From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

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Bots overview

Bots overview

- [Instructor] Bots are a service that mimics the back and forth conversation style of human conversation. People use the bot to explore your company services, to interact with your tech support documentation. They use it to look at your catalog, and even order takeout food delivery. You build an application or API, and the bot is one way to communicate with your application. Let's think about how a bot can help someone find pictures. Here is an example of a question we have about our photos. We want to see vacation pictures that include our friend Terry. Here's how that intent is executed in the Windows command prompt. This is a text-based system, which is how bots often work but the syntax is cryptic and archaic. The user must know the correct commands, and parameters to get the results they want. Many of our tech tools have interfaces like this. An IT pro can appreciate the power available at the prompt,…
