Get Free 100 Copies of Goodreads Giveaways of My Book

Hello dear community,

I am running a giveaway on Goodreads of my Book: Spaceship Soul: A Spiritual Connection with the Divine from 18th of September till 30th of September 2024.

I leave you with following questions:

Are you someone who has witnessed various delays in your life? Instead, you wanted to try out a positive outlook on life and went through numerous tough ascension cycles.You were in a tough cycle from time to time, you tried your best to acquire the goals but were left puzzled, in that case, I highly recommend this book.Being kind and having good-heartedness will help you ace your journey, making it a reality in the material world. It will manifest as spiritual gifts after tough asensions.

Below, is the link to the Book Giveaways:

Available country is US.

Grab you free copy!

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Published on September 16, 2024 04:25
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