مندرجات کا رخ کریں

محمد اعظم دیدہ مری

آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے

خواجہ محمد اعظم کول دیدہ مری (متوفی 1765ء) فارسی زبان کے ایک صوفی کشمیری مصنف تھے۔ خواجہ سے مراد ”استاد“، کول خاندانی نام ہے یعنی پنڈت۔ سری نگر کے محلہ دیدہ مر میں پیدا ہونے کی وجہ سے ان کو دیدہ مری کہا جاتا ہے۔[1]

1747ء میں انھوں نے فارسی زبان ”واقعات کشمیر“ نامی کتاب شائع کی، اسے ”تاریخ اعظمی“ بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔[2][3] واقعات کشمیر کے اردو تراجم منشی اشرف علی (دہلی، 1846ء)،[4] اور خواجہ حمید یزدانی (جموں، 1988) نے شائع کیے۔[5] دیدہ مری کی وفات کے بعد ان کے بیٹے خواجہ محمد اسلم نے ان کی اس تصنیف میں ”گوہر عالم“ (فارسی میں جوہر کو گوہر کہتے ہیں) نامی حصہ شامل کیا۔[6]

حوالہ جات

  1. Prithivi Nath Kaul Bamzai Culture and Political History of Kashmir: Ancient Kashmir 1994 Page 38 "The tradition of writing history was continued by Khwaja Muhammad Azam Kaul of Didamar quarter of Srinagar, who flourished in Kashmir under the rule of the later Mughals. His history entitled Waquat-i-Kashmir was commenced in 1735 and completed in 1746. Khwaja Ahmad besides being a saintly person was also a poet and is the author of several works. He died in 1765. His son Khwaja Muhammad Aslam, is the author of Gauhar-i-Alam & history of Kashmir in which he has made considerable additions to his father's work. "
  2. Mohammad Yasin, Madhvi Yasin Mysteries and glimpses of Kashmir 1996 - Page 33 "The tradition of writing history was continued by Khwaja Muhammad Azam Didamari. His history entitled Waqiat-i-Kashmir or Tarikh-i-Azmi was commenced in 1735 and completed in 1746."
  3. K. K. Kusuman A Panorama of Indian Culture: Professor A. Sreedhara Menon 1990 - Page 318 "After Sheikh Abul Fazal, Khawaja Muhammad Azad Dedamari in his monumental book Waqiat-i-Kashmir (Persian) in A.H. 1179 (1765 A.D.) while describing the poets, mystics and calligraphers of Kashmir region, mentions Muhammad ..."
  4. Didamari, Khwaja Muhammad (Azam), Waqiat-i-Kashmir (Persian mas. R and P) K.U. (Urdu tr. by Munshi Ashraf Ali), Delhi, 1846.
  5. Didamari, Khwaja Muhammad 'Azam. 1998. Waqi'at-i-Kashmir [tr. Khwaja Hamid Yazdani]. Srinagar: Jammu
  6. Somnath Dhar Kalhana 1978 - Page 79 "Besides his literary attainments, Khawaja Muhammad Azam was held in esteen as a saint. After his death in 1765 A.D. his son, Khwaja Muhammad Aslam. adding to his work, wrote Gauhar-i-Alam (Jewels of the World)."