Marketing Knowledge Center | ANA

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Advertising Wearout

19 hours ago

Is wearout an issue I need to worry about? What can I do to combat it?

Partner Content

How to Use Data Standards to Intelligently Optimize Campaigns

by Emily Love, 19 hours ago

What if the optimization brands are doing for their next campaign is based on the wrong information? With so much data currently available to advertisers, it's important that they ensure the data foundations are solid before divining insights to shape their next set of decisions.


Guerrilla Marketing Should Be More than a Stunt

by David Kaplan, 1 day ago

As social media and the rise of artificial intelligence-driven content blur the lines between creators and advertisers, guerrilla marketing may become an increasingly viable marketing vehicle, though perhaps still as elusive to define as it is to spot a 6-foot-7 Sasquatch in the wilds of Central Park.

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ASK Answers

Compendiums based on ANA member research requests.

Loyalty Marketing

1 day ago

How can I encourage loyalty within my customer base?

Marketing to Gen Z

1 week ago

Who is gen Z? How are brands marketing to this generation?

Case Studies

Results of ANA Award-winning marketing campaigns.

USAA Leverages the Army-Navy Game to Attract Customers

1 month ago

The Army-Navy Game presented by USAA offered the organization an excellent opportunity to reflect its brand values and showcase its products and services to a large cross-section of members and prospects. USAA leveraged sponsorship rights and tactics to develop a campaign aligning with fan passion-points while supporting marketing objectives.

National Grid Promotes Energy Efficiency

2 months ago

National Grid undertook a multi-year campaign to encourage its customers to pursue greater energy efficiency.

SAP Riffs on the Day’s News with AI-Generated Images

2 months ago

SAP leveraged AI image-generation to accelerate the creative cycle, allowing it to pitch its technology to mid-size companies.

CMO Content

Insights driven by the ANA's Global CMO Growth Council.

The ANA Global CMO Growth Council Position on Generative AI — September 24

1 month ago

The CMOs of the ANA Global CMO Growth Council community have steered the development of a common set of principles and guidance to help ensure that AI-based initiatives create value without harmful unintended consequences. The initial draft is available now for review and comment.

Global CMO Growth Council Leadership Assembly at Cannes LIONS 2024: Topline Recap and Key Takeaways

1 month ago

For the seventh consecutive year, the Global CMO Growth Council convened its leadership community at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. This pivotal forum brought together CMOs from top brands around the world to share progress and prioritize leadership initiatives for the remainder of 2024.

Executive Forum: Achieving Gold Standards in Brand-Building and Creative Effectiveness

1 month ago

This forum, conducted during the Global CMO Growth Council Leadership Assembly in Cannes, 2024, was dedicated to delegates connecting, learning, sharing, and challenging each other to raise our collective creative game.

Industry Insights

Blog posts written by ANA staff and outside contributors.

Event Recaps

Summaries of presentations at ANA conferences and committee meetings.

The Evolution of the Retail Media Revolution

1 day ago

The retail media landscape is rapidly transforming, reshaping the ways brands connect with consumers. Georgia-Pacific’s Paras Shah explored the dynamic changes driving this evolution and provided actionable insights for creating enhanced value in retail media.

United Airlines Scores Big with Local Super Bowl Ads

1 day ago

Learn how United Airlines created a Super Bowl campaign centered on local, personalized ads over a national TV buy, chose heart over humor, and talked about the teams that *didn’t* win.

Utilizing Marketing Return on Investment (MROI) Data to Better Inform Measurement, Optimization, and Planning

1 day ago

The HP view is that the scope of Measurement is a combination of Impact (what happened and why), Optimization (what should we optimize to across the next 90-days), and Planning (where should we invest and how much). HP calls it the IPO framework.

Knowledge Partners

Third-party content submitted by agencies and brands.

Specialty Retailer Elevates Marketing ROI Using Cluster Analysis

2 days ago

Bridgenext collaborated with a cross-functional executive stakeholder team to help identify patterns and segment customer and business actions that would ultimately inform investment and forecasting decision-making. Examining more than 25 data sources, we gathered data from sales and performance, product assortment, marketing, and market and store-level operations.

From Linear to Streaming: The Evolution of Live Events

1 week ago

In late 2023, Amazon Ads and Publicis Media worked together to create a study to better understand the shift from linear to streaming of live events in the US.

Brand Experience: The Key to Customer Loyalty and Business Growth

by Riham El-Lakany, Matt Dunn, 1 week ago

A common misconception is that your brand equals your logo plus your ads and nothing more. It’s true that visual identity and brand voice contribute to overall customer perception of a brand and its value. However, it’s the total brand experience that drives competitive differentiation, builds brand loyalty and, ultimately, delivers value to the business.

Money Slides

The best standalone PowerPoint slides from presentations at ANA events.

Quantifying the Reach of Each Marketing Channel

2 weeks ago

TVB, a trade association representing America’s local broadcast television industry, shares data that gauges the reach of a wide array of different marketing channels, from broadcast TV, to email, to social media, to newspapers, and beyond.

Quantifying the Time Consumers Spend with Each Marketing Channel

2 weeks ago

TVB, trade association representing America’s local broadcast television industry, shares data that pins down the average time spent with a wide array of different marketing channels, from broadcast TV, to email, to social media, to newspapers, and beyond.

Ranking Marketers' Most Frequently Used Retail Media Networks

2 weeks ago

The ANA shares the results of a survey that identifies the ten retail media networks that marketers use most — a list that includes the likes of industry behemoths such as Walmart Connect, Amazon Advertising, and Target Roundel, but also smaller players such as Instacart, Sam’s, Costco, and Dollar General.

Playbooks & Tools

How-to resources, including templates, guides, tips, and more.

E-commerce Quick Win Package

6 months ago

ANA's E-commerce Quick Win package includes a high-level cheat sheet and a comprehensive, customizable checklist to guide you through every step of the way when activating and growing ecommerce at your company.

E-commerce Cheat Sheet

6 months ago

Use this cheat sheet to learn about marketing's role in e-commerce and how to overcome common pitfalls.

E-commerce Checklist

6 months ago

Use this checklist to help you take a systematic approach to activating and growing e-commerce at your company.

ABM Strategy Playbook

6 months ago

Follow this simple step-by-step guide to develop an account-based marketing (ABM) approach and strategy.

Research Studies

Proprietary current practices and attitudes of marketers.

Data Visualization Playbook: A Picture Is Worth Infinite Words

1 month ago

ANA's Data Excellence and Privacy Practice's Data Visualization Playbook aims to equip marketers and practitioners with practical techniques and best practices to harness the full potential of data visualization.

Retail Media Networks: Optimism Tempered with Caution

1 month ago

While retail media networks (RMNs) have been around for well over a decade, they have really come into their own over the past few years. This ANA report concludes that, “Retail media networks have a measurement issue...and therefore better measurement of RMNs is clearly required.”

ANA Ethics Code of Marketing Best Practices

2 months ago

The ANA Ethics Code of Best Marketing Practices is a framework of high-level principles, guidelines, resources and examples of ethical marketing and advertising best practices applicable to all entities engaged in marketing, advertising, and fundraising.

Training Takeaways

Get smarter at a glance with career-critical insights drawn from expert-led trainings.

Eight Tips for Aligning MarTech with Strategy

1 month ago

Integrating marketing technology (MarTech) with marketing strategies is the deliberate alignment of your technology resources with your marketing objectives and the specific actions planned to accomplish those objectives. To achieve this integration, consider eight tips, drawn from the ANA’s on-demand training course, “Introduction to MarTech.”

Four Tips for Discovering and Distilling the Insights Necessary for a MarTech Assessment

1 month ago

Learn how to uncover your organization’s MarTech needs and challenges while aligning with key stakeholders.

Four Tips for an Effective MarTech Business Case

1 month ago

Learn the four key communication objectives, which, if followed, will give your MarTech business case clarity and earn it a receptive audience.


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