From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

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Websites and web apps on App Service

Websites and web apps on App Service - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture (2022)

Websites and web apps on App Service

- [Instructor] Websites and applications are the heart of the modern internet. Azure has a rich system for hosting these sites. In this chapter we're looking at how to host them in Azure App Service. Right now, let's talk about web applications, later in this course we'll look at web APIs. A key benefit of App Service is that it provides a simple to setup host platform to use when developing web applications. When you create a web app on App Service, it builds out the service for you, Azure creates a virtual machine, and installs a preconfigured operating system and a preconfigured web server. Now you have a place to deploy and run your web app and it only takes a few minutes to get the app service built and ready to go. Now you've got an empty App Service. The next step, we need to create the content and deploy it to the App Service. There's many ways of doing this, including Microsoft tools like Visual Studio Code and…
