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Horrorscape #3


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He lost to her twice and it nearly consumed him. Now, it's time for another game. And this time, he won't let her go so easily. Val's not just fighting for her friends' lives this time: She's fighting for her own, too.

Warning: Contains rape, rape triggers, non-con, elements of BDSM, violence, and content not appropriate for those under 18.

423 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 8, 2013

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About the author

Nenia Campbell

57 books20.4k followers

Hi there. I'm Nenia! I'm an author of several villain romances, and creator and moderator of Unapologetic Romance Readers.

I read a lot of amazingly trashy books that I would be happy to rec you. Coffee flows through my veins like ichor. Also, check out what I've written sometime!

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Nenia-Campbell/...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aficionenias

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews
September 6, 2013
Once upon a time, there was a naive and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams.

From childhood's grave sprang a young woman, jaded before her years, who new that beasts could wear the skins of men, and that evil could exist in sunlight, as well as darkness.

Plus ca change, c'est la meme chose.

Pain lanced through her chest as if a large needle were sewing her ribs together, cinching them far too tight. Emotions snarled like brightly coloured threads, some standing out in sharp contrast. Aubergine guilt. Carmine lust. Scarlet anger.

He acted like a libertine of Europe with a genteel Southern propriety-and had all the morals of an emotionless psychopath. the two former masked the latter, like leaves covering a snare. You didn't notice the steel jaws until they were impaled in your flesh, and by then it was far too late to run.

Oh my eff, I almost highlighted the entire book!!! I could melt at the imagery this woman weaves with her words! There is nothing like it! You should read the book yourself, it's just that good! I have no words! Now I will quietly sob in a corner...

Profile Image for Alex ☣ Deranged KittyCat ☣.
651 reviews424 followers
December 29, 2018
Book #1: Fearscape
Book #2: Horrorscape

3.5 stars

Well, that was one interesting ride! Horrorscape is definitely one of my favorite series.
Is just that this last book... somehow I couldn't feel the same chemistry I did with the first two books.


For starters, I like the beginnings, not the endings, so I started reading Terrorscape a little annoyed that this was the end of the journey for me with Gavin and Val. This is purely subjective and has nothing to do with the book.

Then, I lost the primal-romantic-wild-beast image I had of Gavin.

Some of those women had gone with him willingly. Others - he smiled - not quite so much. They had all screamed at the end.

Well, screw you, Gavin! (can I swear on GR?!)


I just dislike him now. He has nothing human left in him. He seems just a hollow shell.

"When does it end?" His smile was thin and knife-sharp. "When I grow bored." He paused and added deliberately, "Or when you fall out of love with me. Neither seems very likely to happen anytime soon, though, hmm?"

"And when you cease to amuse me - when your leaves begin to wilt and your colors begin to fade - I may very well decide to prune you, the way one might deadhead a drooping rose."


I appreciated Nenia's approach to Val's mental issues, that is was a big part of her life. I liked her emotional instability. It made her more believable. I can understand her feelings towards Gavin. All of them. Things are rarely black and white.

I felt Vance's character was the fifth wheel. I can see no purpose for him except maybe make us like Gavin a little more.


Also, his family. I think they are unimportant unless there's going to be another series about them.

But that ending!


All in all, I highly recommend this series!
415 reviews124 followers
August 29, 2013

5 "What the f*ck is going on" stars

Once upon a time, there was a naive and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams.

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Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

To Gavin,Val had done the unthinkable...she had managed to escape twice from his plans for her. His careful designed plans.
She dared to defy him and now she will pay the consequences.

And in this new game, the stakes have never been higher...

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Val is starting a new life, at a college from far way from home she could get. She changed her name, her appearance and she cut the ties she had with the few people in her life.
Still she can never feel safe again, Gavin had made sure of that. She is a shell of the girl she once was. She doesn't live, she exists.

It wasn't that she was sad - sadness had very little to do with it, really, considering that most of the time she felt close to nothing at all. Feeling required nerves, connections, sensory input. The only thing she felt was numb. And tired.

And when she thinks she can try to have a new life, she receives an unexpected note from an old friend. It was Lisa's handwriting but not her words...

Are You frightened?

And a new game begins...


What to say about this series?
Well I find myself repeating the same words over and over or simply do not have words to fully describe it!

If you've seen my updates, you can clearly see how my emotions where all over the place. I devoured each chapter and got scared sh*tless by it.

I can say that this story will get a hold on you, wrap you in it's intensity and leave you completely enthralled by it.

My most common thought through this book?

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Oh and of course...
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Gavin messed with MY MIND big time,folks!!
Seriously, he have got to be one of the scariest characters I ever read about! He is one SICK F*CKING PSYCHO!! No way around it really!
Those first chapters in his POV "killed" any sort of fascination I still have of him. He crossed every unthinkable line.
And those chapters? Gave me the CHILLS!!
Gavin doesn't take any regard for human life. He is a predator seeking for his prey. And he is the most dangerous type, he can allure with his charm, his cunning, his looks....and when you realize what he wishes it's too late.

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And Val?
It's really hard to figure her out! We can see how broken she is because of him but it seems that in some level, he have a hold in her.

I mean, it's messed up the harass she suffered from everyone else (I'm not even talking about Gavin), women calling her slut, whore, men calling her saying they would do the same. People saying for her to kill herself!!! How is the victim the culprit?

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Even one of her friends "say" it was all her fault, She should turn herself to him! SERIOUSLY? Is it ok, to rationalize everything, and pinpoint the source of his insanity his obsession with her?

Anyway, if I thought the previous books were DARK this one is millions of times DARKER. And INTENSE!
I lost the times I yelled at my kindle, or stare at it blankly chanting "OMFG! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" ,"PLEASE, IT CAN'T BE TRUE" or my personal favorite " YOU'RE A SICK SICK BASTARD!!"!

And that ending????

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Bravo Miss Campbell! Bravo for an AMAZING series!

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
September 11, 2013
4 ½ Terrifying Stars


This is the final installment in the Horrorscape Series. This is one dark and disturbing series but this romance lover carried on with her dreams of a hea…go figure.

Valerian has changed her name, her appearance and is attending college far away from all the horrors of her past. Gavin thinks she is dead and so for the most part our heroine is safe. She is tormented by his words, her dreams are nightmares laced with powerful sexual attraction and repulsion for her stalker.

”This wasn’t living at all. Wasn’t there a belief somewhere that near-death experiences left a part of your soul in the afterlife? I am the living dead. A hungry ghost.”

Our main psychopath has been on a murder spree and when he realizes that Valerian is still alive…the hunt begins again.

In this book, their relationship becomes sexual because our Valerian is still trying to protect dumb friends who don’t give a damn about her but blame our girl. Really the poor girl has the worst luck in friends. Anyway, Gavin’s hold is strong, her grades are slipping and a copycat murder is thrown into the mix.

The story keeps a heart pounding pace while Valerian barely holds on.

”My grades…are shit. My family…thinks I’m crazy. I have...no friends. No support. No dignity.” She punctuated each bit of emphasis with another squeeze. “Oh and some psycho wants to kill me. Besides you, I mean.”

Gavin takes darkness to deep levels in this story all the while I conclude that he does in fact care for her. I just might be the crazy one.

The series is over and I may be screwed up but I really wanted this ending…

”And when you cease to amuse me – when your leaves begin to fade – I may very well decide to prune you, the way one might deadhead a drooping rose.”

Although I didn’t get what I was wishing for, this story was very well written, very exciting and completely unforgettable!

”I hate chess.”

Profile Image for Fatima.
758 reviews347 followers
September 5, 2013
“What's the matter, Valerian? You don't think I could bring myself to mark your lovely skin? I'll take my knife to you, if that's the case. I'll carve my name in your breast so that every beat of your heart will remind you that you are mine— and mine alone. Because blood is binding, and because I would rather see you destroyed than see you free or in the possession of another, so I suggest you not try me, or you will suffer as no earthly creature has.”

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I'm not sure how to review this book .. I mean , like , where do I begin .. ? Do I start with the characters , or do I start with the story or the plot line ??

2 days .. 2 freakin days and I'm still trying to comprehend what did I read ...

Terrorscape follows a totally different theme for the rest of the books .. Except for Gavin and Val , the scenario , the people involved , the game .. everything is different , yet the same .. What was also different and kinda same at the same time was Gavin and Val's relationship !!! Holy motherfreakers ... these two are just crazy ..

With the hand that wasn't holding onto her, he touched two fingers to his lip. The pad of his fingers was smeared red, staining the whorls of the skin. He stared at the blood for a moment, then looked at her through narrow eyes. She recoiled when she saw his arm flex, thinking he was going to hit her, and when she gasped he smeared his fingers all over her lips.

There is revenge , fear , desire , curiosity , guilt and then there is lust !

Gavin is still VERY dangerous and Val is clearly lost . It almost seemed that she has forgotten how to live the life of a normal 18 yr old ! She was a total robot running on an automated program !

Some of my emotions whilst reading this book :

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and then ...

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and then finally , the ending ...

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That is all folks .. If you haven't read this series .. PLEASE READ IT !

Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews618 followers
September 12, 2013
*****5 WTF Stars*****

OK....WTF was that ending??


My heart is broken with that ending....how fucked up am I that I was rooting for Gavin??? I know he's messed up but he tugged at my heartstrings and I wanted him to know love.....UGH.

I feel like just getting a bottle of wine, a blanket and sit in a corner and cry - NO NO NO NO NO - this story can't be over!

Nenia - what have you done to me?? There are VERY few storylines that I follow through the whole series and mark them as my "all time favorites"....but you have proceeded to do this. UGH...I feel like pulling my hair out!

OK...enough rutting....no wait that was from the story....I mean "ranting" :-)

So, Terrorscape picks up a few months after Horrorscape and now Gavin is serious about owning and manipulating Val.

Val is now in college with a new identity but do you think that will stop Gavin? HELL to the NO!!

He has upped his ante and is just getting started using Val as his canvas for his masterpiece!

*pssttt....Nenia, I'm oh so mad at you!
Profile Image for Elaine.
490 reviews72 followers
October 31, 2013
5 Fantastic Stars

The End of the Game

The final part of Nenia Campbells trilogy
Val has moved away, changed her name, appearance. To save her friends...to save her...from Gavin.
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But Val knows that she will never be able to escape and hide for long. Gavin must finish his game...
I almost felt a slight sadness at the end of this fantastically different story..
A sadness for Val and a sadness for Gavin in some twisted way.
How can you tame a person that doesn't want to ever be tamed?
And I finish on one last note...
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Profile Image for Becca.
Author 34 books270 followers
August 11, 2013

I win.

This book is not for the faint of heart. And this review is not for people who have not read the first two books in this trilogy, I will resort from using spoilers, and if i do them they will be at the end, hidden, and with a warning, that is how serious i am about spoilers. Now that you have been warned let get on to the review.

So I did this as a Buddy Read with the fantastic lovely Nellysa, and unfortunately i got a little left behind :( but i don't know what i would have done without her warnings XD probably died. Either way my point to this-ness is that if you are going to start this book, make sure you don't have plans, if you do have plans you might need to break them *shrugs* its the truth.


Song Choice: "Lilitu" by Blueneck, and "Guilty Kisses" by Orsten (i want to warn you both those songs are about 8 minutes long, but they are pretty much along with the rest of these choices the songs i listened while reading this book, but i think they did somewhat a good job with the overall tone of the book. And i have like two more for you, I have a feeling that i might have used this song for Gavin before but "My Beloved Monster" by The Eels, and "I Need Some Sleep" by also The Eels for Val.

First thoughts: This was a very intense read, this series got more and more intense as the trilogy went on, and for me I honestly believed they got better and better as we went along (that is not to say that i thought the others were bad because that is a lie so stop twisting my words) what i meant was that sometimes...a lot of times it seems that people always complain that the further into the series the worst the series gets, i don't agree with that statement right now. I had never felt so I want to say dirty but also so very intrigued at the same time. I can only think of one person that I have ever read that made me feel this way ( and i am not shitting you, this is my 594th book i think? ) so that is pretty intense. Anyways this book made me felt caged, it made me feel exhausted (in a good way), it made me feel desperate .

The Plot: Going into this I didn't even think about the Summary, I saw in my news feed people were starting Terrorscape, and I saw that Nenia said she had published it in a blog post, and bye, bye i was off to the wonderful world of amazon to go buy me a book! a very specific book...(it was this one ;)) So honestly i don't know what the summary even says now so i am going to go say too much about what the summary might have said. Anyways we left Val in quite a state didn't we! And Gavin felt triumphant. But the game is still on, the hunt is still on. "Are you frigthened? You should be. This book takes Gavin to a whole new level, you thought that he was bad last book...shit you don't even know. This book's plot like i mentioned in the first thoughts it made me feel everything the characters were feeling (for the most part - i was glad not to feel what Gavin was feeling at some points) oh Gavin made me feel so dirty but oh so right... curse that man! I barely even realize that this was technically a monster of a book at 425-ish pages. I ate it up, and probably read a little too fast and got a little stomach sick, but i couldn't help it even after Nellysa told me to take my time. This book always manages to twist me into this strange, i don't even know i want to say disturbing creature of a person. But i will get to that in characters ;). So the plot surprised me a couple hundred times but when it comes to Gavin I don't try to guess, i don't even pretend to want to guess....oh dear god i just realized something...Gavin controlled my readings O.o i am scared.....

I really do feel like i need to stress the warning that is in the summary which i did see because bold lettering catches my attention. There is rape in this book, there is parts that will most likely make you squirm, and i told you at the beginning of this review this book wasn't for the faint of heart.

Okay I have a feeling that someone who read this book might read this review and (i do not like to be bitched at thank you, you have your opinion i have mine) tell me about how i neglected to mention a few things: okay this is an indie book, and (Nenia - i do love you, you are amazing writer) but we all make mistakes and I know for a fact, that not everyone has an editor but that shouldn't stop them from publishing, yes there were a couple mistakes in this book but it didn't really hinder the story for me. I loved it regardless, and unless one of the people that start to bitch about and say i am not going to finish it because of it is willing to be an editor for indie authors give the book a shot. I mean come on. end of rant!

Thoughts on Characters:

now usually when i talk about characters in series i kept them pretty short because well we know the characters, but here is one thing that i really do love about Nenia's characters is that in each book they grow, whether its for the better or for the worse doesn't matter they change. Their personalities morph and become something new mixed with the old.

So Val: She is still that sweet, sort of innocent girl who didn't protect her heart as well as she should have. As well as I should have... what i did...but seriously :|. She is still very timid around new people, any person really, but she does try to become better, she does try to break from her shell. But depression is weighing heavy on her. (oh i forgot to mention how i loved the well researched - or already known psychology information from Val's classes, :D i even remember some of that from that semester all college students have thinking - yeah i should be a psych major) anyways back to Val but something has changed about Val if i remember correctly last book she did act more like a scared little girl - WHICH REALLY IS UNDERSTANDABLE. anyways in this book I think she decided that she was tired, so very tired of being that scared little girl. While she still bends to Gavin's will at times she still defies him. And that is all about Val i can say :D

Gavin: A shiver of delight might have just crawled up my spine. Shit...that man really fucks with your mind. From book one i was helplessly in love with him. Everything he does, everything he did while should upset me or make me be like i cannot love you I still love him. I don't even know how he does it to be honest. But that i think what makes him my favorite villain/MC guy ever. So dangerous you are sir, you get more dangerous and more animistic in each new book. God Gavin i don't even know what to do with you. At times I hated you i truly tried to hate you but yet i still loved you even at your worst Dangerous character this Gavin, he is addicting, manipulative, dangerous in general, and terrifying. but somehow still slightly redeeming I want to blame my love for him on is very Alpha male-ness personality but i think its more than my love for Alpha males. Its something uniquely Gavin.

The end. No i am not going to tell you about how i feel about the ending i will do it in a spoiler.

Gah i want to give you some of my favorite Gavin moments!

(If you run, I will pursue.)

(Can you feel the ties that bind us? Can you feel them tightening?)

Not that it mattered. Dead was dead, whether with a bang or a whimper. not a Gavin moment but i am not telling you said this

(I am her future— and she is simply that: mine.)

“He's psychotic. Brilliant, but insane. And twisted. And sadistic. And cruel.”

“But then, we feel most alive when we are closest to death.”

i literally have half this book highlighted so i will try to stop after one last one!

(You've fallen in love with me, haven't you?)

There are so many more i would like to share but i think this is going over the top as it is.

So there are a few things i wanted to address but i cannot do them because of spoilers so seriously unless you want this book ruined don't read these.

okay now that my insanely long review is done you can check out more insanely long reviews at my blog: http://theviolethourbookreviews.wordp... :D we appreciate you, and the authors appreciate you i am sure.
Profile Image for Sarah Beth.
504 reviews5 followers
December 5, 2023
When he wants to murder you 🤭

Now a college student, Val's nightmare persists. Even in a new state, with a new name and new appearance, the memory of Gavin's terror still tortures Val. Understandably, considering what she's been through, Val is extremely traumatized and not holding it together well. This poor girl's life was ruined the moment she became Gavin's fixation.

Gavin, meanwhile, realizing he was unsuccessful in killing Val, seeks ways to utterly dominate and possess her. She's going to be his (dead), but not until after she's suffered to his satisfaction.

Lately, I’m feeling pretty cynical about romance. I only want to read books about toxic "love." Ones that make your heart plummet with every chapter.

There is something about reading utterly hopeless books about severely tormented people that soothes depression. Maybe for the same reasons people listen to true crime podcasts. On the one hand, you feel a sense of solidarity with the tortured characters, sharing the same cozy little pit of despair. On the other, their suffering is so dramatic and outlandish that it offers some consolation by comparison.

This is such a unique series that could easily have leaned into cliches but does not. I have always loved books that transgress boundaries and challenge expectations, as this one does. Not to mention books that defy genres. I’m still unsure how to categorize this one, but let’s go with horror romance, heavy on the horror. Dark romance unromaticized.

It's also really beautifully written. Expressive language, dimensional side-characters. The tension is so well-developed, and there are so many excellent heart-racing horror scenes. And the quotes -- 🤌🏼🤌🏼

Does it have its flaws? Of course. But still 5-star-worthy

I am both anticipating and dreading the next book in the series.

CW: This is a book about a woman who is the object of a serial killer's obsession. No punches are pulled. A lot of dark stuff happens that will make many people uncomfortable; it's not handled flippantly. Please review the content warnings in the book's description before reading. And don't read if you're hoping for 'romance'.

I hope you all know at this point that I do not romanticize, condone, or make light of any of the very serious and dangerous things that take place in this book; it's fiction.


Once upon a time, there was a naïve and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams.

She kept her eyes straight ahead—don't look, don't look, don't look—trying to ignore the ache in her chest. She didn't dare breathe. Any movement or sound might draw his attention. He had already glanced her way once, in passing, lumping her in with the scenery, and even that cursory glance had stilled her heart's beating because she remembered being its focus.
She had never been more aware of another being in her life. Breathing in her terror of him as if it were more sustaining than air itself, Val felt as if her mind were not her own.
Almost there.
And then—
She tripped.
“What's the matter, Valerian? You don't think I could bring myself to mark your lovely skin? I'll take my knife to you, if that's the case. I'll carve my name in your breast so that every beat of your heart will remind you that you are mine—and mine alone. Because blood is binding, and because I would rather see you destroyed than see you free or in the possession of another, so I suggest you not try me, or you will suffer as no earthly creature has.” He slammed her back against the wall. “Or ever will.”

“[Y]ou are nothing—and you can't even begin to know what that means, but you will… In three days' time I will give you a clue. That clue will represent both a piece and a player. You will have one guess. One. Guess incorrectly and that player will die. Slowly, I should think, and rather painfully—just in case you don't find death ample motivation.”

Resisting him felt as if she were trying to swim against the tide. She knew he was death, and yet she continued to court him ceaselessly, recklessly.
She could have killed him for that.
Yes, in that moment, she could have killed him, because he made her want the very things that she hated most in herself.

“Hatred is about possession. It is all-consuming, cruel, and vainglorious. When love is allowed to fester, it becomes twisted and corrupt; it settles deep in the heart…and metastasizes, sending its dark roots through the body to raze all that stands in its way. Love is chaste and pure. Love is banal. No, hatred has infinitely more possibilities.”

“This is how I kill you—capture—possession—enjoying your beauty even as you begin to die inside so very slowly… And when you cease to amuse me—when your leaves begin to wilt and your colors begin to fade—I may very well decide to prune you, the way one might deadhead a drooping rose.”
Profile Image for Candy.
109 reviews25 followers
September 25, 2014
***** 5 I'm-in-love-with-a-psycho-and-I-don't-care Stars *****

He will be the death of me. Unless- I am the death of him

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Nenia, you went all out for the final installment. Wow! I can't..I just..have no words...

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Fear has a name. And his name is Gavin Mecozzi

A hunter, who can't seem to hold on to its prey.

One thing we've learned about Gavin is that you DON'T want to fuck around with him. This guy is evil. Sadistic. His games are cruel.
So when he discovers that Valerian is..very much alive, he sets out to find her. Only this time, they won't be playing games. It has become personal. And this time, she WON'T get away.

..this time he would be patient. He would bide his time and strike only when she was completely defenseless-..When she had no more shields-after he had knocked them down. When she had no more pawns- after he had killed them all.

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She had to die, by his hand. And his hand alone..But first- she must be made to suffer.

18 year old Valerian Kimble has been living in fear since she was 14. She had fallen victim of a hunter who wanted possession of her. Since she didn't give in, he made her life a living hell. Killing off the ones closest to her and eventually wanting to kill her. After that horrible encounter with her hunter, Gavin, all she wanted to do was get away. Far away.

When she got accepted to a university(miles away from home) she left. Leaving her loved ones behind. Cutting them out of her life one by one. Along with her old self. She changed not only her image but her name as well.

For better or for worst, Valerian Kimble was dead.

Truth is, Valerian really was dead..inside that is.

..how could you live when you were dead inside? When the spark of life inside you had all but burned to ash.

Living in fear constantly. Knowing he's still out there. Dreaming about him and the inexpiable things he could do to her, who wouldn't be anxious and freaking out constantly?

But no matter how hard Val tries to hide and get away, Gavin always finds her.

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"How dare you run from me. Did you think I would let you get away?..You are mine. Your heart is mine. Your body is mine. Your flesh, and your blood-all mine."

Val is of course, defenseless. She tries to fight back but you can't win against Gavin. He is just that twisted.

"I'll take my knife..I'll carve my name in your breast so that every beat of your heart will remind you that you are mine-and mine alone

I would rather see you destroyed than see you free or in the possession of another"

Since Fearscape, Gavin has wanted to hold possession of Val. To own her and her body. Well, he gets to finally have it!

"Scream for me, my flower"

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Frightening for Val. But fun for me lol

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The hunter has caught its prey. She has fallen for his trap yet again. Only this time, there is no escaping him. He owns her now.


I did NOT see that ending coming.

My reaction was something like this..

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I'm going to have to create a new bookshelf titled "Shocking endings" lol

Thank you so much for this incredible journey, Nenia. I enjoyed the crazy ride, which i'm planing on getting on again :)

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Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
October 3, 2013

I am going to have to take some time, to let my feelings marinate. Seriously, my mind is spinning. This is probably not going to make much sense and seem very disjointed. But, that is exactly how I feel.

This series is so original, I have never read anything like it. These books had me captivated from the beginning, like a moth to a flame. It was a dark, twisted, thrilling experience.
Once upon a time, there was a naive and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams.

I don't really know how to review this, but I definitely recommend it to anyone who is open to having their mind thoroughly screwed with.

This must be how a mouse felt, knowing that, at every turn, something, somewhere, was planning its demise. The life of the hunted. Fear and vigilance. Vigilance and fear.

Gavin - You my dear are terrifying. I cannot even begin to understand my feelings toward you. I just don't know.

How I felt throughout this book....

Are you frightened?
Profile Image for Natalie Monroe.
612 reviews3,771 followers
March 1, 2014
Just when you think this love story can't get anymore twisted, this book comes along, lures you in the forest with seductive words and screws you right there and then on the damp, moldy ground.

Also, that crush on Gavin I had in Fearscape? Yeah, I'm over it now.

There's actually very little I can say without giving away a chunk load of spoilers, but I can pretty much guarantee that you won't be happy by the end of it. There's no crappy Fifty Shades of Grey ending where everybody is happy and Christian Grey will probably end up screwing his kids. No, this is no-bars-hold psychological terror, fascination and guilty pleasure. So if you like happily-ever-afters (I'm more of a bittersweet person), I urge you to stay away or at least, guard your loins and buckle your seat belt because this will screw with your mind

But one thing I do want to address is Val. Poor, poor Val.

“Once upon a time, there was a naïve and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams.

From childhood's grave sprang a young woman, jaded before her years, who knew that beasts could wear the skins of men, and that evil could exist in sunlight, as well as darkness.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.”

I feel for her, I do. She's often a selfish bitch in this story, but I still sympathized with her so much. Even those moments when . She's a person to be pitied and respected, and I love the ending.

Only one thing irked me.

But overall, Terrorscape is dark, thrilling read and an immensely satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. I highly recommend it—especially to Twilight fans. Stalkers are not cool. Seriously.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,011 reviews309 followers
August 13, 2017
**UPDATE** I cannot stop thinking about this book. Gavin especially. The last few pages plus the extra the author puts in about his family has made me love him so much more. I'm not sure Ms. Campbell wanted the reader to feel this way about him. But I do. Three days later he is still on my mind...which means the whole trilogy is going into my favorite books. I wish I could have a conversation with the author because I have SO MANY questions still.

First I feel like I have to say that I still cannot believe Nenia Campbell was only 17 years old when she wrote this book!! I never would've thought it. It's mature, scary and just plain old awesome!

This was such a great series!! Even though Gavin is a really bad guy I can't help but to root for him. Not to kill Valerian but to get her love in return. I feel guilty for wanting this even though they are fictional characters! I am so pleased I discovered Nenia Campbell's novels. She writes in a way that immediately sucks you into the story and you won't stop reading until the very end. I also own Cloak and Dagger which I'm sure I'll be getting to as soon as possible. You absolutely MUST read this series!!!
Profile Image for Angie **loves angst**.
270 reviews15 followers
September 8, 2013
"First he had ripped out her heart. Then he had shattered her mind. Now he had broken her body. Nothing left was hers, not anymore. It was all his."

The twisted, dark, mind-boggling conclusion that I've been waiting for was finally within my grasp. Even though I know it was very naive of me, and highly unlikely I really wanted this to end in an HEA. I had images in my head of Gavin attending counseling, becoming a better guy, and running off in the sunset hand in hand with Val. Well, Nenia Campbell basically said "f*ck your HEA" and she sucker punched me in the gut!


That beginning.... Can I have more of Gavin's twisted family please? I thought Gavin was sick now I have an idea of where his insanity stems from.

"Are you frightened?"

No, you're not frightened, but trust me, you should be.


After reading the two previous books in this series I felt as if I had a grasp on Gavin's special brand of twisted. I thought I knew him fairly well. He even began to grow on me, in a weird sort of scary way.
At the beginning of Terrorscape Gavin realizes that his attempt to kill Val was unsuccessful. He becomes psychotically enraged and vows that the next time they meet he will complete the job. Val on the other hand tried her best to put her past behind her. She has moved away from home and changed her appearance in order to avoid Gavin's clutches, but she is still haunted by him.
"I never feel safe anymore. I can't be alone. I can't be in crowds. He's always there, watching me. And I can't escape unless I die- or he does."

What Val failed to realize is that nothing can stop a sociopath ex when he sets outs to kill you. So being the hunter that he is Gavin tracks his prey and let the games begin once again. There was a weird I love/hate you chemistry between Gavin and Val.


"How dare you run from me. Did you think I would let you get away? I let you run as far as you felt safe, and then I hunted for you. You are mine. Your heart is mine. Your body is mine."

Reading this series it felt as if the author was cooking a tasty pot of soup. Each book she'll add a couple ingredients to entice our taste buds and leave us drooling. In this book we were served the full meal, and it was even more delicious than I expected. This book is disturbing at times. I took many breaks to hug my puppy and think happy thoughts.This book had everything I was looking for: nail-biting thrills, twists, sexyish times, danger and suspense.
"Once upon a time, there was a naive and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things..."


There are no holds barred.
There are no lengths Gavin will not go to to possess Val.

"He will be the death of me. Unless- unless I am the death of him."

That ending... All I can say is OMG, what the hell, oh no!, what the ****
What an awesome series. I would recommend to readers who enjoy New Adult suspense or psychotic, young serial killers.


Rating: 5 Thrilling Stars
Profile Image for Kayla Silverss.
Author 1 book120 followers
March 26, 2018
Oh my god the ending of this book though? God I'm actually dying, I loved this series so so much.
Profile Image for Alisa.
244 reviews196 followers
August 18, 2013
That is an awesome cover. You have to admit it. I need this book. Screwed up serial killers are awesome. And obsessive screwed up serial killers? Those are the best.
And I just realized something. Fear turns into Horror, which turns into Terror. And of course I knew that before I posted it.

Update: 6/11/13 Find this Monday Musing and more at http://www.thereadingobsession.blogsp...
I was planning to do a series review of the Horrorscape trilogy, but Terrorscape still wasn't out yet. So I'm going to do a series review later and a Musing today.

Apparently, there are going to be, as Nenia puts it, "mindscrews galore" so these predictions will probably be so inaccurate that both you, Reader, and the author, Nenia Campbell, will laugh at me.

And warning: Spoilers for the previous two books are everywhere in this review. They're like those Agents in the Matrix. Or the mosquitoes in Thailand.

If you've read Fearscape, you remember about the toygers. If you're thinking, "What toygers?" then get out, Person Who Hasn't Read Fearscape.

Anyways, I was thinking that Gavin might have killed the pets from the petstore before he met Val. One of the major signs of being a serial killer is killing small animals.

Gavin is also probably going to set fire to Val's house or some place she really is interested in/ likes. Arsonists aren't always killers, but setting fires is one of the signs.

This one is pretty obvious, but I think I should get at least one thing right. Val is going to live. However, in all the horror movies, the protagonist always dies in the end, right after defeating the villain. Is that going to happen here?

There's a term in chess and some other games called Zugzwang. It's the point in the game where the player has to make a move, even though s/he doesn't want to. Every move after that weakens the player. I have a feeling this will happen to Val. When this happens to a player, there is a high likelihood that they will lose. However, I'm really hoping that Val won't die, if only for the sake of her killing Gavin. 

When I was looking at how far Nenia was in writing this (pg 27/550:  "THREATS IN THE MAIL.") I also saw the shelves she shelved Terrorscape under: This will give it a pretty good idea of what might happen: Shelves:  x-series-bk-3, gorgeous-covers, antihero, dark-like-my-soul, disturbing, erotica, gothic, hero-is-fucking-scary, heroine-is-flawed, heroine-is-too-stupid-to-live, heroine-is-trying-but, icky-things-going-on-here, incest, murder-most-foul, new-adult, psycho-killer-qu-est-ce-que-c-est, rape-n-violence, revenge, sex-as-blackmail-revenge-leverage, wtf

The first two are pretty obvious: it's the third book in a series and it has an awesome cover. The next shelf seems pretty easy to think of what will happen. The "dark-like-my-soul" hints that this will be bloody and gory and scary. Pretty much everything I love. The "disturbing" shelf: It's about a serial killer obsessed with a girl. Of course it'll be disturbing. Erotica shelf: Wait, what? What? I didn't see that the first time I read the shelf names. Erotica? But the first book was categorized as Young Adult (unless I read it wrong). Anyways, erotica= sex scene between Gavin and Val. No. I have no idea how its going to happen. 

I've never read any gothic books that I know of. So I don't know what's going to happen. Next shelf: Hero is (censored here) scary. No, really? Never would have guessed. It's not like he's a psychopath or anything. Oh wait...

The heroine shelves: Val has problems, probably even more PTSD. Or maybe she will get over it and kick Gavin's butt. However, she'll probably not be able to do it, because of the third heroine shelf. About the second ( the one in the middle), I don't want Val to be an idiot! I want her to stop trusting anyone and lock herself in her house.

Shelf: Icky things going on here. Icky how? Like blood spattering on the floor and being impossible to clean up? Or the (censored) kind? And why is incest on here? This is going to be a completely screwed up book( in the good way).

Shelf: murder-most foul. There will be killing! Nenia commented somewhere that Val is going to give him a motive to go all serial killer on people. I'm expecting Nenia to get the actual definition of a serial correct: a person that kills three or more people in an extended period of time, and he will have a cooling off period in between.  If Nenia sticks to the serial killer definition, this book will last over the course of several months.

A New Adult book not focused on romance. That'll be a first.

I'm skipping over the psycho-killer shelf. I already talked about killing. Same with the next two shelves.

 But revenge? On whom? Val or Gavin? Maybe Val will try and kill Gavin. And Gavin will try and kill Val (and all her friends).

Finally, the last shelf: the wtf shelf. It probably sums up the entire book.

Roses. Gavin has an obsession with red roses. He burns one every night. Maybe Val will get another bouquet of roses and a creepy poem. Maybe it'll be like Alice in Wonderland, with the roses being painted. Except for the paint will be blood. 

Talking about Gavin, I hope there's going to be more of his point of view. I love reading mentally deranged people's point of vies. ( It reminds me of me!)

And um... I can't think of anything else right now. I'm probably going to be lying in bed thinking of random things and wishing I didn't turn off my computer.

Last note: There had better be ARCs. I refuse to wait until September 30, 2013.

And here's the actual review!

Spoilers for the series abound, because, seriously, you can't review this series without spoilers.

Do you know that feeling when you read an amazing book, and you're like, "I must get the other one or else I'll die."? But at the same time, you're terrified that the next book won't be as good? That's basically how I felt when I finished Fearscape, the first book in this trilogy. However, being the serial-killer-obsessed person I am, I went and bought the next book. And it was even better. Around that time, I thought all the books had come out, so I went to try and buy the next one. But noooooo, people had to be mean and not release it yet.

Then I realized Nenia always updated her status on how far in a book she had written, and I went and stalked that for a while. All this time, I was getting more and more excited for the conclusion that had to be epic. It turns out that Nenia finished writing and editing it a few months earlier and released it, and that meant I could buy it.

Profile Image for Beatrix.
546 reviews94 followers
September 9, 2017

This book was very very dark, but very very well-written. It’s utterly crazy, sick, and psychotic, and yet. I loved it.

She was caterpillar and butterfly, both, caught in a cocoon of raw nerves and open sores; she was insanity, wrapped up in the thin, transient wrappings of a temporary lucidity; and she was afraid, because an innate desire lay in the bottom reaches of her psyche for the very poison that was killing her.

I don’t want to discuss the plot (just be ready for one helluva crazy ride!), but I want to dedicate this review to praising Nenia Campbell’s writing. It’s simply exquisite. Sometimes you discover authors who have the most amazing, twisted imaginations, and immense love for words. It’s the type of writing my favorite authors have, such as Tiffany Reisz, Abigail Haas, Tarryn Fisher, and now Nenia Campbell. I just love how this woman writes! (Check the quotes below.)

The memory of her eyes had begun to fade from the horizon of his kind, like drying paint. Once, they had struck him as exceptionally vivid, as if she cradled evergreen boughs from the forest in the depths of her irises, but now he thought of her only in terms of the abstract – when he thought of her at all, that is. A palette of colors bundled up in geometric precision.


Emotions snarled like brightly colored threads, some standing out in sharp contrast. Aubergine guilt. Carmine lust. Scarlet anger. Pain, virgin white because nothing was purer than the original aversive stimulus. Fear in cowering, vulnerable pink. Emerald regret. Sorrow, veiled in midnight blue.

Oh, and can we please have a Mecozzi family spin-off? Pretty please?
3 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2013

Update: 12/09/2013

Alright, first off, I actually finished this book literally the second I got it which was a out a week after it came out, but I haven't been able to process my thoughts after reading it because the ending was just.... I need a gif to explain it

Now, I really hope this isn't the end of the series, even though I think it was meant to be a trilogy, but really WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!

I have no words right now, after what happened to Gavin and Val's revelation and IS SHE PREGNANT OR NOT? But I now need more, I need to know whether that whole ending epilogue thingy was her concocting some dream in the hospital and Gavin just jumps out of the corner and yells SURPRISE! Or some shit like that.... Actually I have a list of what I need as of now:


2: Just like a novella on Gavin's family because they seem like my kind of people in the sense that they are more like eighty shades of fucked up instead of fifty

3: Gavin's Mum and Dad need their own series, their relationship seems more screwed up than Val's and Gavin's and we ALL know that is tough to beat!

But otherwise, the story was really good, and it's normally challenging for an author to keep a book audience so captivated with a topic like this and keep on coming up with new material, but you have managed to do it, so amazing and I apologise for my abundance of swearing in this review but that is the only way I am able to personify my feelings.

Original Post

Okay, alright, okay...

First of all, I need to control my breathing...


Words cannot express how excited I am for this book, and the fact that GAVIN is on the cover

I honestly need some teasers for this book, like need them right now, today, this second, in my hand, right f"cking now! I've read Fearscape, I died. When I found out there was a second book, I came back devoured it in two hours, then died again. When I found out there was a third book I came back and read the blurb, died, then had to be killed once more when I found out I wouldn't be staging a resurrection until the 30th of September! I NEED A REASON TO COME BACK BEFORE THAT! And also, after I finish reading this final book, I would like to die peacefully and return to my throne in hell having all my previous qualms about Gavin and Val solved.


Anyway, sorry for scaring you, but I needed to let that out and my family already thinks I need to be institutionalised so thank you for reading. But please publish this book soon, I really would like to read the conclusion and if it is even half as good as its two predecessors I am sure I will enjoy every second of my reading it.

Profile Image for Johanna.
212 reviews48 followers
November 17, 2013
****3.5-4 Dark & Cryptic Stars****

1,2 Gavin's coming for you
3,4 better lock your doors
5,6 Grab your crucifix
7,8 better stay up late
9,10 Never sleep again
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"“Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.”
― Stephen King, The Shining

In the last installment to this series, Gavin has completely lost all his marbles.
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Gavin decides to seek out Valerian again to finish what they started
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But little does he know that she has not only changed her appearance she has also grown a backbone. Gavin goes through extreme measures to find, consume, and terrorize Valerian.
 photo hes-a-monster_zpsebf27938.gif
All for the sake of making Valerian HIS

I must admit, Terrorscape was the best in the series. It showed a darker, grittier side to Gavin but also showed that maybe just maybe there is just a little tiny teeny glimmer of something good in Gavin. Valerian drove me APE SHIT CRAZY with her stupidity and how she can let this man BRAINWASH the fuck outta her. In addition to her stupidity, I do not know what possessed her to take matters into her own hands knowing full well the outcome of her actions.

All in all, the ending was JUSTIFIABLE
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Profile Image for Madison C..
235 reviews29 followers
March 26, 2020
2020 update:
Hmm Amazon updated that I had finished this before I ever logged into GoodReads... I am not surprised. Anyways, I'm so glad I decided to reread this series before jumping into Escape. Terrorscape was the only one I didn't remember very well... and I discovered that I really didn't remember some important parts. It was so very enjoyable to go back and read, and the second half kept me on my toes because I felt almost like I was reading it for the first time. As with the first two books, my thoughts are still similar enough that I'm gonna keep the unedited original review. I'll add a few new thoughts up here, though.

This time around, I was reading with less rose-colored glasses regarding Gavin. In high school, I was super into his character. I'm still fascinated by him (and yeah, his scenes are still pretty steamy in a twisted way), but his abuse also really got under my skin with this reread. Poor Val. I loved how the series kind of spins the whole sexy-bad-guy trope around on you. Bad guys can be hot and sometimes, I, at least, want to root for them and see what would happen if they got their way. Well, here, Gavin does get his way, and it's not so pretty, especially for Val.

"There was pleasure sometimes, but a horrible perversion of it. A kind of pleasure that made Val want to scrub herself for hours with steel wool, flaying apart her skin until she came to that foul place inside her that was aroused by such dreadful depravity."

It's like Nenia was sitting back plotting and saying, "Is this really what you want? Okay..." and readers definitely got it-- both the pleasure but also so much sadism and abuse. I would hope it'd serve as a really good warning about what happens when you side with the villain.

But it was such a pleasure to read and so enthralling. I've read a lot of bad books lately and it's been refreshing to read something that makes me feel right along with the main character. The writing was amazing. I am so excited to get back into Escape.

5 stars.

2013 review:
“Once upon a time, there was a naïve and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams.

From childhood's grave sprang a young woman, jaded before her years, who knew that beasts could wear the skins of men, and that evil could exist in sunlight, as well as darkness."

^ That's one of my favorite quotes from Terrorscape and I believe that it describes the entirety of the series perfectly- especially the final installment. I love this series so much and I was absolutely thrilled (and terrified) when the last one came out yesterday. As I predicted, this book is DARK. Really dark. Horrorscape was worse than Fearscape, content and maturity wise, and Terrorscape was even a step up from that. It's definitely not something you should go into expecting a lighthearted, happy ending. It's gritty, frightening, and disturbing (on a few different levels)- yet also amazing. I don't know how Nenia got it to work so well, but I loved it. So now I'll try to give an accurate review of my opinions on the book. I'm going to attempt to keep this as spoiler-free as possible (especially since the book hasn't even been out for 48 hours yet), so I'm sure there will be a LOT of spoiler tags here. Don't click on them if you don't want any major plot twists spoiled for you. Maybe I'll add a couple gifs, too ;D

So when I found out that Terrorscape was not only coming out this year, but earlier than the expected publication date I was definitely like:
And the book didn't let me down, in any aspect. I feel like it provided good closure to the series (as much as I hate hate HATE to see it end) and the relationship between Val and Gavin escalated to the point that I was expecting it to get to all along (even a little beyond what I predicted, to be honest). Terrorscape was very different than the other two novels proceeding it, though. From the setting to the characters to the plot and everything. It obviously still contained the main elements from before, but there were noticeable differences. I liked most of these new aspects and don't have many complaints.

As a little bit of a summary, this installment takes place a year after the events in Horrorscape. Val has left town, changed her identity and appearance, and is beginning a new life in college when the novel opens. Instead of Valerian Kimble, she now goes by Valerie Klein- though I'm not quite sure why she thought that this new name would make her any more difficult for Gavin to find, but you know. She's moved a state away to a place where no one knows her past and that makes it a little easier for her to begin new friendships- though, she's still extremely paranoid and her anxiety often gets the better of her. Two of the more important new characters are her friends at college- her roommate, Mary, and a romantic interest named Jade. Just when she starts getting comfortable in this new home, guess who decides to show up? Everyone's favorite sociopath/serial killer. And you can imagine how it goes from there.

There were definitely some twists this time around that I didn't expect. First, Gavin has been pretty busy during this year lapse in the timeline . He thought he left Val dead at the end of Horrorscape and when he finds out that this actually isn't the case- man, he gets angry. We do get a look at his family (or part of it) for the first time and I actually wish there was more of a back story on them. They're so messed up that I would have loved to read more about the Mecozzi's and what made them that way. All of them seem to be similar to Gavin in one form or another- or at least relatively accepting of him. It's kind of fascinating, haha. But, besides that, Gavin has also schemed up an interesting way to find Val again.

Val was actually, in my opinion, fairly stupid in this book. She tried to take precautionary measures to hide from Gavin, but she didn't do them very well. I mean, when she finally saw him again for the first time, she made it pretty obvious who she was. It was almost as if she wanted to get caught. Or maybe she did. Either way, I think for the first time so far, I actually felt more than just a pang of sympathy for her. Gavin was ruthless. If you thought he was bad in the first two books, multiply it by five, and you'll find him here. He's just evil (which I still find awesome, because of his lack of ANY redeeming qualities at all, which makes him super interesting to me). Some part of Val enjoyed being with Gavin, but I know the part that didn't was miserable. And it made the ending a little more justified, after seeing her go through everything in this book.

The minor characters this time around were interesting. I liked Mary a lot. She seemed like a decent friend for Val, most of the time. At least better than Lisa. Although, then you have Jade, who I didn't feel much emotion for at all. I guess I already knew that by this point, Val was so tied to Gavin that there was really no use growing attached to a different love interest. Though, he seemed very sweet, and it was probably good for Valerie to meet a guy that's NOT a psychopath or a douchebag for once. Then finally you have Vance. I had mixed feelings about him. On one hand, he's a really good example of how your actions can come back and haunt you later. I thought he provided a nice new subplot to the story. But at the same time, I thought it kind of random at first, until I figured it all out at the end. It was interesting to how much of an extent Gavin would go to in order to keep possession over Val and ensure that she remained safe.

And then finally, you have the end. AOMG:LSKG:LAKJKAL:FLJ

I think I may be one of the only people that wasn't completely satisfied with the ending. I knew it was coming, but . I can still appreciate the ending though and it didn't take away from how awesome the book was otherwise.

All in all, Terrorscape was a great conclusion to a wonderful trilogy. You definitely have to read the first two books before embarking on this one, but it's so worth it in the end. It's a must read for anyone that enjoyed Fearscape or Horrorscape, as long as you can handle the content in this one. As always with these books, Terrorscape was loaded with creepy quotes from Gavin and still held a suspenseful tone throughout the whole book (the college setting was cool and brought new elements to the suspense, as well). It exceeded my expectations and I'm not really sure what else COULD have happened in this trilogy, that wasn't already included. I'm sad to see it end, but props to Nenia for making such an awesome set of books.

I feel lucky to have found them (:
Profile Image for Myrto .
68 reviews25 followers
June 17, 2015
**Spoilers on Horrorscape ahead**

Okay, I think I finally have some semblance of cognitive thought on Terrorscape, so here goes.

After reading the third book in the series, I can safely say that Gavin can in fact be more psycho than he was in the previous books. In the end of Horrorscape, Val manages to escape Gavin and survive his attack. She is now off to college in a town far from home, trying to survive. If we thought that Val had changed in Horrorscape then now she's done a complete 180 turn: she dyed her hair and wore blue contacts to change her appearance. She does that because she's essentially on the run from Gavin again, but this time it's even more serious. He tried to kill her and he did not succeed so now Val's certain that, once he finds her, he's going to kill her.

Gavin thinks that her surviving is the ultimate act of defiance. I believe that in his eyes, he had to kill Val because she wouldn't let him own her, so when she managed to survive he no longer had the power. It's like Val managed to completely disregard his last act of control, thus, in his mind, she now deserves to be punished.

I think we all know that Gavin actually found Val, so I won't be going into detail about what went down because that's the whole point of the book. What I'm going to say is that Gavin submits Val into one of his sick and twisted games for the last time.

What I loved about this book is the fact that Val was way more mature, in the sense that she understood that she'd probably never get away from Gavin but she still resisted in a way. Her maturity and Gavin's amplified ruthlessness explained a lot of their respective behaviors. I mean, we get it; this is not an even remotely normal relationship. Val accepts that and that's why she's fighting her attraction to Gavin, because in her head she knows that this is wrong and she shouldn't like it. On the other hand, Gavin sees this "relationship" as him completely owning a submissive Val.

Throughout the books, there is this predator-prey dynamic that, in my opinion, shouldn't be mistaken for love. Gavin is not capable of love. Maybe it's because he's hardwired that way, maybe it's because of his fucked up family -who knows? I think that Val understands that -after all there is a realization towards the end of the book- and I feel like that's the other reason why she's fighting her attraction; she knows that Gavin is never going to love her and she's practically marching towards destruction.

Also, Gavin doesn't have any redeeming qualities whatsoever (except maybe the fact that he didn't kill her) and I think that this goes to show how one-sided Val's love in the traditional sense of the word is. Essentially, this is not a love story. In the words of Nenia herself, this is not insta-love, it's just a psychotic obsession based on delusion. So any attempt to romanticize Gavin's interest in Val would be fruitless.

I really enjoyed finding out about Gavin's family and his weird relationship with his sisters and mother. I also enjoyed the psychology and sociology lectures Val attended, as well as Gavin's essay from high school.

Now, I think it's time to talk about that ending. I'm not going to spoil anything, because hello, dick move, but I just want to say a few things. When I first read it I was completely surprised because it was sudden. Then I was pissed because , but then I went onto Goodreads -at 3 a.m. no less- and found out that there's a fourth book coming so I thought "Great, we'll get some closure, I guess". But then, as I spent almost a week trying to wrap my head around that ending, I realized that it was perhaps the most viable option.

I don't know. Let's just say, I'm really excited to see where their story goes in the final book.

All in all, I really enjoyed Terrorscape and I highly recommend it. It was one of those books that stay with you, that you mull over for days and I believe that this makes the book jackpot. Go read it!
Profile Image for Heather ~*dread mushrooms*~.
Author 20 books546 followers
March 27, 2020
Like so much else, death became him; it flowed in his lifeblood and pumped his heart, and it numbed him so sweetly from within.

^^what a morbid egomaniac

I wasn't the biggest fan of this series after the second book, but luckily Terrorscape came along and piqued my interest. I'll stand by what I wrote in my original review (below). However, I do think Gavin is still perfecting his technique in this book. He's a bit sloppy (chasing after Val in broad daylight, and apparently not noticing when some other person randomly watches and learns from him?), and so pretentious you want to punch him.

"Why did you go? He could have killed you."
"He didn't, though. He should have, but he didn't." Instead, he did something much worse. He ended my life, and left me breathing to fill the void.


I liked Fearscape. I didn't really enjoy Horrorscape—it was kind of disjointed and frustrating, although I did like the "sexy" parts between Gavin and Val. It added another dimension to their relationship, which was expanded upon in Terrorscape.

I think this is the best of the three novels. It reads more like a traditional thriller than the other two. Val still won't be winning any awards for intelligence, but thankfully she recognized Gavin this time around and wasn't constantly having idiotic debates with herself. But she does turn into an accidental racist at one point. Awkward . . .

I have to wonder . . . why did my brain keep trying to turn this book into something romantic? It wasn't romantic! (And speaking of romantic . . . There were a couple scenes where Gavin had clothes ready for Val, because he was trying to control her. Maybe it was the author's intention, but it reminded me of how guys in YA books are always buying the girls clothes exactly in their size and it's supposed to sweep the girls off their feet or something. Really it's just weird and creepy, like it was in this book. Sizing isn't universal. And I'll pick out my own clothes, thanks.)

One thing I didn't like was the introduction of

There were some typos and formatting inconsistencies, but not nearly as many as in Horrorscape, so I overlooked them easily.

The bonus stories at the end were nice. My favorite was the second one, which takes place when Gavin is fifteen. It seems to tie in nicely with the prologue, wherein we get a glimpse of his creepy ass home life. It was like some Flowers in the Attic stuff, only without the attic.

Overall, this was a pretty enjoyable series.

P.S. I don't understand why this book was removed from Amazon. There was adult content in there, as stated in the synopsis, but it wasn't very explicit. I could randomly pick up a romance novel and find more explicit sex scenes. I mean, the author did use the word 'penis,' but that's just anatomy. There are plenty of other indie books listed on Amazon that deal with rape and captivity and are probably way more explicit. Anyway, it just seems really odd.
Profile Image for Mindy.
197 reviews27 followers
April 15, 2015
HOLY SHIT, what just happened! Gavin, my feeling are all over the place, .
"Can you feel the ties that bind us?
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Completely and utterly insane
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Val, Valerian, Valerie. You poor poor thing! I don't know how I feel about her, sometimes I wanted to scream at her and other times I felt her helplessness and hopelessness so deeply it hurt. Screw her "friends", I was so pissed at all the "blame the victim" but I could also see their view, self preservation.
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"First he had ripped out her heart. Then he had shattered her mind. Now he had broken her body. Nothing left was hers, not anymore. It was all his."
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“Scream for me, my flower.”
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Okay so the end, I was happy for Val, but also completely shocked and sad. Nenia, will we EVER get a follow-up, novella, another book. Please, I need to love Gavin again!
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Profile Image for Sapphire.
43 reviews
June 21, 2016
*****4 WTF! stars*****

After reading Fearscape, I just can't get enough of crazy, creepy, stalker Gavin. So of course, I did what I must do. Straightaway, I devoured the next two books. And just like Fearscape, they kept me on the edge of my seat. I still couldn't wrap my mind on what the fuck just happened.

Me from Fearscape to Horrorscape to Terrorscape:

Let me be honest, on the first part of the first book

Then all of a sudden things got more interesting, intriguing

And when I felt a budding romance is about to happen (Ghad, I'm such a twisted motherfucker for even wishing a HEA)


Then that ending! I did not see it coming, at all.

Profile Image for Kristin.
101 reviews6 followers
August 10, 2013
I was actually dared by a friend to write this review entirely in gifs, but I’m not doing that. Maybe a few gifs. Maybe.

This book just came out yesterday and is the conclusion to Nenia’s Horrorscape trilogy. My friend and I stayed up all night and read it together because we were really excited, so if this review makes no sense, I blame that.

The book is mostly from Val’s point of view, but begins in Gavin’s and occasionally slips back into it later. Gavin comes out of Horrorscape believing that Val is dead, so imagine his surprise (and anger) when he finds out she survived what became known as the “Mecozzi Manor Slaughter.” And so begins his twisted plan to capture her and make her his.

Something I love about these novels is the suspense, except this time it was mostly just me going “Where’s Gavin? Come here, Gavin! GAVIN!” and then Gavin finally shows up and I’m all

because I have this weird thing for really fucked up characters and it was four in the morning. Really though, the suspense is great.

Gavin is twisted as usual, probably even a little more so. I know I shouldn’t like him, but I do. Anyway, back to the point, Gavin’s my favorite character in the series. I always like the psychotic serial killer characters. It might be a problem.

Val, I hate to say it, is not as clever as she thinks it is. I’m glad one of the other characters finally pointed out that changing her name from Valerian Kimble to Valerie Klein didn’t actually help very much if she was trying to hide.

And then there’s the sex.

I know Nenia put a warning on this book (I may have ignored the “not appropriate for those under 18” part), but for some reason, probably because she usually posts kittens and ponies and stuff, going into the first scene was kind of like

And then I got on Goodreads this morning and the first thing on my feed was Nenia liking a picture of donuts that looked like cats.

When we got to the epilogue, things were going pretty well

But then

And then we had to take a break to calm down.

And I think that’s pretty much all I have to say because I’m really bad at writing reviews and I didn’t exactly get enough, or any, sleep last night.


Reaction to Gavin’s “matted chest hair”
Profile Image for Sarah.
57 reviews2 followers
November 3, 2016
Finished this a few days ago and I was slightly disappointed with the direction the book was going with it. I had really enjoyed the first two books, especially as I had read this from way back when Nenia started writing it.
This book to me, made me thoroughly hate Valerian. After reading it, I consider her to be a stupid and useless character who won't admit to herself that she's screwed up because she's attracted to a serial killer. Sure you can be traumatised from past events with Gavin, and I really think the beginning of the book highlighted that she had PTSD or something similar from the way she acted around people and crowds, and her thoughts and feelings. But once Gavin comes back in the picture, I didn't think her level of fear changed much at all besides the time when she first trips over in front of him. That scene though, why didn't she just walk the other way? I didn't understand that. To me, I felt like she wanted to be found and be hunted. She wants to be owned and she loves that feeling. There were some times when I felt like there were a lot of plotholes. I didn't think her excuse for not telling the police was strong enough. She also does nothing with the 'clues' that Gavin gives her. All in all, she's not a strong character, but weak. Even at the end of the book, there was no triumph in her killing Gavin. She doesn't kill Gavin because he's a bad person. She ultimately kills him because he will never love her. So basically, she's a screwed up individual. Who would go out with another guy when you know a madman is coming after you and will kill anyone in the way? I started to think that she enjoys the fact that he'd kill for her 'attention'.
So if that's what Nenia was getting at, I think she did a marvellous job at it! I loved that an extra scene with Gavin's parents were put in, something I had already seen from PH, but it was a great review and end to this trilogy of madness haha

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Meggie.
526 reviews109 followers
May 11, 2019

I’m not really in the mood for reviewing, but I do recommend this series to anyone who isn’t averse to the mind of a psychopath. Gavin is more than just an antihero; he’s evil to the core. The author doesn’t try to dress him up as anything else, and the result is as disturbing as it is intriguing.
Profile Image for Kat Montemayor.
Author 9 books222 followers
August 2, 2014

He lost to her twice and it nearly consumed him. Now, it's time for another game. And this time, he won't let her go so easily. Val's not just fighting for her friends' lives this time: She's fighting for her own, too.

This is the third book in Nenia Campbell's Horrorscape series. Val has left for college, far away from her hometown. She's changed her identity and her name to keep Gavin from discovering that she's alive and well in another state. It doesn't take long for Gavin to find her, and just being around Val puts all her friends in grave danger.

I found many of Val's actions and reactions in this book perplexing. In Fearscape, I could understand her infatuation with the "bad boy". She was young and rather naive. In Horrorscape she seemed to wise up and saw him for the danger he was. So in Terrorscape, I was pretty surprised at her acquiescence to Gavin's demands.

At first I thought. Well, she's given up. She's tired of always being hunted, always being stalked. She doesn't want to involve the police and that's understandable. The justice system has never helped or protected her before. She probably thinks there is nothing she can do to get away from him and she'd rather not put up the fight. I was wrong.

Then I figured she was trying to protect her friends. There's a track record here. Friends of Val who get in Gavin's way are eliminated. Maybe she's being selfless. Then I read Val's thoughts on the subject:
Unadulterated altruism was a thing of legend. Even if people helped because it made them feel good, that was still self-motivated at heart. Ok, wrong again.

Then I read another part:
The wind rustled through the leaves with a hiss. Probably a branch, she thought. Or an animal. What if somebody comes by and sees you talking to yourself?
Now I'm thinking the girl is not that smart. For anybody else that might be true. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck.

But if your name is Valerian Kimble, (or Valerie Klein), and it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a psychopathic serial killer.

I still couldn't understand Valerie, and her behavior became even stranger. Enter new creepy copy-cat guy. I like him less than Gavin. He threatens what belongs to Gavin, and Gavin can't have that. Finally, at the end, we learn the truth. I won't spoil it; you'll have to read the book and then you'll know why Valerie did the things she did.

This book was a page-turner. Not a page turner in that I was so excited and happy when I read it, and hated when I had to do life things (like go to work), and put the book down. It was more like the book took me by the shirt collar, threw me against the wall, put a knife to my throat, and demanded I read it. In other words, intense.

I will leave you with my favorite quote from the book. I think it sums up things nicely.
Instead, he did something worse. He ended my life, and left me breathing so I could feel the void.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews

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