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The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: fr-N, en-4, es-1, it-1 (mic/cr-0.5)
  • Personal info: I have issues in real life that I don't want to expose here. I'm confident I will come back one day, but I understand if people would vote against my confirmation. Thanks for everybody, Amqui (talk) 23:48, 9 February 2014 (UTC) Note: Prior to the statement's addition, users saw and commented on a placeholder statement.[reply]

Comments about Amqui


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en, he-2
  • Personal info: Once again, I am pleased to see that the current body of stewards has, in the main, been able to support the corpus of Wikimedia projects relatively efficiently. I would like to continue supporting the projects as a steward, especially with global renames hopefully arriving this year, as I have years of experience with renames on my home wiki. I will also be serving as a member of the m:Ombudsman commission during 2014. Thank you for your past trust, and I hope to be able to continue to deserve it for this coming year.

Comments about Avraham


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de, en-4, fr-1
  • Personal info: This is my third steward confirmation, as I've been elected in 2011. I've been quite active during this year of services. I've used the steward tools for various purposes, such as helping with crosswiki deletions and blocks. I also dealt with vandalism and spam and locked and blocked many users and IPs. I also did some right changes, mainly to my own account to prevent more abuse and to remove abusive things, but also changed many other people's rights. I usually help everywhere, where help is needed, on IRC and also on-wiki. If you've any question, just ask me.

Comments about Barras

Remove Remove Unhelpful at Simple English Wiktionary, with no response to my questions, and has been a bit incivil. --Goldenburg111 17:24, 15 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
@Goldenburg111: Where has he been uncivil? --AmaryllisGardener (talk) 14:14, 16 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: zh, en-3
  • Personal info: Hi all, this is my second confirmation as a steward. It has been an honour to serve as a steward for the past two years and a half (roughly). I have been rather inactive during the later part of 2013, overwhelmed with real life commitments. I appreciate the community's trust in the past and I would like to continue serving the community this year. Hopefully I'll be back to active duty in a month or two. Thanks for your support.

Comments about Bencmq


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: id, en-5, jv-3
  • Personal info: Hi, I would like to continue helping with steward duties for the next year if the community think that I have contributed as stewards for the past year. Thank you. Addendum: My past roles as stewards has been focused on SRs, and I also stand-by on steward's IRC channel on most days until couple months ago. If I'm confirmed again as a steward, I'm in the process of purchasing a new laptop to replace the broken one, and hopefully using my new machine I could be more active on IRC and answering requests.

Comments about Bennylin


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: I plan to continue in the role of steward, if the community is willing to confirm me. I have pretty much undertaken the tasks I said that I would, the majority of it in global spam defences. My mop has been active and consistent in my areas of strength, and I have undertaken activities in other areas as required. Stewards have worked cooperatively and respectfully; as a team sharing the work, sharing advice and requesting assistance as necessary, some robust discussions, and it continues to be a harmonious and pleasant group with whom to work, and I commend them for their passion, diligence and efforts. — billinghurst  — billinghurst sDrewth

Comments about Billinghurst


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: Since my last confirmation (2013), I've been very active in dealing with spambot accounts and crosswiki vandalism/abuse. I hope to continue working with my fellow stewards (and new stewards) and also focus on more tasks (such as right changes, etc). --Bsadowski1 (talk) 02:41, 12 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Bsadowski1


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de, en-3, grc-3, la-3, es-1
  • Personal info: Dear readers,

    I'm one of the longest continuously serving stewards as I was elected back in December 2007. With my broad experience in handling steward actions, I'm not only dealing with almost all kinds of them (mostly via IRC) but also advise new stewards and help as a contact person between stewards, communities and developers. For that purpose, I created help pages and reports for the announced Single User Login finalisation in English and German, held a presentation about global administration at the German AdminConvention and about global administration and tools at Wikimania 2013 (last part by Hoo man; slides, video), had meetups with developers and functionaries involved, created a roadmap for that purpose etc. Looking back at my last year's confirmation page, I'm a bit disappointed in the progress of the SUL finalisation on the part of the Wikimedia Foundation but I'm confident that it will happen this year and I want to pull my weight.

    Last year, my lower activity depended on my master thesis and participation in the Board of Wikimedia Germany. As the latter (besides others) frustrated me a bit, I decided to take a break in September and came back much more actively. Further, my Board term expired and I didn't step up again; additionally, I'll finish my master next month. In the last weeks, I occupied myself with CheckUser activities mostly on loginwiki (in what I was not as experienced as in Oversight rights that I hold on metawiki and which were one my main steward activities) and closed a difficult crosswiki CheckUser case in collaboration with German, French and English CheckUsers. Besides, a couple of German administrators requested a removal of their sysop rights on my user talk page and I granted this request according to our policy which caused a couple of uncontroversial steward actions on one of my homewikis.

    Recently, I became a member of the steward election committee again (a job I did in the last couple of years too) and thus hope to approve some new fellows elected by the global community. I'd be happy to serve the community and my venerable fellows with my experience for the next term. Thank you!

Comments about DerHexer

Remove Remove I don't think a user who types about other users in a public wiki is an acceptable candidates, per User:Natuur12 --Goldenburg111 22:58, 17 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ironically, everyone commenting here is typing about other users in a public wiki. ;) Can you please explain why this is any different from just leaving a reason when supporting/opposing? Let me clarify: I respect your opinions. but don't see why this is a reason to oppose. PiRSquared17 (talk) 16:46, 28 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: fr, en-3
  • Personal info: Hello! I would like to continue to serve as a steward. I was elected back in 2012. Most of the steward operations I have carried out here for the past two years were upon my own initiative or upon IRC requests. I do not plan to change my approach towards the steward tools, if the community is willing to support my confirmation. Elfix 17:32, 22 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Elfix


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: I apologize for my lateness in making my confirmation statement. I have given a lot of thought on whether to stand for reconfirmation this year or not. My activity level, while not terribly low in terms of raw actions, is admittedly quite erratic and sporadic. I think that I can still provide benefit to the project as a steward during those times that my real-life obligations allow me to participate here, but if people think that my activity levels are too low, I am willing to step down. J.delanoygabsadds 21:55, 27 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about J.delanoy


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: I am not seeking confirmation as a steward. When I was elected last year, I thought I would have a lot of time for steward tasks, but this turned out not to be true, and I have not had the time to do what I was supposed to do. So, to my fellow stewards: best of luck; and as always: see you at Wikimania! Jon Harald Søby (talk) 14:57, 21 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Jon Harald Søby

{{keep}} -jkb- 20:35, 19 February 2014 (UTC) oh Jon, I have just seen your notice above - thank you much for your serving us! -jkb- 20:36, 19 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: zh-hant, zh-hans-3, en-3, fr-1
  • Personal info: Hello everyone. Natively using traditional Chinese, I became a steward in December 2007. In the past year, I mostly processed Steward requests/Bot status and Steward requests/Permissions, while also checking on other steward requests. Always remembering my role in the wiki community, I look forward to serving the wiki for another year. Leaving a message to my Meta talk page will also email me a notice of its posting.--Jusjih (talk) 06:28, 24 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Jusjih


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: 2013 was a very busy year in the real life and my main contribution was in being available on the IRC channel for emergencies and global locks and blocks to help CV fellows. If the community trusts me with the tools, I would like to continue for another year in the role and work with the community.

Comments about Jyothis


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: This steward did not create their confirmation page before the start of the comment phase. Page created on behalf of the Election Committee by Snowolf

Comments about Leinad


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en-3, it, de-1, es-1, fr-1
  • Personal info: I am a Steward since 2006 and I'm willing to continue this service for another year. I plan to be slightly more active at least in dealing with RfP and in fighting cross wiki issues. I follow the mailing list and monitor meta.wiki logs and RfP page. I also can be reached on meta user talk page, that is set to E-mail me when changed. [Adde]: on last December I sent an application to serve the Ombudsman Commission and it has been accepted for next term, so there will be an interesting and entirely new set of problems, luckily well supported by other expert members of the commission. To enable better communication, I have restored my IRC client, also there my nick is "m7" (wikipedia/m7).

Comments about M7


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: fa, az, en, tr-2
  • Personal info: This year my activity was in moderate-level, and I assume I can do my job for another year, I have been available on IRC almost most of the year to handle emergencies situation specially those requested on IRC, With the communities trust, I wish to serve community next year. Mardetanha talk 08:21, 19 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Mardetanha


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en, he
  • Personal info: Hello, I have been at the same activity level this year: (links: steward activity, Meta logs), mainly anti-vandalism and SRP requests. A nice graph is available here. I'm on IRC regularly and try to be helpful. I'm planning to remain active this year, (if you still want me around). questions and comments are welcome. best Matanya (talk) 13:57, 14 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Matanya


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: nl, en-3, fr-1, de-1, af-1
  • Personal info: I was elected a year ago, so I'm up for confirmation for the first time. My work as a steward is mainly focused on dealing with spambots and the occasional cross-wiki vandals. I'm happy with the amount of work I've done in the past year, although I've been less active since (roughly) August 2013 due to other obligations. I'd love to continue my work as a steward, and I'm very interested in hearing what you think. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have. Mathonius (talk) 01:38, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Mathonius


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: Hello again. It has been a busy year for me on the projects and in real-life. I am glad to see my fellow Stewards have been active on the projects and hope they too have balanced it with their real-life commitments. With the continued hope for SUL finalization, I believe I still have something to contribute to the community as a Steward and seek confirmation to pursue that particular task, in addition to the other duties and responsibilities of Stewardship. Also, while not a frequent task, I think my ability to process requests involving small wikis and en.wiki with a single action (because of my local cratship) is a continuing benefit in the pre-finalization period. Please feel free to approach me here or on my talk page with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you. MBisanz talk 04:32, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about MBisanz

Surely he refers to the fact that the SUL finalisation was initially announced by the WMF to happen last year already, but then got delayed and still has no clear schedule for when it finally will be done. --MF-W 04:22, 26 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: it, en
  • Personal info: Hi, like last year I haven't been certainly the most active steward for number of actions but however I've guaranteed my presence. This year will bring me much more free time with the possibility to spend more time in fighting crosswiki abuse, spambots and vandalisms. I'm happy to serve with the usual passion the community and for this reason I hope I will be confirmed also this year as a Steward. --Melos (talk) 22:31, 26 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Melos


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en, mt, it-2
  • Personal info: Hi there. I'm usually 'passively' around (handling the more background tasks, and responding to requests particularly when no one is around - being a lover of the night helps). Besides watching the stream of unifications on IRC, I typically handle SRG, SRP, VR, and less often SRUC and SR/SUL. Ultimately, I'd be unable to objectively judge whether my level of activity is sufficient, or whether my actions are adequate - so I'll leave this for you to decide! :-) -- Mentifisto 16:42, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Mentifisto


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de-N, en-3, fr-1, tet-1, la-1, es-1
  • Personal info: After I was elected last year, I was, I think, quite active in steward areas. I handled requests on all steward requests pages, but especially right requests, global blocks and locks, SUL conflict solving and username changes. I'm also still active in the SWMT, blocking and locking spambots and vandals out of my own initiative or per requests on IRC. Although I have recently for real-life reasons not been able to be online on IRC as frequently as before anymore, I'm still available there and belong to those stewards who run the stewardbot project (soon on Labs, yes, yes). I'm also involved in the Admin activity review and stewards' OTRS queue.

Comments about MF-Warburg


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de, en, fr
  • Personal info:

    I won't continue as a steward after this traditional final confirmation, so I'll no longer be a steward as of 28 February 2014. In recent years my contributions have shifted entirely to development, and the introduction of OAuth means I no longer need steward access to continue the Synchbot service. I'll still be around as a non-steward. :) (My usual confirmation statement follows for historical context.)

    I have been an active steward since 2006. In recent years my activity has shifted to technical development: I maintain several tools for stewards (such as StewardScript, stewbot, stalktoy, stewardry, and crossactivity), maintain accounteligibility for the elections, and use my steward access to run the Synchbot service. (Synchbot enables global CSS and JavaScript by synchronising user pages across all Wikimedia wikis; I have handled 514 Synchbot requests for 243 users since 2008.)

    Historically, I wrote the standard bot policy and maintained the global bot list, wrote much of the steward handbook, coded and maintained many of the templates used on steward pages, and performed various steward tasks as shown in the recentlogs. See my user page for information on my non-steward contributions.

Comments about Pathoschild


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: pl, en-4, ru-1, de-1
  • Personal info: Hello, this year has been busy for me at work (I've finished my book on Wikipedia), and in wiki-life, too, as I've been very active on the Funds Dissemination Committee. I've made a minor increase in my activity as a steward, but it is far from desired. I hope to do better, definitely. My activities as a steward included also one more minor (but uncountable) item, that is a little bit of coordination of communication of stewards with the WMF (I've attempted to collect feedback and requests in February and in December, with a subsequent IRC conference of developers and stewards). In the future, I would like to do a bit more of that as well, if fellow stewards find it useful. Pundit (talk) 15:49, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Pundit


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: fr-N, en-3, de-1
  • Personal info: Hi everybody ! Elected steward in 2011, I've been mainly involved in fighting against vandalism and spambots, which includes the development of some bots and tools to help the community on a global basis. Being recently busy, I wasn't as much active in the last few months than before, and will not be able to return to my previous level of activity soon. I am currently migrating my tools and IRC bots to Wikimedia Labs. Once it is done, I'll be happy to continue to deal with steward stuff. Thanks for your continuous support ! -- Quentinv57 (talk) 22:38, 18 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Quentinv57


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en, fr-2
  • Personal info: This is my first confirmation as I was elected in 2013. During the year I've been reasonably active (in the top quartile of most active Stewards I believe) in terms of logged actions. I've also been a major contributor to the admin activity review which doesn't result in a large number of logged actions but takes a significant amount of time. Although the demand isn't high, I've covered a fair number of renames for projects without 'crats and closed a difficult RfC. With the SUL finalisation my bureaucrat experience will hopefully be useful in dealing with the actions required after the forced renames. Finally I have a fair number of global sysop actions too. If confirmed, I would expect to continue at broadly the same level of activity throughout 2014, including seeing the activity review through to a close. QuiteUnusual (talk) 19:55, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about QuiteUnusual


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en-3, ru-N
  • Personal info: This is my third confirmation since my election in the February 2011. During the third year as a steward I have maintained approximately the same level of activity as in the previous year, and I believe that I still remain useful to the the Wikimedia Community. I have been mainly making userrights changes, processing CU requests, helping users to rename/merge their accounts as well as helping with local administrative tasks. I still have a lot of enthusiasm for this role and wish to continue to serve as a steward. I hope that the community will support me. Thank you.

Comments about Ruslik0


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: zh, en-1, ru-1
  • Personal info: Hi! I have been a steward since late 2005. In the past year, I processing requests in SRG, SRB, and SRCU etc. I would like to continue to serve the wikimedia project community as a steward for 2014. Thank you for your past support.

Comments about Shizhao


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en, it
  • Personal info: This is my second confirmation as a steward, having been elected in February 2012. Since then, I have switched timezone to PST and, after having reviewed my activity levels in the second half of the past year and found them unsatisfactory, I have shed some of my user-rights (on the English Wikipedia and the English Wikivoyage) in order to ensure a proper focus on my Steward duties and to be significantly more active. Most of my recent activity has been handling requests on IRC during the European night and requests on Meta-Wiki. I would love to continue carry on my duties as a steward, if the community thinks me still worthy of their trust.

Comments about Snowolf

A comment war... And please, don't ask me for evidence, do it yourself... --Goldenburg111 17:56, 16 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: sv, en-3
  • Personal info: I have been a Steward for two year now so this is my second confirmation. My activity this year has been a lot of spam-bots and cross-wiki vandalism. I can often be found on IRC for dealing with emergencies, and with the upcoming global rename I can benefit from my previous experience as Bureaucrat at Wikipedia in Swedish. With your support I would like to continue for another year. -- Tegel (Talk) 12:21, 14 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Tegel


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: Hi, all. This is my second confirmation and I hope you agree that I can still help being a steward. I have been helping with almost no interruption and some links on my page provide numbers for those who like it. I am, however, not so active as I was months ago due to less time available since 'real' life is taking more and more of it, but can always save some minutes daily to do any task related. I will be happy to read any message that will help me to improve as a volunteer. Thanks for participating. Regards.—Teles «Talk to me ˱C L @ S˲» 04:11, 17 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Teles


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de, en, some basic knowledge in es, fr, ru, ar and others
  • Personal info: In the previous year, I served in two global groups, steward and ombudsman commission. As I also have a full-time position in my outside life, and because there are many more stewards than ombudsmen, I decided to spend as much time for the OC as was needed to fulfill the tasks at hand there, and only if there is time left, I would do steward work. It didn't work out that well, as that left-over amount of time was not too impressive. So I ended up with very little logged action on the steward side. However, I did a lot of things in the background, too, which I really want to continue, like (trying to) mediate in communities which don't have other possibilities than to ask the stewards for help, and such things. I also pretty much enjoyed the collaboration with the WMF people, especially Maggie Dennis and Philippe Beaudette, both as a steward and in the OC. Now that I leave the active seat on the OC (I will remain in close contact to the commission in a sort of advisory function), I will have more possibilities to do other things, too. Therefore, I would like to offer my services as a steward to the global community again.

Comments about Thogo


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: nl, en-4, de-1, fr-1
  • Personal info: This will be my second confirmation round as I was elected at the end of 2011. And I'm still one of the most active stewards. I deal with almost everything where a steward is needed, the various request pages, on-line requests, RFCs etc. I can't promise to stay as active as I was, but I'll try to help out where I can. Trijnsteltalk 22:38, 11 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Trijnstel

Stewards' jobs are to implement community consensus and act in a capacity for local communities where users are not in position to do so themselves. Mentoring a user is completely irrelevant to stewardship. It is like opposing an Oversighter because they don't know how to use CheckUser. John F. Lewis (talk) 18:27, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
So she can't simply leave a message on the user's talkpage about quick tips on becoming productive on a Wikimedia Project? --Goldenburg111 18:28, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
That is her choice, but opposing her stewardship confirmation because she chose not to is wrong. TCN7JM 18:31, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Comment Comment This vote most likely has something to do with this CU because of vote-stacking (see also this file made by someone else). Trijnsteltalk 18:43, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Likely, Trijnstel. Now, Goldenburg, drop the cudgel! I fact, I suggest you review Trinjnstel's Wikiversity contributions and consider changing your comment based on overall balance. Even if she made a mistake then -- and I don't agree she did -- there would then be the matter of how much work she has done to support Wikiversity. --Abd (talk) 19:06, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: it, en-2, fr-2
  • Personal info: 27 months and some thousands actions before being a steward is still a challenging and interesting task (though it's pretty hard) to be accomplished in a great team. I must apologise for the dramatical increase of my average response (time because of my various duties) and how we (both stewards and the Foundation's team) weren't yet able to solve the issues of a certain wiki. I hope, anyway, them will be fixed within some weeks. Finally I'd like to thank the whole Community for the trust which has been given me since late 2011, I'd like also to spend some words to remember all those who passed away this year, Diamant above all.

Comments about Vituzzu


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: bn, en-3, as-2, de-2, bpy-1
  • Personal info: Hello everyone! It has been more than two years of my stewardship. I was fairly active before my last confirmation, but this time I have to admit that I was inactive in the most of the last year. It was a tough time for me from real life perspective and I was also without stable internet for months. Despite that you will see a few activities in my log if you take a look. In fact, my internet situation developed only around two months ago from which time I am getting to be more active. I can say I can offer more than what I did in my past year and if the community thinks the same I would be delighted to serve for another term. Thank you for your understanding. — T. 14:08, 12 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Wikitanvir


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2014 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: pl, en, de-2
  • Personal info: As usual, repeating myself like an old record, I am not one of the most active stewards. In the past 12 months my activities mostly concerned an LTA case of a particularly stubborn character whose home edits were done at pl.wikipedia. I am also usually around on the IRC channel to help out in emergencies. If the Community wishes to maintain my steward status, I will be happy to serve yet another year as the second-liner of this great team.

Comments about Wpedzich
