From the course: Graphite and Grafana: Visualizing Application Performance

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Additional dashboard configurations

Additional dashboard configurations

- [Instructor] In this session, we'll continue configuring our dashboard. For the panel we're on, we may also want to specify the units associated with our graph. For example, a duration such as milliseconds, or a percent from zero to 100. We can select these units in the Axes tab. Grafana supports a large variety of units. So as we see here, we can select milliseconds for our y-axis or we can select other things such as different types of currency, different types of throughput, velocities, and so on and so forth. On this tab, we can also select what the x-axis of our graph should represent, which defaults to displaying data points over time. This means that the x-axis represents time and that the data is grouped by time. That said, we can also select the Histogram option to convert the graph to a histogram or select Series to denote that the data is grouped by series and not by time. We'll reset that back to the default value of time. After making these changes, we can then click…
