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Reingenieria: Olvide Lo Que Usted Sabe Sobre Como Debe Funcionar Una Empresa, Casi Todo Esta Errado!

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"Lo grave es que estamos entrando en el siglo XXI con compañías diseñadas en el XX", escriben Michael Hammer y James Champy en este libro pionero del tema de actualidad en el mundo de los negocios: la reingeniería, o sea, la reestructuración radical de los procesos de una compañía, de su organización y de su cultura. Lo que ofrece Reingeniería es nada menos que una visión totalmente nueva de cómo se deben organizar y administrar las empresas para que tengan éxito - e incluso para que puedan sobrevivir - en el decenio de los 90, y más allá. Con la reingeniería no se busca mejorar el negocio mediante avances incrementales - el 10 por ciento más rápido aquí, el 20 por ciento menos costoso allí -; su meta es un salto de magnitud exponencial en rendimiento: una mejora del ciento por ciento o aun diez veces mayor, que se puede alcanzar con procesos de trabajo y estructuras totalmente nuevas.

Basándose en su experiencia de primera mano, Hammer y Champy muestran cómo algunas de las principales compañías del mundo aplican los principios de la reingeniería para economizar anualmente centenares de millones de dólares, alcanzar niveles sin precedentes de satisfacción de sus clientes y acelerar y hacer más flexibles todos los aspectos de sus operaciones. La clave de la reingeniería es abandonar las ideas básicas de la organización moderna. Los trabajadores y los gerentes son hoy prisioneros de teorías anticuadas sobre la organización del trabajo, teorías que datan de comienzos de la Revolución Industrial. Esas ideas - la división del trabajo, la necesidad de un control minucioso, la jerarquía administrativa - ya no funcionan en este mundo de competencia global y cambio inexorable. Para reemplazarlas, los autores introducen los conceptos de orientación a procesos, de concentrarse y repensar de principio a fin actividades que crean valor para los clientes.

Empero, este libro trata de algo más que ideas. En su trabajo con importantes corporaciones mundiales, Hammer y Champy han aprendido cómo se hace para que la reingeniería tenga éxito, y exponen los métodos que les han permitido a empresas como Bell Atlantic, Taco Bell y Hallmark Cards reinventarse a sí mismas. Ofrecen una visión de la corporación rediseñada y un derrotero que otras compañías pueden seguir para llegar al mismo fin.

Reingeniería es una guía autorizada para crear un nuevo tipo de compañía para el nuevo mundo de los negocios. Es, sin duda, un Manifiesto de la Nueva Revolución.

226 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 1993

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Michael Hammer

50 books12 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Paul Szydlowski.
293 reviews6 followers
May 25, 2018
This book gets five stars because it saved my business, if not my life. My business partner and I had been working 100+ hour weeks for months (I'd go home at midnight, come back at five or six and ask him if he was already back or still there - he'd typically answer "still here"). Clothes we would typically promise tomorrow were now being promised back a week from tomorrow - and they were still not done in time. It was Labor Day weekend and I was supposed to go to Hilton Head with my wife, but our dry cleaning plant manager ended up in the hospital and the cleaning duties fell to me. Our main cleaning machine suffered a major malfunction, putting us even further behind. I ended up calling on a fellow friend in the business to let me use his equipment. I could go on and on (my wife called on Labor Day to tell me about this great unknown band she'd seen the night before at the last show ever at the famed HH post office by the name of Hootie & the Blowfish - that didn't make me feel any better).

Anyway, I spent that Labor Day at my friend's cleaners, catching up best I could. I then stopped at a local park on the way home and began reading this book, which had been given to me by my wife ("here, read this - I'll be in Hilton Head if you need anything"). Almost immediately the book began providing insight into the types of challenges we faced and the potential solutions. One, involving the flow of an unpaid invoice through IBM's accounting maze provided the framework for a solution to our production woes. A month later I took my first day off since the 4th of July. I credit this book, my business partner, my wife and our employees for making that possible. I don't know how much longer I could have survived. So, yes, this book saved a business and a life - and if that doesn't merit five stars, nothing does.
Profile Image for TarasProkopyuk.
686 reviews102 followers
July 8, 2015
Данная книга входит в список 100 лучших бизнес-книг всех времен по версии издателей бизнес литературы Джека Коверта и Тодда Саттерстена. Обычно книги из данного списка вызывают либо несомненной удовольствие либо же восторг от данных книг, и очень редко достаточное удовлетворение.

Эта же книга по моему усмотрению попадает под первый вариант. У авторов стояла цель показать, что такое подлинный реинжиниринг для компаний или части их процессов, а не одна лишь его видимость. Это не только получилось, но и доказало, что данную процедуру нужно внедрять в обязательном порядке с определённой цикличностью.

Конечно же здесь указаны множество примеров, кейсов, стандартов и порядков проведения реинжиниринга. Книга несмотря на весьма качественный материал получилась весьма лаконичной и с весьма дружелюбным языком. А это говорит о профессионализме авторов.
Profile Image for Synthia.
291 reviews
May 22, 2010
This is a good book for someone in a management, director or VP position that is either looking to improve intra-office dynamics or is in a traditional company that is in need of keeping up with the times. It is a more holistic view of running a company. Includes the ideas of: combing several jobs into one, allowing workers to make decisions, performing the steps of a process in a natural order, and recognizing that processes have multiple versions and designing processes to take account of different situations.
Profile Image for Iolanda Ciobanu.
74 reviews
March 28, 2024
Everything in this book is common sense, which is mostly missing from the corporate world. Sometimes there are people wanting to change the status quo and get things done.
Profile Image for Dmitry.
1,023 reviews78 followers
November 27, 2021
(The English review is placed beneath the Russian one)

Я долго думал, можно ли советовать эту книгу маркетологам, ибо книга ориентирована строго на менеджеров, а если быть более точным, на операционных менеджеров. Тем не менее, несмотря на то, что эта книга является крайне важной для операционного менеджмента, написанное в ней прямо касается всех, кто участвует в разработке, как стратегии фирмы, так и её тактики. Эта книга настолько фундаментальна, что её можно назвать философией современного бизнеса, ибо книга предлагает новый взгляд на организацию бизнеса XXI века.

Кажется парадоксальным, что книга, написанная в 1990 году, может быть актуальной для XXI века, но именно благодаря тому, что авторы пишут не о какой-то части бизнеса, не о тактических изменениях и даже не о стратегии, а о бизнесе как таковом, книга сохраняет свою актуальность даже и сегодня. При этом мы не имеем тут крайне мутных или самоочевидных тем типа: нужно учитывать технологические достижения в AI, Интернете и пр. Нет, авторы пишут о более приземлённых вещах, которые, тем не менее, являются фундаментальными.

Авторы предлагают новый взгляд на бизнес-процессы. Они предлагают проанализировать всю деятельность организации в контексте тех технологических достижений, что имеются на сегодняшний день и создать новые правила работы. Авторы подчёркивают, что речь идёт не об улучшениях, а о кардинальном изменении выполняемой работы с чистого листа, т.е. о создании нового способа выполнения тех же самых задач. К примеру, авторы приводят интересный пример с поставкой товаров компании P&G в магазины Walmart. Как пишут авторы, «Walmart хранит запасы Pampers в своих распределительных центрах, которые выполняли заказы, поступающие из магазинов. Когда запасы центров подходили к концу, Walmart заказывал у P&G новую партию подгузников». На всё это требовалось время и внимание со стороны работников. В новой схеме, т.е. после проведения реинжиниринга, сама P&G решает, сколько и в каких количествах поставить в магазины Walmart, т.е. сама P&G занимается пополнением запасов Walmart. Мы видим ликвидацию сразу нескольких цепочек во взаимоотношениях этих двух компаний. То же самое может происходить и в самой фирме, когда работу, которую раньше делали несколько человек, благодаря развитию технологий, может делать один. Как пишут авторы, «Без ИТ реинжиниринг процесса неосуществим».

Проблема современного бизнеса, продолжают авторы, состоит в том, что он продолжает думать в парадигме XX века, т.е. на основе разделения труда по Адаму Смиту. Именно из-за этого в работе появилось так много ненужных уровней, т.е. так много бюрократии и раздутого штата. Цель реинжиниринга в такой ситуации, пишут авторы, «организовать бизнес на основе ключевых процессов».

В первой половине книги авторы объясняют суть реинжиниринга, предлагают несколько очень красноречивых примеров того как корпорации IBM, Ford, Kodak и пр. провели у себя реинжиниринг, а также пишут о тех изменениях, происходящих при реинжиниринге бизнес-процессов.

Разумеется, как и любая подобная литература, авторы не дают инструкцию, что именно нужно поменять и как это сделать. Хотя авторы предлагают довольно детальный план по реинжинирингу, всё же предложить нечто типа практических советов в стиле «бери и делай», просто невозможно. Тут как раз всё дело в индивидуальности каждого бизнеса, в его непохожести. Но, не смотря на это, авторы пишут очень подробно. Видно как они пытаются прояснить каждый вопрос. Честно сказать, такой подход не часто встретишь в подобной литературе. В книге мы даже найдём главу «Часто задаваемые вопросы». Так что, по моему мнению, тема разобрана максимально возможно.

К недостаткам я бы отнёс вторую половину книги и в особенности три последних главы, которые я бросил читать. В этих трёх главах – Duke Power, IBM, Deere – авторы берут интервью у топ менеджеров этих компаний. Что могут рассказать сами сотрудники компаний, которые отвечали за реинжиниринг? Только то, как они достигли успеха. Читается это невероятно скучно и больше напоминает корпоративный отчет, а-ля "какие мы замечательные управленцы". Я считаю, что если и давать расширенную версию примера реализации реинжиниринга на практике, то делать это нужно с использованием не заинтересованной стороны. Короче говоря, книгу можно было бы легко сократить в два раза, ибо самая ценная и стоящая информация располагается только в первой половине книги. Далее идёт повтор и описание деталей процесса реинжиниринга, а точнее, темы формирование команды, лидер и пр. Мне это показалось излишним.

I have long wondered whether this book could be recommended to marketers since it is aimed strictly at managers, or to be more precise, at operational managers. Nevertheless, while this book is essential to operations management, what is written in it applies directly to everyone involved in the development of both the firm's strategy and its tactics. This book is so fundamental that it can be called the philosophy of modern business. The book offers a new perspective on the organization of business in the XXI century.

It seems paradoxical that a book written in 1990 can be relevant to the twenty-first century, but precisely because the authors write not about any part of business, not about tactical changes or even about strategy, but about business as such, the book retains its relevance even today. We do not have here murky or self-evident topics such as "we need to consider technological advances in AI, the Internet, etc." No, the authors write about more down-to-earth things that are nonetheless fundamental.

The authors offer a new perspective on business processes. They propose to analyze all the activities of the organization in the context of those technological advances that are available today and create new rules of operation. The authors emphasize that we are not talking about improvements but a radical change in the work being done from scratch, that is, about creating a new way of doing the same tasks. For example, the authors cite an interesting example of P&G supplying Walmart stores. As the authors write, "Walmart kept stock of Pampers in its distribution centers, which fulfilled orders coming from stores. When the centers ran out of stock, Walmart would order a new batch of diapers from P&G." All of this took time and attention from employees. In the new scheme, i.e., after reengineering, P&G itself decides how much and in what quantities to supply Walmart stores, i.e., P&G itself is in charge of restocking Walmart. We see the elimination of several chains in the relationship between these two companies. The same thing can happen in the firm itself, where work that used to be done by several people can be done by one person, thanks to advances in technology. As the authors write, "Without IT, process reengineering is not feasible."

The problem with modern business, the authors continue, is that it continues to think in a 20th-century paradigm, i.e., based on the Adam Smith division of labor. This is the reason why there are so many unnecessary levels of work, i.e., so much bureaucracy and bloated staff. The goal of reengineering in such a situation, the authors write, is "to organize the business based on key processes."

In the first half of the book, the authors explain what reengineering is, offer some very eloquent examples of how IBM, Ford, Kodak, etc., has reengineering themselves, and write about the changes that occur when reengineering business processes.

Of course, like any such literature, the authors do not give instructions on what exactly needs to be changed and how to do it. Although the authors offer a fairly detailed plan for reengineering, it is impossible to offer something like practical advice in the style of "take it and do it. Here it is all about the individuality of each business, its dissimilarity. But, in spite of this, the authors write in great detail. You can see how they try to clarify every issue. Frankly, you don't often see this approach in this kind of literature. In the book, we even find a chapter on "Frequently Asked Questions". So, in my opinion, the topic is covered as much as possible.

On the downside, I would point to the second half of the book and especially the last three chapters, which I gave up reading. In these three chapters - The Experience of Duke Power, IBM, Deere - the authors interview the top managers of these companies. What can the employees of the companies themselves, who were responsible for reengineering, have to say? Only how they achieved success. It reads incredibly boring and looks more like a corporate report, a la ''what great managers we are''. I think that if we give an extended version of the example of reengineering in practice, we should do it using a non-interested party. In short, the book could easily be halved because the most valuable and worthwhile information is found only in the first half of the book. Then there is a repetition and description of the details of the reengineering process, more precisely, the topics of team building, leader, etc. I found it unnecessary.
Profile Image for Carlos Munhoz.
6 reviews3 followers
September 7, 2013
In 1993, when this book was published for the first time, most organizations in America had became inefficient and mammoth proportions monsters, spending ridiculous ammounts of money with useless systems, hardware, offices and any sort of pointless extravagances. The original idea was an easy concept, but the implications (specially in a giant organization) were huge: it was about time to re-think the whole company, and decide what could (and should) be cut. Unfortunatelly, some ideas were misunderstood, and "reengineering" became synonymous with "fire everybody to cut costs" - which was not the main argument of the authors. This is one of the books with the ability to change the course of thoughts and ideas - long story short, a classic.
Profile Image for Surendran Velath.
16 reviews2 followers
July 22, 2008
When Information Technology revolutionized the way we worked and lived, businesses were struggling to understand what IT could do for them. Without a change in the business processes, IT could do nothing to add profits to them. Reengineering came into picture just for this reason. This is one of the best books that explained what reengineering was all about and why it was required.
Profile Image for Rob.
77 reviews8 followers
July 30, 2011
A very good book that describes the difference between continuous process improvement and reengineering (or building a process from scratch).
The business examples were useful as were the "reason for failure" chapter. I would love to find a good book on how to build a learning game like the one discussed in the IBM example.
Profile Image for Lamec Mariita.
Author 0 books19 followers
January 6, 2013
An excellent interesting book. It is a very inspiring story of how corporations transformed themselves to meet the changing demands of the market place. In spite of being released 20 years ago, the book is still useful just a little dated. You will love the book if you are interested in business techniques. I recommend the book for all managers and consultants.
Profile Image for Jim.
47 reviews2 followers
March 7, 2010
This book should be in the standard curriculum for business students and consultants. Hammer's arguments for a wholesale reorientation in the business world (from task to process organization) make complete sense. But surprisingly, the business world still seems to be stuck in the industrial age.
Profile Image for Lastoadri.
285 reviews594 followers
October 7, 2011
A simple and quick recipe for how to re-work your cooperate work. Not really fully applicable to all sorts of corporates, yet it gives you a better insight for the big picture.
I think its a must read for anyone interested in such topics.
Profile Image for James Nasipak.
33 reviews3 followers
December 1, 2013
This was an excellent book for anyone looking to transform their organization. It is not easy or popular, but reengineering is the vaccine a dying organization needs in order to live. However, it must be the leaders the own the transformation.
Profile Image for Ehsan Choudhry.
55 reviews
October 9, 2018
The first half of the book is a good and insightful read into how to make radical changes. But after some point it becomes a bit redundant.
Overall a good read for those looking to bring about changes in existing companies and their systems and procedures.
Profile Image for Juan Pablo.
72 reviews6 followers
April 5, 2021
I was fascinated by this book. I believe everyone who works at an organization will get a lot of value from this, whether the reader comes from a small business or a corporation. It will persuade you to look at your job from a different perspective. Even though it was originally published several years ago, I believe it contents to be more relevant than ever in the "new normal".

Structuring a company or jobs by processes instead of mere tasks (while leveraging information technology) can drastically improve efficiency within an organization. The book first introduces you tho this approach and then supports it with a variety of examples and real world cases that ultimately makes "Re-Engineering" highly compelling. Yet, it also mentions its challenges and various reasons why it would not work. This is not your typical "3 rules to improve your business", it goes much deeper. I would love to know/hear managers' point of view regarding this topic.
Profile Image for Robert Bogue.
Author 17 books14 followers
March 25, 2021
Evolution, it seems, doesn’t follow one slow, methodical path towards progress. It stalls. It leaps. What we see as a smoothness is an illusion caused by the distance of time. Even evolution reaches points where slow and steady won’t win the race. Instead, it’s time for something radical to happen. That’s what reengineering a corporation is. It’s a radical change. Reengineering the Corporation: Manifesto for Business Revolution is a guide to this radical process that organizations must go through at some point – or several points during their lifecycle.

Read more
Profile Image for Joshua Giles.
33 reviews
July 17, 2017
I'll be honest with you. It took me a month to power through this book, and I only did so after my boss made me. I always retain book facts well but with this book I remembered just enough to pass off my knowledge in it but a year later I don't remember anything and that says something. Maybe with a better mindset going in i might have liked it more, but probably not lol
Profile Image for Estevo Raposo.
398 reviews8 followers
December 26, 2018
Este libro describe la metodología para reinventar una empresa a través de sus procesos, pensándolos desde cero.

Promete resultados fantásticos (mejoras del rendimiento superiores al 100%) pero advierte también que la mayoría de proyectos de reingeniería fracasan (y cuenta por que suelen hacerlo).

La traducción es mejorable.
9 reviews
July 15, 2020
A nice introduction.

I read after being in the process field for quite sometime. I think it was natural to read the beginning of the work performed. Safe to say, most of the issues then are still relevant today.
Profile Image for Omar Dabdoub.
5 reviews
November 17, 2022
un libro que habla sobre temas de reingeniería pero creo yo que se basa en muchos ejemplos y no pone una metodología bien establecida, menciona algunas de las metodologías para comenzar pero no dice cuáles son todos y cada uno de los pasos para lograrla.
308 reviews
June 23, 2018
Short, sweet, and to the point. Has some good ideas, less specialization and more efficiency.
Profile Image for A PEARSON.
58 reviews4 followers
October 5, 2019
Starts really strong but tapers out a little bit. Some very good insights into company structure and processes. 3.5/5
156 reviews3 followers
March 12, 2017
- Conceptual book about re-engineering without strong methodology

- A lot of ideas are taken from toyota lean (value-stream, value to customer, etc.) but not explained clearly.
170 reviews4 followers
January 11, 2017
Business is all about taking the right risk for profits. Business is run by people and needs processes and guidliness for controls. Business processes needs reengineering based on the organisations vision and appitite. The reengineering the corporation provides key insights on how to redevelop or redesign the business process so that the purpose and value is achieved based on the customer needs. I found the following as the key from the book.
Chapter – 1: The reengineering Concept
- Reengineering is the opportunity to develop the rules by which business in the future will be conducted rather than being forced to operate by the rules imposed by someone else.
- Reengineering is defined as the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to generate dramatic improvements in critical performances measures such as cost, quality, service and speed.
- Three types of organisation undertake reengineering
o Companies that find themselves in deep competitive trouble – and who often require an order of magnitude improvements
o Companies with managers who can see problems arising in future
o Companies with mangers who are ambitious and aggressive.
- Most reengineered processes deliver impressive production planning flexibility and capabilities
- Companies enjoy the benefits of centralized purchasing power and decentralized operations.

Chapter – 2: The Characteristics of A Reengineered corporation
- Reengineering is not solely about creating a new business processes it focuses on creating a new company by Simplifying the process | empowerment of people through range of tasks to perform | moving from hierarchy to a flatter management run by professionals and not managers | People in the organisation no longer worry about pleasing the boss but focus on pleasing the customers.
- Reengineering is never focused on fixing old processes. Reengineering is focused on breakthroughs – quantum leaps forward

Chapter -4 : The Key to re engineering success:
- Business process exist solely for the purpose of creating a satisfied customer – Always start with customer and work backward.
- Reengineering must be done at speed – the faster the better.
- Tolerate risk
- No engineering program every emerges full-blown right out of the box – accept imperfections along the way
- Don’t stop too soon
June 7, 2023
Re-Engineering The Corporation by Michael Hammer is a revolutionary management book that argues for a radical approach to organizational change. The book provides a comprehensive framework for re-engineering the way companies work, with the goal of achieving higher efficiency, lower costs, and better customer service. Hammer's key insight is that companies should focus on re-designing their core processes, rather than tinkering with existing structures or adding new layers of management.
One of the book's strengths is its practicality. Hammer provides numerous real-life examples of companies that have successfully implemented re-engineering, including Ford, Motorola, and IBM. He also provides step-by-step guidance for how companies can start the re-engineering process, from identifying core processes to creating cross-functional teams. The book's emphasis on measurement and accountability is particularly noteworthy, as it stresses the importance of tracking progress and rewarding results.

However, the book has also been criticized for its over-emphasis on efficiency and its potential for creating negative impacts on employees. Some have argued that re-engineering can lead to job losses, decreased morale, and a focus on short-term goals at the expense of long-term success. Despite these criticisms, "Re-Engineering The Corporation" remains a seminal work in the field of management and a must-read for anyone interested in organizational change.

Overall, "Re-Engineering The Corporation" is a well-written and thought-provoking book that challenges conventional wisdom and provides a roadmap for companies looking to transform themselves. While some of its ideas may be controversial, the book's emphasis on the importance of process and its call for a customer-centric approach remain relevant today. Anyone interested in improving their organization's efficiency and effectiveness should consider reading this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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