Topic on User talk:DeltaBot

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Disambiguation objects vs. family name objects

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)
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MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Plenty of things are certainly possible, but I do not have time to write more scripts at the moment (and this will not change any time soon). I am just trying to keep the current lineup of DeltaBot jobs alive.

Don't you have a bot account as well?

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)

No, I dont have a bot account.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Oh, now I'm surprised. Don't you have a Github account with plenty of automatable Perl scripts? Or was that someone else?

M2k~dewiki (talkcontribs)

The scripts depend on the results of tools like PetScan, Wikidata SPARQL-Query-Service, HarvestTools, ... as input and mainly convert, prepare and create statements for QuickStatement, but can not be run as bot without modification. Therefore the scripts have to be started manually, the single steps and (intermediate) results can be checked by the person running the scripts before executing the QuickStatements.

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