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Console Output

07:32:20 Started by user unknown or anonymous
07:32:20 Running as SYSTEM
07:32:20 Building remotely on integration-agent-docker-1055 (pipelinelib Docker blubber) in workspace /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish
07:32:20 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
07:32:20 + ls -laF --color=always
07:32:20 total 8
07:32:20 drwxr-xr-x  2 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 ./
07:32:20 drwxrwxr-x 12 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 ../
07:32:20 + mkdir -m 2777 -p cache
07:32:20 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
07:32:20 + set -o pipefail
07:32:20 ++ pwd
07:32:20 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache ']'
07:32:20 ++ pwd
07:32:20 + exec docker run --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache:/cache --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init --rm --label jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --label --env-file /dev/fd/63 load
07:32:20 ++ /usr/bin/env
07:32:20 ++ egrep -v '^(HOME|SHELL|PATH|LOGNAME|MAIL)='
07:32:20 Defined: CASTOR_NAMESPACE="castor-mw-ext-and-skins/master/mwext-node18-docs-publish"
07:32:20 Syncing...
07:32:21 rsync: [generator] failed to set times on "/cache/.": Operation not permitted (1)
07:32:26 rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1819) [generator=3.2.3]
07:32:26 Done
07:32:28 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
07:32:28 + set -eux
07:32:28 + ls -laF --color=always
07:32:28 total 12
07:32:28 drwxr-xr-x  3 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 ./
07:32:28 drwxrwxr-x 12 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 ../
07:32:28 drwxrwsrwx  5 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 cache/
07:32:28 + mkdir -m 2777 -p log
07:32:28 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
07:32:28 + set -o pipefail
07:32:28 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish ']'
07:32:28 + exec docker run --entrypoint=/usr/bin/find --user=nobody --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish:/workspace --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init --rm --label jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --label --env-file /dev/fd/63 /workspace/log -mindepth 1 -delete
07:32:28 ++ /usr/bin/env
07:32:28 ++ egrep -v '^(HOME|SHELL|PATH|LOGNAME|MAIL)='
07:32:29 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
07:32:29 + set -eux
07:32:29 + ls -laF --color=always
07:32:29 total 16
07:32:29 drwxr-xr-x  4 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 ./
07:32:29 drwxrwxr-x 12 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 ../
07:32:29 drwxrwsrwx  5 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 cache/
07:32:29 drwxrwsrwx  2 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 log/
07:32:29 + mkdir -m 2777 -p src
07:32:29 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
07:32:29 + set -o pipefail
07:32:29 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish ']'
07:32:29 + exec docker run --entrypoint=/usr/bin/find --user=nobody --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish:/workspace --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init --rm --label jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --label --env-file /dev/fd/63 /workspace/src -mindepth 1 -delete
07:32:29 ++ /usr/bin/env
07:32:29 ++ egrep -v '^(HOME|SHELL|PATH|LOGNAME|MAIL)='
07:32:30 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -eu /tmp/
07:32:30 + mkdir -m 2777 -p cache
07:32:30 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
07:32:30 + set -o pipefail
07:32:30 ++ pwd
07:32:30 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/src ']'
07:32:30 ++ pwd
07:32:30 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache ']'
07:32:30 + '[' '!' -d /srv/git ']'
07:32:30 ++ pwd
07:32:30 ++ pwd
07:32:30 + exec docker run --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/src:/src --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache:/cache --volume /srv/git:/srv/git:ro --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init --rm --label jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --label --env-file /dev/fd/63
07:32:30 ++ /usr/bin/env
07:32:30 ++ egrep -v '^(HOME|SHELL|PATH|LOGNAME|MAIL)='
07:32:31 + [[ == '' ]]
07:32:31 + git init
07:32:31 hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
07:32:31 hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
07:32:31 hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
07:32:31 hint: 
07:32:31 hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
07:32:31 hint: 
07:32:31 hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
07:32:31 hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
07:32:31 hint: 
07:32:31 hint: 	git branch -m <name>
07:32:31 Initialized empty Git repository in /src/.git/
07:32:31 + git remote add origin
07:32:31 + git fetch --quiet --update-head-ok --depth 2 git:// +refs/zuul/master/Zb8933edc00034e4da87254640ac8b8e0:refs/zuul/master/Zb8933edc00034e4da87254640ac8b8e0
07:32:32 + [[ master == '' ]]
07:32:32 + git checkout -B master FETCH_HEAD
07:32:33 Reset branch 'master'
07:32:33 + set +x
07:32:33 + git submodule --quiet update --init --recursive
07:32:39 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -eu /tmp/
07:32:39 + chmod 2777 src
07:32:39 + mkdir -m 2777 -p cache log
07:32:39 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
07:32:39 + set -o pipefail
07:32:39 ++ pwd
07:32:39 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/src ']'
07:32:39 ++ pwd
07:32:39 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache ']'
07:32:39 ++ pwd
07:32:39 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/log ']'
07:32:39 ++ pwd
07:32:39 ++ pwd
07:32:39 ++ pwd
07:32:39 + exec docker run --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/src:/src --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache:/cache --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/log:/log --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init --rm --label jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --label --env-file /dev/fd/63 doc
07:32:39 ++ /usr/bin/env
07:32:39 ++ egrep -v '^(HOME|SHELL|PATH|LOGNAME|MAIL)='
07:32:39 + '[' '!' -f package.json ']'
07:32:39 + node --version
07:32:39 v18.20.4
07:32:39 + npm --version
07:32:39 10.7.0
07:32:39 + '[' -e npm-shrinkwrap.json ']'
07:32:39 + '[' -e package-lock.json ']'
07:32:39 + npm ci
07:32:44 npm warn deprecated [email protected]: this library is no longer supported
07:32:44 npm warn deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade to latest, formidable@v2 or formidable@v3! Check these notes:
07:32:45 npm warn deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
07:32:45 npm warn deprecated [email protected]: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.)
07:32:45 npm warn deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see
07:32:45 npm warn deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade to v7.0.2+ of superagent.  We have fixed numerous issues with streams, form-data, attach(), filesystem errors not bubbling up (ENOENT on attach()), and all tests are now passing.  See the releases tab for more information at <>.
07:32:45 npm warn deprecated [email protected]: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
07:33:10 added 1221 packages, and audited 1222 packages in 31s
07:33:10 163 packages are looking for funding
07:33:10   run `npm fund` for details
07:33:10 44 vulnerabilities (19 moderate, 22 high, 3 critical)
07:33:10 To address issues that do not require attention, run:
07:33:10   npm audit fix
07:33:10 To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
07:33:10   npm audit fix --force
07:33:10 Some issues need review, and may require choosing
07:33:10 a different dependency.
07:33:10 Run `npm audit` for details.
07:33:11 + npm run-script doc
07:33:11 > [email protected] doc
07:33:11 > jsdoc -c jsdoc.json
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWAlienExtensionNode.js, line: 35
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWAlienExtensionNode.js, line: 38
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWExtensionNode.js, line: 58
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWExtensionNode.js, line: 61
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 65
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 68
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 87
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 90
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 95
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 98
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 149
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWImageNode.js, line: 152
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWLanguageVariantNode.js, line: 92
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWLanguageVariantNode.js, line: 102
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWSignatureNode.js, line: 105
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWSignatureNode.js, line: 108
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWTransclusionNode.js, line: 210
07:33:11 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ce.MWTransclusionNode.js, line: 217
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 42
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 45
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 88
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 91
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 100
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 103
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 257
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 260
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 237
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 240
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 247
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 251
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 259
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 293
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 296
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 526
07:33:12 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File:, line: 533
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction.js, line: 88
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWSaveDialogAction.js, line: 91
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWMetaDialog.js, line: 186
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWMetaDialog.js, line: 189
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWAlienExtensionInspector.js, line: 95
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWAlienExtensionInspector.js, line: 98
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWAddParameterPage.js, line: 117
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWAddParameterPage.js, line: 120
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTemplatePlaceholderPage.js, line: 93
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTemplatePlaceholderPage.js, line: 96
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWEditModeTool.js, line: 23
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWEditModeTool.js, line: 26
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWEditModeTool.js, line: 33
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWEditModeTool.js, line: 36
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 64
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 67
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 83
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 86
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 116
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 119
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 123
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 126
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 134
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow.js, line: 137
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.js, line: 187
07:33:13 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWCategoryWidget.js, line: 191
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineButtonWidget.js, line: 66
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineButtonWidget.js, line: 71
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 76
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 82
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 127
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 130
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 167
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 170
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 193
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 198
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 213
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget.js, line: 219
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterWidget.js, line: 63
07:33:14 WARNING: The @inheritdoc tag does not permit a value; the value will be ignored. File: ve.ui.MWTransclusionOutlineParameterWidget.js, line: 66
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link For each item added in Class: MWTransclusionModel
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link ve.init.Target#event:surfaceReady in Class: ArticleTarget
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link ve.init.Target#event:surfaceReady in Class: CollabTarget
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link ve.init.Target#event:surfaceReady in Class: DesktopArticleTarget
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link ve.init.Target#event:surfaceReady in Class: DesktopCollabTarget
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link ve.init.Target#event:surfaceReady in Class: MobileArticleTarget
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link ve.init.Target#event:surfaceReady in Class: MobileCollabTarget
07:33:17 WARNING: Unknown link ve.init.Target#event:surfaceReady in Class: Target
07:33:18 WARNING: Unknown link OO.ui.TextInputWidget#getValidity in Class: MWExternalLinkAnnotationWidget
07:33:18 WARNING: Unknown link in Class: MWGalleryDialog
07:33:18 WARNING: Unknown link ve.ui.MWMediaDialog#getImportRules in Class: MWLanguageVariantInspector
07:33:18 WARNING: Unknown link ve.ui.LinkAction#autolinkUrl in Class: MWLinkAction
07:33:18 WARNING: Unknown link in Class: MWMediaDialog
07:33:18 WARNING: Unknown link OO.ui.SelectWidget#event:choose in Class: MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget
07:33:18 WARNING: Unknown link OO.ui.SelectWidget#event:choose in Class: MWTransclusionOutlineParameterSelectWidget
07:33:19 Waiting for the completion of publish-to-doc
07:33:19 publish-to-doc #166998 started.
07:33:21 publish-to-doc #166998 completed. Result was SUCCESS
07:33:21 [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
07:33:21 Waiting for the completion of castor-save-workspace-cache
07:33:21 castor-save-workspace-cache #4890604 started.
07:33:24 castor-save-workspace-cache #4890604 completed. Result was SUCCESS
07:33:24 [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
07:33:24 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
07:33:24 + echo 'Clearing /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache'
07:33:24 Clearing /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache
07:33:24 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
07:33:24 + set -o pipefail
07:33:24 ++ pwd
07:33:24 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache ']'
07:33:24 ++ pwd
07:33:24 + exec docker run --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish/cache:/cache --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init --rm --label jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --label --env-file /dev/fd/63 clear
07:33:24 ++ /usr/bin/env
07:33:24 ++ egrep -v '^(HOME|SHELL|PATH|LOGNAME|MAIL)='
07:33:26 [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
07:33:26 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
07:33:26 + set -euxo pipefail
07:33:26 + docker ps -q --filter label=jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --filter
07:33:26 + xargs --no-run-if-empty docker stop
07:33:26 [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
07:33:26 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
07:33:26 + set -o pipefail
07:33:26 + '[' '!' -d /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish ']'
07:33:26 + exec docker run --entrypoint=/usr/bin/find --user=root --volume /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish:/workspace --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init --rm --label jenkins.job=mwext-node18-docs-publish --label --env-file /dev/fd/63 /workspace -mindepth 1 -delete
07:33:26 ++ /usr/bin/env
07:33:26 ++ egrep -v '^(HOME|SHELL|PATH|LOGNAME|MAIL)='
07:33:28 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
07:33:28 + echo 'Listing potentially remaining files in workspace for T282893'
07:33:28 Listing potentially remaining files in workspace for T282893
07:33:28 + ls -laF --color=always
07:33:28 total 8
07:33:28 drwxr-xr-x  2 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:33 ./
07:33:28 drwxrwxr-x 12 jenkins-deploy wikidev 4096 Sep 24 07:32 ../
07:33:28 [mwext-node18-docs-publish] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
07:33:28 + set -u
07:33:28 + rmdir /srv/jenkins/workspace/mwext-node18-docs-publish
07:33:28 Finished: SUCCESS