PersonData on Peter C. Bjarkman


Not sure this is how to do this - but on PersonData you have taken Peter C. Bjarkman to be Peter Bjarkman. Be advised that (1) the C. is critical, and (2) there is a Peter C. Bjarkman Jr. and this is NOT him. The birthdate and place of birth are correct.

Samuel May Williams


Guten tag T. seppelt:

Ich verstehe keine Deutch. Is English OK?

I saw the wikidata request from Kasparbot related to the article Samuel May Williams. Wikidata records his "country of citizenship" as the United States. This is correct. However, Williams was also a citizen of the Republic of Mexico and the Republic of Texas. If you can add this to Wikidata, all the data would be correct to the best of my knowledge.

danke shein, Oldsanfelipe (talk) 19:25, 6 October 2017 (UTC)oldsanfelipeReply

time zones


I have reopened the question of "Named time zones or UTC?" for property located in time zone (P421). Since you had expressed interest in this topic before, I thought I'd let you know. Scs (talk) 14:43, 22 March 2019 (UTC)Reply