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Not Your Average... #1

Not Your Average Fairy Tale

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Book by Sedgwick, Chantele

224 pages, Paperback

First published July 30, 2012

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About the author

Chantele Sedgwick

7 books363 followers
Chantele Sedgwick is a YA author, harpist, wife to one and stay-at-home mom to four. She loves happy endings, Kit Kats and judging by her book shelves, buys way too many books.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
August 2, 2012
4.5 stars

Ash Summerland is pumped! Soon he'll be graduating at the top of his class after all his hard work at the academy, he's finally going to get his just reward by earning himself the dream apprentice job he's always wanted. So when he opens his golden letter from The Magical Being Academy and sees that he's working for Lady Shenelle he's thinking that there has to be some mistake or quite possibly a joke. A Fairy Godmother? But...he's a dude! There has never been a male fairy godmother in the history of the academy, so...why now?
Frustrated and a very pissed off Ash tries to figure out what's going on, but the council has all decided that this experience will be good for him and he may just learn something from it. He just has to hang on long enough to complete one assignment. Grant three wishes to a human girl and he'll be able to graduate and move on to better positions. So what happens when his assignment proves to be most difficult and doesn't even believe in happy endings? Or even worse, what happens when he actually starts to care about her?

Ha!! What a fun fun story!! Not Your Average Fairy Tale really took me by surprise. This was such an entertaining and creative concept that put a brilliant spin to some of my favorite elements. Magic and fairy tale beings. As soon as I read the blurb for this book, I knew that I wanted to read it, I just didn't think I'd have this much fun!
Magic, mystery, romance, colorful characters and a wicked twist in the end, this book has Disney written all over it! I could totally see this on the big screen. Kudos to Chantele Sedgwick's writing! It's smooth, confident and consuming. I was constantly and instantly entertained from minute one!

I really adored every single one of these characters. Even the bad dudes. Each of them played their roles fantastically, bringing in so much thrill, surprises and laughter.
Poor poor Ash, he really took the news hard when he found out that he was going to be ~gasp~ a fairy godmother. It's a pride thing, a male thing, a 'I'm not wearing no dame tights and tu-tu' thing. His pouting ways were quite adorable and hilarious and it was amazingly fun to watch him squirm his way through this assignment. To add insult (girly wings and a blue wand) to injury, Ash also learns that his class rival, Dax got the apprentice position that he was aiming for and makes sure to rub it in his face at any given hour.
All Ash wants to do is get this stupid assignment done and over with and move on, but when Kendall starts to get under his skin, making him question everything that he's ever wanted, we see a new side to Ash that readers will cheer for!
I really liked Kendall, she's been having a hard time every since she lost her father in an accident, leaving her alive but badly scarred. She feels responsible and blames herself for what happened. She's lost the will to feel normal or be normal. So it's not really a surprise when she fist meets Ash and thinks he's some nut job. I mean, who would believe that this gorgeous guy is a fairy godmother who could grant her three wishes. But once she finally does believe it's pretty funny to see these two banter their way to a growing friendship. She can totally handle her own and has a mean arm to prove it.
Also, a big shout out to Sam and Ellie, they were two of my favorite characters besides Ash and Kendall.

The story line has a little bit of everything. Fun filled magic, a sweet sweet romance that's perfect in the way true love and fairy tales were meant to be, secrets waiting to be revealed, betrayal and revenge and an evil sinister plot taking it's time to fester before it strikes.

Overall, I absolutely had a blast with this book. It's warm and sweet and really quite precious. I can't wait to buy myself a copy to add to my collection! I'm also guessing by the ending that we're getting more, which would be amazing! I can't wait to see what happens to Ash and Kendall next!!

Big thanks to Chantele Sedgwick for sharing her story with us. Loved it!!

This review and more can be seen at;

winter haven books
Profile Image for Kathy * Bookworm Nation.
2,108 reviews660 followers
February 23, 2017
I really liked this one. I was quickly pulled into the story and had a hard time setting it down. I thought it was well written with a fun plot and likable characters. Kendall was likable and easy to relate to. She had been in an accident a few months prior to the story starting, which changed her life forever. She’s still struggling with what happened and is a bit skeptical when Ash shows up claiming to be her fairy godmother. Ash was also really likable. He is frustrated to be a fairy godmother (not a very manly profession where he comes from) and just wants to get his assignment over with, that is until he actually meets Kendall. I thought Ash and Kendall were great together, they have a lot in common, but I especially liked their banter and fun way of being with each other. I thought they had good chemistry. The story moves along quickly, and I was surprised with some of the twists at the end. I thought it was a great start to a new series and I look forward to seeing what will happen with Ash and Kendall next.

Content: Clean.

Profile Image for Talea.
4 reviews5 followers
October 20, 2012
Read it, loved it! So glad to be related to the author!
Profile Image for Katie (hiding in the pages).
3,239 reviews293 followers
July 1, 2013
I have to say this book was a surprise! I never would have thought to have a male fairy godmother, and I'm sure Ash thought the same thing. Ha!! I thought this was a very original take on a fantasy/fairy tale type story.

Ash seemed to be the type of person who really has everything fall right into his lap. He works hard and therefore, gets what he wants out of life. I really connected with him and liked his character. When he gets this surprise assignment, he tries really hard to make the best of it, even though it's obvious he wants to be anywhere but where he is. His eyes--that's what really got me. :) Silvery blue...

I have to say first of all, that I had a hard time with the name Kendall--and for a dumb reason. I have a son named Kendall and I only ever heard it for a boy...until after he was born--yeah, there are girls named that all over now. I thought it was great that Ash pointed that out (it's a boy's name). Anyway...back to Kendall. I felt so sorry for her. I can't imagine the guilt and pressures she was feeling in life and being a teen makes it all that much harder to deal with. I could easily relate with her skepticism towards Ash. Really?? A fairy godmother?? And a male one at that? Yeah, right.

I loved the build up of their relationship. It was believable. I can't wait for more!!

Content: nothing that stood out to me. Clean.
Profile Image for Cindy Hale.
Author 60 books531 followers
October 2, 2013
Chantele Sedgwick created a well-crafted world full of magic and secrets that I would love to learn more about. Her writing style was very readable, and felt like I was listening to my friends sitting with me telling me their story.

Kendall: My heart really went out to her. Near the end of the book she has this dream. I won't say what it was about because I don't want to ruin anything, but it was so well written, I felt myself understanding just a little bit of how horrible it would feel to be in her situation. She's so fragile in the beginning. It was amazing to see how much she had grown by the end.

Ash: He had such a typical guy personality. It was hilarious that he had to be a fairy godmother. The best part was his reaction to all of it. Chantele really got his character. He felt like such a real person. I knew him well by the end of the first chapter, but at the same time, not at all. Until the end of the book, he doesn't truly know who he is or what he's capable of, and even then, it's just an inkling of his full potential.

It was such a fantastic read. I found myself wondering about the characters during the day when I wasn't reading. I can't wait to see what Chantele comes up with next!
Profile Image for Kathy Jo.
753 reviews135 followers
July 30, 2013
Loved... Loved... Loved Not Your Average Fairy Tale! I had a hard time putting it down when it came to sleeping and working! Ash and Kendall are amazing! I loved the way they would banter back and forth and caught myself chuckling quite often because of it. I am so mad at myself for waiting so long to read this book! I can add yet another author to my favorites list, which is always a plus! Can't wait for the next book to come out! :o)
Profile Image for Valerie Waters.
1,115 reviews
July 30, 2013
This book was AWESOME!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED it!!!! I had 20% left and had the missionaries coming over for dinner....I have to admit. I read WHILE I was cooking!! It was just one of those books, I couldn't put it down I love that it was about a boy. Ash was so totally awesome!! I loved that there wasn't much of a love triangle!
Profile Image for Lenore Kosinski.
2,389 reviews64 followers
October 10, 2020

4.5 stars — LOVED IT! It was different and refreshing…the characters developed feelings for each along the way instead of insta-love (which I don’t mind, but it’s nice to have a balance). And the paranormal world was well-built and interesting! I especially love that the ending wasn’t a cliffhanger, but a solid ending with just a teaser of what would come with later books in the series. So I get to have that happy sigh, even knowing that things aren’t over. 🙂

3 stars — *sigh* It’s SUPER weird when you have a completely different experience from a first read. It’s happened to me a few times already, and it just really hits home how much I’ve changed in the past few years.

I will note before I start that I don’t have the more recent edition (hence why I used the old cover). So I can’t confidently say that all of my gripes still exist, but a book isn’t going to change that much.

The problem is I’ve really opened up my eyes on toxic masculinity, and gender roles, and the toxic things that surround that…and so reading this, I couldn’t help but cringe. Ash is beyond insulted at being a fairy godmother, and spares no amount of disdain for being a guy in a traditionally female role. And it just kept going and going. I think I kept reading because I couldn’t remember if this was part of his growth, but it wasn’t really. I mean, he’d kind of moved past that because of other things happening, but I don’t believe he changed his views or saw his attitude as wrong.

That was the biggest, for sure, but the characters also felt really flat and one-dimensional. I didn’t get a really good feel of who either of our MCs were, and I just didn’t feel things as much as I should have.

The bad characters were also caricatures. I’m more tolerant of that with Dax, with the whole magic and past and stuff…though he was genuinely evil, and I honestly didn’t get why Ash let him get away with the things he got away with. Again, toxic masculinity, he’d rather fight him about it. *rolls eyes*

And then there’s Cameron. I was the most horrified with Cameron. He didn’t escalate so Kendall couldn’t see it until later…that maybe I’d have understood. No, he pulled the whole “don’t lead me on and then pull back” shit from their first “date”. I was disgusted. I mean, she pushed him away, and he got mad and said horrible things and I thought fine. BUT THEN SHE WENT OUT WITH HIM AGAIN!!! And he did it again, except worse! And then she WENT TO OUT WITH HIM AGAIN!!! He was physically and mentally abusive. He was everything that makes me angry about rape culture. I just. No.

Now, saying all that, it wasn’t all bad. Hence my 3 stars and not lower. There was cute stuff, and some emotions. It just wasn’t enough.

So yeah. Look at that, another series I meant to finish only to find out I can’t even handle the reread. *sigh*
197 reviews4 followers
February 2, 2016
I'm kind of appalled that this book has an average of 4 stars! People need to read better books! This book made me angry because the concept and plot could have been so good but the writing absolutely failed it. I've never felt so annoyed at an author's writing style before. As I was reading this, I was reminded of a story my sister and her friend wrote when they were 9 years old. The jokes were as juvenile, and the characters in a 9 year old's story had more depth and development than the ones in this book.

Can we talk about the misogyny and sexism for a minute here? I've literally never used a swear word in a review but this has provoked me top much. What the actual fuck was up with the whole 'boys-like-blue? girls-like-pink' shit that was happening?! Are they 5?! Even 5 year olds know better than that and these people were supposed to be 17!! And the ONLY girl character who said she liked blue TURNED OUT TO BE EVIL! What the actual... UGH. And this is not even counting all the times the main character talks about how girls don't eat or goes off on a spiel about how girls are superficial. What the hell?!

Ash was a douchebag. No other way around it. He was so rude to his teachers and mentor. What an asshole. And he made so many judgements.

Also what is up with the weird sudden change in Connor? She was his friend for 2 years and suddenly when this Ash douche comes into her life, he suddenly turns bad? SO MANY LOOPHOLES IN THIS DAMN THING. It was WAY too convenient for him to suddenly turn bad. Ridiculous.

Also, seriously, Ash and Misty? Where's Brock? I want to laugh but the author seriously desecrated the Pokémon world by naming her characters that.

I'm so mad. I didn't want to finish this book but I wanted to see if the characters would actually redeem himselfm. But no! Even towards the end of the book, Ash bitches about his assignment as a fairy and says he doesn't know why they gave it to him even though at the start, EVERYONE told him that it was because he was too arrogant. Also, all the people who didn't like Ash became evil. I guess I'm evil top because I freaking hated him and wanted him to just go away. I'm giving this a 0.5 stars because I liked the few paragraphs with the romantic tension. But even that failed in the end because they became too damn cheesy. The way they spoke to each other was even cheesier and more contrived than Edward and Bella from Twilight.
January 21, 2013
To start off let me say that friends and family of authors need to learn that they do the author no favors by reviewing their book then saying in the review they they are related to or know the writer. It makes the entire review worthless, and to be honest I was more than a little turned off. Basically we as readers are left thinking how good can this book be is half the 5 star reviews are from the authors on family? Oh, your grandma likes it? Umm... of course she does!

However, I decided to give it a read anyway, and while it was nothing overly engrossing or unique, it was a cute story. The idea was interesting and some of the characters were well done. My biggest hangup was the fact that what made the story different was the idea that the main character/fairy godmother apprentice was a guy. That was a great idea, but he never sounded like a guy. He sounded like a woman trapped in a guys body. He was just far too feminine to be a believable teenage boy, and more than once I found myself thinking, "No guy would ever say/think/do that"--particularly a guy who was supposed to be the campus hotshot.

Not a bad read, but not great either. Take it for what it is, and you will probably enjoy it.
Profile Image for Katie O'Sullivan.
Author 29 books168 followers
August 24, 2012
What a fun book!

Who would have pictured a fairy godmother as a cute teenaged boy? Certainly not Ash Summerland, who's pretty annoyed that his last school assignment at the Academy for Magical Beings is an apprenticeship to the head fairy godmother. The first boy ever to get stuck granting wishes and happily ever afters, while his class rival gets the job he most wanted, apprenticed to the Sandman.

Fast-paced and fun, the point-of-view alternates by chapter between Ash Summerland and Kendall, the human girl he's assigned to. Since Ash really isn't all that into his apprenticeship, he tries to bend a few rules to make it all over more quickly. Until he starts to fall for the human girl, and then he doesn't want it to be over. And neither does the reader.

Looking forward to more books from this author, and hopefully more about Ash, Kendall, and the rest of the characters in this book!

Profile Image for Deborah.
673 reviews51 followers
July 1, 2013
I really needed a book like this. It was so fun to read and so refreshing. I love the fact that this book was from both the female lead character(Kendall) and the male lead(Ash). I love it when I know what the guy is thinking.

This book had it all. It was funny, romantic, suspenseful and did I mention chuckle out loud funny? It really was. I was so happy that I read this one. For some reason the idea of a guy being a "fairy God Mother" turned me off. But, as you read it you totally get into the story and you fall for these characters.

I loved Ash and Kendall's relationship. They were just so great together. They had wonderful chemistry and they were more importantly kind of friends first. I also liked the fact that she could take him down a notch. There banter was classic.

This is totally a book that will roll around my mind again and again. I am so looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Englishrose.
354 reviews30 followers
September 6, 2012
This was a wonderful, young adult romance with characters that you will love. Although you see both perspectives, it almost seems as if Ash is the main character - a new twist for most romances. Both he and Kendall are well developed characters that actually act like teenagers. A well developed plot actually gave me a few surprises along the way and made me anxious to turn every page. The romance is fun and has the kind of toe-curling that makes us all pick up a good young adult book now and again. Side characters were fun and the magical world realistic and understandable. Overall, this was a great book and I am very anxious to read a sequel, or anything else by this author.

Profile Image for Jolene Perry.
Author 14 books282 followers
July 20, 2012
This book was so many kinds of fun that it's hard to count.

Great guy who gets bumped down a notch or two... or ten.

Fab girl - great mix of serious emotion, snark and sweet.

This was a fun love story, paired with a very cool paranormal/mystery element and even though I've been looking forward to reading it forever, and had built it way up, it was still THAT GOOD.

My daughter can't wait to get her hands on a "real" copy.
Profile Image for Story of a Book Reader.
603 reviews85 followers
April 19, 2022
Ash Summerland is a student at The Academy of Magical Beings and as his last assignment, in order to graduate, he has to become a fairy godmother and grant three wishes and a “happy ever after” to a human girl named Kendall. Ash is eager to get the assignment over with so that he can finally fulfill his dream to become a sandman. There is only one problem: Kendall doesn't believe a word he says and, more importantly, she doesn't believe in happy endings.

The story is written in the alternating points of view of Ash and Kendall. Ash knows he's got magic but he doesn't know who his parents were and therefore he's not sure if he's a fairy or some other sort of magical creature. But he does know that he's the first male fairy godmother ever. And he's not happy about it. He struggles with his new wand and wings. Which, I got to admit, was pretty fun to witness.
Kendall has a troubled past and she's still struggling to move forward.
Not your average fairy tale is definitely a character driven book where the romance is the main aspect of the story. It reads like a young adult contemporary with fantasy elements.
This book is a fast, light and entertaining read. But I also had a few issues with it. It's predictable. I felt like Kendall, a human girl that had no idea magic existed, accepted way too easily the fact that Ash was a fairy godmother. Also, why do people always make stupid wishes when they are granted them? I might have enjoyed this book if only it weren't for those constant annoying remarks such as:

- “I don't know many human... I mean, teenage girls who don't like to drive. Walking to school would mess up their hair or get them all sweaty before the day even started.”
“I'm not one of those girls,” I said.

There we go again with the “most girls” comments.

- “Shut up. I bet your room looks worse than this.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You're a guy.”

- “You're a girl. You like to write notes. Probably took up half the page with cutesy hearts and flowers.”

- “She's hot,” Sam said. “I always wanted to ask her out.”
“You can have her.”
oh, and also “If this is about Sinna, you can have her.”

- “Are you serious? Most girls have, like, fifty things they want to wish for. Just pick one!”
“How do you know what girls wish for?”
“Humans are so predictable. Perfect hair, perfect boyfriend, perfect body. Pick one”

- “You obviously have feelings for him. Maybe he feels the same way?” What the heck was wrong with me? Maybe they turned me into a fairy on purpose. This conversation was turning me into a girl.

- “I'm a guy, remember? We don't analyze everything a girl says to us. It's way too complicated. We just nod and say okay.”
“Then we forget about it two minutes later.” Of course. Typical guy.

- Maybe human girls were different, but where I came from, girls ate the least amount of food possible.

- “Oh, come on. I want to know how you feel about her.”
“Could you please stop sounding like a girl? You're freaking me out trying to talk to me about feelings.”
Profile Image for Kristin (Young Adult Book Haven).
168 reviews89 followers
October 12, 2012
My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this book so much, it was a fun and light read that I enjoyed every second of. It had light and fun romance mixed in with a paranormal and magical aspect that melded so well together to great the perfect story.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of this book was that you got multiple narration through each chapter. With one chapter from the main character of Ash, the fairy godmother and Kendall, his assignment. I really loved getting to read the story from both characters. It's not often that you get to know what both of your characters are thinking about each other, I liked knowing what the guy was thinking because in most YA books, you don't get to see that.

Ash is getting ready to graduate from The Academy of Magical Beings, to graduate each student has to complete a internship assignment from a specific magical professor. Ash is at the top of his class and he wants to graduate and become a sandman, which has always been his dream. But, when Ash opens his letter for his internship he is completely surprised and disappointed to find out that he is going to be a fairy godmother. First of all, according to Ash fairy godmothers are not supposed to be guys, and he is not prancing around in tights and fairy wings to graduate from school. His assignment is a human girl named Kendall, his job is to give her a happy ending and grant her three wishes.

Ash was such a total guy and it he really made me laugh and smile throughout the entire book. He was so upset about having to be a fairy godmother because he was a guy and he thought because he was one of the best students in his class that he was above it. His character really learns a lot through Kendall.

I really loved Kendall, my favorite scenes from the book were between Ash and Kendall. Kendall was definitely a broken girl. She had just lost her father in a car accident and her whole life changed because of it. Ash entered her life at the perfect time, she needed her three wishes and a happy ending more than anything.

Overall, this book was such a fun and entertaining read, I loved the plot and was so interested in every aspect of it. The plot was unique, different, and enjoyable. I haven't read anything quite like it before which made me so excited because sometimes in YA books can be the same story with different names. The ending was left open so there could be another book, I don't know if there will be but, if there is I will definitely be reading it!

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Mundie Moms & Mundie Kids.
1,952 reviews209 followers
October 3, 2012
Don't you love it when you sit down to read a book and find you're pleasantly surprised with what you read? Not Your Average Fairy Tale lives up to it's name and is definitely not your normal fairytale. One of the things I really enjoyed about this book is the spin that Chantele gave the Fairy Godmother. Not only is this story's Fairy Godmother a guy (yep, a guy as a Fairy Godmother, it's fabulous!), he's a smart, a hotty and a student to boot. I'm thinking many readers wouldn't complain over Ash Summerland being their Fairy Godmother. It's his reluctance at being the first guy to be Fairy Godmother that made Ash a character I loved reading about. I couldn't help but smirk at his sarcastic comments and his destain for becoming the Fairy Godmother, even if it's for a short time. A guy like Ash Summerland isn't someone who enjoys sprouting wings, wearing tights or using a wand, that might at first be pink. His attitude toward's his new assignment was comical, and made him a character I enjoyed reading about.

His assignment is Kendall, a broken character who once had it all, but after a serious accident all but ruined her. Ash's challenge is to grant her three wishes, and in the process hopefully grant her, her happily ever after. Easier said than done, but Ash is up for the challenge. Kendall in her own right was a great character as well. I was impressed with way she was written. It made it easy for me to understand what she was going through, even though I didn't feel an emotionally connect with her. I was also surprised at how much I adored Kendall and Ash together. These two didn't have that swoon worthy chemistry I normally love when reading YA, but what they did have was plenty of sarcasm, a lot of fun, and something sweet, which was enjoyable and, a fun change of pace for me.

Storyline wise there are some minor things that happen through out the book, but the real plot twists and action happen within the last 20 pages providing the perfect set up for the sequel. Though this isn't a long in-depth read, it is however one of those fun, feel good, quick reads that you can easily spend part of your afternoon enjoying. I'll admit, I was pleasantly surprised with this book. It's one that's going on my shelf of books I turn to when I need a good filler, or when I find myself in a reading slump and I want to just and read something fun. If you're looking for a fun, clean, enchanting read I'd recommend picking this on up!
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,722 reviews55 followers
September 26, 2012
Ash Summerland knows that he's got it made! He's a handsome guy going to school at The Academy of Magical Beings, and did I mention that he's also at the top of his class. He just knows that he will get to Apprentice Master Night and be a Sandman, just like he's always wanted. But things go horribly wrong when he opens the envelope containing his letter from the Council about his apprenticeship. Instead of being able to be an apprentice for the Sandman, he's going to be an apprentice for Lady Shenelle, the Fairy Godmother. How can this happen, Ash is a guy, not a girl. He goes straight to Lady Shenelle to see if she can fix this dreadful mistake, but is told that the Council feels that he needs to spend some time working for her. He must complete this apprenticeship to graduate and he must get his assignment to make three wishes that Ash will then grant and do a good job doing it, or all of his hard work will go out the window! Things get even worse when Ash meets his assignment, Kendall, she's a young lady that has been severely hurt, both in an accident and after by everyone around her. She has no desire to believe that Ash is her "Fairy Godmother" and she can trust him and ask him for the wishes of her heart. She's seen enough to know that "Happily Ever After" isn't just around the corner. Can Ash convince her that there can be happy endings?

This was a cute take on a Fairy Tale. I loved Ash, he was so funny trying to do what a fairy godmother would do, but really having no idea because he is a guy not a girl. Kendall was a sweet girl, I loved how vulnerable she was about life after her accident, you kind of get glimpses of her life before the accident through what her friends or her sister say about her, but you don't really witness that first hand. This book had action, a touch of romance, bad guys and good guys who try to teach the bad guys a lesson. I've always been a big believer in happily ever after, so I enjoy when that happens in books. I also really like that this one left itself wide open for a sequel, I love to read books that have sequels!
Profile Image for Michelle .
2,076 reviews295 followers
October 16, 2012
This book is so flippin' cute! I mean, just look at the cover! It's a guy fairy godmother. With wings. How can you not love that? Don't ask me, because I have no idea. Plus both of the main characters are sarcastic. I love me some sarcasm.

Ash is top of his class and he wants to be a sandman when he grows up. So he expects it to be a shoe in for him. Imagine his surprise and anger when he didn't get assigned to the sandman for his apprenticeship, but rather he was put on fairy godmother duty. It totally cracked me up. He even got wings. Just about the worst thing to happen to a 17 year old guy. He gets assigned to Kendall, a girl almost as sarcastic and stubborn as him. Kendall was in a car accident a couple months ago and she lost her father. A lot of this book was watching her struggle with her pain. I thought her progression was very real and natural. And Ash was just so awesome through it all. You could really tell how Kendall kind of snuck up on him and before he knew it, he liked her. I thought it was beyond adorable.

There are still a lot of questions I have for the second book. I did not see the "villain" coming at all. It totally shocked me, but know that the cat is out of the bag- I need to know what is going to happen next. Book 2 is going to be so good! My only complaint about Not Your Average Fairy Tale is that it seemed too short. I flew through it in one sitting. I wanted more, more, more! But that is just my greed. The writing and the pacing are great, and the characters were sarcastic masterpieces. Not Your Average Fairy Tale took me by surprise and I can't stop smiling just thinking about it.
Profile Image for Jamie.
153 reviews2 followers
August 8, 2012
Where do I begin to talk about this book? First of all, I'm VERY anxious for the sequel... Let's just get that part out of the way!

Ash Summerland has it all - he's handsome, smart, top of his class, and ready to start his final assignment of his senior year at his school for magical beings, his apprenticeship. To his surprise, he's not apprenticed to the Sandman, but to the head Fairy Godmother. There's NEVER been a male fairy godmother before and Ash is more than a little put out. His assignment? Give Kendall her happily ever after.

Kendall, on the other hand, doesn't believe in happily ever after. Life hasn't been the same for her since her father died in a car accident about 3 months ago. Her friends have all but left her, her mom has thrown herself into work to try to cope, and Kendall is left with a scar that she believes makes her so ugly that no one will ever want her. Nope, a happily ever after is definitely not on her list.

I loved this book. It made me laugh out loud (which I had to be careful of because I read most of it in bed after my husband was asleep and I didn't want to disturb his awesome snoring) in MANY places. It also made me tear up in places too, which is a real credit to Chantele, because I don't often get attached enough to a story to actually cry when I'm reading books (just so you know, the last time that actually happened was at the end of Goose Girl many, many moons ago). I'm going to definitely be re-reading this book and anxiously await the sequel. My 13-year-old son is also really excited to read it too.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
October 8, 2012
I don't even know how to convey how much fun this was to read. It has all the great elements I look for in a book.

A great girl with a little bit of an attitude, a little bit broken but still has room left in her to love and be loved.

A hot guy with an attitude to match, not the bad boy I love but does have a naughty side and who also has a heart of gold just waiting to come out.

A fun paranormal side, an emotional side, a nice sweet romance, humor bad guys, and oh yeah, did I mention fun?

This really was a great read. Just as good as I was hoping it would be and with a beautiful cover to boot!

This isn't a fluff read. If you are thinking all rainbows and sunshine, you are wrong! I was pleasantly surprised by that. To be honest I was expecting an entirely cutsie story and while I love those stories (as we all know) I am so glad there was more to it than that!

There were bad guys and conflict and the ending left it wide open for a sequel and I am excited about that as well.

Ash and Kendall were adorable. I loved Misty and Sam as well and really hope we get more of them (and maybe their stories as well) in the next book.

Dax was a great villain and I loved the twist in the end on who he really was and where he came from.

I absolutely will be reading the next book.

I give this one 4 Stars!
Profile Image for Tobi Summers.
Author 2 books9 followers
August 13, 2012
The very first thing that struck me about this book was what a cool concept it was. A fairy godmother who was not just a boy, but also a student? And a reluctant fairy at that? Awesome. I loved the characters, especially Ash and Kendall. They were realistic without trying too hard, and they had great chemistry together. I found myself rooting for their relationship the whole time.

The book moved at a pretty good pace, though there were a few times it dragged a little in the middle. Then, with about 30 pages left, chaos broke out, setting us up for a sequel. If I could have one wish that Ash would grant for this book, it would have been that the climactic ending had started a little earlier. For most of the book, I assumed this was a fairly typical love story. While I enjoyed that, I found myself far more intrigued by the ending. I assume, should there be a sequel, this will feature prominently, but I would have liked a little more development of it in this first book.

I'm looking forward to reading more from Chantele Sedgwick!
Profile Image for Brenna.
31 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2014
This book is so FUN! I loved it! It is a fast read because it is a PAGE TURNER and is hard to put down! The writing went back and forth between the two main characters and each chapter left me wanting for more (which is why I stayed up WAY too late reading it). This book was so creative and the storyline was very believable for a magical fantasy. The main character (the begrudging fairy "godsmother" Ash) was hilarious in his reluctance to accept his assignment as the first male fairy godmother. I also loved the gradual growth of Ash as he accepted what he was and how he saw himself. Self image was an issue for both him and his "assignment" (to whom he was supposed to grant 3 wishes to); him with his "coolness" and "stud" factor at risk, her with her recent scarring due to a traumatic car accident. As a young adult novel, it made it a really dimensional read with the dual character growth and lots of character development . All in all, this book ROCKED and I love how it left us with a teaser that implies there may be more books to come!!! Please let there be books to come!!! :)
Profile Image for Christina Tarbet.
79 reviews11 followers
October 11, 2012
I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it to other readers. I don't normally read books about fairies and other paranormal creatures but this book wasn't strange or weird. It was a fun and entertaining read. Chantele pulls you quickly into the storyline. The characters are great! They are fun and realistic, minus the magic of course. Ash is sent to grant Kendall 3 wishes and he thinks it will be quick and easy. . . What would you wish for if you had 3 wishes? Kendall takes her time and the two become friends. They actually have a lot in common. Both Ash and Kendall are dealing with the loss of a parent. Both characters go from being wrapped up in their own grief to helping each other heal.

The book ends setting it up for a sequel and makes you want to read more!!! I can't wait for the sequel!
Profile Image for Karen.
14 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2012
I had a little bit of a hard time deciding between 4 stars or 5. I found myself forgetting which character was 1st person, because it alternates between the two main characters. Other than that, it was a fun, quick read that kept me interested, so 5 stars it is! The unique story line of a teenage boy who is a fairy godmother definitely pulled me in and it didn't disappoint. I enjoyed the love story, the dynamics of the characters, and can't wait for the sequel!
Profile Image for Jacq.
47 reviews4 followers
September 8, 2012
This one's not your average fairy tale. I can't stop reading. I finished reading it in less than 8 hrs. It's what you get when you have a story with a guy as a fairy godmother and a heroine who doesn't believe in HEA. I love the characters,Ash and Kendall. I really love their chemistry and I had so much fun reading about them. I totally love the twist at the end. Never see it coming. Im looking forward to the sequel. This one is my new favorite!
Profile Image for Kyra.
Author 37 books292 followers
September 5, 2012
This book is just fantastic! The concept of a male fairy Godmother appealed to me, but once I started reading, there were so many other brilliant things about the story. Dax is the perfect antagonist - he scared the living daylights out of me with his gold eyes and creepy voice. And I fell in love with Ash almost immediately! Brilliant book - definitely worth checking out!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews

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