From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

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Simplify app deployment with containers

Simplify app deployment with containers - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

Simplify app deployment with containers

- [Instructor] DevOps is a set of cultural practices related to software development. It emphasizes collaboration between all parts of the IT organization, and the continuous delivery of software. Containers are a type of technology that makes it easier to host applications inside portable deployable environments. Containers make it possible to isolate applications into small lightweight execution environments that share the operating system kernel. Most popular container by far is Docker. Microsoft Azure has full support for Docker. If you use the Azure App Service for your web app or web API, you can either deploy your app directly to the App Service or place the app within a Docker container, and deploy the container instead. Containers offer several key benefits that help enable DevOps workflows. When you write, test and deploy your application inside containers, the environment does not change as it…
