About us

ASE (Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc), a member of ASE Technology Holdings (NYSE:ASX) is one of the world's largest providers of outsourced semiconductor manufacturing services in assembly and test (OSAT), and, a leading provider of electronic manufacturing services (EMS) through its sister company, USI.  Addressing global proliferation of sophisticated electronics geared towards improving lifestyle and efficiency, ASE is strategically integrating synergies between its well established OSAT and EMS business units. ASE is at the forefront of a new class of EMS that delivers modularized, miniaturized ICs with system-level precision to enable high-performance and highly integrated devices. As a result, ASE is truly bridging the gap between silicon and system makers. From traditional semiconductor players to players innovating applications within IoT, wearables, automotive, AR/VR, connectivity and many more, success within an increasingly dynamic market hinges on creating and sustaining highly productive manufacturing partnerships. ASE has proven ability to collaborate closely with customers, to understand markets and create value propositions, and to deliver advanced packaging and SiP solutions to meet growth momentum across a broad range of end markets. Manufacturing facilities are strategically located within key electronics manufacturing hubs, including Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. Serving customers across the global electronics ecosystem, regional sales offices are located in Sunnyvale (USA), Brussels (Europe), Hsinchu (Taiwan), Shanghai/Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Yokohama (Japan), Gyeonggi-do (Korea) and Singapore. For more, please visit: aseglobal.com. Also, please follow ASE on Twitter: @aseglobal.

Semiconductor Manufacturing
Company size
10,001+ employees
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Public Company
Substrate design and supply, Wafer level packaging, Fanout, Fiip chip, System-in-Package, Wire bond, TSV-interposer integration, Wafer probe & bump, MEMS & sensor solutions, Embedded die technology, Final test and design, Electronic manufacturing services, VIPack, and Advanced Packaging


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    #日月光第九屆自動化產學技研合作🤖   日月光持續推動自動化產學技研合作,至今已邁入第九年!我們攜手全台大專院校,透過 #AI 技術助力,專注 #智慧製造#永續發展 ,為半導體產業創造新價值。   日月光高雄廠李政傑 Michael 政傑 Lee李 副總經理表示,面對全球半導體產業新興技術崛起,從材料、設備到產能均已成為國際競合焦點,AI促使系統整合成為產業發展的挑戰與重要關鍵,感謝國立中山大學 黃三益 黃三益San-Yih特聘教授,國立成功大學 鄭芳田Fan-Tien Cheng名譽講座、高宏宇Hung-Yu Kao教授、蕭宏章Hung-Chang Hsiao教授、謝昱銘助理教授,國立高雄大學 楊新章Hsin-Chang Yang教授、丁一賢Derrick I-Hsien Ting教授、楊書成副教授,國立高雄科技大學 陳彥銘Yenming Chen教授、吳宗亮Tsung-Liang Wu (Anthony)副教授與日月光合作,共同促進產業躍進🙌。   帶您快速瀏覽日月光自動化技研成果: 🔹 知識圖譜與預警策略:即時掌握客戶關注議題,提升決策效率。 🔹 智慧製造系統深化與整合應用:提高異常事件分析效率,提升防禦系統有效性。 🔹 數位孿生技術應用:設備能源管理最佳化,優化電力使用。   了解更多合作成果👉 https://lnkd.in/gscYDuxq   #ASE #NCKU #NSYSU #NUK #NKUST #SmartManufacutring #KnowledgeGraph #DigitalTwin #sustainability #automation #IndustrialAcademicCollaboration

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    As we come together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, 日月光sends our warmest greetings and best wishes to all our employees, customers, partners, and suppliers. May the full moon bring you joy, unity, prosperity, and harmony. Let's cherish the bonds of family, savor the delicious mooncakes, and enjoy a season filled with abundance!   明月千里共賞,佳節萬里同慶🌕 願中秋的圓月帶來滿滿的幸福與圓滿♥️ 日月光誠摯祝福我們的同仁、客戶、夥伴與供應商, 月圓人團圓 幸福永綿延🎉 #ASE #中秋節 #MidAutumnFestival

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    🌟很高興宣布日月光與國立成功大學在ASE 馬來西亞 #檳城 正式簽訂「成蝶計畫」國際人才培育合作備忘錄! ASE and the National Cheng Kung University proudly celebrate the signing of an MOU to collaborate on the development of #globaltalent. NCKU President Shen presided over the ceremony together with ASE #Malaysia VP Boon Teong Choo and ASE Corp Communications VP Jennifer Yuen. The NCKU ‘Butterfly’ program is a global initiative that invests in the training and nurturing of talent from various countries and disciplines. It aims to provide students with opportunities for practical industry experience, and enhance their competitiveness in their future career developments. We greatly appreciate the NCKU alumni in Malaysia #馬來西亞留台成功大學校友會, representatives from #駐馬來西亞台北經濟文化辦事處 #檳城台灣商會 for taking time to join us at the signing ceremony. 國立成功大學校長 沈孟儒 Meng-Ru Shen 在簽約儀式中提到,日月光與成大在推動科研發展和人才培育方面合作無間,多年來進行的產學合作案,涵蓋 #封裝技術#智慧製造#環境工程 等不同領域。自2019年啟動的「成蝶計畫」,是成大與跨國企業攜手培育人才的平台,透過此次與日月光的合作,期待能夠進一步促進國際產學合作,培養更多半導體產業的未來領袖。 日月光企業溝通與產業合作 副總經理 @Jennifer Yuen 表示,今年適逢日月光邁入第40週年,我們在國際半導體產業中扮演關鍵角色、持續致力於以科技驅動智慧永續的未來,賦能 #AI 新世代。期盼能與成大在未來的產學、國際交流等面向密切積極合作,為產業培育更多具備前瞻性和創新能力的科技與管理人才,因應半導體帶來的黃金時刻、機會與挑戰。 請持續關注我們的動態,共同見證這段精彩旅程!🚀 更多資訊請見→https://lnkd.in/gwaWu4uP #日月光 #實習機會 #成功大學 #成蝶計畫 #半導體產業 #人才培育 #全球機會 #ASE #NCKU #ButterflyProgram #Penang

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    ✨SEMICON TAIWAN 2024半導體研發大師論壇|6大博士同台!揭示未來人才在AI世代的挑戰與機會✨ 由 SEMI Taiwan 舉辦的SEMICON Taiwan壓軸大秀 #半導體研發大師論壇 ,由教育部政務次長 葉丙成博士 Ping-Cheng (Benson) Yeh 擔任主持人,與學界代表 ─ 國立清華大學半導體研究學院院長 #林本堅博士 ,以及國立台灣大學電機資訊學院特聘教授 #張耀文博士 ;產業界代表 ─ 日月光資深副總經理 #洪松井博士、 力旺電子董事長 #徐清祥博士 ,以及聯發科資深副總經理 #陸國宏博士 進行精采對談🚀 論壇以「理工人才培養」的大主題,針對培養跨領域的複合型人才、科技女力、英語提升以及實習生計畫等議題,進行多方探討,也勉勵在場學生保持 #好奇心 ,培養觀察問題的洞察力,強化自主學習新事物的能力,是不分產業皆需要的關鍵人才競爭力 。 📌 日月光資深副總經理洪松井博士則透過自身經歷分享台灣目前具有地理優勢,無須出國即可在台灣第一線接觸前瞻技術、知識與設備,是台灣人才最大的優勢與機會點之一。 🎥 直播精彩回放🎥 https://reurl.cc/vvv6Ro #SEMICONTaiwan2024 #封測龍頭 #日月光半導體

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    Congratulations to Terry Tsao, Jo-ann Su and the SEMI Taiwan team for organizing another phenomenal #SEMICONTaiwan 2024, raising the bar every year! 🎉 This year was a record-breaking one with over 85,000 visitors attending the show. It also marked a first for ASE Global with a strong presence of our speakers participating in various forums, shaping conversations on #AI and showcasing how we are empowering this unprecedented evolution. Helming the stage was our CEO Tien Wu, who moderated a #CEOSummit fireside chat of the Century with executives from the top-tier tech players on the transformative role of AI and its impact not only on the industry, but the global economy and society. Who stands to benefit the most? Where are the bottlenecks? What is the ROI and when will results become tangible? It is evident to all that AI will be ubiquitous, and TSMC's Dr Y.J. Mii believes that while Edge AI can enable real-time decision-making closer to the data source, it still requires that one ‘killer app’ to unlock its full potential. Google's Hamidou Dia emerged as the most positive voice on the panel, emphasizing AI’s positive societal impacts and its potential to bridge the gaps between people and regions with LLM. On the other hand, Samsung Electronics's Jung-Bae Lee expressed cautious optimism about the advent of AI and its implications. However, he noted that #HBM #memory will be increasingly important in a realm where data is king. Samsung plans to continue investing and collaborating closely with players across the ecosystem. Tien Wu concluded the session with an impactful message that the future of AI will be shaped by combining the best of the best - memory technology, chip manufacturing, and software development to unlock new possibilities. Dr Mike Hung co-hosted the #3DIC #CoWoS summit with TSMC’s Dr Jun He, attracting a packed audience eager to learn about the latest in advanced packaging technologies. Mike highlighted the significance of #MorethanMoore, #HBM and #advancedpackaging in driving AI’s progress. Further demonstrating ASE’s development and innovation in AI solutions, Teck Lee delivered compelling presentations  on #FOCOS and #FOCOS Bridge. Other presenters for the day included Louie Huang, discussing ASE’s strategic approach to achieving #NetZero at the #Sustainability Summit. Amy Liu addressed a large group of university students, offering them valuable career advice on their career choices, interviews and workplace dynamics. Our tiny booth at the AI Innovation Zone was bustling with activity, drawing an enthusiastic crowd eager to explore our exhibits and technology. In all, our participation at #SEMICONTaiwan has significantly elevated our profile to the next level, boosting greater awareness of our packaging leadership and opening new opportunities for business growth and talent attraction.

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    imec Technology Forum #ITF has returned to #Taiwan after a 5-year hiatus and it was a spectacular preamble to the 2024 #SEMICON event.  The forum provided invaluable insights into the innovations and initiatives from IMEC and the industry to support the rapid growth of #computing power, accelerated by the huge demands from #AI technologies. ASE was honored to be invited to keynote the forum, where our CEO, Dr Tien Wu explored the emergent opportunities driven by the rise of AI, and the market dynamics including geopolitical developments that will impact efficiencies in every sector. Tien is however, confident that the industry will learn how to adjust as boundary conditions evolve. Though the world now seems more divided, yet the next wave of opportunities require even more collaboration. As IMEC’s Luc Van den hove presented in his opening speech #celebrating40years, combining the best of the best and #collaboration are necessary to drive greater innovation. In the context of Taiwan, Tien emphasizes the need to increase manufacturing volumes, the level of #automation and the level of complexity in automation. These efforts will propel Taiwan into a higher level of high tech manufacturing and scaling up Taiwan’s role in the global semiconductor ecosystem. While he observed that hardware and system challenges are becoming the new bottlenecks, he remains optimistic that there are immense opportunities and greater responsibilities for industry players. Indeed “there has never been a better time to be in the semiconductor industry”, he triumphantly concluded 😊 Thanks to Luc Van den hove | Max ( Masoud ) Mirgoli | Mavis Ho for the opportunity to be a part of ITF Taiwan and IMEC’s 40th anniversary

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    The increasingly cosmopolitan city of #Kaohsiung provided a fantastic backdrop for the CAREhER Summer Summit 2024, where dynamic leaders representing a broad spectrum of industries gathered to share perspectives, discuss experiences, and forge connections. ‘Her Resilience’ was the resounding theme, while tales of grit and glow captivated the audience, particularly related to entrepreneurial tenacity, professional versatility, and personal wellness. The CAREhER team led by the inimitable Tiffany Chou once again proved their sophistication and skillfulness at bringing brilliant people together.    ASE was delighted to sponsor and participate, with female leadership well-represented including Jennifer Yuen and Sunny Li.  Speaking at a panel session, Patricia MacLeod/ASE Global, Jill Liu/TSMCMENG HSIU TSAI/ CHI MEI MEDICAL CENTER, and Kei Chen/Crossover found consensus that resiliency represents an ability to cope under pressure, to fearlessly approach tough challenges, and to cultivate strengths that help drive progress, whether individual or across teams.   As the discussion ensued, Patricia MacLeod highlighted the importance of leading by example to inspire young professionals to be resilient, empathetic, and to always move the needle in the right direction. Workforce development efforts continue to accelerate across many global industries, but as far as ASE is concerned, it’s clear within the #semiconductorindustry that workforce resiliency and diversity is very closely tied to innovation and growth. There’s the impetus for nurturing resilience right there!   DR. MENG HSIU TSAI took time to share wisdom and advice as a corporate physician dedicated to physical and mental wellness. He encouraged everyone to seek a healthy work-life balance in order to manage stress and find equilibrium. This was a sentiment strongly echoed by all panelists, especially with consideration to juggling the care of children or looking after aging relatives or overcoming personal challenges, coupled with all the responsibilities that come with a fast-faced career.   Thanks to ASE’s Alicia LeeRuRu Lin, and Ting-Ting Kuo for representing ASE so well at our display! We’re already excited about the next CAREhER summit, but until then, take care - and cheers!

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    Selamat Hari Merdeka to all Malaysians from the ASE family! 🇲🇾   At ASE Global, we celebrate the spirit of unity, diversity, and resilience that defines #Malaysia. Malaysia Madani mencerminkan perpaduan sebuah negara yang progresif, yang bertekad untuk melindungi kepelbagaian penduduknya sambil mengukuhkan kekuatan dan identiti mereka secara kolektif.    As the nation continues to progress and innovate, we are proud to be part of this journey, contributing to the growth and development of Malaysia's dynamic #semiconductor industry.   On this National Day, we honor the shared values and collective strength that make Malaysia truly unique. Together, let’s continue to build a brighter future.   #ASEM #MalaysiaNationalDay #Malaysia #Merdeka

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    🎙️ Join us at #SEMICONTaiwan 2024 from September 3 – 6 at TaiNEX 1 & 2!   We’re gearing up for the industry’s greatest event of the season. This year, team ASE Global will be taking the stage across various forum tracks, diving deep into industry insights, advanced #IC #packaging technologies, #AI innovations, #sustainability and #talent development.     👉 Swipe left for an exclusive preview of the week's exciting line-up!   #3DIC #CoWoS #VIPACK #SiliconPhotonics #MEMS #sensors #Netzero #Engineeringtalent #STEM #DEI #AI #TechForGood    CP Hung, Yu-Po Wang, Teck Lee, Siliconware Precision Industries, Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd., SEMI Taiwan

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    2024大稻埕夏日節 x 日月光 🎆🌟 在台北建城140週年的大稻埕夏日節, 我們與大家一同歡慶七夕情人節為活動劃下完美句點✨ 日月光集結了高雄、中壢、台北的夥伴們夥伴✊🏼 以「日月光Fun送愛,與你永續創未來」為主題, 現場展攤結合AI智能科技與人才及環境永續💚 和每一位到場的朋友共享這美好的時光。 感謝所有參與活動的夥伴們, 我們期待未來有你加入日月光, 與我們一起築夢美好未來!🥰 #日月光 #智慧科技 #永續行動力 #科技人才 #半導體封測龍頭 Sunny Li, Jenny Su, Yiling Chu, Clara Jiang

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