Robert Sherriff's Blog

February 20, 2019

The Prime Minister's Literary Awards

The Prime Minister's Literary Awards and Prize for Australian History (the Awards) celebrate the contribution of Australian literature and history to the nation's cultural and intellectual life. The Awards play an important role in supporting a national appreciation of Australian literature. They provide acknowledgement and prizes to the authors and illustrators that have published the best works of Australian literature each year. The Prime Minister's Prize for Australian History recognises outstanding work that contributes significantly to the understanding of Australian history. Awards will be presented in six categories: fiction, non-fiction, young adult literature, children's literature, poetry and Australian history. Up to $100,000 will be awarded in each category - $80,000 for the winning entry and $5,000 each for a maximum of four shortlisted entries. All prizes are tax-free. Entries are sought for books of high literary merit, and in the case of the Australian history category, scholarly accomplishment. Full eligibility requirements can be found in the guidelines here. Entries close on 15 March 2019 In addition, eight (8) published copies of the relevant work must be received by the Department of Communications and the Arts by the closing date. If you are entering a 'non-book entry' such as a recording or documentary for the Australian history category you will also need to provide 8 copies of your entry in a format that can be provided to the judges. Please note: The submitted copies of works, whether deemed eligible or not, become the property of the Australian Government and will not be returned to the entrant. Courier deliveries: Postal address: Contact: Prime Minister’s Literary Awards Department of Communications and the Arts 2 Phillip Law Street New Acton Canberra ACT 2601 Prime Minister's Literary Awards Department of Communications and the Arts GPO Box 2154 Canberra ACT 2601 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards Department of Communications and the Arts Phone: 1800 707 889 Email: [email protected] If you have any questions regarding the Prime Minister's Literary Awards, you can: •  visit • email [email protected]

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Prime Minister's Literary Awards Entry 2019 Prime Minister's Literary Awards Entry 2019 Application LA001742 From robert sherriff
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Published on February 20, 2019 17:43 Tags: books

The Prime Minister's Literary Awards

The Prime Minister's Literary Awards and Prize for Australian History (the Awards) celebrate the contribution of Australian literature and history to the nation's cultural and intellectual life. The Awards play an important role in supporting a national appreciation of Australian literature. They provide acknowledgement and prizes to the authors and illustrators that have published the best works of Australian literature each year. The Prime Minister's Prize for Australian History recognises outstanding work that contributes significantly to the understanding of Australian history. Awards will be presented in six categories: fiction, non-fiction, young adult literature, children's literature, poetry and Australian history. Up to $100,000 will be awarded in each category - $80,000 for the winning entry and $5,000 each for a maximum of four shortlisted entries. All prizes are tax-free. Entries are sought for books of high literary merit, and in the case of the Australian history category, scholarly accomplishment. Full eligibility requirements can be found in the guidelines here. Entries close on 15 March 2019 In addition, eight (8) published copies of the relevant work must be received by the Department of Communications and the Arts by the closing date. If you are entering a 'non-book entry' such as a recording or documentary for the Australian history category you will also need to provide 8 copies of your entry in a format that can be provided to the judges. Please note: The submitted copies of works, whether deemed eligible or not, become the property of the Australian Government and will not be returned to the entrant. Courier deliveries: Postal address: Contact: Prime Minister’s Literary Awards Department of Communications and the Arts 2 Phillip Law Street New Acton Canberra ACT 2601 Prime Minister's Literary Awards Department of Communications and the Arts GPO Box 2154 Canberra ACT 2601 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards Department of Communications and the Arts Phone: 1800 707 889 Email: [email protected] If you have any questions regarding the Prime Minister's Literary Awards, you can: •  visit • email [email protected]

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Prime Minister's Literary Awards Entry 2019 Prime Minister's Literary Awards Entry 2019
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Published on February 20, 2019 17:20

February 11, 2019

Do you consider yourself an Author-Poet?

Do you consider yourself an Author-Poet?

Do you consider yourself an Author-Poet? have you got a story to tell? your story? Don't wait there is a saying IF? IF ONLY. Is the word. I am about to publish my third book see all the details down below click on links? Don't say to yourself IF CONTACT Keith Abbott at Michael Terence Publishing ask Keith about the competition you can enter tell Keith Roberts Sherriff sent you
Keith Abbott
Executive Director
Michael Terence Publishing
[email protected]|| +44 20 3582 2002 | +44 7748 636116
Robert Sherriff Author-Poet Actor -AVAILABLE NOW BOOK - Nobody's Home
Robert Sherriff Author of Dirkbell - CHILDREN’S BOOK BOOK - Dirkbell Web
New Book Coming Soon - Detective Crow – New York, New York
Do you consider yourself an Author-Poet?
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Published on February 11, 2019 19:51

Do you consider yourself an Author-Poet?

Do you consider yourself an Author-Poet? have you got a story to tell? your story? Don't wait there is a saying IF? IF ONLY. Is the word. I am about to publish my third book see all the details down below click on links? Don't say to yourself IF CONTACT Keith Abbott at Michael Terence Publishing ask Keith about the competition you can enter tell Keith Roberts Sherriff sent you
Keith Abbott
Executive Director
Michael Terence Publishing
[email protected]|| +44 20 3582 2002 | +44 7748 636116
Robert Sherriff Author-Poet Actor -AVAILABLE NOW BOOK - Nobody's Home
Robert Sherriff Author of Dirkbell - CHILDREN’S BOOK BOOK - Dirkbell Web
New Book Coming Soon - Detective Crow – New York, New York
Do you consider yourself an Author-Poet?
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Published on February 11, 2019 19:50

Detective Crow–New York, New York

New book soon coming
Detective Crow–New York, New York is the new book by Robert Sheriff. Part Noir Thriller, part Fantasy, part Alternative History of the world Detective Crow includes a host of memorable and captivating characters.
The story takes place on the mean streets of New York and a future where humanity lives in underground bunkers and humanoid robots walk the earth. We shift dynamically between science fiction, historical fact and Detective Crow’s battle with her nemesis Captain Neira and the femme fatale thief Princess Blackie.
In a world populated by rabbits, rats, monkeys, aliens, robots, keystone cop style policing and the major world events of the 20th and 21st Century this book has more laughs and ideas on each page than the average novel. It will be enjoyed by both the young and old.
R. L. Sherriff
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Published on February 11, 2019 16:35


God has given me this gift a to help those who are in pain a deep pain and those who can't talk about their pain that has dark roots a pain they need to stop. Since a young boy from about twelve-years-old I have had people tell me all their problems, I was a social worker, a counsellor, a physiatrist a friend. It has happened all my life in the first five minutes of meeting you I can tell you more about you than you can. It is a gift why me? While has, God gave me this gift? I will know about your life. Your children, your marriage. Your work your mind in general if we have good eye contact. I can touch your mind and heart and your soul. You have had this pain as a friend for a long time. When I speak to you, I blocked out the rest of the world. It's you and me it is a gift given to me that gives me the power to take away your pain, your grief.
I am someone you can trust
I have an open heart an open mind
I have eye contact
I show Love; I touch, I hold.
Remember It is not your fault
Remember It is not your fault
Remember It is not your fault
Remember It is not your fault
Remember It is not your fault
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln
Robert Sherriff Author of NOBODY'S HOME …
Please read this. Don't run away. This book is about ("Domestic abuse") and ('Sexual Abuse") Most people don't want to talk about it? You say taboo you say "NO" too hard subject.
It entitles everyone to be brought up in a safe and secure environment, free from violence, abuse, and cruelty. It is one of the fundamental rights of anyone brought into the world by parents who should love and care for them above all else.
But for Robert Sherriff, it wasn't like that. First behind the closed doors of an ordinary family home and then in the dark recesses of a society that was ill-equipped to deal with the trauma and suffering he experienced, Robert found that mercy was just a dream.
At the hands of a brutally violent father, his complicit mother and a society indifferent to his suffering, Robert became another statistic in the South Australia State's role of shame, exposed to institutional abuse, rape, and murder.
In his book, Nobody's Home, Robert tells his story in graphic detail as he literally struggles to survive a system where young children were commodities and the law turned a blind eye to unimaginable evil.
He writes about the men and the mechanisms that consumed their innocence and then discarded them to a life of shameful silence, only living freely when his father took his own life.
By speaking out, against the odds, Robert is concluding his miracle of survival and giving hope to others. if you are an abuse survivor, this book is for you. Remember, it was not your fault. you were a child innocent. You trusted everyone you did not know there was so much evil in this world who listened to your screams who listened to you crying who who-who?
I hope you put my book on your list. I feel it is important as abuse survivors to read other's stories. We must support one another. My book is an honest look into my past. If you ever read my memoir NOBODY'S HOME please click on any of the links below.
Robert Sherriff Author-Poet Actor - NOBODY'S HOME - PLEASE BUY - TRUE STORY
Robert Sherriff Author of NOBODY'S HOME … AUST … …
UK-eBook -
USA-Paperback -
Robert Sherriff Author-Poet Actor -AVAILABLE NOW
Robert Sherriff Author of Dirkbell - CHILDREN'S BOOK …
Dirkbell by Robert Sherriff AUSTRALIA
m/Robert Sherriff
Australian - Actor-Poet Author-Singer- Historian
Part of Wolf Creek TV series 2015
Part of Movie 'Maurice's Symphony' 2015
Motivation Speaker
Movie - Snuff 2016
Movie - CULT 2016
Australian Copyright Act 1968
[email protected] Nobody's home Dirkbell both books‐rober...
Robert Sheriff is an Author, Poet and Actor, Singer, Historian from Adelaide in South Australia, Australia. I am writing this as a third person to help you understand me. I know that you will not agree with everything Robert says in this Biography.
Robert Sherriff was a part of the Stolen Generations The Government removed him from his parents in 1961. Where he suffered sexual abuse by adults used by the State Government of South Australia. He is now retired. Robert at one stage had 18 people working for him with the NBN. He is an Author-Poet Actor Model Singer Historian
Robert self educate as I only ever went to grade three. I can send you a lot more about my history.
I have been married to Carol for 38 years. I am a father of six, a grandfather of ten and a great-grandfather of two
Robert is now the voice for all those who don't have a voice
Robert's latest book 'Nobody's Home' is an autobiographical story of his childhood where he endured the violence of his alcoholic father and his systematic sexual abuse in the care of the all these South Australia State Government Instructions. Robert survived one of the darkest periods in Australia's recent history where children were currency in the hands of evil men who could operate with impunity. This book reveals the horror of children in care in the sixties and seventies and explores Robert's journey from victim to survivor. When Robert wrote this book, he wrote it as a seven-year-old boy. A teenager boy to 61-year-old-man. All his personally would come to the surface. Robert is 64 now this book has taken three years for him to write.
Don't read this if you are e one of those people who think they fucking know it all don't even scrutinize me don't even try to understand me as you don't know me the man behind the man I am who I am God gave me life God gave me my faith God held my hand. Did you? So, put away your pessimism. Give me your mind, your time, your heart, and your ears. The thing I want the most from you is your voice, a voice that is high and loud. A voice. That will shout out to the World. And make a difference in this World. This peregrination spans over 88 years. You take into the past and brings you back to the present day and then back to the past again. Tell your friends to buy a copy and read this story a story that will stand a story that will inspire, my story. A story of hope and courage. The World is my stage. Your stage. This is my story there are millions of other stories out there Robert just prays by getting his story out there he can give people hope.
Robert is also a father of six, a grandfather of ten and a great grandfather of two his other projects include writing for children and he has recently published the first in his 'Dirkbell' series; a picture book for young readers. Robert has been married to Carol for 38 years.
Robert in the last twelvemonth was C/O Author of two poetry books. He talks of love and hope life and God. These are his written words. Robert hopes to bring a book of poems out and religious book out by the end of 2019 praising God for all his gifts of life and love. To Michael Terence Publishing.
An Old Book
When you read an old book
Do you really touch it?
Feel it deep inside?
Smell it?
When it was written?
Can you feel the history?
The era?
Another time?
It worlds apart from us
The glory?
The fantasy?
My old friend
Australian - Actor-Poet Author-Singer- Historian
Part of Wolf Creek TV series 2015
Part of Movie 'Maurice's Symphony' 2015
Motivation Speaker
Movie - Snuff 2016
Movie - CULT 2016
Australian Copyright Act 1968
My Parents were both born out of wedlock. In the days, this was a no, no. WHO cares? Get the fuck over it. Does this give him the excuse to be a prick? Who would take it out on all those people around him? People he loved? This was his biggest hang-up. His mother was a pro and I think he would have often thought out of all these 100,s of men who was his father?
My Father nearly drowned when he was nine this is the chain of events that could have almost been a major part of history that could have affected his descendants 35 people who would not have been born if my Father had drowned? My Parent's first met in 1952, July. My Mother told me it was love at first sight. My parents got married in 1953, my Father had all his RAAF mates at their wedding, and they all got drunk. It outraged my Mother she told me. I was born 10–25 pm 8th July 1954 one of twin baby boys two pounds each born at Carlton hospital Victoria Australia. My Brother was born 10–35 pm. You could hold us in one hand surely a gift from heaven how lucky? Little did I know I was about to ascend into a hell a hell of horror a horror from hell a place of darkness and no light. Some people do not deserve children. Years later we were told we were the lightest babies to survive up till 1954 in Victoria. I can only imagine how big I was? You could hold me in one hand. Then if Robert's father had killed him when he was a seven-years-old 17 of his descendants would not be here.
Our God listens
Remember, God is in all of us his Spirit and the Son the Holy Ghost our bodies and his church and in our prayers. Our mouth is his voice a voice for all. Our eyes are his eyes even if we are blind. Our God listens to our prayers we listen to him. We are the Rock of Gods church, and God is my only true God. Love God as you love yourself. To love yourself, you must show love. AMEN.
God loves me for who I am. AMEN.
Mount Everest
We all have a Mount Everest in our lives to climb. She is so beautiful yet so precarious. No mountain is tall enough to make me feel too small. Nothing will ever knock me down. Or keep me down. I am stronger than that. I will walk tall hold my head up high. Will you walk with me by your side lets climb that mountain together? Let's never give up. There's help. I will reach far and wide for the clouds the stars in the dead of night with God by my side. We talk I give praise to God.
Australian - Actor-Poet Author-Singer- Historian
Part of Wolf Creek TV series 2015
Part of Movie 'Maurice's Symphony' 2015
Motivation Speaker
Movie - Snuff 2016
Movie - CULT 2016
Australian Copyright Act 1968
In other words, "your Stupid "my Fathers response
We moved to Port Pirie South Australia where our Father's Mother lived. It is here where my life will be changed forever, the day my Father would break my arm and four ribs with a broomstick and punched after punch and kick after kick. They don't shot horses, do they? Well, fucking shot me. THEN. Let's go do it. I remember the times when my Father was beating me I would scream out while crying Daddy; please stop Daddy stop I love you. Stop, stop, stop. When you find it tough, put your hand on your Heart and feel the beat. Please love me.
I remember the police took me to the hospital then back to the Police station stripped me of all my clothes and took photos of me naked I then went back to the Hospital. My Father went to court, and he was fined £50 pounds a lot of money back in 1961 The Judge called my Father a Vicious Creature. The day my Father went to court he admitted two other counts. {I was in a serious to critical condition}
The State of South Australia Government made me a Ward of the State when I was 6–7 years old. Back in 1961. It might have been a lot better if my Parents had an abortion. I it was not legal back in the early 50, s? The Governments of the past and present in SA South Australia have blood on their hands for those Wards of State who has committed suicide and those who don't have a voice. Or I want is justice for every one of these Wards of State. And to give them a voice.
My heart
My heart would be so broken. When they put in Glandore boy's home, I felt like the fire had gone out? I was so overcome with grief, shattered. It scared me I was in fear of my life after what had happened with my father. I thought this was the regular thing a seven-year- boy goes through? And as I have said many times. Sex abuse will last a lifetime.
Reporting of physical abuse to police or rape back in 1961 was not a big issue for the Police most times. The woman did not report attacks to Police. Men in Australia thought they had the right to slap around a child break ribs and arms and just get a fine. Males in Australia also thought they had the God-given the right to rape their Wife. Who would stop them? Most times they did not report it to police. Not sure if this happened around the World? Or just in Australia. Separate times different countries in various locations.
My Father's hate for me was so virulent, yet I loved him so why? I think my Father knew his happiness was his greatest enemy, and his insanity was his tormented friend a friend who could not show any response only the evil within his mind an account without a destiny a mind that became lost in his own self- importance. Could I never understand why? Should I show pity? Yes 40 years later. Have I no right to judge my Father it is not my call? It will be God, s call. I have forgiven him if I don't it would kill me.
My Father on many occasions raped my Mother in front of me as a child. In one sense it horrified me he was hurting my Mother. I understood nothing about these sexual assaults until I was older. I then knew what a sick piece of shit he was. Thank God, I did not take the same road as him. The beast from Hell.
John Bartlett started at Glandore boy's home 1955 third most senior officer.
He was a very tall man, solid build; he looked like a bear. His hands were quite big, and he had dark black hair. He was in his mid-30, s. He had very deep brown eyes. I would have loved to be able to read his mind to see where all his hate began? I wonder if he was related to my Father. He was not a happy man never laughed.
Here is the bastard who sexually assaulted me again and again plus all the other boys. He was an ass-hole, mean bastard; prick, scum of the earth.
Bartlett had his son at Glandore for a trip he was born with Cerebral Palsy
His son was crying and screaming a bit Bartlett smashed the fuck out of him it scared the shit out of me and the other kids I will never forget that day.
I told the Police after the first attack at Port Pirie and Glandore Boys Home. I would get so hot and found the only way to cool down was. To tip water. All over my head. So, since then whenever I became a little flustered I still tip water over my head. Crazy hey?
I don't know what age he lived to or if he is still alive?
I believe he has earnt himself a dance with the Devil.
THE SHED - The day my innocence was stolen Glandore Boys Home.
I will always remember the day they stole my innocence. I was a seven-year-old boy. I had just gone through the cruellest thing, the most disturbing and grotesque experience. That could happen to a child. The people I most loved trusted. I looked up to my parents. I loved my parents; it did not matter what they did. I loved them and wanted them back even after what my Father did. I would fret about them; I was so loyal to them even after my Father belted me to an inch of my life. My Father broke my arm and broke four ribs. This child at some stage would have had his spirit broken. And being apart from his Mother, who he would miss every night, the tears the pain the poor little boy would go through don't forget he is still only seven-years-old he is still a babe. He is such a tiny child. He would have fretted so severely for his Twin Brother; he missed so much. Imagine the pain this boy felt being torn apart from his family. He would cry all night and cry out loudly and vigorously. He then would scream the place down and cry, sob. O how he would sob. But did anyone care about this little boy? Who could not understand, what was happening to him? And what it was all about, and I still can't get it? I still cry up till this day and year. Why these bastards did what they did that happened to me. Remember I did not want to be a part of this experience. So much violence. That was at home or the sex abuse. At Glandore Boys Home. STOP. Let me get me to get off this train ride. Set my spirit free. Please show me mercy. Throw me off this train to nowhere. It is during this time I found out you died, and I cried why do people die? I saw a dead bird on the ground, and one of the boys then told me it had gone to birdie heaven. That little boy inside me is talking like that seven-year-old. To me. He has been so sorrowful while written this book. I remember the time I was crying out the front of Glandore boys home naked. And I wanted to be dead. Like that bird that other kid told me about, I said I was going to walk in front of a car. And get broken up and then I must of realize I would not have been here anymore I did not care I just wanted it all to stop hurting. It was just not fair. What do you expect what was in my mind? Stones, rocks, throw me of that freight train.
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Published on February 11, 2019 16:33


Robert Sherriff Author of NOBODY'S HOME
Robert Sherriff Author of Dirkbell – CHILDREN'S BOOK
Dirkbell the squirrel lives at the top of a huge oak tree near the sea, with his wife and their twin babies. Every day he scampers around the woods, collecting enough food for his family.
He is friendly with the mice family who owns the bakery at the foot of the tree but when Cooper, a brown terrier who lives nearby, scares off Tom the cat, then Cooper takes matters into his own hands.
Can he persuade Cooper to mend his ways? Will Tom come back if he does? It’s up to Cooper to save the day and the peace and quiet of his neighbourhood by convincing the unruly pup to value friendship and to be considerate towards others.
Robert Sherriff Author-Poet Actor -AVAILABLE NOW
Robert Sherriff Author of Dirkbell – CHILDREN'S BOOK
Dirkbell by Robert Sherriff AUSTRALIA
Robert Sherriff-Australian - Actor-Model-Poet- Author-Singer- Historian - Photographer
Robert Sherriff Author of NOBODY'S HOME
Robert Sherriff Author of Dirkbell – CHILDREN'S BOOK
Part of Wolf Creek TV series 2015
Part of Movie 'Maurice’s Symphony’ 2015
Motivation Speaker
Movie - Snuff 2016
Movie - CULT 2016
Australian Copyright Act 1968
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Published on February 11, 2019 16:25