains so full of life and intensity, I adored the sexual tension between him and Ox as they were older, and the angst between them after Joe finally came back after 3 years, but at the same time, I couldn’t wait for them to finally be together! They were meant to be together from the very start, they were full of tenderness and fierce protectiveness towards each other, but they had to go through so much before they could finally be happy together and I loved every second of it. Seriously I couldn’t put this book down.

“I don’t like this,” Gordo said. “At all. But I’m going to say it anyway, okay? Anyone should count their lucky stars if they got to call you their own. I am not giving you my approval because it doesn’t matter to you anyway. Nothing I can say matters at this point.” His voice cracked. “But he had better treat you like you hung the moon or I will tear him from this earth.”

I was able to appreciate Gordo’s character much more this second time around. The way he is so fiercely protective of Ox, the way he helped him since the very beginning, and has always been there to remind him of his value and that he was loved was pure and heartwarming. I think I will enjoy the second book even more too now that I have a new appreciation for Gordo and his importance in Ox’s life, so I’m excited to reread Ravensong next.

Elizabeth Bennet is a queen, and nobody can convince me otherwise. She is the personification of understanding, unwavering support, love, and overall the perfect mom. She always knew just the right thing to say, and when to say it to help Ox, to make him believe in himself, and to remind him that he was loved and worthy of this love. I am seriously in love with her character, and while she is not one of the main characters in this book, she shines so brightly. Nobody would be where they are if it wasn’t for her.

“Am I the first you told?”
He grinned. “I popped your gay cherry!” He frowned. “Wait.”
“Oh my god.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Oh my god.”
“I popped your coming-out cherry.” He grimaced as he stopped for a red light. “That didn’t sound any better.”
“Oh my god.”
“Have you kissed a guy yet?”
I blushed. “No.”
Before I could even react, he leaned over and planted a hard kiss on my lips, pulling away with a loud smack. “Now you have.”
“Oh my god.”

“Oh boy,” Rico said. “This is probably going to get awkward.”
“Only if we make it awkward,” Chris pointed out like a reasonable adult. Then, “We should make it really awkward.”

The other characters are just as sweet and funny and lovable, and they had me tear up at times, and laugh out loud at other times. It was beautiful and wholesome to see them all becoming a big family/pack and to see how they would care and love each other and would do anything for each other even though they started as strangers for some of them. Their love for each other is pure and strong and inspiring. While being full of angst and hurt at times, this book made me feel good once I was done with it.

I also have to mention the writing style because it was so different from what I’m used to. I was not so sure at first how I would like it, but I got used to it after a few chapters, and the way the author writes creates a unique rhythm and a very special way to tell a story and I ended up loving it. It did take me a little while to get used to it though, so if you give this book a chance and you’re not too sure about the writing style, try to give it a chance anyway, it is worth it, and I swear it grows on you. I ended up loving the flow and how the author would use short sentences, sometimes only one or two words to create more impactful and vivid moments and to convey intense feelings. Talking about feelings, I also ADORED how complex the characters’ feelings were. They were not simply angry or sad, they always felt a combination of feelings that would even contradict each other at times.

“Tell me one fucking thing you do know!”
“That I love you.”

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April 30, 2020
I just can’t do it anymore. DNF @ 88%

Obviously, it’s me and not the book because the book is averaging almost 4.5 stars with over 10K reviews.

The story didn’t work for me because there wasn’t enough action, and there was nothing complex about the plot to keep me distracted from the fact that this is a long ass book. I was mostly bored.
I said it!
The end!
Profile Image for El Librero de Valentina.
308 reviews24k followers
May 5, 2019
Novela 100% juvenil que disfrute ¡todita! Me encantó la historia, los personajes, la variedad de temas (amistad, amor, lealtad, miedos, etc), sin embargo, es por momentos, algo repetitiva.
La evolución de Ox, como personaje, maravillosa!
Profile Image for Sheziss.
1,364 reviews489 followers
August 7, 2016

This smells of pinecones and candy canes. Of epic and awesome.

I don’t exactly remember the smell of pinecones and candy cones right now.

But I will always remember the smell of epic and awesome.

It’s a power some have. A power a few people on Earth simply have. The power of writing epic and awesome. The power of creating epic and awesome.

This is an epic and awesome creation. And it’s powerful. In every sense of the word.

I loved everything in this book. I loved Ox. I loved Joe. I loved the pack, as a whole, and each one of them individually. I loved the family. I loved the friends. I loved the bonds. I loved the sexy. I loved the kink (yes, the KINK). I loved the fluffy. I loved the rawness. I loved the laughs. I loved the lump in my throat. I loved the magic. I loved the wolves. I loved the sense of belonging. The sense of ownership. The sense of conquering. The sense of surrendering. The sense of acknowledge. The sense of goodbye. The sense of marking. The sense of mating. The sense of despair. The sense of exhilaration. The sense of completion. The sense of perfection.

It was poetry in prose. This inner voice. This earthy voice. This mystical voice. This soundless voice. A voice that reverberates. A voice that pulls you under. A voice that makes you fly. It was an insistent voice, an evocative voice, a tactile voice. Pictures behind my eyelids. Vibrations inside my bones. Sinking feeling in my stomach. It’s a voice that surrounds everything and impregnates everything. It’s a voice I can touch and I can caress. It’s a voice that touches and caresses me. From the inside. It’s warmth and it’s love. It was liquid and solid. Without defined shape. Without defined color. It’s powerful.

Violet, blue, red, orange. Green.

Green. Green. Green.

I felt I was dying and seeing the sun for the first time in my life.

I felt I was flying too close to the sun.

I felt I was touching this sun and setting myself afire.

Once and again.

Once and again.

And again.

Some books don’t exist but there is always a place waiting for them. There was an empty space once. This space screamed. For a long time. Demanding attention. Demanding plenitude. Nobody heard that scream. It existed once. Not anymore. Because this book was created and it filled that space. At last. It was meant to be.

What’s this, really? A shifters book? A love story? A tale of family and union? A coming-of-age book? A soul mates’ destiny? A fantasy novel? The light against the dark?

I don’t dare to say what this is.

I was so satisfied.

With everything.

I marvelled at the long arguments. How things were not black and white. Were not easy to solve. Were not something that could be fixed with a kiss and a few words. I loved the complex conversations. I marvelled at the big mistakes and at the big wise moves. I marvelled at the suffering and the healing. I marvelled at all the hilarious in here. I marvelled at brothership and friendship and “packship” and all the “ships” in the universe.

I marvelled at a witch working in a garage. I marvelled at Bennet’s pups protecting Ox at school. I marvelled at Ox’s mother kicking like a bad-ass. Rico’s Spanish. Elizabeth’s dances at a song of those who stay behind. Or are left behind. Small displays of genius that are subtle but constant. I’m sure I didn’t catch them all with my conscious mind and that’s why I will never be able to write them and pay a proper homage to them. But deep inside, I saw them all. They were there. I can simply sum it up saying how marvelled I was at the affection I felt for everybody here, because every detail is essential, every little word, every casual scene. Each one of them was carved on stone. Every one of them is there for something. Every breath of theirs is useful and noticeable. The characters not only keep their seats warm, but you feel the lost of warmth when they disappear, and you feel the warmth when they come back. Or the eternal loss when they never do.

I marvelled at Ox.


His selflessness. His loneliness. His longing. His ability to love. And forgive. And love again. His innocence. His strength. His resilience. His sense of what’s right and what’s wrong. His straightforwardness. His raw honesty. His hesitant self-worth. His large presence. Large as life. His heart on his sleeve but also his guts, his balls. And his brains. Life is going to give him shit, but he will always be standing.

I love Ox’s love.


This little tornado who came out nothing. Whose words meant the beginning of it all. Of adventure. Of happiness. Of loss. Of everything. It was simply right that he pronounced those exact words to that exact person in that each moment in that exact place. It was right. His joy. His euphoria. His instincts. His choices, bad and good. His hopelessness. His nightmares. His shadows. His dark. This yearning that makes him tremble. His lack of voice. His trigger to make him talk.

The characters were not perfect but they were born that way. Epic and awesome in their own way. Little shining stars in this infinite universe of Klune.

The story line not only makes sense but feels right. In every moment of the road.

It’s complex and could go on and on and on. Beyond the ending, there is a “to be continued”.

An “Hasta la vista, baby”.

Not exactly an “I will be back” but an “I never left”.

It’s full of green.

When I was little I wanted to go to Hogwarts. But when I graduate there, I want to move to Green Creek and become part of the Bennet pack.


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Group review on BMBR!

***Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
873 reviews4,132 followers
July 31, 2023

Wolfsong hurt me. Not for the reasons I thought it would but it hurt me it hurt me it hurt me. I've been reading it all day, I did, all the over-winded hundreds of pages of it, I've been reading all day and I couldn't shut out the voices that said would you stop this is abusive stop stop no don't you dare caring no this is abuse this is abuse this is abuse.

In the end, I probably needed this reminder : an abusive relationship is not always something that you can reject instantly because it doesn't stink of evilness and wrongness - even though parts of you know - but looks so much like love and tenderness and appeals to everything in us that screams please need me. Over the past years, I've read so many books that pulled these strings and I tore them apart, so much that I trusted myself enough to never fall into such trap again.

I was wrong.

Because sometimes, sometimes an author is skilled enough to avoid our wards and confuse us and make us feel that we're wrong, we should root for them, stop thinking, accept accept accept would you just accept their love just do it do it now would you.

I can't, though. If I said that I probably needed this reminder, that's because abuse is not always straightforward. An abusive character is not always someone I hate but one I LOVE and I'm manipulated into loving him so much and here's the hate I was waiting for. Joe. Joe is abusive. There is so much emotional abuse in his relationship with Ox that I want to throw up. Even more because everything in Wolfsong tricks the reader into thinking that it's okay, that codependency is okay, that it's healthy to need someone to fix ourselves but it's not, it fucking isn't, and in the end I feel so damn sad and pissed off and

m a n i p u l a t e d

it makes me want to vomit. I want to vomit because I liked both guys and hated them so much. They broke my heart. I loathed that they kept coming at me, tearing up my wards and putting in my mind that it was okay and that I had a problem or wasn't open-minded enough to accept their love but ultimately, that's the thing, see? This is not love, this is fascination and control and this reeks of double standard because I would have raged earlier if one of them had been a woman and what is this bullshit, Anna? Fuck you, Anna. Why should I accept this mine mine mine rhetoric when it's m/m if I wouldn't have if it was a m/f romance? Ugh. Double-standards suck. I know that men can be abused as much as women and I sure know I knew that but it still disgusts me to realize that I was so long to call it out?

It doesn't help that the story dragged so much and that the events happening in the middle were so useless and over-dramatic and nonsensical and why are you doing this it doesn't make any sense just stop. It doesn't help either that I didn't care for the side characters at all after this point, especially Robbie and Jessie and Tanner and Rico and ugh I don't care okay? I just don't. Shut the fuck up. It doesn't help that the characterization was all over the place and that I don't know what to make of Ox, in the end. It doesn't help, too, that the writing was so so so repetitive (but not devoid of beautiful and wonderful and emotional parts and that's part of why I can't go with 1 star.) (also Joe. Damn it, Joe. I know you don't realize how fucked-up everything is but it doesn't change a thing does it because see, I do.)

It doesn't help but that's not why I'm going with two stars and I just itch - I itch to give it one star because in the end, Wolfsong is nothing more than a Twilight rollercoaster of chosen one, codependent, unhealthy relationships, TSTL moments when you don't even know why the characters are so fucking eager to sacrifice themselves for no reasons, I'm sorry, no reasons, with a villain who just cannot fucking die - who is he, seriously? a Terminator phoenix?

And as I got the appeal of Twilight, I understand why people love Wolfsong. I understand why people adore Joe, god, Joe. It's so easy to but I cannot. I couldn't. Came the end, I was shaking with anger and snarling, oh my god, I was snarling so bad. I might have felt for Ox and Joe, they weren't beautiful together. I said that Wolfsong tricked me, but from the moment I opened my eyes on its flaws, I couldn't look away. And that's just right, because that's what happens with any abusive relationship. Once you see things how they really are, you can't ignore it. Right now, I can't ignore that I wish I hadn't read this book and that I'll never read the words mate and need and only you can fix me again.

My skin crawls, and that's not something I want to feel ever again.

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