The 6 People You Need to Roll Out Viva Goals
Published Aug 08 2023 11:03 AM 8,589 Views

At Viva Goals, we believe there are key people that every organization needs to roll out a successful program. We set out to uncover who these core people are and exactly what they do within a Viva Goals program.

The journey began by diving into how customers think about goals and use Viva Goals. This included an in-depth exploration of roles and responsibilities, competitor analyses, and customer interviews.

In the end we boiled it down to six core personas that we typically see in a goals program.
Below, I’ve listed the roles and responsibilities to help you identify these people within your organization.

Viva Goals Program Roles & Responsibilities

The first person you need is the Business Leader. This is the fearless leader who is ready to jump into Viva Goals and drive change across the organization. In fact, it doesn’t have to be just one person, you might find yourself having a few of these people depending on the size of your organization.


Business Leader



Leader who drives company, group, or team strategy, creates and approves team / organizational goals, and reviews progress.


Typical titles: C-suite, Vice President, General Manager




Next, you will need a Champion. You can think of this role as your Viva Goals quarterback. This person works closely with the Business Leader to develop the strategy, goals and acts as the connective tissues across the organization to make sure all the Business Leaders and Planning Managers are working in harmony.






Central expert and axis that keeps programs on track and connected. Drive overall program and rhythm of business across the entire organization (or multiple teams).


Typical titles: Chief of Staff, Planning Lead, Strategy & Operations



Then you will need a few Planning Managers to make sure each team is making progress. You can think of this person as the one in meetings who is taking notes, driving action items and keeping everyone on track to hit the goals. They are also the ones to flag anything that is at risk and help get things back on schedule. This person works closely with the Champion to ensure all reporting is done on time.



Planning Manager



Individuals and team managers who drive planning & tracking process on a given team. They ensure check-ins, reporting, and meetings follow prescribed rhythm of business.


Typical titles: Team Manager, Business Manager, Chief of Staff, Data Analytics Manager



One of the most common roles in an organization will be the Goal Owner. Every organization will have several individuals who are responsible for checking in on the progress of their goals within Viva Goals. This can be anyone from an Individual Contributor to the VP and beyond.



Goal Owner


Users who own goals and are accountable to drive and report progress on goals.


Typical titles: Anything from Individual Contributor to Vice President or beyond





Another common role will be the Stakeholder. In large organizations there could be hundreds or thousands of stakeholders. While they might not own a goal, that doesn't mean they don't have a responsibility within Viva Goals. In fact, they take their role very seriously, care about the company mission, and make it a point to keep up to date with the trends and news coming from senior management. Transparent goals visible in Viva Goals are a huge perk to them.






Users who engage with updates on progress of goals.


Typical titles: Anything from Individual Contributor to Vice President or beyond




And last but not least is the Tech Admin. This is someone who is generally more involved at the beginning of a program, working closely with the Champion to get Viva Goals set up. Their role doesn’t just stop at set-up though. Typically, they continue to manage any technical aspects of the program as new folks onboard, offboard and other changes occur.



Tech Admin



User who does the technical setup & responsible for managing the software and ensures licenses are assigned and security/compliance needs are met.


Typical Titles: IT Admin, Technical Operations



While you might not start out with all these roles, it’s important to consider them as you continue to develop your Viva Goals program. For more information on how to roll out a successful Viva Goals program check out our Adoption Resources here.

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‎Aug 08 2023 11:11 AM
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