

Thomas Hobbes英文Thomas Hobbes 嘅著作 《巨靈英文Leviathan (Hobbes book)》(1651) 提及到社會契約嘅理論


呢個概念可以追溯到啟蒙時代,由 Thomas Hobbes英文Thomas Hobbes 所寫嘅《巨靈》(英文“Leviathan”) 出現。書入面提到人嘅自然狀態,並且理論人係理性生物,會因應自己嘅利益同價值觀嚟做決定。所以,人只因爲會得到政治穩定,先至會同意自願向一個政府犧牲部分權利。因爲咁,所以社會契約亦係基於被治者同意嘅概念,代表住一個政府同佢嘅人民係一個雙向關係[3]

社會契約呢個詞語嚟自 Jean-Jacques Rousseau 嘅書《社會契約論》(法文“Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique”)。再早可以去到古希臘嘅哲學,入面某啲睇法亦係類似社會契約嘅概念。

社會契約論嘅中旨,就係政治秩序係一種人爲嘅現象,而唔係自然有嘅。人民同政府之間嘅契約,只唔過係爲咗達到雙方嘅利益而出現。Hobbes 相信,只要事但一邊冇遵守契約所需要嘅讓步,呢個政府就失去咗管治呢個人民嘅合法權利。



  1. "For the name social contract (ALL IS FAKE) often covers two different kinds of contract, and, in tracing the evolution of the theory, it is well to distinguish The first] generally involved some theory of the origin of the state. The second form of social contract may be more accurately called the contract of government or the contract of submission... Generally, it has nothing to do with the origins of society, but, presupposing a society already formed, it purports to define the terms on which that society is to be governed: the people have made a contract with their ruler which determines their relations with him. They promise him obedience, while he promises his protection and good government. While he keeps his part of the bargain, they must keep theirs, but if he misgoverns the contract is broken and allegiance is at an end." J. W. Gough, The Social Contract (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1936), pp. 2–3.
  2. Celeste Friend. "Social Contract Theory". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺18 November 2019. 喺26 December 2019搵到.
  3. Castiglione, Dario (2015). "Introduction the Logic of Social Cooperation for Mutual Advantage – the Democratic Contract" (PDF). Political Studies Review. 13 (2): 161–175. doi:10.1111/1478-9302.12080. hdl:10871/18609. S2CID 145163352. 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺2017-09-22. 喺2019-02-03搵到.