From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

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Store any kind of object in Blob Storage

Store any kind of object in Blob Storage - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

Store any kind of object in Blob Storage

- [Instructor] Let's explore Azure Blob storage, one of the options for putting data in a storage account. It's designed to store unstructured files. That's just a way of saying that we can store any type of file. There is no structure required for the file type. A BLOB, which is binary large object, consists of binary data stored as a single item. An MP3 file is a Blob, so is a PDF file. To use Azure storage, start by creating a storage account. This is the container for all of your storage items. Name your storage account with a unique name. No two storage accounts can have the same name on Azure. I've called mine BigPicture. That name becomes part of the URL that is used to access the stored data. Every object that you store in Azure storage has an address that includes this unique account name. So you can find it at BigPicture, that's my chosen name, Next we configure the storage services.…
