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Book 5 snippet

It's almost Halloween...and that puts me in a good mood! I wanted to share a little snippet of The Djinn Kingdom Book 5 this morning! Set to release on....December 1.
Now, keep in mind this has not been edited, but I thought it would be fun because I'm having a blast wrapping up this series. This is the final book and it will have my own "battle of Hogwarts" so you know it's going to be epic.
P.S. This is a copyrighted work with the library of congress. Please don't steal it, copy it, or use it for anything other than a book review or social media share with proper site/author credit.

Mount of Gods snippet:
“Everyone take hold,” Atlas cried out, but she ignored his command pushing through the sea of people, the dark anger for the brothers’ influence growing like a lead weight in her chest.
“Make ready your positions for crossing,” came her father’s louder command.
Everyone on deck, ducked, or stood, clutching onto corners, rails, rigging, or notches cut out in the deck flooring.
“Kale,” Nova called, rushing toward him.
He turned toward her, hanging tightly to the back rail. His face was still stony and angry, until he saw her. “Nova! Hang on!” He shouted, his expression filled with desperation as he tried to reach out.
But it was too late, with a strong pitch the ship rolled onto its side as it flashed through the dark Unknown through a vibrant white tunnel. Nova thought she screamed as she tumbled across the bow, away from Kale.
The light was blinding, and the pressure was suffocating. As if someone were stoking a blaring fire the wind blew hot against her face as she grappled for anything to catch before she fell to her death over the rail.
The dark wooden barrier came closer, looming toward her like a silent reaper as her hands continually came up empty. As she was about to topple over the edge into the pressurized, hot tunnel her shoulder jolted with a painful lurch.
Nova’s feet had slid through the rail spokes and dangled precariously over the edge. Frantically she reached her other hand up to grab onto what had stopped her. Her eyes met Kale’s as he was stretched across the deck, one hand clutching her, while the other held tightly to the back rail. His knuckles were white, and his face was twisted with exertion.
“Hang on,” he shouted, as the pressure seemed to be closing in tighter around the ship.
Nova grasped his hand with both of hers, her throat tight from screaming, but the humid, hot air made it difficult to breathe. “Don’t let go,” she begged desperately, as the strain pulled her closer to the edge.
“I won’t,” he promised through clenched teeth.
“Kale, I’m slipping!”
“I’ve got you,” he cried. “Don’t you dare, Nova, you hang on.”
“Kale!” she screamed as her fingers began sliding from his sweaty palm. The ship tilted more, causing more people to cry out as it became more difficult to hang on to the ship.
“Kale!” she cried again as her grip slid from his.
His terror-filled eyes were the last thing she saw, as she slid down the bow’s deck, slamming hard against the rail before tumbling over the side. Hitting the ground wasn’t what concerned her most, it would be a quick death. It was the painful fall. The air burned her skin. As the wind whipped around her, it seemed so heavy and thick, it was practically solid. Tears spilled out of the corners of her eyes as she gained speed. In her mind the dark power frantically burned through her blood, tingling every inch of her skin. This was not her fate. This was not how it was supposed to end.
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Published on October 28, 2017 08:38
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