Eve M. Harrell's Blog: adaughtersjourney - Eve Harrell

December 31, 2023

A Watchman's WAIT - A Word for 2024

In December, the Lord gives me a word. A word that He uses to grow me in my next season.

The first year the Lord gave me a word, was in 2015. My word that year was TRUST. Saying goodbye to my Grandmomma ushered in the passing of a mantle of prayer. Through that year, God took me on a beautiful journey, teaching me who He was and who I was in Him all while teaching me how to trust and believe in His promises. It was a beautiful year of placing my hand in the Hands of the One who chose me in Him...

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Published on December 31, 2023 13:19

December 7, 2023

The One Thing

What is the ONE THING you are focused on today?

I've written before about my wake-up alarm habits. Every six minutes, my alarm goes off. One more minute, Mom! I think to myself as I hit the snooze button.

Intertwined with the raucous sound of the alarm are often equally irritating thoughts about the one thing that I need to do today. Meeting at one, report due at five, pay light bill before disconnection.

UGH, I am already allowing worry to set in even before I open my eyes. I am already acce...

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Published on December 07, 2023 10:02

October 31, 2023

A Month of Promise

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Published on October 31, 2023 06:46

August 3, 2023

Breaking Chains

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Published on August 03, 2023 13:12

July 13, 2023

Three Hundred Years

Who is in your life?

Have you taken inventory of the people God has blessed you?

Some are teachers, others are encouragers, and still, others serve to sharpen you. Yes, even those rough around the edges.

I was taking inventory of the existing conditions of a job site when a gentleman walked up to me. You could tell he had been around the construction industry for a while and had the resume to prove it. I was a green young woman in a man's world. Or so I thought.

As I was taking notes on my tr...

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Published on July 13, 2023 05:52

March 26, 2023

Do Not Be Afraid

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Published on March 26, 2023 12:06

March 21, 2023

The Lady in 26E

This weekend I ventured on my quarterly quest for a health update.

The air was brisk but the sun shined bright. I delighted in the resilience of the daffodils as they shined in the light and the Cherry blossoms that welcome spring's reveal.

These trips are quick. Fly out Sunday and fly home Monday or Tuesday. In between is a flurry of activity including checking in and out of hotels, finding food, tracking down Vlad, getting bloodwork and sitting in a machine as the colorful lights tell my do...

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Published on March 21, 2023 05:48

December 12, 2022

Divine Appointments

The Two Janes

I am not a proponent of coincidence. The closer I get to the Lord, the more I witness God in the midst of every circumstance. He is consistently connecting dots that we often miss.

I am at one of favorite places. As I flew out for the NIH yesterday, I found myself at the end of the terminal where I was able to ooh and awe over the planes taking off.

After what must've been 100 pictures, I chose to sit down. It wasn't ten minutes before a young woman and her friend sat down next...

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Published on December 12, 2022 12:06

November 1, 2022

A Month of Praise

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Published on November 01, 2022 14:45

October 1, 2022

Love Anyway

Is the world antithetical to the Gospel or is the Gospel antithetical to the world?

In John 15 Jesus said: "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”


Truth be told, we live in a world of extremes that create conflict within us. Jesus said, if we were of the wor...

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Published on October 01, 2022 04:01

adaughtersjourney - Eve Harrell

Eve M. Harrell
Beloved daughter who loves Jesus so much that I want to share the love & joy He has brought in my life with others!!

Blessed Wife to Tony & Mom to Lee & Lance and Basset fur babies Max and Belle.
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