Brenda Sparks's Blog

May 18, 2020

You Can Do It!  #MotivationalMonday

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Published on May 18, 2020 00:00

May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

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Published on May 10, 2020 00:00

May 4, 2020

Reach For The Stars #MotivationalMonday

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Published on May 04, 2020 00:00

April 21, 2020

Crusader's Path- A Hot, New Release from Mary Ann Bernal

Welcome, Mary Ann. I'm thrilled you stopped by to share your newest release, Crusader's Path. Please tell us a little about the story. [image error] Book Blurb
From the sweeping hills of Argences to the port city of Cologne overlooking the River Rhine, Etienne and Avielle find themselves drawn by the need for redemption against the backdrop of the First Crusade.
Heeding the call of His Holiness, Urban II, to free the Holy Land from the infidel, Etienne follows Duke Robert of Normandy across the treacherous miles, braving sweltering heat and snow-covered mountain passes while en route to the Byzantine Empire.
Moved by Peter of Amiens’ charismatic rhetoric in the streets of the Holy Roman Empire, Avielle joins the humble army of pilgrims. Upon arrival in Mentz, the peasant Crusaders do the unthinkable, destroying the Jewish Community. Consumed with guilt, Avielle is determined to die fighting for Christ, assuring her place in Heaven.
Etienne and Avielle cross paths in Constantinople, where they commiserate over past misdeeds. A spark becomes a flame, but when Avielle contracts leprosy, Etienne makes a promise to God, offering to take the priest cowl in exchange for ridding Avielle of her affliction.
Will Etienne be true to his word if Avielle is cleansed of the contagion, or will he risk eternal damnation to be with the woman he loves?
I LOVE the cover and am intrigued by the blurb. Can you give us a sneak peek? [image error] Excerpt from Crusader's Path
At first light, Avielle headed to the Bishop’s residence. She had not requested an audience and was surprised to receive such a command. She wondered why the Bishop wanted to see her. Perhaps, to change her mind about joining Duke Robert’s Army? Or he might wish to thank her for serving the Lord’s flock all these months or having the foresight to build the new hospital or both?
Unless I still require the Bishop’s approval for joining His Holiness’s campaign?
The Bishop rarely stayed in his assigned quarters at the Abbey, preferring to conduct church business on the grounds given to him by the Emperor. The small fortification was not far from the royal palace and was guarded by soldiers who had sworn their allegiance to him and not to the ruler of the Byzantine Empire.
Avielle paced herself, a long journey on foot, shorter if she had a donkey, faster if she had a horse. She pulled back her hood as the sun rose in the morning sky, regretting having worn the cloak at all once the heat of the day warmed the land. As Avielle reached the palace gates, she noticed soldiers holding the reins of six horses. She stopped when she saw the red flag with two leopards hanging listlessly on a lance. Should she stay, hoping to see the knight who had caught her eye or continue on her way? One did not keep the Bishop waiting!
At that moment, Duke Robert and his men crossed the courtyard. They mounted the horses in silence, riding slowly into the street. Etienne moved with his animal, as if they were one, riding on the side of the road where Avielle stood. She looked up, her face glowing when their eyes locked. A brief moment without words, a memory to reflect upon in the night, when unable to sleep. Avielle did not move, watching the knights returning from whence they came, and holding her breath when Etienne turned around, not once but twice before disappearing from her view.
If he is Duke Robert, he posed no threat, but if not?
A soldier Avielle had tended to at the hospital found her and offered to be of service.
“The Bishop expects me at his residence; I must not keep him waiting.”
“Ride with me,” the soldier said. “I am driving a cart filled with supplies for the Bishop’s kitchens.”
During the short journey, Avielle questioned the unsuspecting soldier about the leader of the Army encamped in the fields. She mentioned seeing six knights and could he identify any of them.
“I know only one name other than the ducal lord. A favored knight, who is called Etienne. They leave soon for the Holy Land.”
Etienne, is that who you are? Why do you haunt my thoughts
Wow! I can't wait to read it. Where can I get a copy? Purchase Links
Amazon Global Link 
Barnes and Noble
Apple Books
Author Bio

Mary Ann Bernal attended Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY, where she received a degree in Business Administration. Her literary aspirations were ultimately realized when the first book of The Briton and the Dane novels was published in 2009. In addition to writing historical fiction, Mary Ann has also authored a collection of contemporary short stories in the Scribbler Tales series and a science fiction/fantasy novel entitled Planetary Wars Rise of an Empire.
Mary Ann is a passionate supporter of the United States military, having been involved with letter-writing campaigns and other support programs since Operation Desert Storm. She has appeared on The Morning Blend television show hosted by KMTV, the CBS television affiliate in Omaha, and was interviewed by the Omaha World-Herald for her volunteer work. She has been a featured author on various reader blogs and promotional sites.
Mary Ann currently resides in Elkhorn, Nebraska.

Author Links
Whispering Legends Press
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Published on April 21, 2020 00:00

April 20, 2020


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Published on April 20, 2020 00:00

April 6, 2020

March 30, 2020

March 26, 2020

Shhhhh- I have a secret. Want to know what it is?

Picture      All of us have our secrets, and some secrets are better kept than others. Ever notice how hard it is to keep secrets? It's like they stomp around your brain, over and over, pounding hard footprints in your gray matter until at last you share them with someone you trust. 
     While doing research for Alpha Revealed, I came across a study about keeping secrets. According to the study, the average person is keeping 13 secrets right now. Five of them are secrets they’ve never told another living soul.
     As I pondered that finding, I began to wonder if vampires are any better at keeping secrets than humans. Turns out, not so much.
     I gave the lead characters in Alpha Revealed plenty of juicy secrets, and they just couldn't keep them. So I guess vampires, like humans, have only so many secrets they don't share...and maybe that's really for the best. After all, secrets have a way of coming out.
     They definitely came out for Vlad and Natasha in Alpha Revealed. If you'd like to learn more about this secretive duo, their story is available at all major retailers for less than $5. I hope you'll let them share their secrets with you.
​                                                           Intrigued?
         Learn a little more about this mysterious couple from the except  below. Picture

Alpha Revealed
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: Brenda Sparks

Book Blurb:
         Natasha Peterhoff is the luckiest vampire in the world. Having pined over the sexy, but aloof Vladimir Starikovich for centuries, her feelings are reciprocated when the pair are drawn to each other the night of her brother's wedding. Unfortunately, the stark light of day dawns, and the couple parts ways.
         Back in Siberia, Vlad is overcome by doubts. Not only will Natasha's brother kill him, but his own past is reason enough to keep her away. He vows to do everything in his power to keep her safe, even it if means never seeing her again.
         With so many reasons to stay apart, will the ties that bind be strong enough to pull them together?

Picture  ​

​Buy Links:

Barnes and Noble
(Please keep scrolling for more scenes from Alpha Revealed)
[image error] Book Excerpt:
    She lifted one arm in his direction. He raised a hand to still her movement. “Don’t…touch me.”
     Well, damned if that didn’t smart. He didn’t want her to touch him, even to offer him a little comfort. My, how things changed. He certainly hadn’t minded her touch the night of her brother’s wedding.
    Fine. If he doesn’t want me touching him, so be it. 
    Natasha turned around, sending her harlequin colored pigtails twirling about her face and retrieved the bag of blood from the floor. Without looking in his direction, she stalked through the room and sat in the only padded chair. She punctured the bag with her fangs and drank, glaring at him over the top of the bag.
    The blood seeped into her cells, nourishing both her and the baby. The baby moved as she continued to down the bag quickly. Her hunger pangs eased a little with each gulp of the life-sustaining liquid.
    Vlad slowly straightened to his full height. The expression on his face, a cross between disdain and pain, softened her eyes. With an awkward gait, he gingerly moved in her direction.
    “We need to talk,” he barked, his voice still rough with pain.
    She just bet they did. No doubt, Vlad would tell her to leave. It was there on his face. He obviously didn’t want her in his home, and she didn’t blame him.
She had run out after they made love, avoided him for months, and now she had injured his manhood. If the tables were reversed, she probably wouldn’t want him around either.
Read Alpha Revealed Now [image error]
This is just one of the many unexpected scenes in Alpha Revealed. Who are those shapeshifters, and what secrets do they keep? Ready to find out the answer to this and other mysteries? Click the button above, and let the adventure begin.
Picture Vlad is a man of many secrets. Natasha has a little secret of her own.
But secrets have a way of coming out…and sometimes that is for the best.
Discover what secrets will be revealed in Alpha Revealed.

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Published on March 26, 2020 00:00

Shhhhh- I have a secret. What to know what it is?

Picture      All of us have our secrets, and some secrets are better kept than others. Ever notice how hard it is to keep secrets? It's like they stomp around your brain, over and over, pounding hard footprints in your gray matter until at last you share them with someone you trust. 
     While doing research for Alpha Revealed, I came across a study about keeping secrets. According to the study, the average person is keeping 13 secrets right now. Five of them are secrets they’ve never told another living soul.
     As I pondered that finding, I began to wonder if vampires are any better at keeping secrets than humans. Turns out, not so much.
     I gave the lead characters in Alpha Revealed plenty of juicy secrets, and they just couldn't keep them. So I guess vampires, like humans, have only so many secrets they don't share...and maybe that's really for the best. After all, secrets have a way of coming out.
     They definitely came out for Vlad and Natasha in Alpha Revealed. If you'd like to learn more about this secretive duo, their story is available at all major retailers for less than $5. I hope you'll let them share their secrets with you.
​                                                           Intrigued?
         Learn a little more about this mysterious couple from the except  below. Picture

Alpha Revealed
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: Brenda Sparks

Book Blurb:
         Natasha Peterhoff is the luckiest vampire in the world. Having pined over the sexy, but aloof Vladimir Starikovich for centuries, her feelings are reciprocated when the pair are drawn to each other the night of her brother's wedding. Unfortunately, the stark light of day dawns, and the couple parts ways.
         Back in Siberia, Vlad is overcome by doubts. Not only will Natasha's brother kill him, but his own past is reason enough to keep her away. He vows to do everything in his power to keep her safe, even it if means never seeing her again.
         With so many reasons to stay apart, will the ties that bind be strong enough to pull them together?

Picture  ​

​Buy Links:

Barnes and Noble
(Please keep scrolling for more scenes from Alpha Revealed)
[image error] Book Excerpt:
    She lifted one arm in his direction. He raised a hand to still her movement. “Don’t…touch me.”
     Well, damned if that didn’t smart. He didn’t want her to touch him, even to offer him a little comfort. My, how things changed. He certainly hadn’t minded her touch the night of her brother’s wedding.
    Fine. If he doesn’t want me touching him, so be it. 
    Natasha turned around, sending her harlequin colored pigtails twirling about her face and retrieved the bag of blood from the floor. Without looking in his direction, she stalked through the room and sat in the only padded chair. She punctured the bag with her fangs and drank, glaring at him over the top of the bag.
    The blood seeped into her cells, nourishing both her and the baby. The baby moved as she continued to down the bag quickly. Her hunger pangs eased a little with each gulp of the life-sustaining liquid.
    Vlad slowly straightened to his full height. The expression on his face, a cross between disdain and pain, softened her eyes. With an awkward gait, he gingerly moved in her direction.
    “We need to talk,” he barked, his voice still rough with pain.
    She just bet they did. No doubt, Vlad would tell her to leave. It was there on his face. He obviously didn’t want her in his home, and she didn’t blame him.
She had run out after they made love, avoided him for months, and now she had injured his manhood. If the tables were reversed, she probably wouldn’t want him around either.
Read Alpha Revealed Now [image error]
This is just one of the many unexpected scenes in Alpha Revealed. Who are those shapeshifters, and what secrets do they keep? Ready to find out the answer to this and other mysteries? Click the button above, and let the adventure begin.
Picture Vlad is a man of many secrets. Natasha has a little secret of her own.
But secrets have a way of coming out…and sometimes that is for the best.
Discover what secrets will be revealed in Alpha Revealed.

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Published on March 26, 2020 00:00

March 24, 2020

House of Seven Spirits by Julie Howard--Where Some Secrets are Deadly

Welcome, Julie. I'm Thrilled you could stop by and tell us a little about your latest release. Let's jump right in. Picture

Some secrets are deadly.

Some secrets are deadly, and ghost-blogger Jillian Winchester and her photographer boyfriend discover it's true when they set out to investigate an Australian family who disappeared without a trace in the 1880s. 
An abandoned sheep station rumored to be haunted by the long-dead Kinsley family is one challenge. The other is the beautiful but deadly Outback.
As Jillian probes deeper into the mystery, one thing becomes clear: She might not make it out of this quest alive. Excerpt:

“Don’t go up there,” Mason warned. “The wood’s apt to be rotted in places. The floor may not be safe.”
She glanced over her shoulder at him and hesitated. Her California beach home was eight thousand miles away—a fifteen-hour flight plus a day’s drive along bumpy bleak roads. She hadn’t come this far to only examine the structure’s exterior. Her work required total immersion.
She put a foot on the first step and tested it with her weight. Mason strode around the car and halted just below the porch with arms crossed. “Jillian.”
The last thing she needed was someone hovering, directing her on what she could and couldn’t do. When she worked, the “real” world faded in importance. His uneasy energy interrupted her focus. “I’m fine.”
The stair was solid, at least. Not even a creak greeted her as she advanced onto the veranda. He cleared his throat as she took another step, but said nothing.
Despite the heat, a sudden chill rippled up her bare arms, sending prickles all the way to her neck. For a split second, her world tilted and her senses were overwhelmed. The musty odor of freshly shorn sheep wool, clothes flapping on a line, young voices chattering, the sharp tang of blood. Just as quick, the images dissolved and all was still, dry and lifeless once more. She let go of a deep breath, and a feeling of exhilaration swept through her.
Someone’s here.
Wow! I can't wait to read it. Where can we purchase the book? Buy Links:


Kobo Now Let's get to know a little about the wonderful author who wrote House of the Seven spirits. Picture


Julie Howard is the author of the Wild Crime and Spirited Quest series. She is a former journalist and editor who has covered topics ranging from crime to cowboy poetry. Now she edits an online anthology, Potato Soup Journal. Author Links:
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Published on March 24, 2020 00:00