From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

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The broad world of Azure services

The broad world of Azure services - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

The broad world of Azure services

- [Instructor] Azure is full of services. You can find one for every part of your organization. Regardless of your job description, if you work in the tech industry, there are Azure services that can help you do your work in the cloud. Some teams know exactly what parts of Azure they need for their first project. For those of us who are less familiar with the range of Azure services, we can see what is available on the Azure documentation site. Here on this site, you can browse all the Azure products down the left side of the screen. Now, a lot of the products are available are shown in multiple sections. For instance, if I look at Developer Tools, I can see something called Azure DevOps and Azure Pipelines. If I look in the DevOps section, I see some additional tools like Azure Artifacts and Azure Boards, but I also see Azure DevOps and Azure Pipelines. So as I said, sometimes these services you'll find listed under…
