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Better Left Unsent

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So many ways to torpedo your career and your love life…So little time.

A woman accidentally reveals all her secrets in this witty and charming novel from the author of Eight Perfect Hours.

Two years ago, thirty-year-old receptionist Millie Chandler had her heart spectacularly broken in public. Ever since, she has been a closed book, vowing to keep everything to herself—her feelings, her truths, even her dreams—in an effort to protect herself from getting hurt again.

But Millie does write emails—sarcastic replies to her rude boss, hard truths to her friends, and of course, that one-thousand-word love declaration to her ex who is now engaged to someone else. The emails live safely in her drafts, but after a server outage at work, Millie wakes up to discover that all her emails have been sent. Every. Single. One.

As every truth, lie, and secret she’s worked so hard to keep only to herself are catapulted out into the open, Millie must fix the chaos her words have caused, and face everything she’s ever swept under the carpet.

384 pages, Paperback

First published May 21, 2024

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Lia Louis

6 books1,072 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 753 reviews
Profile Image for Shelley's Book Nook.
329 reviews667 followers
February 4, 2024
My Reviews Can Also Be Found On:
The Storygraph and The Book Review Crew Blog

Lia Louis' previous books broke me because they were so emotional, heartbreakingly sad and so raw as well as real, and that is the reason Dear Emmie Blue will forever be tattooed on my heart. Eight Perfect Hours and The Key to My Heart both got to my emotions as well and pulled at my heartstrings. These are qualities I found missing from Better Left Unsent .

First I am going to write about some of the things I did like about the book. I liked the premise of the book, the idea of your draft folder being sent out by mistake, especially when it contains your deepest thoughts like a journal or a diary...you know the kinds of things you'd LIKE to say but can't. This really isn't a romance, it's more about Millie finding herself and her voice, the romance is secondary to the plot but is still swoon worthy. I liked Millie and Jack together and there was definitely chemistry between them. The writing is solid and the book has many humourous moments that had me laughing out loud. I loved most of the side characters, especially Cate and Ralph. Millie had some amazing friends and support there.

What I wasn't a fan of was how slow-going the book was, it seemed to drag and there was a lot of repetitiveness. Over and over again Millie tries to make up for the emails being sent, even though it isn't her fault. Millie also seemed very immature for her age and I found some of her behaviour terribly frustrating at times. All that aside, Louis remains a favourite author and I would absolutely read more from her and I recommend all her other works unequivocally.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.
Profile Image for Kat .
291 reviews983 followers
July 11, 2024
I have a confession. I didn’t really want to read this. Don’t get me wrong - I really like Lia Louis’ books, but I’ve read a lot of romance over the last couple months, and there’s only so much kissy kissy ‘happy time’ I want to hear about. With any genre, there can be too much of a good thing before burnout sets in. The ‘meh’ cover and mixed reviews didn’t help matters.

I decided to wait for the audiobook from my library to listen along as I read it, and you know what?

I absolutely LOVED every minute of it. It’s one of my favorites from this year so far! It perfectly represents why “Don’t judge a book by its cover” exists.

I liked it so much, in fact, that I was scratching my head wondering why it isn’t getting more love in the ratings. I have a theory on that, but first the synopsis:

The story revolves around Leigh-on-Sea, UK office receptionist Millie Chandler using UNSENT email drafts as an ad hoc diary to express her honest thoughts. She gets things off her chest and none of the recipients are ever the wiser. Operations manager Jack Shurlock, for example, never needs to find out she’s been lusting for him since their near kiss at the office Christmas party. Friends, family, co-workers … you name it … she’s written over 100 messages, ranging from harmless to potentially painful or embarrassing. What they don't know can't hurt them, right?

Imagine her horror when she finds out one day that the bulk of those emails got sent somehow!

In Millie’s new reality, there’s life B.E. (Before emails) and A.E. (After emails). With the support of her best friend Cate, landlord/roommate Ralph, manager Petra, parents and to her pleasant surprise, office crush Jack, will Mailgate be the end of her or an unexpected new beginning? Needless to say, there’s a lot of fallout to work through!

OK, back to my theory on the mixed ratings.

The story is told from Millie’s first person POV interspersed occasionally with her email and text exchanges. Had I ONLY read it, I’m not sure the humor and emotion in those exchanges would’ve come through as well. Ashley Tucker narrated the audiobook, and she reminded me so much of Renee Zelwegger in Bridget Jones’ Diary that I immediately loved everything that came out of her mouth! The humor was spot on, and the more poignant interactions between characters came through perfectly. It had a nice balance of funny and sweet with a welcome emotional maturity that you don’t always get in this genre.

My other theory is that this is a fairly clean romance where the sexual tension between Millie and Jack is suggested more than explicitly shown, so those who prefer extra spice, open doors and play-by-plays will be disappointed. Personally, this book was like finding water in the desert for me! I’m over the highly descriptive, OTT spice in books lately, and it’s been hard to find romance without it this year. Kudos to Louis for letting readers use their imagination!

Usually I’d say either format, print or audio, would be fine for a book, and it’s true this time as well, but I honestly think BOTH is even better! I laughed so many times and felt all the feels listening to Tucker’s wonderful narration. Millie and Jack’s fun chemistry, her hilarious friends and co-workers, a creative plot, nice character growth arcs and even a touch of mystery made this a 5-star read and a favorite for me!

★★★★★ ❤

Thanks to Atria/Emily Bestler Books, NetGalley and author Lia Louis for this digital ARC to honestly review and to my library/Libby for the audio. It’s out now.
Profile Image for Lit with Leigh.
622 reviews7,757 followers
July 12, 2024
writing: meh | plot: meh | ending: ok

my opinion

This was one of my most anticipated reads having loved Eight Perfect Hours and the premise seemed super unique. Unfortunately it ended up being a very generous 3. It felt like my best friend had cornered me into reading her seventh grade diary and out of love for her, I tried to find the good in it, but I was kinda hoping it would end.

I usually like a really sweet main character. Angry women with chips on their shoulders remind me too much of myself; I want to project myself into someone with a heart of gold okay. And while Millie was certainly sweet, she—dare I say—gave me the vibes of a three-legged cat trying to keep up with the other four-legged cats. Cute, but kinda sad.

I tend to enjoy British "romcoms" because they're heavier on the comedy, but this was too depresso for me. It felt like Millie tried to turn everything into a Ted Talk when it really wasn't that deep. Like we're at 30%, you don't need to be dropping the "but maybe life is about finding the light in the darkest moments" bars already.

And lastly, I knew this wouldn't be heavy on the rom, but at this point it's like why was Hot Jack even here? I just couldn't fathom him being into Millie because she was so down bad it felt advantageous for a fully functioning human to be in a relationship with her. I didn't feel any chemistry. If anything, Hot Jack was her guide dog but she misconstrued the relationship.

Okay you may read this and be like where the fuck is the three stars coming from? Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you. I don't think this was bad per se (plot holes, typos, offensive, piss-poor logic etc) I just don't think it was for me. Therefore, a three feels right because I can see how someone else might enjoy this if they don't have a black hole for a heart.

pros & cons

pros: really cool premise. some funny moments

cons: not funny enough, no chemistry between her and Hot Jack, FMC was too much of a sad sack, tried too hard to be deep at random moments, slow pacing


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Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,298 reviews4,070 followers
July 13, 2024
Or perhaps….better left unread!🤦🏼‍♀️

Ooh, how I wanted to love this book. The fourth I’ve read by this author and sadly my least favorite.

What went wrong?

The premise…
Millie Chandler has found her voice. Well, actually she has found a safer way to express herself.
When she’s mad, ecstatic, heartbroken or crushing on someone she writes it down in the form of an email and stores it in her drafts.
But when a computer glitch occurs at work, all her drafts are blasted out to everyone. Truly a nightmare! Yup, now everyone is privy to Millie’s most inner thoughts!

I loved this premise! Can you even imagine the horror!😱

The execution….
This book just fell short of living up to the premise. I felt nothing for Millie, and her budding romance just fell flat. It seemed too forced and awkward.

The first two books by Lia Louis Dear Emmie Blue and Eight Perfect Hours left my heart overflowing. Her last book The Key to My Heart didn’t quite measure up and now this latest just missed completely. So going forward…I’m not sure? Will I try again? Or is it time to part ways?💁🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
684 reviews598 followers
April 10, 2024
Holy cuteness alert!! 🚨 I absolutely loved Dear Emmie Blue and couldn’t wait to read another @lialouisauthor book!! Let me tell you… it delivered!! ❤️ Thank you so much to @atriabooks for this gorgeous gifted copy!!! 🥰🥰 This was a buddy read with Debra @openbookpostblog !! Pop over and check out her thoughts. We both enjoyed this one!!

Pub date is May 21st!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Soooo… Millie gets a little… frustrated t work.. with her coworkers.. 😬… Who can relate? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ … She has figured out just how to handle it… without losing it on her coworkers..😂… She writes emails… LOTS and LOTS of emails… she addresses them to the person that has ticked her off… 🤔… BUT…. she leaves them in her draft folders… Until one day… Millie pops into work and sees… THEY HAVE ALL BEEN SENT… 😳😳😳.. A string of WTFFFF loudly … followed by an immediate panic attack would be in order if you ask me!! 😬😂 Can you imagine?? 🤦‍♀️…

This would be me… throwing on 😎🥸 a disguise… ✌️✌️✌️ BYEE… 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ NEVER going back to work!!😂EVER!!

Not only did I love this extremely entertaining premise.. the characters definitely made the book!!! The personalities of Millie’s coworkers were off the chain!! 👏👏 I had some VERY strong opinions of some… As did Millie… 😂… Please reference her 102 newly sent emails.. 😳..

This book was so entertaining, fun and a bit of a mystery… as I tried to figure out… how did those emails get sent?? 🤔🤔🤔

❤️❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE @lialouisauthor books!! Do you have a favorite?? Is this on your TBR?? Have you ever sent an email by mistake??
Profile Image for Debra.
2,826 reviews35.9k followers
March 30, 2024

Better Left Unsent is a light, fun, rom-com that had some fun moments, some interesting emails, some embarrassment, and some cute relationships. For some individuals it helps them to write down what is on their mind without giving the note/letter/email to the individual who they are writing. It's a tool to process feelings and emotions. For Millie Chandler, writing emails helps her to get things off her chest. She has no intention of sending them, she is just processing. But one day, after a power outage at work, those emails that have been sitting in her drafts folder, get sent to EVERYONE!!!! How mortifying!!!!!!

I felt for Millie as everyone, and their brother got to read those emails. Image having to face everyone after that! UGH! Talk about uncomfortable. I felt for Millie as she tried to navigate her life and relationships post email scandal. There are a nice number of characters in this book and there were some that were more likeable than others. Then there was one that was a complete and utter jerk! I had fun trying to figure out how the emails got sent. I also enjoyed the multiple relationships in this book.

I found this book to be a fun, light, charming, entertaining, well written, read which left me smiling. This was a nice change of pace from what I typically read.

This was a buddy read with Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill. We had a great buddy read and fun discussion of the book. Please read her review as well to get her thoughts on the book!

Thank you to Atria Books | Atria/Emily Bestler Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com 📖

Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,363 reviews1,191 followers
May 27, 2024
the setup…
Millie Chandler is a 31-year old receptionist for Flye-TV who was dating Owen, a co-worker. Two years ago, Owen abruptly dumped by her and soon got engaged to another coworker. Heartbroken, Millie was trying to work through her feelings when a friend suggested she pour her thoughts into emails, save them to drafts and never send them. It was a wonderfully therapeutic approach to not only her broken relationship but everyone else in her life. Then one morning she walks into the office and is summoned to a meeting with HR and her boss. Somehow, all those unsent emails (two years worth) were released the night before! Uh, oh.

the heart of the story…
Most people have a nightmarish email send experience but it normally involves one communication. Can you imagine unleashing stuff you’ve thought about but not said about friends, family and co-workers to all of them. Company gossip mills ignite fast and Flye-TV was no different. Millie’s reaction was authentic and i empathized with her deeply. Reactions from the recipients were mixed and the one man she’d expressed interest in became her champion though his email bounced back. There were lots of light moments but substantive themes were always in the background.

the narration…
This is my first experience with the narrator and I loved her performance. She was Millie, through and through, and I enjoyed her storytelling.

the bottom line…
I expected a lot of laughs and got them but the story delivered much more than I expected. Millie’s mishap forced her to face not only her close relationships more honestly but herself as well. And, there was the mystery of how those emails got sent. The developing romance with Jack was a healthy one as he encouraged her transformation. I just wish we’d had more connections between the two of them as it was missing a little zing. Otherwise, I highly enjoyed this romantic comedy that had some real teeth.

Posted on Blue Mood Café

(Thanks to Simon & Schuster Audio for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.)
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
June 11, 2024
3.5 stars

I enjoyed Better Left Unsent by Lia Louis, but it felt like it lacked the emotion her books usually have. I’m used to the romance not happening to the very end, but I’m usually invested in the emotional aspect of the story. This was slow going but I liked the email element even though I had the worst secondhand embarrassment for her LOL. I enjoy this author’s work as a whole, this just wasn’t my favorite.
Audio book source: Libby
Story Rating: 3.5 stars
Narrators: Ashley Tucker
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 11h 35m

Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,691 reviews354 followers
February 29, 2024
Quirky, humorous, sweet. I wish we got more of the togetherness of Jack and Millie.
This book has a great plot that is a tad familiar, not overdone, but with a perfect twist that makes a big difference in the story.

Work is the bulk of our life so having major issues at work is cause for stress and panic. Especially when it involves past flames, sexy co-workers you are in lust with, and an implosion that affects the entire office.

The author created characters and scenarios that are so realistic that I found myself annoyed with the fact that the main female character cannot seem to function without a huge support system. That tends to be a bit exhausting and slows the pace of the story.

I love the balance she finds with her new crush. He is a positive influence but definitely slow with any type of “like” factor. The reader is left wondering along with the main character if there is something worth growing into.

The ending seems rushed and I wish we got more of the togetherness of Jack and Millie. While much of Better Left Unsent focuses on the drama of the main character and not romance, the story itself is quirky, humorous, and sweet. I needed less of her drama and more of the romance for a perfect read.

* I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
* Full review - https://amidlifewife.com/better-left-...
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,810 reviews431 followers
May 30, 2024
Better Left Unsent by Lia Louis
Contemporary romance, chick lit. Location - United Kingdom, Leigh-on-Sea.
Two years ago, Millie Chandler had her heart broken. And everyone knew about it. Since then, she’s kept her feelings and dreams to herself. She doesn’t want to go through another humiliating event. To deal with her feelings, she writes emails that will not be sent. Private emails where she can express her frustration, her anger, her hurt, and her interest.
A server outage at work somehow ends up with all those emails being sent and Millie is in trouble. Her coworkers know she still loves her ex. Her best friend knows how upset she is with her behavior. The list goes on and on. Millie can’t afford to quit her job and hide in bed for a year. Time to fake it and deal with the consequences.

What a nightmare! I have a lot of those emails myself. They are cathartic. But never send one! Time for me to review and make sure there aren’t any legitimate Send To addresses in those.
Responses around Millie are interesting. The ex’s new relationship seems to implode because of her email. And the hot crush is now talking to her!
Humor, light self deprecating dialog, and hope. Provocative.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.
Profile Image for Milena.
819 reviews104 followers
June 3, 2024
3.5 stars

In Better Left Insent, the main heroine, Millie, discovers that all her draft e-mails, where she vents about other people but doesn't intend to send, get sent out without her knowledge in an apparent system glitch. It causes her many problems and embarrassment with her co-workers, family, and friends.

I enjoyed the premise of the book. The story has a little bit of romance, a coming of age, family dynamics, and friendship drama. I loved the chemistry between Millie and Jack and their office romance. I liked Millie's relationship with her friends. Millie is a hot-mess heroine, which I found irritating occasionally, but I appreciated her character growth throughout the book. Overall, I enjoyed Better Left Unsent but didn't love it as much as Dear Emmie Blue.

*ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,440 reviews1,636 followers
May 26, 2024
Better Left Unsent by Lia Louis would probably be classified as a contemporary romance novel but I was thinking of it more as a contemporary drama with a side of romance. And of course some of the story is in the form of reading emails that have been accidently sent.

Millie Chandler works as a receptionist where she sends and receives company emails daily. A few years ago Millie started a folder in her email account that are the words she’d love to say to others in her life but would never actually send them, a diary of sorts to deal with her emotions in the form of unsent emails.

One day Millie is called into the office and reprimanded for her over use of the email system. You see, there was a server outage and somehow the hundreds of random thoughts kept in that private folder have been sent to their unintended recipients. Things her boss never should have heard, relationship complications, family obligations and so on and so forth all being released has Millie’s life tossed into chaos.

Lia Louis is an author that I have read several times before and have always really enjoyed with the books being really emotional and pulling at the heartstrings so that is what I expected with Better Left Unsent. Unfortunately I didn’t really find that emotional connection that I had before with this novel so I was a little disappointed. The idea behind this one was good but as the story went along it got a little repetitive going back to the emails again and again as time passes and I would have preferred a bit more romance to balance out the drama. Overall, three and a half stars for me and fingers crossed the author’s next will be back to what I expected.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for jess.
757 reviews20 followers
May 22, 2024
This was exactly the perfect book for me right now and I absolutely loved this warm, funny, and swoony story.

As someone who will often angrily type out email responses that I don’t send (before I safely delete them), the thought of having them sent out into the world is an actual nightmare. The main character here, Millie, lives out this nightmare when all of her inner thoughts, snarky comebacks, and honest truths get unleashed on her coworkers and loved ones. What this ends up being is the sort of the jolt Millie (and many of the email recipients) needs to reevaluate her life and figure out what she wants,

This was like being wrapped in a warm hug and I cannot recommend this more, especially for another that needs a little break from things and a reason to smile like an idiot.

Many thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Shelby (allthebooksalltheways).
841 reviews135 followers
May 22, 2024

Thank you #partners #emilybestlerbooks @atriabooks @librofm & @simon.audio for my #gifted copies 💕

Better Left Unsent
Lia Louis

4.5 rounded up

In February of last year I saw @lialouisauthor post a reel about the book she was writing, and it immediately jumped to the top of my "OMG I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK" list. 🎉

Here's the premise: A woman named Millie writes emails to the people in her life, spilling her innermost thoughts and feelings in a draft that she never actually sends. It's a way for the closed-off Millie to vent — to get things off her chest without actually harming anyone. But one night, a server outage occurs, and in the process every single one of Millie's email drafts gets sent to the recipient! 😱 From coworkers to friends to family to her now-engaged ex — everyone now knows Millie's true feelings. 😫 Though even as her life comes crumbling down around her, some good may actually come into Millie's life as a result of this cringeworthy fiasco.

Better Left Unsent is a gem! It was everything I'd hoped it would be and more! Humorous and heartwarming, with a charming, loveable protagonist who readers can't help but root for; a tender, slow burn romance; and a moving exploration of honesty in relationships, Better Left Unsent checked all of my romcom boxes!

🎧 Narrator Ashley Tucker is spectacular! Though this was my first time hearing her, her voice has a familiarity and warmth that I just love! She made this such a wonderful listening experience and I look forward to seeking out other books she's narrated.

📌 Available now!

° ° ° ° °
289 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2024
A light romance book with an interesting plot, Millie Chandler writes emails for herself, drafting them and not sending them telling people what she really thinks, emotional or ranty, colleagues, bosses, friends and family all her thoughts she didn't want shared. Due to a system glitch, these emails are sent. Millie manoeuvres herself round this. Her ex-boyfriend ,Owen's marriage, is called off, her parents steady relationship is based on a lie, she tells one of her best friends she hates her boyfriend and the other she's worried about her. The supporting characters provide relief, especially Ralph, her flatmate, and Cate, her friend whose relationship crumbles following Millies' email to her. My favourite character is Jack, obviously, who wants Millie for herself and listens to her. There is so much to like here. A rom com with a difference, a magical joyous read. Pure light easy read escapism.
Profile Image for Jovana (NovelOnMyMind).
234 reviews196 followers
Want to read
March 21, 2023
Wow, I can't wait to read this one! 🤩

The description reminds me a bit of Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella, which is one of my favorite books ever. But I'm happy it sounds like it will be quite different, so I don't feel like I'm reading one and the same book.

I loved everything I've read by Lia Louis before, but Better Left Unsent sounds like it might be a new favorite!
Profile Image for Meagan (Meagansbookclub).
559 reviews3,988 followers
March 24, 2024
I could not get through this book. After the 40%, I knew I needed to finish it but I’ll b honest, I skimmed to the end. Bummer!
Profile Image for BookishRaquel.
303 reviews53 followers
May 23, 2024
Star Rating: 4/5 ⭐
Audiobook: 4/5 🎧

Millie uses her work email as a diary. She drafts emails detailing her real feelings about people in her professional and personal life but leaves them unsent. When she discovers that all her emails that hold her secrets have been sent, she is forced to deal with the fallout and fix the fractures her emails have created in her life and the lives of others.

Better Left Unsent is a funny story with a touch of mystery. Although I don't think it's believable that anyone working in the corporate world would do what Mille did, I enjoyed reading about how she navigated the situation. I felt secondhand embarrassment for her, but I think Millie handled things the best way she knew how. It's impossible not to root for Millie. There are some really fun side characters in this story that make this an entertaining read.

Unfortunately, some sections are a bit slower, and there didn't seem to be much going on. Things pick up a bit during the last 30-40% of the story. I love twists, so when there were questions about how the emails were released, I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what would happen. Better Left Unsent is British Chick Lit, so the writing could be confusing for those who aren't into that genre.

Overall, this was a fun and heartwarming read. It's a slow-burn romance with an ending that will leave you with a smile on your face.

Ashley Tucker did a wonderful job with this story. It took me a moment to get used to her accident, but once I was set, everything flowed well. Ashley provided the perfect voice for Millie and brought her to life. Without having access to this audiobook, I am not sure I would have been able to finish this book. Ashley's performance absolutely enhanced my experience with this story.

Thank you to Lia Louis, Atria Books, Simon Audio, and Libro FM for the gifted digital and audiobook copies.
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,728 reviews923 followers
May 20, 2024
Can you imagine writing several draft emails venting about things in your life and accidentally sending them to everyone? That’s nightmare fuel to me. Some things are better left unsent as the title describes and this is SO TRUE. Lia Louise has written a book that many of us can relate to (and by that, I mean writing our deepest and darkest thoughts DOWN with no intention of sending them) in this original new novel. I loved Millie even though she frustrated me at times. I think despite her mishaps that she’s a good person and it shows through the pages. I mean how would YOU react? I’m sure everyone would react differently. Anyway, I enjoyed this one. It gave me some anxiety because something like this COULD happen to anyone, but I was able to get over it like she did. Oh, and did I mention there’s some romance? It may not be the overall premise of the book, but I enjoyed Millie and Jack.

Profile Image for Janssen.
1,716 reviews5,343 followers
February 4, 2024
I could NOT get through her book "Dear Emmie Blue" and while this one was more engaging, it still fell somewhat flat for me.
Profile Image for Sarah Louise.
960 reviews526 followers
April 8, 2024
Ah, I adore Lia Louis! As much as I cherish her heart-wrenching stories, I equalled loved this more lighthearted (but not too lighthearted) romantic comedy from her. I genuinely laughed multiple times! Whatever she writes, I’m guaranteed to read it.

The premise of this one is mortifying to imagine happening! For years Millie Chandler has used her email as a diary — spilling out her inner frustrations in a drafted email with zero expectations of them ever being seen. But thanks to a supposed server glitch in the workplace, Millie wakes up to discover the entirety of her drafted email list has been sent. Gah!

I loved the way this took a seriously terrible situation and pulled the good from it. It was a blessing in disguise for Millie, truly. Seeing Millie own her truths, owning who she is in the process was so lovely. On top of that, the background mystery regarding exactly how the emails got sent was such a fun time!

The romance with a certain coworker was delightful. A man that loved Millie exactly as she is. The sweet, deeply romantic gestures along the way (the rhubarb farm! the treehouse!) made my heart absolutely flutter.

(heat level: kissing only)

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Profile Image for kay.
464 reviews5 followers
May 25, 2024
What I love about Louis' books is there is a realness to her characters. While I love these things, her books aren't centered around familiar tropes or character types. I feel like her stories could be happening somewhere right now.

This one started with an absolutely mortifying error. I loved the drama of this workplace and so many of the characters. Even the side characters were so entertaining with their varied responses to Millie's problem. Her choices and her fears made sense to me, but I appreciated the many voices telling her she didn't need to fix anything.

The romance was soft and sweet and the friendships were supportive. It could've moved a little bit quicker or maybe had more excitement, but overall, it was an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Amanda Leigh.
90 reviews44 followers
May 22, 2024
4.5 stars! I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley for review. I have to say I really enjoyed this book. The main characters were likable. Millie seems to be finding herself, but also dealing with a whole load of baggage from the emails sent. The MMC was supportive of her and I loved their flirtation. Their connection felt natural. It was closed door, and I think adding some spice would have sealed the deal for me. The friendships with Cate and Petra, as well as Ralph were well written and developed. I even appreciated the mature conversations that developed with the other female characters and coworkers as a result to this email. I thought this book had a unique premise, and I was not disappointed. I will give it 4.5 for lack of spice, which always enhances the relationship for me.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,206 reviews177 followers
July 14, 2024
The premise of this has promise: Millie keeps all her true thoughts (rants to her boss, real opinions about her BFF's husband, reviews on poor vacation experiences, feelings about her parents, responses to crushes) in her email drafts. It helps her release stress. The system works well until one day a server error at work releases all the drafts at once, sending the emails off to their quite surprised (and sometimes angry) recipients.

When you dive into this more, it seems flimsy. Who would write these sorts of things at work?! Why would you actually put the recipient's email address in the To line of the draft?! It makes more sense when you meet Millie, who, honestly, is a bit of an idiot and comes across as a clueless doormat, making it too hard to root for her. She's suffering from a breakup several years ago with Owen, who still works at her company, and one of her emails threatens to end Owen's current engagement. Millie's inability to recognize that Owen is a complete psychopath is incredibly frustrating. Her endless focus on her emails may be even more frustrating. Her relationship with Jack, her love interest, has little pep, as they barely have any scenes together. It's a shame, because Jack is funny and the two have good chemistry. There's also a side plot with Millie's parents that seems completely unnecessary.

I love Lia Louis' books and there was some fun in this one, but overall, it didn't work for me. 2.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Atria/Emily Bestler Books and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Victoria.
360 reviews154 followers
May 3, 2024
I have to say first off that this book made me cry and hug my iPad. I don’t read a lot of romance, this one fulfilled all my romance needs. I laughed and cried and kicked my feet up. The character, Jack, had me swooning all over the place and had me yelling at the main character telling her to look at him already.

Don’t get me wrong, I never want the emails I have in drafts and not sent to people, sent.. I would be probably leaving the country!

This had a slow slow burn and those are my favourite.

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books and Lia Louis for the chance to read the eARC for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,419 reviews
April 25, 2024
Can you imagine writing emails to your family,work colleagues, the boss you ‘like’ and everyone else in your life…..but putting exactly what you would say to them if you could, then keeping them all secret in a safe folder……then one day you wake to find out a server error has sent them,to everyone…..nightmare…..well this happens to Millie and to say her life is turned on it’s head is no exaggeration as friend/foe and everyone in between suddenly finds out what she really thinks of them
It is,of course,a disaster and you can’t help but put yourself in Millie’s shoes as she walks into work the next day…..but as the story progresses she turns it to her advantage and a love story emerges from within the chaos,Millie being Millie though it doesn’t happen without many complications
This is a fun,lol romantic comedy but with surprising depth and emotion and it was a joy to meet Millie and get to know her and be with her through a terrible time ( although funny ) and see how her life changed
The author’s writing was gteat to read and loved the way she described lovely comforting smells and also described a stray dog having Robert Smith from The Cure’s eyes!
I really felt I shared this bumpy journey with Millie and was pleased to be there,a very enjoyable book
Profile Image for Jeannine.
473 reviews19 followers
February 3, 2024
I. Am. Obsessed !!! with this latest book from Lia Louis. If you’ve read her prior novels, you will absolutely want to add this to your TBR.

Who hasn’t fantasized about replying to emails and saying what you *really* think? i know I have. And Millie, the main character in this book, took it a step further and actually wrote those emails and safely deposited them in her Drafts folder. Therapeutic, harmless writing therapy, right?

Sure. Until her entire drafts folder somehow gets sent out. And everyone, literally everyone, in her life gets an email. A email that they were never meant to see.

Lia Louis has a way of writing such relatable characters and this novel is no exception. I completely understood why Millie wanted to get to the bottom of how emailgate happened. And I could feel her excitement building as she hung out with her forgiving colleague Jack. There were so many lovable side characters, and a few to dislike too. (Looking at you, Owen!)

All in all this novel was a very fun story to read. I liked that it wasn’t too heavy on the romance storylines and had other things going on, because it allowed the book to have more depth (and the characters themselves, too).

4.5 stars from me!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book and provide my honest feedback. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for MrsHarvieReads.
187 reviews
May 26, 2024
There’s just something about a British romcom! I absolutely adored this funny, sweet, and utterly charming novel. Millie Chandler is a 30-year old receptionist who vents her frustration via email drafts. When the drafts, that no one was ever meant to read, are sent to everyone in her company, she works to repair all of the chaos that ensues. A journey of rediscovery and self confidence, Millie figures out that everyone has something going on in their lives and has difficulty showing their true selves. On her road to true happiness, she teaches others the importance of speaking your truth. I can’t stop smiling!
Coming 5/21/24
Profile Image for Bbecca_marie.
997 reviews29 followers
June 22, 2024
Better Left Unsent by Lia Louis

Thank you so much @atriabooks #AtriaPartner for the gifted copy.

So many ways to torpedo your career and your love life… So little time.
A woman accidentally reveals all her secrets in this witty and charming novel from the author of Eight Perfect Hours.

✨ My thoughts:
This story right here is entertaining as all hell. If this happened to me I’d be mortified and I’d probably run away and start a new life. Seriously though, I was trying to figure out who was responsible for sending out those emails the entire book and boy was I wrong. This story has a little bit of everything for many readers to enjoy and will surely leave its readers feeling good in the end. If you’re looking for a little romance, a little humor, a little mystery… this is the one to pick up! Better Left Unsent is out now.

Happy reading 📖
Profile Image for Laura  Wonderchick.
1,462 reviews166 followers
June 1, 2024
As with other books by this author it was fun and cute. Slow in a few places that made it not as desirable to pick back up. But overall I liked it. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this copy for read and review
Displaying 1 - 30 of 753 reviews

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