Kf release notes

This page documents production updates to Kf. You can periodically check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality.

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August 23, 2022


Added limits to containers.

Fixed set-env slowness.

August 22, 2022


Fixed issue that liveness probe is not set properly.

August 10, 2022


Fix Kf performance issue with high server load.

July 22, 2022


Removed NFS sidecar, built the logics into user-container.

July 18, 2022


Fixed the issue that App Pod will keep restarting when the mounted NFS volume is larger than cluster's ephemeral storage.

Fixed the issue that will cause delete-service stuck.

July 11, 2022


Kf will terminate Istio sidecars on completed tasks and builds freeing up IP addresses and compute resources for clusters running newer versions of Tekton.

Kf will now install with GKE 1.22 clusters.

kf doctor now works with GKE 1.22 clusters.

Builds will now be allowed up to 15 minutes to extract or publish images.

July 01, 2022


Removed kf migrate command.

Changed go version to 1.17.

June 01, 2022


Added support for mapping GID and UID for NFS.

Fixed issue that unbind-service will not retry when failed.

Fixed terminal size for Kf ssh.

April 15, 2022


Add Config Connector as a dependency of Kf.

March 21, 2022


Fixed bug in App controller, made App.Status.RouteConditions as an optional field.

March 15, 2022


Fixed bug in App controller, made App.Status.RouteConditions as an optional field.

March 03, 2022


Add a feature that supports adding node selectors for Kf Builds to isolate Kf Build pods in specific node pool.

Remove Config Connector as a dependency of Kf.

February 01, 2022


Bug fix for Kf Build garbage collection.

Added buildTimeout configuration feature.

January 27, 2022


Support for Anthos Service Mesh v1.12

December 14, 2021


Added buildDisableIstioSidecar configuration feature.

Added buildPodResources configuration feature.

Added controllerCACerts configuration feature.

Added buildRetentionCount configuration feature.

Added V3 Google stack as build option.

Added V3 kf-v2-to-v3-shim stack as build option.

Fixed an issue that could prevent SIGTERM from reaching an app.

Fixed an issue that caused extra reconciliation loops and logs.

Improved CLI performance.

Improved subresource API server resilience.

Updated Config Connect to v1.66.0.

Updated Tekton to v0.29.0.

Support for Anthos Service Mesh (ASM) v1.11+, which recommends ingress gateways be outside of the istio-system namespace.

Changed build ImagePullPolicy default from always download to prefer cached.

Improved Workload Identity reliability.

October 28, 2021


VCAP_APPLICATION route string no longer includes trailing slash.

Resolved a scenario that could result in extra reconciliation loops and logs.

Addressed a v2 buildpack condition that could prevent SIGTERM signals from propagating.

October 20, 2021


Anthos clusters on VMware (GKE on-prem) support promoted to GA.

Anthos clusters on bare metal support promoted to GA.

New wrap-v2-buildpack experimental command available.

Known issue: some buildpacks (ex: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack) produce directories that do not work with the pack CLI.

Added support for kubectl explain to inspect Kf CRDs.

Fixed condition where CLI may not always show build logs.

Fixed issue where kf doctor expects the ASM ingress gateway deployment to be in the kf namespace.

Addressed scenario where the Kf operator could overwrite ASM Gateway customization.

Config Connector dependency updated to v1.60.

Tekton dependency updated to v0.26.0.

September 28, 2021


Removed downstream lifecycle dependency for v2 buildpacks that could result in kf push failing.

September 16, 2021


Improved kf doctor reliability for Anthos on-prem clusters.

Fixed an error that can occur during the initialization of the subresource API.

September 08, 2021


Kf for Anthos on-prem (Vsphere) is now available on the Public Previews page.

Addressed a potential panic in the kf build-logs command.

Changed flag and manifest validation for route and task fields so manifest routes are ignored when creating tasks.

August 17, 2021


Kf CLI can now override the manifest.yaml app name.

When deleting resources, Kf will now delete any sub resources before returning success on the deletion request.

July 30, 2021


New features may now start in preview and GA with the next Kf release.

New Early Access program (currently private preview).

Automated assessment and migration of your existing CF foundation.

[PREVIEW] NFS broker automatically configures NFS mounts on your cluster for Apps to bind to.

[PREVIEW] Schedule Tasks to run at recurring intervals specified using the unix-cron format.

[PREVIEW] Support for Anthos clusters on VMware via the Early Access program.

Minor reliability improvements.

Resolved race condition that could cause the first brokered service instance to fail.

Support for ASM 1.10.

June 29, 2021


Kf Cloud Service Broker for Google Cloud for Google managed services.

Prevent creating a GSA policy when the GoogleProjectId field is not set.

Allow customization of external-gateway in kfsystem.yaml.

June 15, 2021


Kf Operator to manage Kf installation.

Added Operator diagnostics to kf doctor.

Allow target command to take arg instead of flag.

Config Connector can manage the Kf Google Service Account (GSA).

Removed internal routing dependency on internal-gateway.

Inline environment variable printing in kf env.

Config Connector is now required.

Updated Tekton to 0.23.0.

Only check for timeout error for deprovisioning service instances.

Make targeting a non-existent Space an error.

Fixes manifest parsing bug.

May 27, 2021


Prevent panic in reconcilers when a Space is not found.

April 22, 2021


Allow long-running source uploads.

March 31, 2021


Kf supports Role-based access control in Spaces.

Kf supports source code upload without workstation write access to Artifact Registry.

Kf doctor supports running per-object commands.

Ensure log tailing prints the correct number of lines.

Ensure a Space cannot be deleted if a ServiceInstance was not deleted.

Ensure a ServiceBroker cannot be deleted if there is still an active ServiceInstance depending on it.

Run binding before push so VCAP_SERVICES is correct on the first deploy.

Resolved issue with health-check-type=process.

Updated the ASM version to 1.9.1.

February 11, 2021


Added support for Node Selector.

Added support for Task.

Added feature flags enable_dockerfile_builds, enable_custom_buildpacks and enable_custom_stacks.

Added --as and --as-group global flags to support impersonation.

Added health-check-http-endpoint flag to kf push command.

Changed the kf CLI to use kubectl kubeconfig loading logic.

Made hostname as an optional field when creating a route.

Make routes available in VCAP_APPLICATION.

Updated the Tekton version to 0.19.0.

December 14, 2020


kf doctor now checks for correct Istio injection labels on spaces managed by Kf.

Added support for the kf-domains subcommand so developers can look up which domains they can use in a Space. Operators can continue to use kf configure-space to modify domains.

Updated the Istio version to 1.7 and fixes the injection label.

Added autoscaling capabilities to Kf.

Kf now shows a tip to run kf bindings after binding a service.

Added support for Nodes to kf doctor.