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Disputatio:Index praesidum Civitatum Foederatarum Americae

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E Vicipaedia

Quo modo melior dicitur....?

[fontem recensere]

OK, I've been writing about some of the presidents, but I'm at a loss for some of it.

I know how to say Governor and President. Easy. I know how to say general and some other items too. Pretty obvious. But there are some things that I just don't know how to say. And my feeling is to not say secretary in the sense of administrative assistant in Latin, because it doesn't convey, for me anyway, enough of the power of the office. I'd prefer whatever word the English use for minister (As in Prime Minister) in Latin. I've added "-SP" after words that I know. Mei nummi duo. Sinister Petrus 19:41, 12 Maii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Words I already know for sure:

  • President = praesidens
  • General = dux
  • Governor = gubernator
  • Senator = senator (|-|4vd ©r3d0)
  • Senate = Senatus

Stuff I'm not sure about:

  • Vice-president = vicepraesidens
  • Secretary of State = XXXX civitatis
  • Secretary of War = XXXX belli
  • Secretary of Treasury =
  • Attorney General =
  • Congressman = delegatus?
  • Congress =


[fontem recensere]
  • Vice-President
    • Praesidens Secundus
    • Praesidens Senati
    • Demi-Praesidens
  • Secretary of X,Y,Z,P,Q,R,...
    • Procurator Belli
    • Procurator Fiduciarum? Procurator Thesauri? Procurator Pecuniae?
  • Attorney General
    • Iudex Maximus (nota bene, "Supreme Court Justice" est "Iudicator Curiae Maximae")
  • Congress/Congressman

Hic super utilis est, spero. 21:53, 12 Iunii 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Gratias tibi ago pro tuis consiliis et tua benevolentia, sed...--Rafaelgarcia 00:47, 13 Iunii 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Non credo Iudicator esse nomen latinum et iudex non est causidicus! Ubi illa nomina invenis?? Qualibet, iam longe haec munerum nomina ad linguam latinam hic Vicipaediae versi sunt. Vide exempli gratia Camera Repraesentantum Civitatum Foederatarum, et nexus illic. Et ut videas magistratrus Americanorum nomina non bene nominibus Romanorum congruunt.
--Rafaelgarcia 23:00, 12 Iunii 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Praeses, praesidis is i-stem (cf. Cic. Phil. 10.11.24) Commentationem pristinam non subscriptam usor sine nomine hora 15:50 die 19 Octobris 2023‎ scripsit.

ad praesidentes movenda

[fontem recensere]

I think we should have this be praesidentes, and save praesidens for a page that discusses the office, perhaps rules of eligibility, typical cursos honorum, etc. 43 is much more than one praesidens.--Ioshus Rocchio 02:29, 8 Iunii 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Adiungo Correcte de re movenda dicis. Fortasse Index Praesidentum CFA melior quam nomen rei praesentis. Sinister Petrus 16:31, 10 Iunii 2006 (UTC)[reply]