From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

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The Azure AI family

The Azure AI family

- [Instructor] Artificial intelligence and machine learning are hot topics now. Spend some research time on the internet, and you'll see diagrams that look like this that explore sub-disciplines in the AI field. There are fascinating differences between these areas. Explore our courses to find more about neural networks and deep learning. Artificial intelligence as a concept has been around for a long time. It's the science of making a computer behave in ways which match what we call human intelligence. Basically, making a computer act human in some manner. In popular culture, we tend to equate this with making computers look like robotic pets or servants or humans. This as an entertaining perspective, but it doesn't really explain what our industry is really building with AI or the practical applications of machine learning or the research breakthroughs discovered every year. Don't get me wrong, robots are an important…
