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Grants:PEG/WM NO/Outreach GLAM

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This submission to the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program was funded in the fiscal year 2011-12. This is a grant to an organization.

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Legal name of chapter or nonchapter group
Wikimedia Norge (Wikimedia Norway)
Grant contact name
Erlend Björtvedt
Grant contact username or email
[email protected] (c.p.) (w.p.)
Grant contact title (position)
Vice Chairman
Project lead name
Outreach GLAM - Wikipedia Academy 2012
Project lead username or email
Lars Roede
Project lead title (position), if any
Member of the board
Full project name
Wikipedia Academy 2012
Amount requested (in USD)
Provisional target start date
April 22, 2012
Provisional completion date
April 23, 2013

Budget motivation and breakdown


Documentation of expenditures has been received by WMF.

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of {{{amount}}} were deducted from another grant payment for [[{{{submission}}}]].

Wikimedia Norway in April 2012, signs a national cooperation agreement with Norsk Kulturråd (Norwegian Culture Council), a semi-public entity organizing all GLAM institutions of Norway. The agreement coincides with Wikimedia Norway's 2011-15 Strategy, emphasizing the GLAM sector. Wikipedia Academy 2012 is the first event of practical co-operation, in which Wikimedia Norway hosts a seminar for GLAM institutions in Oslo, while Norsk Kulturråd and the individual institutions cover their own traveling and other expences.

This is Wikimedia Norway's first grants application, previous projects have been conducted solely with the help of local funds. During the previous years,WMF fundraising has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in Norway, the funds totally benefiting the global community. This massive net contribution is expected to continue in the future, and has raised the issue within Wikimedia Norway of applying for some limited grants from the WMF. Due to the very high price level and substantial market appreciation of the local currency (NOK) - the funding needs as measured in USD are much higher in Norway than in "normal" countries. General costs of living in Norway are far above those of any other chapter country. During 2011, the value of the local currency has further increased by some 30 per cent in relation to USD. All activities have an additional funding from local sources.

There is substantial experience on cost budgeting from Wikipedia Academy 2009 and Wikipedia Academy 2011. Logistics is organized in concordance with GoOpen. The Project is stipulating the following budget measured in USD.

Activity USD Budget Comments
Wikipedia Academy 2012 - GLAM April 2012, with the Norwegian Culture Council (Norsk Kulturråd), Oslo
Travel expences 1 2,000.oo- Reimbursing expences of 5 wikimedian volunteers
Travel expences 2 2,000.oo- Reimbursing expences of Kajsa Hartig, Stockholm
Travel expences 3 1,000.oo- Reimbursing expences of Lennart Guldbrandsson, Sweden
Acommodation 300.oo- Reimbursing expences of 1 lecturer
Compensations 1,500.oo- Potential reimbursments for lecturers
Localities 1,000.oo- Located at the Radisson BLU Scandinavia Hotel
Seminar magazines 1,000.oo- Printing costs of three different hand-outs to Go Open / WA12
Photo copying costs 1,000.oo- Magnified copies of WLM photos, etc, on-site exposition
Mini-bus rental 700.oo- For picking up lecturers at Oslo Airport
Broadband and PC costs 1,500.oo- Added speed, 15 PCs for edit training
Lunch, etc 6,000.oo- Cost NOK 29,750 for 50 participants
Dinner for volunteers and lecturers 2,000.00- Evening dinner before Wiki meetup
Buffer 1,000.oo-
Total costs 21,000.oo-
Funding, other sources 5,000.oo- Norwegian institutions, participant fees
WMF Grant 16,000,oo-

Project scope


The Wikipedia Academy 2012 is well planned with a finalized program, logistics and budget. Key lecturers include Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales, and notable members of the GLAM community of Norway and Sweden.

Meetings have been held with the Norwegian Council throughout 2011 and 2012, agreeing on a national cooperation platform, conferences to attract Norwegian museums, archives and cultural institutions to communicate through open licencing of photos and other media content. Two local Wikipedian-in-residence projects will be presented as benchmark models to museums. Main logistics and invitations towards cultural institutions (members of the council) will be carried out thorugh the infrastructure of the Norwegian Culture Council. The Conference will gather in conjunction with Go Open 2012, Oslo. Project lead for the GLAM part of the project is Lars Roede, PhD, former director of the Oslo City Museum, and member of the board of Wikimedia Norway. Project lead for logistics and edit training is Ulf Larsen, local Wikimedia Norway volunteer.

We are aiming at approximately 50 participants, plus eventual Go Open steppers-by. Main keynote speeker is Jimmy Wales, in addition to lead museum communicators from Sweden and Norway. There will also be a session celebrating the WMF-Telenor Asia agreement, including the Minister of Development of Norway, and one EVP from Telenor Group. Costs of this celebration is covered by Go Open.

Project goal


The project goal is to attract museums, archives and other cultural institutions into open communication and licencing. The Norwegian Culture Council will support and partner up for the event to induce their member institutions to rethink past practices of exclusive licencing and artefact concealment. There is support from devoted individuals, both within the Council and among several member institutions, to share best practice and attract more institutions to open up and share their resources. The main elements are listed below, with lead or best practice institutions indicated in brackets:

  • Opening up data archives for mirroring and/or deep linking of content (National Library, National Archives)
  • Communicating museum stories and exhibits through Wikipedia (museums)
  • Wikipedian-in-residence - best practice-sharing (Norwegian Museum of Cultural History + Oslo Museum)
  • Opening up photo archives for open licencing (Oslo City Museum, Oslo City Collections, archives)
  • Practical training in Wikipedia editing and Commons downloading and licencing (continuous training course)

Generally, GLAM institutions and their individual officers will get a first introduction and discuss strategic openness issues at the GLAM Conference in December, 2011. That conference will promote and spark the article competition, in which institutions and individual can kick-start their editing practition. Therafter, spring will give some time to mature and develop local projects and best practice - to be shared and communicated at the Wikipedia Academy in April, 2012.

Non-financial requirements


We have mobilized have a corps of volunteers counting 5-10 people who will stage planning and execution of the event. They have an established project page.

We have invited Jimmy Wales over from London to share his views on the future development of Wikipedia.

Fit to strategy


Wikimedia Norway has drafted a strategy by way of preparation from the Board, and input from the Wikipedia community through the local-language village pumps. The result is a strategy that devises an emphasis on GLAM topics and opening of cultural recources in the strategy period 2011-2015, and an expansion with Natural sciences topics in the strategy period 2013-2015. Afetr a period of 2 years of GLAM outreach campaigning, that process is continued parallel to an added Natural sciences outreach campaign.

The prject will closely combine lecturies and discussions among GLAM professionals with practical training and wotkshop in editing and media content downloading / licencing. The underlying means of success is a targeted focus on outreach.

The Norwegian Culture Council will bring on board substantial credibility and potentials for content quality for Wikipedia. The Council has as its members virtually every single cultural institution of Norway. They have a semi-public status, supporting institutional work on quality, funding and standardization within the culture sector of Norway.

Other benefits


Prior to the Wikipedia Academy 2012, we will plan a public initiative among key institutions who endorse open communication and licencing of cultural resources. There is a separate meeting with the Norwegian Culture Council on this issue on April, 19. The Minister of Culture of Norway has been invited to take part in the Wikipedia Academy's GLAM session. The main target of the initiative will be the Ministry of Culture, front-end cultural institutions, archive owners, and culture-related media.

Measures of success


Sucess will be measured along five deliverables:

  • attracting 25+ GLAM professionals and 60+ participants in total
  • resulting in an initiative endorsed by cultural institution/s
  • mobilizing spefific projects with the sector, notably on WLM

Team members (optional)

  1. Erlend Bollman Björtvedt, Wikimedia Norway
  2. Lars Roede, Wikimedia Norway / Oslo City Museum
  3. Jarle Vines, Wikimedia Norway
  4. Kjetil Ree, Wikimedia Norway
  5. Anne-Sophie Ofrim, Wikimedia Norway
  6. Ulf Larsen, Wikipedia volunteer
  7. Other volunteers (Finn Bjørklid, Hans-Petter Fjeld, Kristian Vangen, ...)

