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In Death #37

Thankless in Death

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In the latest suspense thriller in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, the year 2060 is drawing to a close in New York City and loved ones are coming together for Thanksgiving. But sometimes the deepest hatreds seethe within the closest relationships, and blood flows faster than water…

Lieutenant Eve Dallas has plenty to be grateful for this season. Hosting Roarke’s big Irish family for the holiday may be challenging, but it’s a joyful improvement on her own dark childhood.

Other couples aren’t as lucky as Eve and Roarke. The Reinholds, for example, are lying in their home stabbed and bludgeoned almost beyond recognition. Those who knew them are stunned—and heartbroken by the evidence that they were murdered by their own son. Twenty-six-year-old Jerry hadn’t made a great impression on the bosses who fired him or the girlfriend who dumped him—but they didn’t think he was capable of this.

Turns out Jerry is not only capable of brutality but taking a liking to it. With the money he’s stolen from his parents and a long list of grievances, he intends to finally make his mark on the world. Eve and her team already know the who, how, and why of this murder. What they need to pinpoint is where Jerry’s going to strike next.

557 pages, Hardcover

First published September 4, 2013

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About the author

J.D. Robb

206 books34.1k followers
J.D. Robb is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling In Death series and the pseudonym for #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts. The futuristic suspense series stars Eve Dallas, a New York City police lieutenant with a dark past. Initially conceived as a trilogy, readers clamored for more of Eve and the mysterious Roarke. Forgotten in Death (St. Martin's Press, September 2021) is the 53rd entry in the series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,637 reviews
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
January 19, 2019
Sometimes I love a good bad guy. Especially if they are maybe a little crazy. But, the bad guy in this book was so despicable that I couldn't have fun reading his POV at all. He was a whiny, entitled, lazy baby who made me feel extreme rage, and a little bit sick, when reading his thought processes.

So, our psycho-man/baby is going around killing everyone who ever hurt his poor widdle feelings in his life. Like the teacher who gave him a bad grade for being a shitty student who didn't try. Of course she deserves to be tortured and killed!

Teachers!! Psshh! Expecting the students to actually do their assignments. What jerks! It's not like they are overworked, underpaid, and definitely not appreciated.

So whiny-baby killer guy is going around killing everyone who has ever offended him in his life. And, to be honest, this guy really scared me. I mean, killing people who offended you? I offend people all the time! I hope this doesn't become a thing. If so, I'm screwed!

Oh well, there is no way I'm going to change, so just kill me now. I will set out a take-a-number sign in front of my house. Please line up in an orderly fashion.

Hey! That's not orderly!

Sheesh, some people are so sensitive!
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
March 4, 2020
I am sooo glad I took the time to go back and visit Roarke and Eve again! This may be book #37, but I adored it just as much as the earlier books! Each murder case is unique and keeps me intrigued until Eve captures the killer! I like the fact that even though the murders can be gruesome at times... we are given a balance of feel good times as well!

The romance between Eve and Roarke is what really keeps me coming back for more! I love their marriage and how they are a strength for each other! In this instalment we got to be reacquainted with Roarke’s Irish family who are pretty darn special! I love how even though Eve is somewhat uncomfortable around them; she still has a major soft spot for them! It’s fabulous and highly amusing to me!

Another great mystery in the futuristic world that JD Robb has created! This series may seem overwhelming because there are so many books in it..( 50 and counting!!) but I highly recommend it! It is well worth diving into this extremely unique world!!!
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,654 reviews2,483 followers
October 5, 2019
Another enjoyable story about Eve and Roarke solving the latest gory crime. J.D.Robb does this so well and I love the way the relationship between our hero and heroine develops in each story. Eve is actually starting to develop people skills although her literalness never changes for example her concern over the phrase "nest egg." She is quite right - how can an egg in a nest represent a saving for the future when an egg is actually such an ephemeral thing. I hope the author keeps these books coming. Okay so they are predictable - predictably good!

Update on second reading!
I five star all these books because they are always so good but this one deserves six! I got a bit teary several times because Eve and Roarke are in such a good place. Loved all the family stuff and the medals. Good story, excellent police work. Loved it!
Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,253 followers
March 2, 2020

#book37 and it was so good!!! ;)

Seriously I have no single fucking idea what will I do if J.D.Robb stops writing this series... Woman you ruined me!!! 😜😜😜

“He just took her mouth again, spun her again--twice and toward the bed. She considered putting up a fight, for form's sake, but just wriggled back enough to scowl at him. "I'm working."
"Not yet, and you're mostly naked. Such a fine look on you, one of my favorites."
"Then why is that closet full of clothes?"
"Because being an understanding sort, I appreciate your insistence on being fully dressed in public.”

God, I love them so much. Eve & Roarke are the best!!! <3
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
December 8, 2017
4.5 stars - Futuristic/Romantic Suspense/Crime/Science Fiction/Thriller

How the feck does she do it? After 37 books, I still can’t imagine ever getting enough of this prolific, phenomenal series, particularly the swoon-worthy romance between Roarke and Eve and all the fabulous characters.

This one made me tear up a few times: the medal ceremony, Sinead’s heartfelt pride and appreciation toward Eve and Roarke, and especially Nixie’s poignant gratitude to Eve.

“And then Roarke came to my door, and that gave me what I needed after all those years. I thank God for that, and him. But I’m telling you, and hope you already know, what you do, beyond the law of it, is needed.” “Sinead.” Roarke stepped up, pressed a handkerchief in her hand. “Ah well.” Sighing now, she dabbed at tears. “The world can be so dark. It’s foolish to deny it, and the Irish know the dark better than some in any case. It reminds us to hold on to the light, every minute we can, and to prize it. You’re a light to me.” She kissed Roarke’s cheeks. “Don’t ever forget it.”

Survivor In Death remains one of my absolute favorite books in the series, and I sobbed buckets reading that book. So it’s no surprise that I cried hard when sweet, brave Nixie from Survivor In Death appeared in this and thanked Eve.

“The person I’m most thankful for this Thanksgiving is Lieutenant Eve Dallas. She kept me safe when I was scared and I was sad. She took me to her house with Roarke and Summerset and Galahad so nobody could hurt me, not even the bad people who killed my family and my friend. She told me the truth. She promised me she would find the bad people and make sure they were punished. And Roarke said she would never stop until she did that. He told me the truth too. She helped me find Richard and Elizabeth and Kevin. They’re not my mother, my father, and my brother. But they’re my family now, and I know it’s okay to love them. It doesn’t mean I don’t love my mom and dad and my brother. Dallas didn’t treat me like a baby. She told me I was a survivor, and that’s important. She worked hard, and she even got hurt, but she found the bad people, and she made sure they got punished. She told me the truth. She kept her promise. So she is the person I’m most thankful for this Thanksgiving. Nixie Swisher.”

Oh yeah, and Eve, Peabody, and the gang had a total sicko to catch this time around. So another great read in this amazing series!
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
October 31, 2017

We meet the "bad guy" in the first few pages. And, boy, was he a BAD guy. Such a creep. A total psycho.

"You think that somebody could've done that to his own parents?"

"Who pisses you off more than family?"

Tell me about it!!

"Let's have breakfast. They do a full Irish here."

There are a few pivotal moments in Eve's career that happen in this one. But she had a job to do and still had to find the killer ... especially as Roarke's family is flying in from Ireland for Thanksgiving.

She liked them. How could she help it? Even if she didn't know exactly what to do with them ...

I wonder did the fly Aer Lingus or did Roarke fly them in on his private jet or transporter?

"It's alright now. I've got you."

As usual, I love Eve and Roarke and their relationship.

Profile Image for Susan Scribner.
1,763 reviews55 followers
September 22, 2013
I never thought I would be bored by a J.D. Robb novel, but much of Thankless in Death is a snore. Too many scenes from the killer's POV with needless violence and gore, and too many familiar scenes that have been done better in other installments of the series (Roarke and Eve make earth-shattering love, Eve doesn't want to hear about Peabody and McNabb's love life, etc.) that had me skimming through the pages or even worse, putting the book down. The book does pick up some steam towards the end, and there's a nice professional development for Eve. Also, I would have to be made of stone to be unaffected by the Thanksgiving dinner that closes the book with Roarke's family members and Nixie, the young girl whose family was killed in Survivor in Death. But overall, one of my least favorite In Death books. I hope this is only a blip, not the start of a downward trend, but even a great series like this should end eventually.
Profile Image for Kelly Kosinski.
497 reviews173 followers
March 17, 2024
I dnf’d. I have trouble reading books that are about dogs getting hurt. I can’t help it.

Ok, I have decided to keep reading!! Want to see this guy get his!!!

Glad I finished this! Bad guy caught and Asshole Joe learned a hard lesson.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anna.
289 reviews75 followers
January 21, 2014

Lemme say it was quite an eventful book. Especially from our beloved R&E team's POV.
Eve you kick-ass! Roarke I love you!... as always ;D

This time another wacko is running around and murdering people. Anybody who in the past, in his opinion, have given him a bad eye, hard time, basically bossed him around, his parents, ex girlfriend, school teacher who flunked him for simply being a lazy asshole. Narcissistic, full of himself, sociopath, a spoiled kid in a body of man.

"More rope, more tape, a carving set. He smiled at the shining blade, at the long prongs of the fork. Perfect for a turkey—or whatever you wanted to slice up.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” He pulled out the portable saw, flicked the switch. And grinned as the twin, toothy blades whirred.

“Oh yeah. We’re going to have the best Thanksgiving ever.” "

And Eve is running around too, chasing the bad guy and trying in vain to live through the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities.

"She left the house resigned to the coming invasion.

What was it with people? Eve wondered. Clogging up her streets, flooding her sidewalks, jamming on glides, swarming cross-walks. What made them pack into New York for holidays?

Didn’t they have homes of their own?"

Yet as it goes, she's able to burrow herself in work.

"The room smelled of bad cop coffee and cheap fake sugar, so all was right with the world"

With Roarke at her beck and call, kind of... ;)

"No one would have believed—including himself—that the Dublin street rat, the well-accomplished thief, the man of wealth and power with such dubious and shady beginnings could or would work on the side of the law. Even if his line marking the sides tended to curve and sway a bit.

But she’d changed him—no, more, he corrected. She’d found him. And had made all the difference"

And it doesn't lack bickering, surprises and quite some comic scenes...

Profile Image for Kathryn.
1,695 reviews278 followers
December 8, 2016
Another excellent book in this series. I really disliked the killer, who doesn't really dislike someone who thinks they are entitled and lazy. Juxtaposed with him is Nixie, one of my favourite characters who turns up for a short cameo - she really had a tough time and yet... she sure is thankful. Some touching moments in this one.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
983 reviews141 followers
September 25, 2017

Another 5 star addition to the In Death Series. I know it is crazy to think that I’ve essentially given 37 books either a 4 or 5 star review. It is true, I am bit partial to Eve, Roarke, her entire team and her new family but it is without question, THIS IS AN UTTERLY AMAZING SERIES AND I LOVE IT!!

In Thankless in Death we find Eve in the midst of planning for another visit from Roarke’s family from Ireland. We have reached another Thanksgiving Day holiday and they are all coming for a visit. Roarke’s family is so damn sweet. I enjoy the dynamics they add to Eve’s life. She has come to love them dearly. ❤ But we also find Eve in the midst of solving a number of murders.

We know the sick psycho bastard that is doing the killings from the beginning so it was the chase to catch him that had me once again flipping pages like crazy. The murders were more gruesome than the last book and the chase got a bit crazy. I loved it.

I also loved an additional thread that was weaved into this story. Eve brought a few more tears to my eyes and so did Roarke. Then Eve had to go and be all romantic one night too. Which I may add is so not Eve. But here in lies the beauty of who she is. Who they are. ❤ ❤

He stepped out into the flowers, candlelight, the soft warmth and sparkle of crystal, and his mind went momentarily and uncharacteristically blank.

“My Darling Eve”

Profile Image for fleurette.
1,534 reviews158 followers
August 17, 2021
This series is my comfort read. Some books are better, others a little weaker, but I come back to this series anyway when I'm in the right mood.

This time, Nora Roberts also managed to tell a good story. I cannot underestimate this author for the fact that in a series that has so many books, she still manages to achieve a certain variety. The cases Eve works on are very different, and Roberts always remembers to add something interesting to Roarke and Eve's private lives. And also some funny bit like the tie situation - I was surprised myself how well this idea worked.

This time, Eve is chasing a young man who, on the spur of the moment, murdered his mother, which he liked so much that he decided to punish anyone who ever hurt him. It's a very brutal story, probably because Jerry, the murderer, seems to be such an ordinary person despite the crimes he commits.

Usually, I don't like reading the passages in the killer's POV, but this time I liked them very much. The author managed to show Jerry's childish behavior very well.

As always, it was great seeing Eve and Roarke again. I love this couple. Just like the rest of the characters in this series. This is probably the longest series I read, and I do it in sequence. I have no doubt that I will continue to do so.
Profile Image for Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog).
1,003 reviews479 followers
April 29, 2017
4.5 stars

Whenever I need a tried and true escape, I know I can rely on the In Death series by JD Robb (AKA Nora Roberts). It’s hard to believe that Thankless in Death is the 37th book in the series.

I particularly enjoyed that the killer is revealed in the first chapter. Parts of the story are told from his point of view, and it’s interesting to discover his thought process as his crimes escalate. He really is one of the more despicable villains I’ve read. At the same time, he’s very much a spoiled boy out to exact revenge on anyone he believes ever slighted him in the least.

Because there’s no whodunit, the challenge comes in Eve’s ability to chase down the killer before he strikes again. As usual, Eve is amazing in her ability to get inside the mind the bad guy, but this is a tough case for her to crack. The last thing she needs is to host Thanksgiving dinner and entertain Roarke’s huge Irish family who is visiting from Ireland. Side note: May I say how much I adore Roarke’s aunt, Sinead?

Roarke, Peabody, Feeney, and Commander Whitney are back again. I only wish some of the other secondary characters were integrated into the plot more. I missed the bickering between Summerset and Eve. Mavis, Eve’s best friend and one of the more zany characters in the series, has been MIA for awhile now. Even the colorful, brilliant McNab makes only the briefest of appearances.

The pace towards the end really picks up as the anticipation increases. The epilogue left me teary and happy. If you enjoy grizzly murders and suspense, with many touching and humorous moments, I recommend this one.

Recommended for fans of:
Romantic suspense
Revenge stories

Reading Frenzy Book Blog
Profile Image for Jen.
121 reviews1 follower
September 19, 2013
It feels sacrilegious giving JD Robb two stars. I love her work. I love the world she has built and her cast of characters. I am emotionally invested. However, this book, like the few before it have stopped being JD Robb books. Oh, I don't doubt Nora Roberts wrote them. They are distinctly her style and words. However, they are not her heart and passion anymore. These books used to be exciting mysteries with fascinating character play. Now, they are cardboard plots with an occasional glimpse into the stagnant characters' lives. I feel like I am reading a clinical book or an outline of a plot. The majority of the last dozen villains were interchangeable. The same villain, motive, identity just with a different name. I couldn't give it one star. I love the series too much. I think Nora Roberts does as well, which is why she won't touch the happily ever after she created for even the most minor of characters. I love her work and will keep buying them, but I no longer expect to be impressed. Truthfully, I think she needs a break from the series for a few months (she's cranking out two or three a year), and then needs to come back and be willing to challenge the characters - both with murder and with upheaval in their lives.
Profile Image for Lady Lioness.
1,072 reviews89 followers
September 25, 2013
This is different from previous In Death books because the identity of the Big Bad is revealed right away. Therefore, as a reader, you know things that Dallas and Peabody don't. While I didn't sink as deep into the story as I normally did, I was majorly creeped out by the Big Bad's POV at times. I mean, I work in a public service industry. How many sociopaths have I bumped into and not known it? There were a couple of scenes involving a dog and I was flat-out terrified the Big Bad was going to do something to the dog. That's one of the warning signs, isn't it? Torturing household pets and killing small animals?

The other unique part of Thankless in Death is that we share Thanksgiving with Dallas and Roarke for the first time. I believe that most characters, still living, who have appeared more than once over the course of the series make some kind of cameo in the book (with the exception of Brian, the Peabodys, Denis Mira & Trina). It's one of those rare In Death books that manages to successfully balance the mystery with the character development. Robb also finally addresses a series plot point that had kinda been left hanging since the early days.

There's a novella being released in Mirror, Mirror on September 24th and another novel, Concealed in Death, set for February 2014, but, in a way, Thankless in Death felt like an ending to me. I don't know if Robb is planning on setting something in motion with Concealed, but everything was tied up and so touching (I teared up twice), I would've been perfectly content if this had been the last book in the series. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm a little worried about what Concealed might bring...

Since I'm up to New York to Dallas in my re-read, I didn't re-read Calculated in Death Delusion in Death before starting Thankless and I regret that a little. I wasn't really lost as the events of Calculated Delusion are mentioned only briefly (although if you haven't read it, you will be spoiled to the identity of that book's Big Bad), but I would have preferred the events be fresher in my mind.

Overall, I think this is a great addition to the series and long-time fans are sure to enjoy it. It would probably work as a stand-alone, given the transparency of the mystery, but you won't get the satisfaction of the emotional payoff.
Profile Image for Tanja ~ KT Book Reviews .
1,469 reviews210 followers
October 28, 2013
You would think that after all this time and after so many books that this series would get old. Yeah you would think it but thankfully that aint the case! They just keep getting better. Our Eve and Roarke are in a rhythm that makes them the IT couple that they are.

The chemistry between these two keeps getting better and better. They have hit a groove that makes me a bit nervous to be honest. It’s that feeling you get when everything is going good….. too good. I hope Robb doesn’t throw us a curve ball anytime soon.

The case is a good one. I like a little crazy psychopath in my mystery thrillers. Being in the killers head was a bit different and we spent a lot of time there in Thankless in Death. No real mystery to solve for the reader. It is more like following parallel storylines. It’s a good change in perspective. I liked it very much.

On to our faithful crew! Pink cowboy boot wearing Peabody is her sassy self. She makes me smile anytime I see her name on the page. Mira is simply perfection. Summerset…LOL. His dinnertime “help” just proves he loves his surly Eve. Baxter and the guys sporting sunglasses had me laughing out loud. Oh and the Irish clan visiting the America s for the Thanksgiving holiday. They are a welcomed addition to this family. Well, unless you are talking about the drooling members then Eve may have to stun you. :)

I have said it before and I will say it again. Reading the latest In Death book is like coming home for the weekend. You get a warm feeling of familiarity and love from these characters. These characters are people that genuinely care for each other and have built a camaraderie that is unmatched in my opinion to any other series.


My mood is always brighter after the latest J.D. Robb!
Review to come
Profile Image for Diane.
677 reviews28 followers
September 5, 2019
What a devious serial killer - the kind you love to hate! Very good story line, lots of characters - new and revisited - so much going on - good and bad.

Loved having Roarke's family all together and bringing characters back from the past - great touch. So very much involved in this book - from killings to awards to more killings to a great feast!

Two thumbs up J.D. Robb!

Would I recommend this book? Of course.

From the blurb: Murder doesn't stop for Thanksgiving.

As the household of NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her billionaire husband Roarke prepares for an invasion of family and friends, an ungrateful son decides to stop the nagging from his parents - by ending their lives.

Soon Jerald Reinhold is working his way through anyone who has ever thwarted him in his path to an easy life. Eve is increasingly frustrated in her efforts to cover all the potential victims as Jerald stays a terrifying step ahead.

As the festivities begin, Eve is desperate to identify which victim on Jerald's long list will be the next, so she can stop the killing spree...
Profile Image for Ann Lou.
559 reviews88 followers
September 17, 2017
We know the identity of the killer from the first chapter. And we get to read a lot from the killer's POV. It wasn't a pleasant experience being in is head. He is full of rage and his mind is twisted.

Eve receiving the medal of honor and Roarke receiving a medal as well was amazing.

Eve was offered a promotion and she turned it down. I get her reason for saying no.

" I need to catch the bad guys. And I need to walk into the bullpen every day and see the team I've helped make working to do the same. ."

Maybe when they decide to start a family. I am sure Eve will accept the offer then.

And my favorite in this installment is when Nixie (from Survivor in death) gave Eve a present. The message made me teary eyed. It was a sweet moment especially for Eve :)
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,831 reviews721 followers
March 27, 2022
Thirty-seventh in the In Death romantic suspense series which is set in a futuristic New York City and revolving around Eve Dallas, a Homicide lieutenant in the NYPSD.

My Take
Oh, god. This was just nasty — the main villain, that is. And totally reflects the quote from Shakespeare: “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth…”

I do love this series, but it’s getting too comfy for Eve. She’s accepting so much care from Roarke, a concern that she no longer battles against. She’s getting comfortable in her own skin as well as we discover when Whitney tells her to suck it up and accept the medal — Roarke’s getting one too — based on their actions in Delusion in Death , 35. Comfortable enough with her answer on that promotion. Comfortable enough to try something new per the Marriage Rules...wooo-oooo...

Oh, yes, I can just see the memo now: Pink is banned in Homicide!

I keep trying to feel sorry for Joe. And I just can’t.

Wait. Until. You get to Jerry’s explanation of how it all really happened. I wasn’t sure if I should be rolling on the floor, trying to wire my jaw back in place, or trying to kickstart my brain back into action.
”A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green.” – Francis Bacon
Character-wise. Where were they? We barely see Dr. Mira. The whole Roarke family is over from Ireland and we only get a blip or three of them? Mavis appears over on the sidelines — if you stand on tiptoe, you might see her. We got a bit of the fun of the squad room with the tie battle, but where were Baxter and Trueheart? Jenkinson gets the most facetime, well, his tie does. The banter with Peabody was largely missing — except for the pink comments at the start. Feeney got more time than McNab, and that wasn't much. And I kept hoping for some fun at the Thanksgiving dinner...and kept waiting and waiting and... I enjoyed Nixie's prayer...made me tear up. But I was expecting repartee, conversation, a meeting (and conversing) among friends.

The moments with Roarke were few and lacked that warmth I've come to expect between them. They're becoming an old married couple.

Ya know, if J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts needs to take a year off to bring back the vim and vigor of Eve and Roarke, I'll moan and groan about it, but I'd rather wait longer for that old magic...

The Story
A spoiled, selfish, snot of a man runs amuck when his parents keep nagging at him about getting a job. Something within him snaps, some brake on impulse, and he goes after those whom he feels done him wrong.

It’s a heartbreaking case for so many and Eve and Roarke’s plans for Thanksgiving aren’t helping. At least not with the idea of all those people showing up, wanting to spend time with Dallas. It’s the actuality that makes it right.

The Characters
Lieutenant Eve Dallas is in charge of Homicide for the New York City Police & Security Department (NYPSD) and is married to the world’s richest—and most gorgeous—man, Roarke. Summerset is their major-domo, I guess. He’s been Roarke’s father-figure in the past, and he’s still caring for Roarke, for both of them. Galahad is their cat.

Detective Delia Peabody is Eve’s partner, and she’s still with McNab, a cop with the e-Division. Captain Feeney is in charge of EDD and is the man who trained Eve. Callendar is one of his.

More of Eve’s cops:
Baxter and Trueheart are partners, then there's Sanchez, Jenkinson who starts off the ugly tie contest, and Carmichael who also falls into the tie-off.

Commander Jack Whitney has a few things to say to Dallas. Dr. Mira is the police psychiatrist and profiler. Dick Berenski is the chief lab tech; Harp is the expert on hair and fiber; Birdman is new and knows his sharps; Kyung is still not a jerk, even if he is the PR man for the police; and, Tibble is still chief of police.

Officer Cardininni once walked a beat with Peabody. Officer Stanski is in Fraud and Financial Crimes.

Guests at the Eve and Roarke Thanksgiving dinner table include:
Richard and Elizabeth DeBlass will be coming with their son, Kevin, and Nixie Swisher from Survivor in Death , 20. A little girl anxious to see Dallas again. Charles Monroe, the sex expert, and his pretty wife, Dr. Louise, are also coming. Besides this feast, Nadine Furst, a crime reporter and Eve’s friend, Mavis and Leonardo with baby Bella, Caro, Reo, Jamie Lingstrom, and Roarke’s family show up for the ceremony.

Sinead is Roarke’s mother’s twin sister, and she takes a proprietary interest in his well-being. Sean is her grandson. Uncle Paddy cheats at soccer and Aunt Maureen is horrible. Keela is the newest baby.

Jerry is a good-for-nothing layabout who thinks the world owes him a living. His parents, Barbara and Carl Reinhold, hadn’t helped this attitude as they catered to him too much, but they were decent people who tried. Sylvia and Walter Guntersen are the Reinholds’ next door neighbors and good friends.

Lori Nuccio is the now ex-girlfriend who booted him out her door. Getting beat on will do that to a girl. Jerry’s friends with whom he went to Vegas include Malachi Golde, a computer programmer who kicked Jerry out for not paying his share of the rent; Joe Klein is a jerk of a friend, always bragging and scheming; and, Dave Hildebran who figures Jerry is angry with the world. Ms. Crabtree is Lori’s neighbor.

Ms. Farnsworth has retired as the high school computer teacher and is much loved by her dog, Snuffy, and neighbors like X (as in Xavier Paque) and Brad and Margot Peters. Wayne Boyd is Jerry’s old Little League coach. Marianna is his wife, and their kids, Flynn and Sari, are in town for Thanksgiving.

Roarke’s people
Joleen is manager for The Manor. Juana Printz isn’t one of his people, yet, but Eve wants him to give her a job for her part.

Anton Trevor is a new client for Joe, and he seems to be rolling in it.

The Cover and Title
The cover is consistent with previous covers with a solid metallic orange covering two-thirds of the top with the author’s name centered in it while the bottom third is unevenly split between a black ribbed upper background which showcases the title and a collage of events from the story: a baseball bat, wine, a knife in someone’s back, a building at night with a few lights on, cars, and a police medal.

The title is Jerry all over, and I suspect he’d even be Thankless in Death.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,363 reviews1,191 followers
September 20, 2013
Eve is up against one of the nastiest and vicious killers we've seen, happening right before Thanksgiving. She and Roarke are hosting his Irish relatives along with many of their friends and surrogate family members and Eve doesn't want the case to interfere with their holiday experience.

This ranks as one of the best In Death stories, period. It transitions from Eve's point of view to the killer's throughout, adding a creepy and sinister element. The procedural aspects weren't overwhelming or dense as they sometimes can be and I was on the edge of my seat as the killer continued to elude Eve's efforts to capture him. This combined with the personal aspects affecting Eve's life, including her career, made for an exciting and highly interesting addition to the series. There's something of substance for all fans of the In Death books. Well done.
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews156 followers
April 24, 2019
A Light 4 STARS

Lordy there is absolutely nothing likeable about the killer in this book, and you won’t be feeling any pity for him either – he is a self-entitled, petulant man-child, who rather than take responsibility for his actions, blames everyone around him, and through this blame he justifies torturing and killing them – gaining . The killer is apparent from the get go, but that didn’t make this a dull read for me, I enjoyed watching the chase and was eager to see him get his just desserts.

The scenes from the killers POV are very violent and pretty gory, I was surprised that I didn’t find it off putting. I also enjoyed the family thanksgiving with Eve and Roarke, but do wish the author had given us more time with their .
Profile Image for Lady Gabriella of Awesomeness (SLOW).
522 reviews822 followers
December 29, 2016
2.5 Bored Stars

I didn’t really like Thankless in Death so much,to be honest.
The murder was beyond gruesome,with absolutely no motive or suspense.We kind of know who the bad guy is almost whole of the book.

Plus all our favorite chracters play very small roles in this one,may it be Nadine..Peabody or even Eve's mom uhum...friend Dr.Mira. :/

If it wasn't for the received in this book and the Thanksgiving dinner at the end.This read would have definatly scored a bit lower on the rating scale.

Not on of the best reads.Here's hoping the next one is.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,806 reviews537 followers
April 6, 2017
Although I'm always so excited to travel into the future with our beloved Eve and Roarke, along with the merry group of support cast, this one wasn't one of my favorites. Too much time spent inside the head of a spineless and whiny killer that was almost to the point of boredom. Whoa! I've never used the word "boredom" when relating to an installment in the In Death series! Hoping this will be the last time.

Thankfully, it does have enough extra special additives that save the day! An emotional Thanksgiving dinner including Roarke's family and the young girl that lost her family from an earlier book sparked emotions and emphasized the personal qualities I have so enjoyed in this series.

So yes, may not be my favorite - but still worth the read as I look forward to the next trip into the future.
Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
October 6, 2013

Jerry Reinhold is an ungrateful bastard. He can’t hold a job. He takes for granted any help his parents, friends and girlfriend send him. And he’s just a disrespectful guy all around. But in his eyes, he sees himself as untouchable. Larger than life. When he stabs his mother for pissing him off the first time, a sense of fulfilment and triumph comes from it. So it does it again and again. 50 times he does this until his poor mother is nothing but pieces. Then Jerry lies in wait for over six hours for his father to come to beat him bloody with a bat.

For Jerry, he is free. No one is telling him that he is worthless anymore. And now, with the world at his fingertips, he has the resources to make all those people in his life pay dearly for hurting him in the past.

THANKLESS IN DEATH is a gritty, unfiltered look into the mind of a mad man. Though this isn’t the first time we know the identity of the killer from the very beginning in the series, it is definitely one of the more recent switches that made this book so good. Robb is an expert at writing police procedural stories, but sometimes, the same routine can get a little old. That isn’t the case here. Robb tells readers the identity of the killer, delves into his dark mind so deep that it’s almost scary that she can depict such madness in her words. It’s a great tool to create adrenaline, to create evil and Jerry’s POV only added a thrilling concept to an already stellar book.

There are also a few career milestones that our favorite heroine, Eve Dallas accomplishes. In true Eve Dallas nature, she tends shy away from all the attention. Yet through this series, you knew this was coming. You know how hard she had worked and now she finally has something to prove her worth. The very end, where Nixie’s letter comes into the picture, I cried. As much passion and as much determination Eve has to close all her cases, she does it simply because no one else can. She wants to punish those bad guys who hurt people. And her promise to Nixie will always ring true for her.

The scenes with Roarke are sporadic at best. But when he does make an appearance, it is always a good one. I just love reading from his POV. You get a sense of how deeply he cares for Eve.

THANKLESS IN DEATH is a raw strike to the gut! It will take you by surprise by its power and emotion. Could you ever expect less from J.D. Robb?

Of course, no In Death review of mine would be complete without my customary Roarke picture. Here you go, ladies. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for İlkim.
1,433 reviews11 followers
June 25, 2019
Çok güzeldi. Korkunç bir katil içerse de ailenin Irish kolunun şükran gününe gelişi çok sevimliydi. Hele madalya alma sahnesi... 😄
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,874 reviews747 followers
June 14, 2024
This is a bonkers story and I loved it.

FYI: on the page violence against a dog
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,637 reviews

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