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Erasmus Darwin

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Erasmus Darwin
Erasmus Darwin 1792–1793, tabloya boyaxa neftî ya destnîgar Joseph Wrightê,
Navê rastî
Erasmus Robert Darwin
Jidayikbûn12ê kanûna pêşîn a 1731ê
Elston Hall, Elston, Nottinghamshirenêzîkê Newark-on-Trent, Îngilistan
Mirin18ê nîsana 1802an (70 salî)
Breadsall, Derby, îngilistan
ZarokCharles Darwin (medical student)
Erasmus Darwin II
Elizabeth Darwin
Robert Waring Darwin
William Alvey Darwin
Dê û bav
MalbatMalbata Darwin–Wedgwood

Erasmus Darwin (jdb. 12ê kanûna pêşîn a 1731 - m. 18ê nîsana 1802) bijîşkekî îngilîz e. Yekê muhimtirê fikirdarê Ronîbuna birminghamê ye û jixwe him fîlozofê xwezayî him endamerkzan him dahêher û helbestvan him jî xebatkarê rakirina tîcareta koletî, bu . Zefê helbestên wî li ser dîroka tabîatê ye û ramanê xwe li ser Pêşveçûn û hemû formên jiyan dihundirîne. Darwin endama Malbata Darwin–Wedgwood bu ku ew malbat Charles Darwin û Francis Galtonê dihundirîne. Li ser daxwaznameyê George III Darwin bijîşkê qralê bu.

Mala Darwin îro jî heye û wek muzeyeke hatîye zivirandin û bo xebatên darwin hatîye nezirkirin. Mala wî li ser kar û armanca wî tê bikar anîn.

Mala Darwin li Lichfield, niha muzeyekê bo xebatên Darwin hatîye nezirkirin .
Joseph Wrightê Derby, Erasmus Darwin (1770;li Muzeya Birminghamê).

Berhemên Çapkirî

[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]
  • Erasmus Darwin, A Botanical Society at Lichfield. A System of Vegetables, according to their classes, orders... translated from the 13th edition of Linnaeus' Systema Vegetabiliium. 2 vols., 1783, Lichfield, J. Jackson, for Leigh and Sotheby, London.
  • Erasmus Darwin, A Botanical Society at Lichfield. The Families of Plants with their natural characters...Translated from the last edition of Linnaeus' Genera Plantarum. 1787, Lichfield, J. Jackson, for J. Johnson, London.
  • Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden, Part I, The Economy of Vegetation. 1791 London, J. Johnson.
  • Part II, The Loves of the Plants. 1789, London, J. Johnson.
  • Erasmus Darwin, Zoonomia; or, The Laws of Organic Life, 1794, Part I. London, J. Johnson,
  • Part I–III. 1796, London, J. Johnson.
  • Darwin, Erasmus (1797). A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools, private families, and public seminaries. By Erasmus Darwin, M.D. F.R.S. author of Zoonomia, and of The botanic garden. ; To which are added, Rudiments of taste, in a series of letters from a mother to her daughters. ; Embellished with an elegant frontispiece (4to, 128 pages). Derby: J. Johnson. Roja gihiştinê 5 adar 2015. {{cite book}}: |ref=harv ne derbasdar e (alîkarî) (last two leaves contain a book list, an apology for the work, and an advert for "Miss Parkers School".)
  • Erasmus Darwin, Phytologia; or, The Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening. 1800, London, J. Johnson.
  • Erasmus Darwin, The Temple of Nature; or, The Origin of Society. 1803, London, J. Johnson.