Jodie Wolfe's Blog

October 19, 2021

Looking for Reviewers

I'm looking for reviewers who enjoy historical romance. I have a book coming out November 12th. If you're interested in posting reviews on Amazon and Barnes and Noble in exchange for a PDF, please feel free to message me. Here's a little bit about the book.

After twenty years of living along the trail as a deputy U.S. Marshal, Joshua Walker takes a job as sheriff in Burrton Springs, Kansas so he can be closer to his sister. Only problem, she no longer requires his protecting so he's unsure of his next step.

Annie McPherson needs a change after the death of her father. She accepts a position as schoolmarm, hoping her past won't catch up with her. Life is good, except for the pesky sheriff who continues to question her ability to adjust to life in the west and creates confrontations at every turn.

When the irritating schoolteacher's past and present collide, dragging him into the turmoil, Josh has to decide who he's willing to defend.
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Published on October 19, 2021 12:19 Tags: historical-romance-reviewers