BSicon/Catalogue/narrow icons/straight

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  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
dSTRq                         across
dSTR~L                         right half
dSTR~R                         left half
dKSTRa                         start
dKSTRe                         end
dLSTR                         Interruption
dLSTRa                         Interruption start
dLSTRe                         Interruption end
dLSTRq                         Interruption across
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
dvSTRq                                                 across, parallel lines
dSTRq-                                                 across, upper parallel
d-STRq                                                 across, lower parallel
dvLSTRq                                                 Interruption across, parallel lines
  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh


  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
dCONTfa                         Forward start
dCONTf                         Forward
dCONTg                         Back
dCONTge                         Back start
dCONTfq                         Forward across
dLCONTfq                         Forward across interruption
dCONTfaq                         Forward across start
dCONTgq                         Backward across
dLCONTgq                         Backward across interruption
dCONTgeq                         Backward across start
dCONT1-                         From corner 1
d-CONT2                         From corner 2
d-CONT3                         From corner 3
dCONT4-                         From corner 4
d-CONT1                         To corner 1 from centre
dCONT2-                         To corner 2 from centre
dCONT3-                         To corner 3 from centre
d-CONT4                         To corner 4 from centre
dCONT1+r                         To corner 1 from right
dCONT2+r                         To corner 2 from right
dCONT3+l                         To corner 3 from left
dCONT3+g                         To corner 3 from back
dCONT4+f@G                         To corner 4 from forward moved back
dCONT4+l                         To corner 4 from left
dCONTf+4                         To forward from corner 4
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh

Parallel lines

  ex t ext u uex ut uext
dvCONTfq                 Forward, across
dCONTfq-                 Forward, across upper line
d-CONTfq                 Forward, across lower line
dvCONTgq                 Backward, across
dCONTgq-                 Backward, across upper line
d-CONTgq                 Backward, across lower line
  ex t ext u uex ut uext


  ex t ext u uex ut uext
dENDEa                 Line end start
dENDExa                 Line end start, with unused continuation
dENDEe                 Line end end
dENDExe                 Line end end, with unused continuation
dENDEaq                 Line end start across
dENDExaq                 Line end start across, with unused continuation
dENDEeq                 Line end end across
dENDExeq                 Line end end across, with unused continuation
dWECHSEL                 Type change heavy ↔ metro/light rail
  ex t ext u uex ut uext

Bridges and tunnels

  ex u uex
dBRÜCKE1         Bridge
dBRÜCKE1r         Bridge on right only
dBRÜCKE1l         Bridge on left only
lhdSTRae+L         Bridge structure right side
lhdSTRae+R         Bridge structure left side
dWBRÜCKE         Bridge over watercourse
dWBRÜCKEa         Bridge over watercourse start
hdKRZW         Bridge over watercourse middle
dWBRÜCKEe         Bridge over watercourse start
dWBRÜCKEq         Bridge over watercourse across
dSBRÜCKE         Underpass
dSBRÜCKEl         Underpass left end
dSBRÜCKEm         Underpass middle section
dSBRÜCKEr         Underpass right end
dKRZuxl         Bridge across left end
dKRZuxm         Bridge across middle section
dKRZuxr         Bridge across right end
lhdSTRq         Elevated across no track
dTUNNEL1         Tunnel
dTUNNEL2         Tunnel used when several together
  ex u uex
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
dSTRa                         start
dSTRa@g                         start, moved back
dSTRe@f                         end, moved forward
dSTRe                         end
dSTRaq                         Across start
dSTRq                         Across
dSTRaeq                         Across start & end
dSTReq                         Across end
tdSTRaq                         Tunnel across start
tdSTReq                         Tunnel across end
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh

90° curve

  ex t ext u uex ut uext
dSTRr                 To right
dLSTRr                 To right interruption
dSTRr-                 To right to upper parallel line
d-STRr                 To right to lower parallel line
dSTRl                 To left
dLSTRl                 To left interruption
dSTRl-                 To left to upper parallel line
d-STRl                 To left to lower parallel line
dSTR+l                 From left
dLSTR+l                 From left interruption
dSTR+l-                 From left from upper parallel line
d-STR+l                 From left from lower parallel line
dSTR+r                 From right
dLSTR+r                 From right interruption
dSTR+r-                 From right from upper parallel line
d-STR+r                 From right from lower parallel line
  ex t ext u uex ut uext

45° curve

  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
dSTR+1                         From corner 1
dLSTR+1                         From corner 1 interruption
dKSTR+1                         From corner 1 line end
dSTR+1u                         From under line at corner 1
dSTR+1a                         From corner 1 tunnel start
dSTR+1e                         From corner 1 tunnel end
d-STR+1                         From corner 1 at front
dSTR2                         To corner 2
dLSTR2                         To corner 2 interruption
dKSTR2                         To corner 2 line start
d-STR+2                         From corner 2 at start
dSTR2u                         To under line at corner 2
dSTR2a                         To corner 2 tunnel start
dSTR2e                         To corner 2 tunnel end
dSTR2-                         To corner 2 at back
dSTR3                         To corner 3
dLSTR3                         To corner 3 interruption
dKSTR3                         To corner 3 line start
d-STR+3                         From corner 3 at front
dSTR3u                         To under line at corner 3
dSTR3a                         To corner 3 tunnel start
dSTR3e                         To corner 3 tunnel end
dSTR3-                         To corner 3 at back
dSTR+4                         From corner 4
dLSTR+4                         From corner 4 interruption
dKSTR+4                         From corner 4 line end
dSTR+4u                         From under line at corner 4
dSTR+4a                         From corner 4 tunnel start
dSTR+4e                         From corner 4 tunnel end
d-STR+4                         From corner 4 at front
dSTR2+1                         To corner 2 from corner 1
dSTR3+4                         To corner 3 from corner 4
dSTR3+1                         To corner 3 from corner 1
dSTR2+4                         To corner 2 from corner 4
dSTRr+1                         To right from corner 1
dSTRr+1-                         To upper right from corner 1
dSTRr+1-~F                         To upper right from corner 1 at front
dSTR2+r                         From right to corner 2
d-STR2+r                         From lower right to corner 2
d-STR2+r~G                         From lower right to corner 2 at back
dSTR3+l                         From left to corner 3
d-STR3+l                         From lower left to corner 3
d-STR3+l~G                         From lower left to corner 3 at back
dSTRl+4                         To left from corner 4
dSTRl+4-                         To upper left from corner 4
dSTRl+4-~F                         To upper left from corner 4 at front
dSTR1+4                         Between corners 1 and 4
dSTR2+3                         Between corners 2 and 3
dSTRl+1                         To left from corner 1
dSTR2+l                         To corner 2 from left
dSTR2+l-                         To corner 2 from upper left
dSTR3+r-                         To corner 3 from upper right
d-STRl+1                         To lower left from corner 1
d-STRr+4                         To lower right from corner 4


dSTR3+1-                         To mid-side from corner 1
d-STR2+4                         To corner 2 from mid-side
d-STR3+1                         To corner 3 from mid-side
dSTR2+4-                         To mid-side from corner 4


dSTRc1                         Corner 1
kdSTRc1                         Corner 1 k curve
dSTRc2                         Corner 2
kdSTRc2                         Corner 2 k curve
dSTRc3                         Corner 3
kdSTRc3                         Corner 3 k curve
dSTRc4                         Corner 4
kdSTRc4                         Corner 4 k curve
dSTRc12                         Corners 1 & 2
dSTRc13                         Corners 1 & 3
dSTRc14                         Corners 1 & 4
dSTRc23                         Corners 2 & 3
dSTRc24                         Corners 2 & 4
dSTRc34                         Corners 3 & 4
dSTRc123                         Corners 1, 2 & 3
dSTRc124                         Corners 1, 2 & 4
dSTRc234                         Corners 2, 3 & 4
dSTRc1234                         Corners 1, 2, 3 & 4
dSHI3c12                         Corner 1+2
dSHI3c13                         Corner 1+3
dSHI3c14                         Corner 1+4
dSHI3c23                         Corner 2+3
dSHI3c24                         Corner 2+4
dSHI3c34                         Corner 3+4
dSHI3c123                         Corner 1+2+3
dSHI3c124                         Corner 1+2+4
dSHI3c134                         Corner 1+3+4
dSHI3c234                         Corner 2+3+4
dvSTRc1                         Corner 1 parallel lines
dvSTRc2                         Corner 2 parallel lines
dvSTRc3                         Corner 3 parallel lines
dvSTRc4                         Corner 4 parallel lines
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh

Elevated curves


Lines between two corners connect to the top and bottom corner icons of the lines between a side and the respective corners. For example,   (hdSTR2+1) connects to   (hdSTR2~GG) and   (hdSTR+1~FF) as well as   (hdSTR2+1~RR) and   (hdSTR2+1~LL).

  ex u uex   ex u uex   ex u uex
hdSTR2         hdSTR2~RR         hdSTR2~GG         To corner 2
hdSTR3         hdSTR3~LL         hdSTR3~GG         To corner 3
hdSTR+1         hdSTR+1~RR         hdSTR+1~FF         From corner 1
hdSTR+4         hdSTR+4~LL         hdSTR+4~FF         From corner 4
hdSTR2+1         hdSTR2+1~RR         To corner 2 from corner 1
hdSTR3+4         hdSTR3+4~LL         To corner 3 from corner 4
hdSTR2+4         hdSTR2+4~LL         hdSTR2+4~RR         To corner 2 from corner 4
hdSTR3+1         hdSTR3+1~LL         hdSTR3+1~RR         To corner 3 from corner 1
Parallel lines
hd-STR2+r         hd-STR2+r~RR         hd-STR2+r~GG         To corner 2 from lower right
hd-STR2+r~G         hd-STR2+r~RRG         To corner 2 from right moved back
hd-STR3+l         hd-STR3+l~LL         hd-STR3+l~GG         To corner 3 from lower left
hd-STR3+l~G         hd-STR3+l~LLG         To corner 3 from left moved back
hdSTRr+1-         hdSTRr+1-~RR         hdSTRr+1-~FF         To upper right from corner 1
hdSTRr+1-~F         hdSTRr+1-~RRF         To right from corner 1 moved forward
hdSTRl+4-         hdSTRl+4-~LL         hdSTRl+4-~FF         To upper left from corner 4
hdSTRl+4-~F         hdSTRl+4-~LLF         To left from corner 4 moved forward
  ex u uex   ex u uex   ex u uex
Formation-only icons
hdSTR2~LL   Adjoining line to corner 2
hdSTR3~RR   Adjoining line to corner 3
hdSTR+1~LL   Adjoining line from corner 1
hdSTR+4~RR   Adjoining line from corner 4
hdSTR2+1~LL   Adjoining line to corner 2 from corner 1
hdSTR3+4~RR   Adjoining line to corner 3 from corner 4
hd-STR2+r~F   Adjoining line to corner 2 from right moved back
hd-STR3+l~F   Adjoining line to corner 3 from lower left moved back
hdSTRr+1-~G   Adjoining line to right from corner 1 moved forward
hdSTRl+4-~G   Adjoining line to left from corner 4 moved forward


  ex t ext u uex ut uext
dABZg2                 Through and to corner 2
dABZg3                 Through and to corner 3
dABZg+4                 Through and from corner 4
dABZg+1                 Through and from corner 1
dABZq1                 Across and to corner 1
dABZq2                 Across and to corner 2
dABZq+3                 Across and from corner 3
dABZq+4                 Across and from corner 4
  ex t ext u uex ut uext
dABZg23                                 Through and to corners 2 and 3
dABZg+14                                 Through and from corners 1 and 4
dABZ+14                                 From corners 1 and 4
dABZ23                                 To corners 2 and 3
dABZr+1f                                 To right from corner 1 and front
dABZr+2g                                 To right from corner 2 and back
dABZl+3f                                 To left from corner 3 and front
dABZl+4g                                 To left from corner 4 and back
dABZr+1g                                 To right from corner 1 and back
dABZr+2f                                 To right from corner 2 and front
dABZl+3g                                 To left from corner 3 and back
dABZl+4f                                 To left from corner 4 and front
Lines with corners
  ex t ext u uex ut uext
dSTR+c1                 Through + corner 1
dSTR+c2                 Through + corner 2
dSTR+c3                 Through + corner 3
dSTR+c4                 Through + corner 4
dSTR+c12                 Through + corners 1 and 2
dSTR+c13                 Through + corners 1 and 3
dSTR+c14                 Through + corners 1 and 4
dSTR+c23                 Through + corners 2 and 3
dSTR+c24                 Through + corners 2 and 4
dSTR+c34                 Through + corners 3 and 4
dSTR+c123                 Through + corners 1, 2 and 3
dSTR+c124                 Through + corners 1, 2 and 4
dSTR+c134                 Through + corners 1, 3 and 4
dSTR+c234                 Through + corners 2, 3 and 4
dSTR+c1234                 Through + corners 1, 2, 3 and 4
dSTRq+c1                 Across + corner 1
dSTRq+c2                 Across + corner 2
dSTRq+c3                 Across + corner 3
dSTRq+c4                 Across + corner 4
dSTRq+c12                 Across + corners 1 and 2
dSTRq+c13                 Across + corners 1 and 3
dSTRq+c14                 Across + corners 1 and 4
dSTRq+c23                 Across + corners 2 and 3
dSTRq+c24                 Across + corners 2 and 4
dSTRq+c34                 Across + corners 3 and 4
dSTRq+c123                 Across + corners 1, 2 and 3
dSTRq+c124                 Across + corners 1, 2 and 4
dSTRq+c134                 Across + corners 1, 3 and 4
dSTRq+c234                 Across + corners 2, 3 and 4
dSTRq+c1234                 Across + corners 1, 2, 3 and 4
tdSTR+c1                 Through + corner 1 through in tunnel
tdSTR+c2                 Through + corner 2 through in tunnel
tdSTR+c3                 Through + corner 3 through in tunnel
tdSTR+c4                 Through + corner 4 through in tunnel
tdSTR+tc1                 Through + corner 1 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc2                 Through + corner 2 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc3                 Through + corner 3 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc4                 Through + corner 4 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc12                 Through + corners 1 and 2 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc13                 Through + corners 1 and 3 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc14                 Through + corners 1 and 4 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc23                 Through + corners 2 and 3 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc24                 Through + corners 2 and 4 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc34                 Through + corners 3 and 4 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc123                 Through + corners 1, 2 and 3 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc124                 Through + corners 1, 2 and 4 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc134                 Through + corners 1, 3 and 4 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc234                 Through + corners 2, 3 and 4 in tunnel
tdSTR+tc1234                 Through + corners 1, 2, 3 and 4 in tunnel
hdSTRq+hc1                 Across + corner 1 elevated
hdSTRq+hc2                 Across + corner 2 elevated
hdSTRq+hc3                 Across + corner 3 elevated
hdSTRq+hc4                 Across + corner 4 elevated
hdSTRq+hc13                 Across + corners 1 and 3 elevated
hdSTRq+hc24                 Across + corners 2 and 4 elevated
  ex t ext u uex ut uext

180° curve

  ex t ext u uex ut uext
dvWSLaq                 Loop start, across
dvWSLeq                 Loop end, across
  ex t ext u uex ut uext

Split corner

  e ex t u ue uex ut
dSHI1r                 Shift by 1/4 to right
dSHI1+r                 Shift by 1/4 from right
dSHI1l                 Shift by 1/4 to left
dSHI1+l                 Shift by 1/4 from left
dSTR3+1h                 Curve to corner 3 from split corner 1
dSTR2h+4                 Curve from corner 4 to split corner 2
dSTR3h+1                 Curve from corner 1 to split corner 3
dSTR2+4h                 Curve to corner 2 from split corner 4
dSTR2+1h                 Curve to corner 2 from split corner 1
dSTR2h+1                 Curve from corner 1 to split corner 2
dSTR3h+4                 Curve from corner 4 to split corner 3
dSTR3+4h                 Curve to corner 3 from split corner 4
dSHI1c1                 Filler for corner 1
dSHI1c2                 Filler for corner 2
dSHI1c3                 Filler for corner 3
dSHI1c4                 Filler for corner 4
dSTRr+1h                 Curve to right from corner 1
dSTR2h+r                 Curve from right to corner 2
dSTR3h+l                 Curve from left to corner 3
dSTRl+4h                 Curve to left from corner 4
dBS2c1                 Filler for corner 1
dBS2c2                 Filler for corner 2
dBS2c3                 Filler for corner 3
dBS2c4                 Filler for corner 4
Quarter width
cSHI1c1                 for corner 1
cSHI1c2                 Filler for corner 2
cSHI1c3                 Filler for corner 3
cSHI1c4                 Filler for corner 4
cBS2c1                 Filler for corner 1
cBS2c2                 Filler for corner 2
cBS2c3                 Filler for corner 3
cBS2c4                 Filler for corner 4
  e ex t u ue uex ut


  e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
dSTR+GRZq                                 Border
dKMW                                 Milepost
dKMW(L)                                 Milepost at left
dKMW(R)                                 Milepost at right
dBUE                                 Level crossing
dPSL                                 Passing loop
dÜST                                 Crossover double (scissors)
dÜSTl                                 Crossover right to left
dÜSTr                                 Crossover left to right
dYRD                                 Yard
dYRDa                                 Yard start
dYRDe                                 Yard end
dYRDaq                                 Yard across, start
dYRDmq                                 Yard across, middle
dYRDeq                                 Yard across, end
dPSTR(R)                                 Platform on right
dPSTR(L)                                 Platform on left
tdSTR+tBSr                                 Platform in tunnel on right
tdSTR+tBSl                                 Platform in tunnel on left
tdSTRe+tBSle                                 Tunnel end, platform on left
tdSTRe+tBSre                                 Tunnel end, platform on right
dTRRl                                 Traverser left section
dTRRm                                 Traverser middle section
dTRRr                                 Traverser right section
dLTRRl                                 Traverser left section, no bridge
dLTRRm                                 Traverser middle section, no bridge
dLTRRr                                 Traverser right section, no bridge
  e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext


d   Half-width empty icon
dMASK   Mask
dMSTRq   Mask line across
dMSTR-q   Mask lines across
dMASKl   Mask left
dMASKr   Mask right
dMFADEf   Fade forward
dMFADEg   Fade backward
dMFADEfq   Fade forward, across
dMFADEgq   Fade backward, across
dPLT     Platform
dPLTl     Platform at left
dPLTr     Platform at right
dPLTae     Platform at back and front
dPLTa     Platform at back
dPLTe     Platform at front
dPLT-     Platform back half
d-PLT     Platform front half